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worth half of the item's market price in gold pieces.
Items you create this way are nonmagical, except for
The following subclasses were originally written for oils of repair and potions of healing.
the unofficial Artificer class as presented in earlier Unlike store-bought items, if an alchemical item
versions of the Korranberg Chronicle: Adventurer’s you create requires a saving throw to resist any of its
Almanac. As of version 1.4 of that document, the effects, the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
official Unearthed Arcana version of the Artificer class Intelligence modifier (using your proficiency bonus
has been adopted, and the former Almanac version has and Intelligence modifier at the time you created the
been renamed the Arcanist class. item).
As part of this update, the Automation and As you grow in level, your alchemical knowledge
Renegade Masteries were rewritten as UA Artificer grows more refined as well, allowing you to increase
Specialists subclasses, and the Alchemical Mastery the potency of some items you create. If the item’s
subclass was removed so as to not step on the toes of effect involves dice, it gains an additional die at
the UA Artificer Alchemist. arcanist levels 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th,
The Arcanist-style versions of these subclasses and 19th when you create it. (For instance, basic
have been preserved here, so you can continue to play alchemical acid deals 1d6 acid damage, but if you are
them. However, they will not be supported in future 13th level, any alchemical acid you create can deal 7d6
updates to the Adventurer’s Almanac. acid damage).
For each additional dice an item's effect has, you
need to spend one extra workday and an additional
25% of its market value in gold pieces to craft it. You
can choose to create an alchemical item that is less
Arcanists who focus on mastering alchemy potent than the maximum potency you are capable of
continuously mix and concoct strange potions and creating.
substances, experimenting to improve formulas for If a creature other than you employs an enhanced
their strange solutions. alchemical item you create, it retains its increased

Arcanist Level Spells

1st chromatic orb, grease Starting at 2nd level, you can use an Infusion to
3rd heat metal, Melf's acid arrow transmute a harmless liquid or handheld object that
5th transmute weapon, stinking cloud weighs no more than 10 pounds into an alchemical
7th fire shield, stoneskin concoction or item as an action. You can create any
9th transmute rock*, wall of stone nonmagical alchemical item you know the formula for.
*This spell can be found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Any item you create is created at your maximum
potency. The item retains its new properties for 10
minutes, or until used.
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's
supplies, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for
any ability checks you make using them. At 6th level, you learn two additional formulas for
Additionally, you have mastered three formulas creating alchemical items, picked from among those
for the creation of alchemical items. You know the available to you at 1st level.
formula for brewing alchemist's fire and the formulas
to brew or transmute two additional kinds of items of
your choice: antitoxin, alchemical acid, alchemical
frost, alchemical lightning, explosive oil, oil of repair, At 8th level, your experiments and reverse engineering
potions of healing, smoke sticks, sunrods, tanglefoot have unlocked the secrets of dangerous alchemical
bags, or thunderstones. (New items are detailed in formulas not typically available on the market. You
Korranberg Chronicle: Adventurer’s Almanac, Chapter learn how to create two alchemical items from the
4: Equipment.) following list: absentia, alchemical wrath, dragon's
To craft an alchemical item, you require one blood (black), dragon's blood (blue).
workday (8 hours) of downtime and a set of All of these items are nonmagical.
alchemist's supplies, plus additional raw materials
downtime and 500 gold to construct one. Choose a
construct creature no larger than Medium that has a
Starting at 17th level, you learn two additional challenge rating of 1/4 or lower (see the Homunculus
formulas for creating alchemical items, picked from section of The Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch
among those available to you at 1st or 8th level, and starting on page 45 for constructs particularly suitable
the following list: dragon's blood (red), goodberry for this ability). After construction is complete, you
wine. imbue the construct with a portion of your soul,
Of these options, goodberry wine is considered a transforming it into a homunculus. Your homunculus
magical item. shares your alignment.
Your homunculus accompanies you on your
adventures and faithfully fights alongside you. It uses
Some arcanists are focused on the nature of constructs your proficiency bonus rather than its own. In addition
and hone their intellect toward repairing, maintaining, to the areas where it normally uses its proficiency
and creating them. They are typically hardier than bonus, your homunculus also adds your proficiency
other arcanists, often wading into battle beside their bonus to its AC and to its damage rolls. The creature
signature homunculi. has a total number of hit dice equal to your level, or its
normal total, whichever is higher. For every hit die it
has, its hit points increase accordingly. Each level you
gain after 6th, your homunculi gains an additional hit
Arcanist Level Spells die and increases its hit points accordingly.
1st cause damage†, repair damage† For every 4 hit dice the homunculus has, its ability
3rd magic weapon, methods of repair† scores improve. Your homunculus can increase one
5th mass emergency repairs†, ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two
reactivate† ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your
7th death ward, stoneskin homunculus can't increase an ability score above 20
9th mass repair damage†, using this feature unless its description specifies
reconstruct† otherwise. Your homunculus can't gain feats unless
†These new spells are detailed in the Adventurer’s Almanac otherwise noted.
Your homunculus obeys your commands as best it
can. It rolls initiative like any other creature, but you
determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor. you are incapacitated, your companion acts on its own.
Your homunculus remains active as long as it is
within 100 feet of you. It becomes unconscious and
inert if you ever move further away. If your
Starting at 2nd level, you can use an Infusion to force a
homunculus is destroyed, a piece of your soul is lost
construct or warforged to temporarily cease all
and you suffer a –4 penalty to attack rolls, saving
functions. As an action, you cause one construct or
throws, and ability checks. Every time you complete a
warforged that can see you within 30 feet of you to
long rest, this penalty lessens by 1. Once you no longer
make a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails its
have this penalty, you can craft a new homunculus by
saving throw, it is affected by this ability for 1 minute.
spending another four workweeks of downtime and
While it is affected by this Infusion, the target can
500 gold.
take no actions or reactions, can’t move or speak, and
You cannot have more than one signature
it automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving
homunculus active at a time. Should you begin crafting
throws. Additionally, attack rolls against it have
a new signature homunculus, the old one collapses
advantage, and any attack that hits the target is a
into wasted raw materials after you finish one
critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of it. At the
workday of progress toward crafting the new one (and
end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving
you suffer the penalty above, since the old homunculus
throw. On a success, this effect ends.
is destroyed). However, if you select the Craft
Homunculus feat (described in a later chapter), you
can craft a second homunculus and have both it and
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to invest a your signature homunculus active at the same time.
construct with a portion of your soul, binding it to you
as a homunculus. You must spend four workweeks of
Homunculi you create with the create homunculus
spell from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything do not count
toward this limit, and vice versa. Renegade arcanists are driven by a devotion to—or
some would say, obsession with—self-improvement.
These arcanists are called renegades because they
At 8th level, when you use the Attack action on your ignore conventional wisdom and experiment upon
turn, if your signature homunculus can see you, it can themselves, improving their bodies by implanting and
use its reaction to make a melee attack. Additionally, replacing parts of themselves with the products of
while your signature homunculus can see you, it has their mad genius.
advantage on all saving throws.

Arcanist Level Spells

At 17th level, you complete your final adjustments to 1st repair damage †,
your signature homunculus. Pick one of the following thunderous smite
features for your signature homunculus. It gains the 3rd magic weapon,
selected feature permanently. Once you make your methods of repair †
choice, you cannot change it unless you construct a 5th blinding smite,
new signature homunculus. mass emergency repairs †
Adamantine Defense. Your signature homunculus 7th staggering smite, stoneskin
has resistance to all damage. 9th steel wind strike*,
Amalgamate Essence. When you use an Infusion on mass repair damage †
yourself or cast a spell targeting yourself, you can also *This spell can be found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
affect your signature homunculus with the Infusion or †These new spells are detailed in the Adventurer’s Almanac
spell if the homunculus is within 30 feet of you.
Mithral Wings. Your signature homunculus gains a
fly speed of 60 feet, or its existing fly speed increases
by 30 feet. While flying, it can hover. In addition, your At 1st level, you have taken the first major leap in your
signature homunculus doesn't provoke opportunity quest for self-improvement, something that clearly
attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach. announces your lack of limits and marks you as a
Quicksilver Fury. Your signature homunculus can use renegade. You replace one of your arms, with a
its Action to make two melee weapon attacks against a constructed prosthesis you refer to as a bionic arm.
single creature, or one melee weapon attack against When you make an unarmed strike with your bionic
each creature of its choice within 5 feet of it, with a arm, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your
separate attack roll for each target. Strength modifier. Your bionic arm is also considered
a weapon.

Also starting at 1st level, your repair spells are more

effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or
higher to restore hit points to a construct or
warforged, the target regains additional hit points
equal to 2 + the spell's level.

Starting at 2nd level, you can use an Infusion to

activate devices you've implanted in your body to
repair yourself. As an action, you cause yourself to
begin automatically repairing damage for 1 minute.
For this duration, at the start of each of your turns, you
regain a number of hit points equal to your Intelligence
modifier, to a maximum of half of your normal hit point
At 6th level, you have replaced so much of yourself At 17th level, you have achieved your vision of
with artificial components that your hit point perfection for yourself. If you are a warforged, any
maximum is increased by 6 and increases by 1 critical hit against you is treated as a normal hit. If you
whenever you gain another level in the arcanist class. are any other kind of creature, you gain the Model
These artificial replacements also cause you to count Type and Remodeling racial traits of the warforged
as both a construct and a humanoid. You can be (Korranberg Chronicle: Adventurer’s Almanac, Chapter
affected by a game effect if it works on either of your 1: Races of Eberron). You may now attune to
creature types. warforged components that require the model type
Additionally, you may attune to and attach that you chose for the Model Type trait.
warforged component magic items, even if you are not No matter what kind of creature you were, you are
a warforged, so long as they do not require a specific no longer considered a humanoid, and are a construct
warforged model type. only. You cannot be targeted by spells or effects that
specifically target humanoids (such as dominate
person), and you cannot be affected by spells that
explicitly exclude constructs (such as cure wounds).
At 8th level, you have woven countless Infusions and You are immune to poison damage, disease and
layered numerous magical improvements into your exhaustion, and you cannot become petrified or
bionic arm. At your option, you may replace your other poisoned. Finally, you cease to age and will continue to
arm with a second bionic arm as well. Whether you function until destroyed due to accident or violence.
have one bionic arm or two, you gain the same
—Your bionic arm(s) now count as magic
—When you make an unarmed strike with a
bionic arm you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage
—Your bionic arm(s) are reinforced with extra
plating. They function as the equivalent of a magic +1
shield, granting you a +3 bonus to Armor Class. This
does not limit your ability to hold objects, cast spells,
or wield weapons.
— When you take the Attack action on your turn
to make an unarmed strike with a bionic arm, you can
make another unarmed strike as a bonus action.

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