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Jania is a sophomore in MacArthur High School student and Jania is a sophomore in MacArthur High School student and

likes to do many things during the day like watch tv, read, spend likes to do many things during the day like watch tv ,read, spend

time on Instagram, and many things time on Instagram , and many other things.

She also likes to feed animals

Daily Life Sleeping
around her house. When she
is not doing that she is doing
her homewok or sleeping and
Phone that takes up 34% of her
8% Feeding Animals day.She likes to spend time on
8% 30% School her phone and watch tv
8% during the day
9% Homework
34% 1%
Watching TV She also likes to feed animals around her house. When she is not

doing that she is doing her homework and working on work form

school. Sleeping and school take up 64% of her day which means

that she does not have a lot of time to do many things Sleeping
She also likes to feed animals around her house. When she is not
and school take up 64% of her day which means that she does
doing that she is doing her homework and working on work form
not have a lot of time to do many things
school. Sleeping and school take up 64% of her day which means
She also likes to feed animals around her house. When she is not
that she does not have a lot of time to do many things Sleeping
doing that she is doing her homework and working on work form
and school take up 64% of her day which means that she does
school. Sleeping and school take up 64% of her day which means
not have a lot of time to do many things
that she does not have a lot of time to do many things Sleeping

and school take up 64% of her day which means that she does

not have a lot of time to do many things

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