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Unit: Softball Date: 5/1/19 & 5/2/19 Standard: SHAPE America S2.H2., S2.H4., S4.H2., S4.H3.
Lesson Focus: Throwing & Catching Grade: Freshman Girls PE Facility/Equipment:
Technology Used: music main gym
Sequence: Day 1 softball gloves

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students to achieve them?):
Today we are starting our Softball unit. We will start off with throwing and catching drills and then play a few games so you have more opportunities to practice.
Has anybody played softball before?

Learning Objectives Assessment

Each objective should include: a) Performance (the knowledge or ability For each objective include your procedure for determining whether
the learner will gain as a result of this lesson), b) Conditions (under which the objectives have been met:
learner will perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance considered
1. students should be able to work with their partner in throwing and catching 1. informal observation
drills & activities
2. students should use the drills and activities as practice to improve their 2. informal observation
skills and success with throwing and catching
3. students should know the cues for throwing (point, “L”, step, follow 3. check for understanding
Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students:
-students should be aware of their surroundings when moving and throwing simultaneously to avoid running into other classmates or getting hit with a softball
-when performing exercises in the first activity (ball toss), move away from the area where people are running and be closer to the bleachers so someone does not

trip over you and hurt themselves or yourself 

Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Transitions; Comments
5 min in squads attendance and lesson overview head into the hallway for our warm-
-ball toss with partner up. pick a partner as we walk out
-throwing progression there
-throwing & catching challenge
-zig-zag relay race

15 min in pairs warm up (see attached) get a drink of water and then meet
me back in the gym

5 min with partner ball toss (see attached) Grab a glove and one softball for
you and your partner and line up in
2 single file lines. You should be
across from your partner.

15 min with partner throwing progression (see attached) keep your softballs and glove. one
partner line up on this line and the
other be across from them a few
steps away

5 min with partner throwing and catching challenge (see attached) you are now going to challenge
yourself while practicing your
throwing and catching. Stand across
from your partner. You should only
have one ball between the 2 of you

15 min in teams zig zag relay races (see attached) you are now going to be split in
teams. before I put you in them, I
need a few of you to demonstrate.

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How will you meet one or more of the
following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal communication, future plans?):
Great job today! The skills you learned will constantly be used when playing the game of softball. Who can list the cues we talked about when I was explaining a
full/complete softball throw? Raise your hand. Okay, next class we are going to work on fielding skills after we quickly review throwing and catching. Place the
equipment back to where you got it before you go and change!

Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson):

Description of Activities

warm up
• one partner runs a lap while the other does 25 crunches
• switch positions with partner
• one partner runs a lap while the other does 10 push-ups
• switch positions with partner
• one partner runs a lap while the other does 20 squats
• switch positions with partner
• one partner runs a lap with the other repeats the 25 crunches
• switch positions with partner

ball toss with partner

• line class up in two single file lines
• partners should be in opposite lines from one another
• partners will go around the gym while jogging and tossing the ball to one another
• they will do this twice
• the second time partners are jogging and tossing, if they drop the ball they must move off to the side and do 5 jumping jacks and then continue
• during the third and final sequence, if the partners drop the ball they must move off to the side and do 5 squats and then continue

throwing progression
• wrist flips
• kneeling on dominant knee with non-dominant foot planted in front
• holding the ball in your dominant hand
• hold your dominant wrist with your non-dominant hand
• wrist flips from back to front as you “flip” the ball to your partner who is across from you
• each partner should do this 10 times
• one knee throwing
• kneeling on dominant knee with non-dominant foot planted in front
• holding the ball in your dominant hand
• pointing glove towards their target (which is their partner)
• make an “L” with throwing arm
• ball faces the opposite way
• dominant arm follows through and ending with the elbow on the outside of the non-dominant leg
• each partner should do this 10 times
• no step throw
• feet are planted and shoulder width apart from one another
• toes are pointed towards the target (which is their partner)
• ball is held in dominant/throwing hand
• swing dominant hand down and back to hit the “L” position and the ball facing the opposite way
• non-dominant hand should be pointing towards their target (which is their partner)
• torso should be twisted towards the side with feet still planted in the same position
• throw and follow through by bringing the throwing arm all the way across the body and twisting the torso
• each partner should do this 10 times
• shoulder toward the target (facing side)
• start in parallel with feet shoulder width apart and ball in dominant hand
• step forward with your non-dominant foot so you are facing side and your non-dominant hand is pointing towards your target (your partner)
• your throwing arm should be in the “L” position and the ball is facing the opposite direction
• throw the ball as you step on your non-dominant foot and then step your dominant foot through while your throwing arm follows through to end across your body
• each partner should do this 10 times

• give a target for your partner to throw to
• both hands need to be up
• catch with two hands
• move your body to the ball; get behind the ball
• the only time you turn your glove over is when it is below your waist

throwing and catching challenge

• students will be the same distance apart the whole time
• students will throw and catch the ball and see how many times they can throw and catch it consecutively in one minute

zig zag relay race

• split whole class in half
• this is an extra long zig zag relay using the whole gym
• zig zag throw the ball down the line and back as a relay
• repeat 3 times

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