Transient Response of Simple Control System

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Simple Control System

Figure: Block diagram of a temperature-control system

Proportional Control
for Set Point Change (Servo)
• Overall transfer function of system shown

• This may be rearranged in the form of a first-

order lag to give

• Where
Proportional Control for Set Point
Change (Servo) cont.…
• For unit step change in TR

• Inverse Laplace Transform

Proportional Control for Set Point
Change (Servo) cont.…

Figure: Unit-step response for set-point change (P controller)

Proportional Control for Load
Change (Regulator)

• This may be arranged in the first-order system; thus


For unit step change in Ti

Taking inverse Laplace we get

Proportional Control for Load
Change (Regulator) cont.…

Figure: Unit-step response for load change (P controller)

Proportional-Integral Control
for Load Change
• Overall transfer function for load change is

rearrange this gives

Since the denominator contains a quadratic expression, TF may

be written in standard form of 2nd-order system
Proportional-Integral Control
for Load Change cont.…

For step change in load,

Using inverse Laplace, we get for

Proportional-Integral Control
for Load Change cont.…

Figure: Unit-step response for load change (PI controller)

Proportional-Integral Control
for Set-Point Change
• Transfer function of system shown

This equation maybe reduced to standard form

τ1 and ζ are the
same as before
Introduce a step change,
Proportional-Integral Control
for Set-Point Change cont.…

• Using Laplace inverse we get, for

Proportional-Integral Control
for Set-Point Change cont.…
Example: Proportional-integral
control of stirred-tank heater

Figure: Stirred-tank set point tracking with PI Figure: Stirred-tank set point tracking with PI
control (τ1 = 2 min) control (Kc = 20)
Proportional Control of System
with Measurement Lag

Figure: Control system with measurement lag

Proportional Control of System
with Measurement Lag cont.…
• Transfer function is

For set-point change in T’R , for
Proportional Control of System
with Measurement Lag cont.…

Figure: Effect of controller gain and measuring lag on system response for unit-step change in set point

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