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PSL I & PSL II Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan

Name: Period: ​ 4

Theme: Circus Presentation Date: January 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Learning Center: Developmental Area: ​Circle the developmental area(is) this activity focuses upon.
PA Early Learning Standard: ( Cognitive, Physical, Communication, Creative )
Creative Thinking and
Expression – Cognitive
Communicating through the
-9.1.V PK.B Combine a
variety of materials to create
a work of art.

Name of Activity:
Juggling Clown

Concept(s): (​ What specific concepts/ideas will the children learn from completing this activity? Concepts learned may be directly related to the theme, as well as
indirectly teaching something else.)

​ Participate in teacher-guided visual arts activities.

-Use a variety of materials. (e.g., chalk, paint, crayons, pencils, markers, wood, play dough)

Objective(s): ​(Remember to include all three parts for each objective: what the children will be given, what they will do with what they’re given, and to what
level they’ll be able to complete the activity.)

The children will be given a piece of paper with a clown “juggling” on it. They will be given
colorful puff balls and dixie cups with glue. A certain number will be put on top of the page
Materials Needed to Complete This Activity


Student Will Supply: Piece of paper with clown on it

Teacher Will Supply:

-puff balls
-dixie cups

Preparation: ​(What do you need to do to prepare for this activity BEFORE the children arrive?)

The papers out on the table with puff balls in a bowl with glue
in dixie cups.

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