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Final Conference

AFI Silver theatre and Cultural Center

American Film Institute
8633 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Nahom Tsegaye
Film Narrator
Picket Line Studios

Silver Spring, MD - 31 May 2019 - The esteemed Picket Line Studios is releasing a
documentary in the AFI Silver theatre on May 31, 2019 teaching audiences about the effect of
the civil rights movement on other movements. Showing the connection between the different
movements is important to help people know how to set up future movements and to also know
how to effectively protest without drawing negative attention.
This is Nahom Tsegaye. Reachable at ​​. The phone number to
reach our school by is 301-650-6650.
In our documentary we show the effect of the civil rights movement on other movements by
examining an important part of the civil rights movement, the letter from Birmingham Jail. This
letter and other important parts changed how people protested and changed how future protests
were set up. In our documentary we interview Deepak Bhargava, the director for the center of
community change. We traveled to New York to interview him and contacted him through email
to secure the interview.
Deepak Bhargava became the Executive Director for the Center of Community Change until
2018 where he stayed with the nonprofit after he stepped down. The Center of Community
Change is a nonprofit organization that organizes and advises protests all over the nation. The
Letter from Birmingham jail was instrumental in the Civil Rights movement. When Martin Luther
King Jr. was jailed, he wrote a speech in his jail cell that would revitalize the Civil Rights
movement and rouse a lot more support.
Picket Line Studios
Eastern Middle School, Humanities and Communication Magnet

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