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Motivation is the effort, the drive, the desire, and the energy a person uses to

activate and maintain goal driven behavior (Murray Johnson).

We need motivation to go extra miles in work and personal life. Motivation is the
reason to do things creative and efficiently. Goswami Tulsidas was an ordinary
family person like many of us but when his wife motivated him to devote himself to
god; he renounced the world and wrote many great scriptures on God Rama.

Employees’ motivation is required to keep organization running in better way and

to improve the quality of services and products. A motivated employee will think
about how she can contribute in better way to achieve success for organization and
for herself.

Policed persons work to maintain peace and harmony in society. They work to
remove crimes form society and more importantly work to protect fundamental
rights of people. A peaceful country develops more rapidly and provides
employment opportunities to every citizen. A motivated police person will work
more diligently on her assignment and make sure that other participants of society
are working efficiently on their goals.

Although police persons are one of the pillars of society to maintain harmony and
justice but the working conditions of police is not up to the mark. Many police
persons work 7 days a week in challenging conditions which cause health issues and
demotivation. Many of the police stations do not have proper sitting arrangements
for all the police persons and sometime lack adequate hygiene at work place. The
salary of grade 3 and grade 4 police persons is less as compared to the amount of
hard work they do. The risk involves in job responsibility is very high for police
persons and but still police force in India is highly under appreciated.

Nature of work of police force is very demanding and requires non-stop work
commitments. If a police person doesn’t work efficiently or has bad attitude it might
be due to this reason. Sometimes police persons behave badly with public which is
probably manifestation of their poor working condition and challenging job
responsibilities. A tired policeman will not able to perform her best, whether it is
information gathering or patrolling, law and order duties, and crime investigations.

Police work force is similar to other work force so motivation reasons for police force
are also same as for other. Government should work on simple motivational factors
to engage police force more efficiently in society. Factors like working condition,
sufficient rest, proper health insurance, education for children of police persons and
appreciation of work done play important role in police force motivation. Police
persons also try to acquire recognition and role which suit their capability and
ambition. Government should work on proper time to time training of police force
and it should provide opportunities to grow within the organization. Job
assignments for police persons should encourage bonding between police force and
society as well as co-ordination among police persons. Government should make
sure that Police persons understand their job responsibilities very clearly and their
personal goal is aligned with their job responsibilities. Finally government should
give confidence to its police force that their job will be defended if they will go extra
miles to maintain harmony in society

As a responsible citizen of a democratic country it is our responsibility to treat police

persons with dignity and support them in challenging times. We should refrain from
making negative perception about police force and understand their positions in
tough situations.

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