Done Argumentative Essay

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Carlos Garcia

Block:Senior Defense
Argumentative Essay

The title of my assignment is Across A Hundred Mountains Essay. This

assignment was completed during the second semester of my freshman year in my

English class. In this assignment I was asked to argue who was responsible for

little baby Anita’s death. In the book, Across A hundred Mountains, a little baby

called Anita passes away because her mom (Ama) decided to go look for (Apa) the

father of Anita and left her sister (Juana) with her little sister. Anita passes away

because Juana falls asleep and drowns because they live in a poor area that didn’t

have good homes. This assignment is a argumentative piece because I was asked to

argue who was responsible for her death and had to convince my teacher and my

group why I believed that it was Ama’s fault. I received a B on this assignment.

During this assignment the SLO that I met was being an effective communicator.

While writing my assignment I was an effective communicator because I argued

that the person responsible for Anita’s death was Ama. I did this by defending my

position and arguing using quotes from the book to prove why Ama was the

responsible one for Anita’s death. I was also an effective communicator during the

class discussions. The reasons why I was an effective communicator was because I
had to convince my teacher and my group members of how it was Ama’s fault with

evidence from the book and examples. This was not easy because I had to come up

with counter arguments and rebuttals to what I was arguing. For example, people

thought that it was Juana’s fault because she had the baby and fell asleep.

However, I said it was Ama’s fault because she left Anita with her 11 year old

sister, Juana. Lastly, I was an effective communicator by explaining my argument

clearly throughout the essay. For example, I used this quote to prove that I was


“ she knew very well that it was dangerous to leave them alone with the river that

had flooded and had done much damage.”

This assignment helped me work on my SLO’s because it helped me improve in

my effective communicator skills. The argumentative essay helped me develop my

skills for how I share my ideas on an argument and why I believed it is right.Yet, I

still need to improve on are my communication skills because I don’t explain

things very well and instead confuse the audience. One way I can improve my

communication skills is by looking for examples of the topic. I can also talk about

the topic with my classmates or brainstorm about what I will write clearly to make
it sound better with no confusion. I can use this skill in the future because I will be

able to explain things better when I am presenting in school or in a job.

Analyzing the text

Finding the information

Creating the argument

Critical thinker.

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