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Unit: Tennis Date: 4/24/19 Standard: SHAPE America S2.H5., S4.H2., S4.H3.
Lesson Focus: Ball handling, forehand, backhand Grade: Freshman Girls PE Facility/Equipment:
Technology Used: Tennis racket (1/student)
Sequence: Day 3 Cones
Whiffle ball

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students to achieve them?):
There is a tennis tournament so we are going to change it up today but still be doing tennis related activities. After we do our indoor agility activities, we
will be going out to the track and doing a warm up where we will run and do some strength exercises. We will then come back inside and do a hand-eye
coordination challenge as a class. Lastly, we will play a tennis whiffle ball game where you will bat with a racket and hit a whiffle ball using a forehand

Learning Objectives Assessment

Each objective should include: a) Performance (the knowledge or ability For each objective include your procedure for determining whether
the learner will gain as a result of this lesson), b) Conditions (under which the objectives have been met:
learner will perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance considered
1. students will listen, follow along, and put in their best effort during the 1. informal observation
warm up as they are building endurance for their fitness testing
2. students will work well with their classmates to figure out strategies on 2. informal observation & attitude/behavior related to teamwork
how to succeed in the hand-eye coordination challenge
3. students will practice and improve their forehand hits 3. informal observation
4. students will understand and play fairly and by the rules of baseball/ 4. informal observation & attitude/behavior related to sportsmanship

Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students:

-students should understand their body and not push themselves too hard when warming up or participating in whiffle ball tennis game
-those who are injured will modify the running in the warm up by walking the track
-those who cannot run can pitch during the whiffle ball tennis game 

Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Transitions; Comments
3 min in squads take attendance & briefly explain plan for the day stand up and bring your squads
over so we can start our agilities

5 min on base line in agility warm up (see attached) now we are going to walk out to
squads the track to continue cardio and
add some strength aspects in too

20 min on track & turf cardio & strength warm up (see attached) let’s head back inside, you can
quickly get a drink of water then
we will do our challenge activity
as a class

15 min in a circle hand-eye coordination challenge (see attached) please put your racket away and
come take a seat close to and in
front of me

5 min close to teacher explain tennis whiffle ball game & divide into 2 teams if you are waiting to bat, be
behind the gray line and if you
are in the outfield, make sure
there are people covering each

25 min in teams tennis whiffle ball (see attached)

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How will you meet one or more of the
following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal communication, future plans?):
Great job today! Remember that we are warming up and ding cardio and strength activities in order to prepare for your fitness testing that is coming up!
When you come back for next class, we are going to wrap up our tennis unit by completing a double elimination bracket.

Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson):

Description of Activities

agility warm up
• lined up, single file, in squads along the side line
• will do agility exercises I call out from baseline to baseline, 1 by 1 so they are not too close to the person in front of them
• agility exercises:
• jogging (2 times)
• butt kicks
• knee hugs
• quad stretch
• tin soldier kicks
• side lunges
• reverse kicks

strength and cardio warm up

• students will be lined up and the starting line on the track
• they will sprint the straight edges of the track
• when they reach the curve, they will go onto the turf and do 50 crunches
• after their 50 crunches, they will walk the curve
• once the reach the start of the next straight edge, they will sprint again
• when they reach the other curve, they will go onto the turf and do 15 push ups
• this will be repeated 2 times in a row

hand-eye coordination challenge

• each student will have their own tennis racket
• they will form a circle around the teacher in the center of the gym floor
• students should be standing close together to start
• one finger will be placed on the bottom of the handle in order for the head of the racket to be help up on the top of its rim
• on “go” after the teacher counts down from 3, the students will let go of their racket and try to grab the racket of the person to their right before it falls to the
• if successful, each student will take one step back to make the activity more challenging
• if failed, the students get 2 more tries to complete the round (for a total of three attempts)
• if the class fails 3 times in a row, the challenge is over

tennis whiffle ball

• same rules of baseball/softball apply
• if the ball that was hit bounces off the ceiling, a wall, or the dividing curtain and caught by an outfielder, the hitter is out
• no stealing bases
• must use correct form of a forehand hit when batting and a underhand throw when pitching

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