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ENG222 Lab 2:

Two span continuous beam

Bring the following to the lab with you

• PPE (personal protective equipment), including steel capped boots, lab coat, and safety

• Lab instructions

• Calculator

• Notebook and graph paper, or a printout of the results template and graph paper in the
last two pages of these instructions

• Long hair should be tied up and no loose clothing should be worn.

Lab summary
This experiment reinforces the concept of the relationship between bending moments and cur-
vature, and introduces the concept of statical indeterminacy.
The main object is to compare the measured and calculated bending moment distribution
along a statically indeterminate continuous beam. You will also perform a simple calibration to
check the moment-curvature relation.

Lab work
Part A: Calibration

A B C P1

Figure 1: Beam setup

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 1 so that dimension d is about 300 mm.

2. Measure the curvature at a known position just to the right of support C with no load
applied (see theory section for measurement of curvature).

3. Apply load P1 in 2–3 increments up to a maximum of about 1.5 kg and record the change
in the curvature reading for each load. Work out the moment at the location of the gauge
corresponding to each load. You will need to have measured the horizontal distance from
the point of loading to the centre foot of the gauge.
4. During the lab, plot curvature versus moment with sufficiently many points to demon-
strate the linearity of the relationship, and use the slope of this graph to determine the
experimental flexural rigidity (bending stiffness) EI = |M/K|. Use this value to convert
curvature readings to bending moments in Part B of the experiment. Note that one rev-
olution of the dial gauge needle on the curvature gauges you are using corresponds to a
curvature of 1.00 m−1 (see Relevant Theory section).
5. Accurately measure the beam cross section, and calculate its theoretical flexural rigidity
EI using E = 200 GPa and I = BD3 /12. Check that this is similar to your experimental
value. (If not you may have a faulty gauge, or may not have performed the experiment
with sufficient care.)

Part B: Loaded beam measurement

A B P2 C

a b c

Figure 2: Beam setup

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 2 with load P2 of about 7–10 kg applied and P1
removed, and with dimensions a, b and c each about 200–300 mm.
2. Measure the curvature at a minimum of three positions over each of segments AB, BC
and CD, ensuring that at all times the three contact points of the gauge are fully within
only one of the segments (otherwise a false reading will result).
3. Convert curvature readings to bending moment readings using the experimental EI value
obtained from your calibration in Part A.

1. Compare experimental and theoretical bending stiffness (EI) values from the calibration
2. Use the Force Method (recommended redundant forces are moments at A and B) and
Slope-Deflection Method to determine the bending moment diagram for the configuration
shown in Part B (both methods should give identical results). Plot the theoretical bending
moment diagram (it should consist of three connected straight lines).
3. Verify your hand calculations using SpaceGass and attach the results to your report.
4. On the same graph plot the measured bending moment data points. (Do not try to fit a
curve to these data points. The theoretical BMD should be lines only with no data points
showing, while the experimental data should be shown as points only with no lines.)

5. Comment on the results.

6. Include all raw data recorded during the laboratory session.

The discussion of your results should primarily focus on a comparison between the experi-
mental and theoretical results, pointing out any discrepancies and outlining likely reasons and
possible magnitudes for these discrepancies or errors. The assessment of your report will take
into account readability, relevance, completeness and conciseness, as well as quality and legibility
of figures, etc.

Relevant theory
Force method
See lecture notes on force method of analysis of statically indeterminate beams.

Curvature measurement
Curvature is defined as
d2 v 1
= K=
dx R
where v is deflection (positive downwards), and R is radius of curvature (assumed large). In
uniaxial bending it is related to the bending moment (M ) by

M = −EIK

where I is the second moment of area of the beam cross section, E is the Young’s modulus of
the beam material and M is positive when the underside of the beam is in tension.



0.2 L/2




(a) Curvature gauge (b) Deflection-curvature

Figure 3: Curvature measurement

Curvature is measured using a 3-point curvature gauge (see Figure 3(a)), in which feet A
and C are fixed, while the central foot B deflect relative to the straight line joining A and C
if curvature is present. A dial gauge attached to foot B records the deflection, which will be a
direct measure of the avarage curvature over the beam segment between points A and C.
One complete revolution of the gauges that you are using corresponds to a curvature of
1.00 m−1 . This is determined from the gauge geometry as follows:

If B deflects by δ between the curved and straight states then Pythagoras’ theorem applied
to Figure 3(b) gives
R2 = (L/2)2 + (R − δ)2 .
Putting δ ≪ R (hence δ 2 terms may be ignored) and K = 1/R reduces this to

K= .
Note that on the gauges you will be using one revolution of the dial gauge needle corresponds
to δ = 0.01 in = 2.54 × 10−4 m and L = 45 mm so

8(2.54 × 10−4 m/rev)

K= = 1.00 m−1 /rev.
(0.045 m)2

Thus one complete revolution of the gauges that you are using corresponds to a curvature
of exactly 1.00 m−1 , and each division on the dial to a curvature of 0.01 m−1 .
For typical structural members curvature will generally be very small, but there may also
be some curvature already present and/or the setting of the curvature gauge feet may not be
in a perfect straight line, which may be significant in comparison. By measuring the change in
curvature between the loaded and unloaded states you obtain the curvature resulting from the
Very good results can be obtained if the gauge is used carefully: apply only just sufficient
pressure to ensure all three feet are in contact with the beam (to avoid inducing additional
loads), hold the gauge upright, and do not change the location between the loaded and unloaded
readings. However the gauges are quite sensitive and quantities being measured are very small,
so if you are not careful you are quite likely to obtain poor results.

Two Span Continuous Beam (include this as an appendix to your report)
Results summary Date:

beam width (B) = mm

beam depth (D) = mm
E= 200 GPa
Theoretical stiffness (E x BD3/12) = Nm2

Distance from weight application point

to curvature measurement point = mm

Curvature Change in
Mass reading reading Moment
(kg) (m-1) (m-1) (Nm)
0 0 0

measured EI = Nm2
(slope of graph of M vs K)

Load = kg = N
a= mm
b= mm
c= mm

Distance Curvature gauge reading K M Theoretical

from A unloaded loaded (change) = EI.K M
(mm) (m ) (m-1) (m-1) (Nm) (Nm)
A 0


Signed by lab demonstrator:

Part A (calibration): Moment vs Curvature

Moment (Nm)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Curvature (m )

Part B (loaded beam measurement): Bending moment diagram


Moment (Nm)

0 200 400 600 800
Distance from A (mm)




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