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Unit 10: Further short answer questions

3 One of the most common deficiency diseases d WHO recommends that people with a
in the Caribbean is anaemia. concentration of haemoglobin in the
a i Define the term deficiency disease. (1) range 80–110 g dm–3 are moderately
anaemic and those with less than
ii State two other deficiency diseases and
80 g dm–3 are severely anaemic.
state their causes. (4)
i What percentage of the sample were
A study was carried out on the haemoglobin moderately and severely anaemic? (2)
content of the blood of 1400 adult men and
ii What are the dangers of anaemia? (3)
women. None of the women were known to
be pregnant. The results were recorded to the e A study of people with sickle cell anaemia in
nearest 0.1 g. The percentages of each group Nigeria showed that the mean concentration
are shown in Table 3. of haemoglobin was 79.3 g dm–3 and that
for a control group was 138.3 g dm–3.
Table 3
Explain why:
Concentration of haemoglobin/g dm–3 Percentage i it is important to include a control
40–49 0.5 group in studies like this (1)
50–59 1.0 ii treatment with iron supplements is
60–69 2.0 unlikely to improve the anaemia of
70–79 8.0 these people. (3)
80–89 12.0 Total 25 marks
90–99 13.0
100–109 23.0
110–119 18.0
120–129 11.5
130–139 6.0
140–149 2.5
150–159 1.5
160–169 1.0

Data from WHO

b i Present the data in Table 3 as a

histogram. (5)
ii Describe the pattern as shown by your
histogram. (3)
c Calculate the number of people in the
sample that have a concentration of
haemoglobin higher than 129 g dm–3.
Show your working. (3)

4 Screw-worm is a serious disease of livestock,
especially cattle. Figure 3 shows the number
of cases of screw-worm in the USA between
1962 and 1983.

Number of cases per year




1962 1967 1972 1977 1982
Figure 3

a Describe the pattern shown in the data. (3) 5 Figure 4 shows the changes in concentrations
b Screw-worm has been successfully of the hormones FSH, LH, oestrogen and
controlled in some parts of the world by progesterone during a menstrual cycle.
releasing sterile male flies. Explain why this
has been a successful control measure. (3)
Relative concentration of
hormones in the blood

Banana plants are sterile and are propagated

by taking suckers and planting them. This is
a form of vegetative or asexual reproduction.
The most common variety of banana grown
across the world is Cavendish. All plants of LH
this variety are highly susceptible to two FSH
diseases: Panama disease and black sigatoka. 1 10 20 28
c Explain Time/days
i the differences between sexual and
asexual reproduction (3) Progesterone
ii why all plants of the variety Cavendish Oestrogen
Relative concentration of
hormones in the blood

are susceptible to Panama disease and

black sigatoka. (2)
d Discuss the consequences of the spread of
diseases on major crops, such as banana.
Total 15 marks
1 10 20 28

Figure 4

a State where each of these four hormones
is secreted. (2)
b i Describe the changes in the
concentrations of FSH and LH during
the menstrual cycle. (2)
ii State the roles of FSH and LH in the
menstrual cycle. (3)
b i Describe the changes in the
concentrations of oestrogen and
progesterone during the menstrual
cycle. (4)
ii State the roles of oestrogen and
progesterone. (3)
c State what would happen to the
concentration of progesterone if fertilisation
had occurred during the menstrual cycle
shown in Figure 3. (1)
Total 15 marks

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