Jungle Week Lesson Pla

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PSL I & PSL II Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan

Name: Alisha Kozin Period: ​ 3

Theme: Jungle Week Presentation Date: March 26, 27, & 28th

Learning Center: Developmental Area: ​Circle the developmental area(is) this activity focuses upon.
PA Early Learning Standard: ( Cognitive, Physical, Communication, Creative )
-Standard Area 16.1:
Self-Awareness and
Self-Management Creative
-Standard Area 9.1V: Production
and Performance – Visual Arts

Name of Activity:
Paper snakes

Concept(s): (​ What specific concepts/ideas will the children learn from completing this activity? Concepts learned may be directly related to the theme, as well as
indirectly teaching something else.)

​ Participate in teacher-guided visual arts activities.

-Use a variety of materials. (e.g., chalk, paint, crayons, pencils, markers, wood, play dough)

Objective(s): ​(Remember to include all three parts for each objective: what the children will be given, what they will do with what they’re given, and to what
level they’ll be able to complete the activity.)

They will be given a variety of materials to make the paper snakes for example, markers,
glitter glue, eye balls etc. They will make paper snakes and design them the way they want.
Once they are done they put them on the drying rack

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