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Name of the candidate: Contact No:

Position: Recruitment Source:

Educational Background:
1. Institutions attended, marks obtained, prizes/scholarship
received, professional certifications & associations.
Job Knowledge:
Companies worked for, job success and stability, years of
2. experience, types of assignments handled, relevant
experience for the position, number of jobs held and reasons
for change
3. Emotional stability & level-headedness

Decision Making:
Problem solving & analytical ability, prioritizing tasks,
4. soundness of conclusion, decision making under conditions
of uncertainty, ability to work hard under stress/pressure.

Communication Skills:
Ability to express oneself precisely, clarity & objectivity of
5. expression, unambiguous/uncomplicated language, poise &
confidence in speech, listening ability

Commitment & Determination:

6. Ability to take initiatives against odds, perseverance, sense
of responsibility to drive an initiative to its completion.

Innovation & Creativity:

Develops or uses innovative techniques to increase
productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

8. Appreciates differences in others, a patient listener,
cooperative and dependable with good interpersonal skills
9. Honest, accountable for his/her actions, recognizes others’
talents, modest about his/her achievements.

Interview I Interview II Interview III

Name of the Interviewer: Name of the Interviewer: Name of the Interviewer:

AshwiniKamble______________ ________________________ ________________________

Signature of the Interviewer: Signature of the Interviewer: Signature of the Interviewer:

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Select /Reject/ Hold Select /Reject/ Hold Select /Reject/ Hold

Additional Remarks:

O- Outstanding: Exceptional as per established standards

EE- Exceeds Expectations: Consistently exceeds established standards
ME- Meets Expectations: Within established standards
NI- Needs Improvement: Does not meet expectations

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