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1)What is a psychiatric consultation?

Sometimes medical evaluation by a primary care provider or lab tests or
psychological testing may be recommended to clarify the diagnosis and rule out
medical causes. Next, you and your psychiatric clinician will create a treatment plan
that may include psychiatric medication.

2)Can I see a psychiatrist online?

Online psychiatrists are available to provide medication management services.
You can ask your doctor for a referral to a telepsychiatrist. Online psychiatrists
can be a great alternative to seeing a traditional provider. ... You need to get a referral
from your general doctor to see an online psychiatrist.

3)Where can I see a psychiatrist?

If you think you might need to see a psychiatrist, speak to your GP (family doctor).
You usually need a referral from your GP or another medical doctor to see
apsychiatrist. In an emergency, you may be able to see a psychiatrist at a hospital
emergency department or community mental health centre.

4)How the Procedure is Done?

A psychiatric consultation takes around 45 minutes to an hour and usually takes place
in the psychiatrist’s clinic or office. Upon arriving at the office or clinic, patients may
be asked to fill up a patient survey, which will help familiarize the psychiatrist with
the case at hand and provide him all the information he needs.

A consultation with a psychiatrist typically involves:

 Evaluation of the patient’s medical and psychiatric history

 Assessment of previous mental records
 Assessment of the patient’s family history of psychiatric illness
 Assessment of the patient’s history of substance abuse
 Discussion of the patient’s symptoms
 Discussion of possible causes of the mental problem or the patient’s social
 Discussion and evaluation of previous treatments, medications, and
 Formulation of a treatment plan
 Prescription of medications, if necessary

If the psychiatrist needs more information, he can request for:

 Psychological evaluation
 Physical exam
 Lab tests

Treatment plans may involve:

 Medications, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood

stabilizers, and antipsychotic medications
 Psychotherapy
 Brain stimulation
 Hospitalization
 Residential treatment
 Rehabilitation
 Support group

The psychiatrist may also prescribe some lifestyle changes, such as:

 Quitting smoking
 Avoiding alcohol and illegal drug consumption
 Exercise
 Proper diet

Since proper care and management of psychiatric problems require the participation
of family members or primary care providers, the patient should be accompanied by a
concerned companion during the consultation.

After the consultation, the patient is not obliged to push through with the proposed
treatment and is free to seek a second opinion from a different psychiatrist. If,
however, he decides to push through with the recommended treatment plan, the
psychiatrist will schedule follow-up appointments that are spaced about 2 to 3 weeks
apart. These follow-up appointments will last for only around 30 minutes and will
mainly involve monitoring the patient’s symptoms and his response to medications so
that changes may be made, such as adjusting the dosage of medications, when
necessary. Once the patient’s condition begins to improve, the appointments may be
reduced to just once every 1-3 months.
 Professional
- Skills that only psychiatry have
- Certification of Courses
- Psychiatry has knowledge and special treatment regarding this
 Treatment (based on literature review)
- Theraphy : Psychotherapy, also known as talking therapies, such as
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotheraphy, and
problem solving treatment. It can helps patient to identify emotional
problems that affect relationship & communication, and how these in turn
affect mood and can be changed.
- Medicine: Drugs treatment specifically antidepressants. Antidepressants
are drugs available on prescription from a doctor such as trycylic
antidepressants and atypical antidepressants.
Besides that, Based on survey, 55.6% students are agreed that consult with
psychiatry also can help the patient fixed the stages of depression.
- Physical Examination (Weight,BMI)
- Counseling


Psychology vs. Psychiatry (Treatment)

Because psychiatrists are trained medical doctors, they can prescribe medications, and
they spend much of their time with patients on medication management as a course of
Psychologists focus extensively on psychotherapy and treating emotional and mental
suffering in patients with behavioral intervention. Psychologists are also qualified to
conduct psychological testing, which is critical in assessing a person’s mental state
and determining the most effective course of treatment.

Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist (Education)

The professions of psychiatry and psychology also differ greatly in terms of education.
Psychiatrists attend medical school and are trained in general medicine. After earning
an MD, they practice four years of residency training in psychiatry. Their experience
typically involves working in the psychiatric unit of a hospital with a variety of
patients, from children and adolescents with behavior disorders to adults with severe
cases of mental illness.
Psychologists must obtain a PhD doctor degree, which can take up to four or six years.
Through their education, psychologists study personality development, the history of
psychological problems and the science of psychological research. Graduate school
provides rigorous preparation for a career in psychology by teaching students how to
diagnose mental and emotional disorders in varying situations.
After graduate school, psychology students are required to complete an internship that
can last one to two years. The internships give them exposure to:

 methods of treatment
 analytical testing
 problem-solving techniques
 psychological theory
 behavioral therapy

After the internship, to become licensed, most states also require one or two years of
practical work experience supervised by an authorized mental health professional.

Psychology vs. Psychiatry in (Practice)

After seeing a primary physician for a referral, a patient might work regularly with a
psychologist addressing behavioral patterns. That psychologist may refer the patient
to a psychiatrist who can prescribe and monitor medication. The psychologist and
psychiatrist work in tandem to treat patient symptoms from both a behavioral and
clinical standpoint.
The fields of psychology and psychiatry are both essential in researching and
developing treatment for improving mental and emotional health. Differences aside,
psychologists and psychiatrists share a common goal: helping people feel better.

Psychiatrist—A psychiatrist is a medical doctor. Psychiatrists typically get a

four-year undergraduate degree following a pre-med track or majoring in biology or
psychology. Then, they attend medical school. Med school programs usually take four
years, two years of classroom work and two years of supervised clinical experience.
Once medical school is completed, a four-year residency is required. During this
residency, someone wanting to specialize in psychiatry will fulfill the number of
required hours in that specialty. Upon successful completion of the residency, the
doctor must sit for the licensure exam in each state and pass in order to practice and
be able to bill insurance companies and Medicaid/Medicare. Psychiatrists prescribe
medication, and therefore, must obtain a Federal Narcotics License and register with
the Drug Enforcement Agency. Psychiatrists most often manage psychotropic
medications for their clients. Often the first meeting with the psychiatrist is 20-50
minutes long so that the psychiatrist can explore the patient’s family and medical
history and decide which medication to prescribe. After that first appointment,
subsequent appointments usually last approximately 15 minutes so that the
psychiatrist can ask about any side effects and make any necessary changes in
medications or dosages.

Psychologist—A psychologist is not a medical doctor. Psychologists usually have an

undergraduate degree in psychology or social work, but this can vary. Psychologists
then move into graduate school, with programs ranging from 4-6 years. There are
many different kinds of psychologists, based on the types of specialties they
choose—clinical, counseling, health, educational, industrial/organizational, and others.
At this point in time, there are a limited number of states that will allow a
psychologist to undergo more education and clinical experience in order to prescribe
medication. Generally speaking, psychologists do not prescribe medication, but spend
more time doing testing and therapy. Psychologists are qualified to administer IQ,
achievement, personality and educational testing. Many psychologists are also
involved in the supervision of master’s level therapists and case managers.
Psychologists also sit for state licensure examinations in order to be eligible to bill
insurance companies and Medicaid/Medicare. Sessions with a psychologist typically
last 50 minutes and involve many different types of techniques (talk therapy, play
therapy, art therapy, activity therapy to name only a few).

Counselor/Therapist—The words “counselor” and “therapist” often mean the same

thing. Counselors/therapists are practitioners who have earned a 4-year undergraduate
degree and a master’s degree in psychology or counseling. The master’s degree
programs are typically 3-4 years in length. Counselors/therapists are not eligible to
provide testing or medication and most often provide therapy and case management.
The techniques used by counselors/therapists vary also. Folks in this category may
also have varying types of specialties—social work, marriage and family, counseling,
art, or music.

So lastly, In the vast majority of states, psychiatrists are legally and clinically the lead
professionals responsible for the overall mental health care of the patient. In other
words, the buck stops with them. Psychiatrists diagnose mental health disorders
clinically utilizing criteria from the American PsychiatricAssociation’s Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A psychiatrist may also ask for and utilize
the results of psychological testing, computerized tomography (CT) scan and clinical
chemistry testing to help better understand to a complicated patient. So Psychiatrists
are responsible for diagnosing mental disorders and managing medications, as their
expertise focuses on the chemical imbalances within the brain. Similar to any other
1) Apakah perundingan psikiatri?
Kadang-kadang penilaian perubatan oleh pembekal penjagaan primer atau ujian
makmal atau
Ujian psikologi mungkin disyorkan untuk menjelaskan diagnosis dan mengetepikan
sebab-sebab perubatan. Selanjutnya, anda dan doktor psikiatri anda akan membuat
pelan rawatan yang mungkin termasuk ubat psikiatri.
2) Bolehkah saya melihat talian psikiatri?
Psikiatri dalam talian boleh didapati untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan pengurusan
ubat. Anda boleh meminta doktor anda untuk rujukan kepada pakar psikiatri. Psikiatri
dalam talian boleh menjadi alternatif hebat untuk melihat pembekal tradisional. ...
Anda perlu mendapatkan rujukan dari doktor umum anda untuk melihat pakar
psikiatri dalam talian.
3) Di manakah saya dapat melihat psikiatri?
Jika anda fikir anda mungkin perlu berjumpa pakar psikiatri, berbincanglah dengan
GP anda (doktor keluarga). Anda biasanya memerlukan rujukan dari GP anda atau
doktor perubatan lain untuk melihat apsychiatrist. Dalam kecemasan, anda mungkin
dapat melihat psikiatri di jabatan kecemasan hospital atau pusat kesihatan mental

4) Bagaimana Tatacara Dilakukan?

Perundingan psikiatri mengambil masa sekitar 45 minit hingga satu jam dan biasanya
berlaku di klinik atau pejabat psikiatri. Apabila tiba di pejabat atau klinik, pesakit
boleh diminta untuk mengisi kaji selidik pesakit, yang akan membantu membiasakan
psikiatri dengan kes itu dan memberikannya semua maklumat yang diperlukannya.
#Perundingan dengan psikiatri biasanya melibatkan:
Penilaian terhadap sejarah perubatan dan psikiatri pesakit
Penilaian rekod mental terdahulu
Penilaian sejarah keluarga pesakit penyakit psikiatri
Menilai sejarah penderaan bahan pesakit
Pendapat gejala pesakit
Pendekatan kemungkinan penyebab masalah mental atau riwayat sosial pesakit
Pendekatan dan penilaian rawatan sebelumnya, ubat-ubatan, dan hospitalisasi
Formulasi pelan rawatan
Rujukan ubat, jika perlu
#Jika psikiatri memerlukan lebih banyak maklumat, dia boleh meminta:
Penilaian psikologi
Peperiksaan fizikal
Lab ujian

#Rancangan rawatan mungkin melibatkan:

Medications, seperti antidepresan, ubat anti-kecemasan, penstabil mood,
dan ubat-ubatan antipsikotik
Rangsangan darah
Rawatan kediaman
Kumpulan sokongan

#Psikiatri juga boleh menetapkan beberapa perubahan gaya hidup, seperti:

Menangan merokok
Menyediakan alkohol dan penggunaan dadah haram
Makanan pemakanan

#Oleh kerana penjagaan dan pengurusan masalah psikiatri yang betul

memerlukan penyertaan anggota keluarga atau penyedia penjagaan utama,
pesakit harus disertai oleh teman yang bersangkutan semasa rundingan.
Selepas rundingan, pesakit tidak diwajibkan untuk meneruskan rawatan yang
dicadangkan dan bebas untuk mendapatkan pendapat kedua dari psikiatri
yang berbeza. Walau bagaimanapun, jika dia memutuskan untuk meneruskan
dengan pelan rawatan yang disyorkan, psikiatri akan menjadualkan
pelantikan susulan yang jaraknya 2 hingga 3 minggu. Pelantikan susulan
ini akan berlangsung hanya sekitar 30 minit dan akan terutamanya
melibatkan pemantauan gejala pesakit dan tindak balasnya terhadap
ubat-ubatan supaya perubahan boleh dibuat, seperti menyesuaikan dos ubat,
apabila perlu. Apabila keadaan pesakit mula membaik, pelantikan boleh
dikurangkan hanya sekali setiap 1-3 bulan.


- Kemahiran yang hanya mempunyai psikiatri
- Persijilan Kursus
- Psikiatri mempunyai pengetahuan dan rawatan khusus mengenai perkara ini.
Penawatan (berdasarkan kajian literatur)
-Theraphy: Psikoterapi, juga dikenali sebagai terapi bercakap, seperti terapi
perilaku kognitif (CBT), psikoterapi interpersonal, dan rawatan penyelesaian
masalah. Ia boleh membantu pesakit untuk mengenal pasti masalah emosi
yang menjejaskan hubungan & komunikasi, dan bagaimana ini seterusnya
mempengaruhi mood dan boleh diubah.
-Medicine: Rawatan dadah khususnya antidepresan. Antidepressants adalah
ubat-ubatan yang terdapat pada preskripsi dari doktor seperti antidepresan
trisikus dan antidepresan atipikal. Di samping itu, Berdasarkan kaji selidik,
55.6% pelajar bersetuju bahawa berunding dengan psikiatri juga boleh
membantu pesakit menetapkan tahap kemurungan. -Penghantaran fisik (Berat,
#Psikologi vs Psikiatri (Rawatan)
Kerana pakar psikiatri adalah doktor perubatan terlatih, mereka boleh
menetapkan ubat-ubatan, dan mereka menghabiskan banyak masa mereka
dengan pesakit dalam pengurusan ubat sebagai kursus rawatan. Pakar
psikologi menumpukan perhatian secara meluas terhadap psikoterapi dan
merawat penderitaan emosi dan mental pada pesakit dengan campur tangan
tingkah laku. Pakar psikologi juga layak menjalankan ujian psikologi, yang
penting dalam menilai keadaan mental seseorang dan menentukan cara
rawatan yang paling berkesan. Psikologi vs Psikiatri (Pendidikan) Profesi
psikiatri dan psikologi juga berbeza jauh dari segi pendidikan. Psikiatri
menghadiri sekolah perubatan dan dilatih dalam perubatan am. Selepas
mendapat MD, mereka menjalani latihan selama empat tahun dalam bidang
psikiatri. Pengalaman mereka biasanya melibatkan kerja di unit psikiatri
hospital dengan pelbagai jenis

pesakit, dari kanak-kanak dan remaja dengan kelakuan tingkah laku kepada
orang dewasa dengan kes-kes penyakit mental yang teruk.
Pakar psikologi mesti mendapatkan ijazah Doktor Falsafah, yang boleh
mengambil masa sehingga empat atau enam tahun. Melalui pendidikan mereka,
psikologi mengkaji perkembangan personaliti, sejarah masalah psikologi
dan sains penyelidikan psikologi. Sekolah siswazah menyediakan
persediaan yang ketat untuk kerjaya dalam psikologi dengan mengajar
pelajar bagaimana untuk mendiagnosis gangguan mental dan emosi dalam
pelbagai situasi.
Selepas sekolah siswazah, pelajar psikologi dikehendaki melengkapkan
latihan magang yang boleh bertahan satu hingga dua tahun. Latihan latihan
memberi mereka pendedahan kepada:
- kaedah rawatan
-ujian analisis
-teknik penyelesaian masalah
-teori psikologi
-terapi hipertensi
Selepas latihan, untuk menjadi berlesen, kebanyakan negeri juga
memerlukan satu atau dua tahun pengalaman kerja praktikal yang diselia
oleh profesional kesihatan mental yang dibenarkan.

Psikologi vs Psikiatri dalam (Amalan)

Selepas melihat doktor utama untuk rujukan, pesakit mungkin bekerja
dengan kerap dengan ahli psikologi menangani corak tingkah laku. Pakar
psikologi itu boleh merujuk pesakit kepada psikiatri yang boleh
meresepkan dan memantau ubat. Pakar psikologi dan psikiatri bekerja
bersama untuk merawat gejala pesakit dari sudut tingkah laku dan klinikal.
Bidang psikologi dan psikiatri adalah penting dalam meneliti dan
mengembangkan rawatan untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental dan emosi.
Perbezaan selain, ahli psikologi dan pakar psikiatri berkongsi matlamat
yang sama: membantu orang berasa lebih baik.

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