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12th grade/10th year of study

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

25 p I. You have just been elected Mayor of your city/town. What would be the three most important
decisions you would make to benefit your community the most? (200 words)
16 p II. Read the text below and, for questions 1-10, circle the correct answer:
Sophia Fowler Gallaudet was the deaf wife of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, who founded the first
permanent public school for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. She did not allow her deafness to prevent
her from leading a full life. She was educated, raised a family, ran a busy household, and helped to
found Gallaudet College. Sophia Fowler was born deaf near Guilford, Connecticut, on March 20, 1798.
At that time, there were no schools for the deaf in America. However, Sophia had a good mind. She
used her intellect and learned many skills by watching the people around her. She learned to cook and
sew, and became a modest, gay and charming young lady.
Sophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for the deaf had been
founded in Hartford, Connecticut. She entered the school in 1817 and stayed there until the spring of
1821. While she was there, the principal of the school, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet fell in love with her
and asked her to marry him. Sophia did not hesitate, and married him in 1821.As Mrs. Gallaudet, she
continued to charm the people she met. She was eager to learn from every social situation. Through her
contact with the many visitors to her home, she was actually able to continue her education.
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet died in 1851, leaving his wife to make a life without him. However,
her eight children did not leave her without support. With the help of her grown children, she continued
to keep house for those children that had not yet married. In 1857, Mrs. Gallaudet's youngest son,
Edward Miner Gallaudet, became principal of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf in Washington,
D.C. He was only 20 years only at the time, but his ambition was to establish a college for the deaf. His
mother shared his dream and work. She often met with members of Congress and other prominent men
in order to gain support for her goals. Through them, she helped to obtain funds to found and maintain
Gallaudet College. She died on May 13, 1877. Gallaudet has preserved her memory by naming Fowler
Hall, which was originally a women's dormitory and is now part of the graduate school, in her honor.
1. According to the story, Sophia continued her education after she finished school by:
(A) reading books
(B) meeting and interacting with people
(C) being at Gallaudet College
(D) learning from Thomas Gallaudet
2. After Sophia’s husband died, she finished raising her children, and then she:
(A) moved to Washington, D.C.
(B) spent her winters in Washington and the rest of the year visiting her children and grandchildren.
(C) became sick and stayed in the countryside.
(D) helped her son to establish a college for the deaf.

EVALUARE ÎN EDUCAŢIE la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ pag. 1 din 4 ETAPA a III-a – 23.05.2009

Clasa a XII-a
3. We can infer from this passage that:
(A) Sophia believed that deaf people should have equal rights to education and employment.
(B) Sophia thought that deaf people were better off living with a relative who could take care of
them and support them.
(C) Sophia wished that she could have visited deaf schools in Europe.
(D) Sophia always wanted a dormitory to be named after her.
4. According to the passage, what did the Gallaudet College decide to do in Sophia’s memory?
(A) enrol deaf students
(B) give a room her name
(C) appoint her son as principal
(D) nothing at all.

5. The meaning of the word “permanent” in the second line of the first paragraph is:
(A) residential
(B) important
(C) lasting
(D) provisional

6. The opposite of the word “prominent” at end of the last paragraph is:
(A) immaterial
(B) slight
(C) inconsequential
(D) petty

7. According to the text, Sophia helped her youngest son by:

(A) taking advantage of her social connections to find him a job.
(B) signing him up for the first college for deaf people.
(C) talking him into accepting a position in the Congress.
(D) acquiring financial support for their common dream.

8. The author‘s purpose in writing this passage is to:

(A) present the success story of someone who surpassed their innate disability.
(B) explain the beginnings of funding schools for students with special needs.
(C) give a detailed account of Sophia Gallaudet’s life and work.
(D) highlight the differences in the life of a deaf person.

14 p III. Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word:

That fragment of pottery, that little piece of bone or the remains of an early human tool are
(1)......................... often the only evidence we have of our early history. However, as a consequence of
the work of archaeologists and others in this field, we have (2)…………………... the years built up an
extremely good understanding of early human development.
This is the case (3) ………………….. the fact that there is no written evidence of the period we
term pre-history. (4) .............................. is startling to note is that this period, which predates the
invention of writing, accounts (5)……………… ... 99% of human existence. It was (6) ……………....
this time that discoveries that shaped the human race were made, early settlements created
that (7) …………………. to become our major cities and in general was the time when the very
foundations of human civilisation were laid.

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Clasa a XII-a
14 p IV. Rephrase each of the sentences below, so that the meaning stays the same and using the word
1. Parents predict chaos in schools unless the strike is called off.
Parents claim it ............................................... the teacher's strike goes ahead.
2. Police are warning people to check for forged notes which are currently in circulation.
Police are warning people to be ....................................................... forged notes which are currently
in circulation.
3. Can you possibly get me the work as soon as possible.
I ............................................ you could get the work to me as soon as possible.
4. Would you give us your answer as soon as possible.
Please respond .........................................
5. The hotel was further away from the beach than was claimed in the brochure.
The hotel was .............................................................. the beach as they'd claimed in the brochure.
6. It's not likely to happen but if you're not satisfied with the product we'll refund your money.
....................................................... that you are not satisfied with the product your money will be
7. It's one thing to think there's a demand for your product and another to actually make a sale.
There's .................................................. between thinking there's a demand for your product and
actually making a sale.

15 p V. Fill in each of the blanks with the correct derived form of the word given in capitals:
The economy of the 21st century is based on skills and knowledge according to a
recent report. The study shows that throughout this century there will be more
jobs in the workplace for those with (1)………………………..... and the right QUALIFY
skills, and fewer jobs for those with none. The best (2) ……………………….... EMPLOY
will be one that can demonstrate a level of academic or (3) …………………….. VOCATION
achievement that can enable the individual to support their CV with evidence of
desirable personal qualities.
As (4) ……………………….....increases and technological advances make GLOBE
typical working practices redundant, (5) ……………………….... employees will PROSPECT
need to show various personal attributes. As well as wanting people who are
flexible, companies are also looking for evidence of (6) …………………………. ADAPT
It is also (7)........................................ necessary to be an excellent communicator INCREASE
as the majority of (8) ...................................... make their profits from the skills of ORGANISE
people selling their goods as much as from the producers themselves.
The new economy is here to stay and unless businesses show the
(9) .......................................... to adapt, they may find they are WILL
(10) .........................................., according to the authors of the report. SUSTAIN
EVALUARE ÎN EDUCAŢIE la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ pag. 3 din 4 ETAPA a III-a – 23.05.2009
Clasa a XII-a
10 p VI. Some of the lines in this exercise are correct; others have a word which should not be there.
Insert a tick ( 9 )next to the ones you consider fully correct, while for the others write the extra
word in the space provided next to each sentence.

Victor was the name given to a boy who was first seen in 1797 1______________________
was wandering wild and naked in the woods near Toulouse in 2______________________
France. On two occasions, he was captured himself by villagers, 3______________________
but on each time he managed to escape. However, a few years later, 4______________________
“Victor” emerged from the woods on his own, making people 5______________________
wonder if that he had grown used to human company during 6______________________
his capture. “Victor”, who assumed by the locals to be about 7______________________
12 years old, couldn’t speak any really language because 8______________________
he had lived in the wild for all his life. Indeed, some people 9______________________
thought of he had probably grown up among wild animals. 10_____________________

6p VII. Let’s have some fun with the English language!

1. Can you determine the professions/jobs described below? Each clue is an anagram of the answer and
all jobs/professions are one-word.

A. Remit sin _____________________

B. Menial cop _____________________
C. Court poser _____________________

2. What are the homonyms below?

If you spell me this way, I am 1/100th of a hectare. _________________

If you spell me this way, I am something you breathe in. _________________

If you spell me this way, I am a person that inherits things. _________________

Total score: 100 points

EVALUARE ÎN EDUCAŢIE la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ pag. 4 din 4 ETAPA a III-a – 23.05.2009

Clasa a XII-a

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