Educ 291syllabus-Spring 2019

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Harrisburg Area Community College

Department of Health and Public Service-Lancaster Campus

EDUC 291: Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum
Spring 2019

Instructor Information:
Instructor: Jennifer Wright
Office Mailbox: E316Q Office Phone: (717) 358-2940 ext. 312940
Office Hours: Mon: 4-5:30pm, Thurs: 8:30-9:30am, 12:30-2pm, by appt
Email: ​ Cell Phone: 717-856-6422 for emergencies only please

Course Information​:
CRN Course Name Days Times Room
33711 EDUC 291 Monday 6-8:40pm E 339

Lancaster campus Security contacts:​ 358-2999 (emergency) 358-2996 (non-emergency)

e2Campus Emergency alert system: (receive college-wide emergency text messages)
Hawk Response: (free smart phone app to contact campus safety & security personnel)

COURSE DESCRIPTION​: ​Requires students to complete 90-hours of active participation, under the
supervision of a PA state certified teacher, in a diverse birth through PreK child-care setting, PK
Counts, or Head Start center. This capstone course allows students to develop and assess lessons based
upon the outcomes of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the PA
Early Learning Standards. Students also meet weekly throughout the class to reflect upon/discuss the
implementation and integration of coursework as applied to children's learning and care. Enrollment is
restricted to students in the Early Care & Education AAS and certificate, as well as the Early
Childhood – Elementary Education AA program.

PREREQUISITES:​ ENGL 101, EDUC 111 O ​ R​ EDUC 110, EDUC 210 ​OR​ EDUC 211, EDUC 185,
EDUC 261, and EDUC 270 with a grade of C or better

Other Requirements​--
● HACC EDUCATION shirt - available via the college bookstore
● Access to the clearance portal -
● Access to “PDE Standards Aligned System”
● State Police: ACT 34, Child Abuse: ACT 151, FBI Fingerprint: ACT 73, A negative TB Tine test
● Access to our course on D2L - grades, attendance and notes
● All clearances must be updated annually.

Follow the link: ​ ​​ to learn more about obtaining and uploading clearances.
All clearances and field placement assignments will be available by visiting
Students requiring assistance with clearances or placements should contact:
Jennifer Myers, M.Ed Clearance and Placement Coordinator HACC York Campus Leader 150E 717-309-6347
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1.​ Connect content and competencies covered in Education courses previously taken with the
knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to manage a classroom.
2. ​Observe, practice and demonstrate PA Department of Education (PDE) competencies under the
supervision of a college education faculty member and the mentorship of a PA certified teacher.
3. ​Plan, implement, and assess educational activities that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving,
and understanding of the world while modeling best practices and including the appropriate state and
national standards from all content areas.
4. ​Select a topic to be investigated based upon children's interest and support children's engagement in
the project.
5. ​Document children's holistic learning through narration and various media.
6​. Differentiate and integrate instruction between small groups and individual learning using
appropriate materials.
7.​ Use developmentally appropriate guidance strategies which are based upon observation and record
8.​ Adapt instruction when needed for individual interests, abilities, learning styles and cultures.
9.​ Prepare an educationally-focused, respectful, supportive, culturally responsive and challenging
classroom environment.
10. ​Complete and present a professional portfolio reflecting upon the documentation of learning
experiences and selected artifacts appropriate for meeting NAEYC standards.
11.​ Adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethics when working with children, staff and parents.
12. ​Demonstrate strategies for partnering with families by providing them with meaningful
opportunities for being involved in their child's educational experience.

​Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood.​ (2014). Office of Child Development &
Early learning, PA Dept. of Human Services, PA Dept. of Education.

Attendance Policy: ​Attendance is taken every class period and it, along with participation, is part of
your grade (10 pts/class). These 10 points include, but are not limited to, being punctual, respectful,
and being an active participant. This also means checking your hacc email weekly for updates and
announcements. It your responsibility to notify me if excused absences are interfering with your
attendance, participation and/or submission of assignments.
Excused Absences:​ An absence that occurred for reasons that were: a) beyond the student’s
control to prevent, and b) significant enough to reasonably prohibit attendance in class. (i.e. death in
immediate family, illness-self or immediate family, military duty)
Unexcused Absence:​ An absence that is not excused. (i.e. work, no transportation)
Excessive absences a​ re when unexcused absences or the failure to participate in academic
activities exceed 15% of the total class hours that will take place throughout the semester and when the
absences preclude the possibility of the student attaining the stated learning outcomes for the course.
You may be dropped from the course for excessive absences.

Attendance at Practicum Site: ​ A Field Placement Attendance Form (Time Sheet) must document
hours and is to be signed by the cooperating teacher in ink at the end of every visit. ​A PASSING
COMPLETED AT THE PRACTICUM SITE. Both the cooperating teacher and college instructor need
to be informed of any absences in advance.

Attendance during Midterm Break​:​ ​Students are expected to attend their placement during the week
of the college’s Midterm Break. Vacation days for students follow the schedule of the placement site.
Promptness and reliability are incorporated into the course evaluation instrument, thus, affecting the
final grade.

*​As per HACC’s policy​ on attendance and withdrawals, you must attend class regularly (actively
participate online). You can only withdraw or be dropped from this class during the first 70% of the
course meetings (total course hours).​ No withdrawals are possible after 70% of the class has been
completed. D​ uring the drop/withdrawal period of this course, if you miss more than 15% of the
scheduled classes (activities) and you are failing the course, you will be removed from the course for
excessive absences and I will assign you an “F”. If you decide to withdraw from the class, you can do
so through MyHACC and you can receive a “W”. If you have been academically dishonest, you will
receive an “F” grade if you withdraw or are dropped from the class. After the drop/withdrawal period
has ended, you will be assigned a grade based on the grades you have earned.
Please refer to ​​.
for dates and information regarding withdrawals, refunds, etc.

Make-Up Exam Policy/Late Assignments:

● All assignments are ​due at the start of class on the assigned due date​. Five points of the total points for
assignments will be deducted per day for work submitted late unless the situation has been discussed
with the instructor in advance of the due date.
● Late work will not be accepted after two weeks have passed from the assignment due date unless
approval has been granted in advance of the original due date by the instructor.
● After the last class period of the semester, no assignments will be accepted for submission, with the
exception of circumstances requiring assignment of an “I” or “Y” grade in which case HACC
Administrative Policy 667 will be followed.
● Students who feel they may be eligible for an “I” or a “Y” grade should discuss the situation with the
instructor at least one week before the last class date.
● Students who miss an exam due to an excused absence will have 1 week to make up the exam at the test
center. Please contact me and the test center for scheduling.

Academic Honesty/Dishonesty:​ Each student is expected to complete assignments and exams based
on their own understanding of the material.
Per College Administrative Procedure 594 ​defines academic dishonesty as:
“…an intentional act of deception in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or effort of
another person or uses unauthorized material or fabricated information in any academic work. It
includes but is not limited to:
a. Cheating- giving or receiving answers on assigned material, using materials or aids forbidden
by the instructor, alteration of academic records, unauthorized possession of examinations, the
falsification of admissions, registration or other related college materials, or any other intentional use
or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aid.
b. Plagiarism- the offering of someone else’s work, words, or idea as one’s own or using
material from another source without acknowledgement.
c. Interference-interfering without permission with the work of another student either by
obtaining, changing, or destroying the work of another student.
d. Buying or selling of term papers, homework, examinations, laboratory assignments,
computer programs, etc.
e. Falsifying of one’s own or another’s records.
f. Knowingly assisting someone who engages in A-E above.”
● A first incident of academic dishonesty in this course will result in a grade of F (0 points) for
the assignment, no opportunity to re-do the assignment, and the filing of a BIT report by the
● Any case of repeat academic dishonesty will result in withdrawal from the course with a grade
of F and will be reported to the Campus Dean and the Chief Academic Officer for discipline as
outlined in AP 594.


Students with disabilities who are in need of accommodations should contact the campus disability coordinator
listed below. Coordinators for each campus are listed here:


It is the policy of Harrisburg Area Community College, in full accordance with the law, not to discriminate in
employment, student admissions, and student services on the basis of race, color, religion, age, political
affiliation or belief, gender, national origin, ancestry, disability, place of birth, General Education Development
Certification (GED), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression​, ​veteran status, genetic
history/information, or any legally protected classification. HACC recognizes its responsibility to promote the
principles of equal opportunity for employment, student admissions, and student services taking active steps ​to
recruit minorities and women.

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (“PHRAct”) prohibits discrimination against prospective and current
students because of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disability, record of a
handicap or disability, perceived handicap or disability, relationship or association with an individual with a
handicap or disability, use of a guide or support animal, and/or handling or training of support or guide animals.

The Pennsylvania Fair Educational Opportunities Act (“PFEOAct”) prohibits discrimination against prospective
and current students because of race, religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, record
of a handicap or disability, perceived handicap or disability, and a relationship or association with an individual
with a handicap or disability.

Information about these laws may be obtained by visiting the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
website at ​​.

HACC-Lancaster​ ​Campus
Vicki Van Hise Coordinator, Disability Services
Main 212B 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: 717-358-2972 Fax: 717-337-3015
Email: ​

ACADEMIC ENGLISH EXPECTATIONS:​ It is an expectation that you will use academic English
at all times. This includes your assignments, discussion, and communication with your Instructor.
This is the language of the classroom and you will need to practice it so that you can model it for
students. The difference between academic English and conversational language is simple. When you
are talking to your friends you are using conversational language and it is much more informal.
Examples of expectations in the context of this class include:
● Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation on all assignments. Your grade will suffer when these
expectations are not met.
● Email communication with Instructor will not include greetings such as “hey” and texting
abbreviations such as “u.”


Ac​ademic Success: Tutoring and Testing Services: 717-358-2878 - The Brossman Learning Center
provides FREE tutoring to HACC students for their credit coursework. Located at the back of the
Library in MAIN 232, the Learning Center is staffed with trained peer and professional tutors who
know how to help you succeed. During the spring and fall semesters, tutoring for a variety of courses
is offered Mondays through Fridays, including some evenings. Saturday hours may also be available.
The weekly tutoring schedule can be found in the Learning Center, on the Learning Center bulletin
boards, and on the Lancaster Campus tutoring webpage. Information about additional resources,
including the library and counseling, is available on HACC’s website.

CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY:​ Students utilizing a child care center or school placement are
expected to conduct themselves professionally and adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethics.
Professionalism requires maintaining confidentiality at all times. During your experience in the
school, you may obtain information about children, their families, and staff. This information is
confidential and may NOT be discussed with others outside the center. Talking with other students
about children, staff, or parents, outside of class discussions, is considered a breach of confidentiality.
When appropriate, discussions based on your observations or classroom experiences will be guided by
the college instructor. These discussions are limited to the college classroom. Written assignments
may require detailed descriptions of activities or interactions you’ve observed. When referring to
individuals, use only initials or change a name to protect identities. The same discretion should be


intended to be a lecture course. ​The core of the seminar approach​ ​is total class involvement, an
opportunity to learn from one another​. All opinions and questions are welcome. Because everyone
is involved in a common experience, there will be similar concerns that the class will strive to solve
together. Become self-directed and reflective in your learning so that you can pass on this desire to the
children for whom you are responsible. If you, as individuals and as a group, find that your needs are
not being met, it is your responsibility to state those needs. There will be an opportunity for you to
give input into the direction the course discussions will take. Please be prepared to select and
contribute to these topics.

CELL PHONE/TECHNOLOGY USAGE:​ As a ​courtesy​ to the Instructor and your fellow

classmates please turn off your cell phone during the class or have it on vibrate. This means ​NO
TEXTING or RECEIVING CALLS​ during class. If you may need to receive an emergency call,
please ​notify​ the Instructor ahead of time. This way you may step into the hall to take your important
Grading will be based on the following scale (See Assignments handout for additional info.)
A=1050-945 B=944-840 C=839-735 D=734-630 F=under 630

EDUC 291: Course Schedule, Topics, Assignments

(Subject to Change)

Week/Date Topics for Class Assignments for next class

1: Jan. 14 Practicum Orientation Complete/Update Complio Docs
Review of Handbooks Complete Practicum Paperwork
Discuss Autobiographies/Mission Statements Write/update Autobiography

2: Jan. 28 Teaching and Learning: HACC philosophy Write Letter to Families

Letters to Families Bring to Seminar – PA Early
Autobiography DUE Learning Standards (hard copy)
Practicum Paperwork DUE

3: February 4 PA Early Learning Standards: Goals Read Positive Guidance and

Lesson Planning: format, objective writing Transitions article and write
In-class Obj. Writing & Bloom’s Check-up Response
Family Letter DUE Begin at Centers???

4: Feb 11 Implementing Activities/Lessons Read Project Approach Info., Docu

Positive Guidance and Behavior Article
Reading Response DUE Complete Observation Review #1
Discuss Project Approach Information and
Reflection #1
Work on 1st lesson/activity, teach it

5: Feb 18 Review of the Project Approach, Webbing, Complete Observation Review #2

Discuss Activity Documentation Strategies & and Reflection #2
Panels LP 1 with evals: Teach first
Obs Rev 1 and Ref 1 DUE lesson/activity

6: Feb 25 Communication and Critical Thinking Skills: Work on Activity Documentation

Listening and Questioning and next lesson
Lesson Plan #1 with Self-evaluation and
Cooperating teacher evaluation DUE
Obs Rev 2 and Ref 2 DUE

March 4-10 NO CLASS – MID-TERM BREAK NOTE: Although there are no

college classes, placements
continue this week.
Act. Doc. and Lesson 2 with evals,
Obs Rev 3 and Ref 3
7: March 11 Activity Documentation DUE Read Article
Lesson 2 with evals DUE Continue with Obs/Lessons
Obs Rev 3 and Ref 3 DUE
Puppets in ECE

8: March 18 Resume Writing: ​GUEST SPEAKER Read “Trauma Informed Care” info
MIDTERM CONFERENCES Continue with Obs/Lessons
​Obs Rev 4 and Ref 4 DUE

9: March 25 Working with Children of Trauma Read Article

Lesson 3 with evals DUE Continue with Obs/Lessons/Project
Resume DUE Work

10: April 1 Professionalism and Leadership Complete Guest Speaker response

Lesson 4 with evals DUE Continue with Obs/Lessons/Project
Ref 5 DUE Work

11: April 8 Philosophy of Education Watch Philosophy video in class.

Ref 6 DUE Complete Video response in class.
Continue w Obs/Lessons/Projects

12: April 15 Portfolio Development Continue with Obs/Lessons/Project

Lesson 5 with evals DUE Work
Phil. of Ed. DUE

13: April 22 Families in Society/Trauma Informed Care Continue with Obs/Lessons/Project

(con’t) Work--Present next week
Lesson 6 with evals DUE

14: April 29 PROJECT SHARING and Celebration

May 6 WEEK OF FINAL EXAMS – Individual


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