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Answer Key



1. Simple applications can consists of just a single form, and all of the code in the application reside in that
form module. – 1 mark
2. OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) stands for compound document management. – 1 Mark
3. Dynamic Link Library is a collection of small programs. – 1 mark
4. Property is an attribute of an object that defines one of the object’s characteristics – 1 mark
5. Graphical User Interface is a type of user interface that allows user to interact with electronic devices
through graphical icons – 1 Mark
6. Method is an action that an object can perform. – 1 mark
7. The scope of a variable relates to where else in the application source code the variable is accessible. – 1
8. <a href= “url”> Text to be displayed</a>
9. It is used to display various kinds of status data. – 1 mark
10. Document Object Model is a programming API for HTML and XML documents, It defines the logical
structure of documents
11. LargeChange, Max, Min, SmallChange and Value – any 4 properties each carry 1 mark.
12. Can store information that persists for the entire lifetime of an application. Generally, this is the whole
time that the IIS sever is running . – 2 mark
13. You can specify that a procedure parameter is optional and no argument has to be supplied for it when
the procedure is called. – 1 mark
Optional parameters are indicated by the optional keyword – 1 mark
14. Class modules are the foundation of oop in visual basic. You can write code in class modules to create
new objects. These new objects can include your own customized properties and methods. Forms are
just class modules that can have controls placed on them and can display form windows. – 2 mark
15. Slider Control – TickStyle and TickFrequency, smallChange and LargeChange – 1 mark
Progress Control – Max and Min, Style, value, Height and Width, BorderStyle, Align – Any 4 each
carry ½ mark
16. Constatants, once declared and initialized cannot be changed. – 1 mark
Syntax – 1 mark
Const constant_name As datatype=value
17. GET sends the information entered in the form to the server at the end of the URL. – 1 mark
POST sends the contents of the form as a data block through the standard input stream using the http
header – 1 mark
18. The reusable component approach to application development reduces development time and improves
program capability and quality. – 2 mark
19. 3 controls are used in VB. Intrinsic Controls, ActiveX Controls and Insertable Objects with explanation
– 2 mark
20. Show() is used to display a form.- ½ Mark
Syntax – 1 mark
Example – ½ mark
21. Stores any type of data and is the default visual basic data type.- 1 mark
Dim A As Variant- 1 mark
22. It is a underlying protocol used by the world wide web. This protocol defines how messages are
formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to
various commands- 2 mark
23. It is a non standard HTML tag which was used to create a scrolling text or an image.- 1mark
Attributes – behavior, bgcolor, direction, height, hspace, loop, scrollamount, scrolldelay, width
Any 3 attribute with explanation each carry 1 mark
24. Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Project Explorer, Properties window, Form Layout window, Toolbox, Form
Designer, Object Browser
Each carry ½ mark
25. For display images in webpage <img> tag is used. It is an empty tag it contains attributes only and it has
no closing tag. -1 mark
Syntax and example – 1 mark
src, alt, height and width attributes – 2 mark
26. The text box is the standard control that is used to receive input from the user as well as to display the
output. It can handle string and numeric data but not images or pictures. – 1 mark
Properties – 1 mark
Events – 1 mark
Example – 1 mark
27. The command button is a very important control as it is used to execute commands and common event
associated with the command button is Click event – 1 mark
Caption, MousePointer, Appearance, Style, Enabled. Back Color, Visible and Fore Color- any two
properties 1 mark
Methods 1 mark
Events 1 mark
28. In basic programming is done in a text only environment and the program is executed sequentially. In
VB programming is done in a graphical environment. In addition, VB is event driven because we need
to write code in order to perform some tasks in response to certain events. In VB the program code does
not execute sequentially, we need to initiate an event like mouse click. – 4 Mark
29. Dim statements are used for static array as well as variable declaration with syntax and example – 2
Redim statement is used for dynamic array allocation with syntax and example – 2 mark
30. Creating ActiveX control project
Placing controls on usercontrol and changing their properties
Writing code for events
Changing properties of the project and creating .ocx file.
Each point carry 1 mark
31. If…….then…..ElseIf…..Then – 2 mark
Select case – 2 mark
32. The process of obtaining printed or displayed information from the database is known as creating a data
report – 2 mark
Two process are there :
Data environment Creation – 6 ½ mark
Data report Creation – 6 ½ mark
33. Menu definition – 1 mark
Menu editor – 1 mark
Properties of menu editor – 3 Mark
Menu Creation Steps – 10 marks
34. Operator definition – 2 mark
Arithmetic Operators – 4 Mark
Comparison Operators – 4 Mark
Concatenation Operator – 2 Mark
Logical and Bitwise Operator – 3 mark
35. Definition ASP – 1 Mark
Request Object – 3 Mark
Response Object – 3 Mark
Server Object – 2 Mark
Session Object – 3 Mark
Application object – 3 mark

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