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Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 1 of 39



4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : Criminal Action No.

5 v. : TDC 15-0336

6 DAREN CONDREY, : Greenbelt, Maryland

7 Defendant. : Wednesday, June 17, 2015
8 __________________________/ 10:35 A.M.





Office of the United States Attorney
15 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland 20772


Marcus & Bonsib
18 6411 Ivy Lane, Suite 116
Greenbelt, Maryland 20770
19 301-441-3000






Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 2 of 39
1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S

2 THE DEPUTY CLERK: The matter now pending before this

3 Court, Criminal Action Number TDC 15-CR-0336, United States of

4 America versus Daren Condrey. We're here for the purpose of an

5 arraignment/guilty plea.

6 Counsel, please identify yourselves for the record.

7 MR. CESTARO: Christopher Cestaro, David Salem and

8 Ephraim Wernick on behalf of the United States, Your Honor.

9 We're also joined at counsel table by Special Agent David Gadren

10 with the Department of Energy.

11 And at this time, the government would like to unseal

12 this case, anything pertaining to this case, including the

13 Information.

14 THE COURT: Okay. I will grant the Motion to Unseal

15 all matters in this case that have been previously sealed.

16 And for the defense.

17 MR. BONSIB: Good morning, Your Honor. Robert Bonsib

18 on behalf of Daren Condrey who is present and ready to proceed

19 with the plea.

20 THE COURT: Good morning, Mr. Bonsib.

21 So, we are ready to proceed, it sounds like.

22 Now, just so I understand it, Mr. Cestaro, has the

23 defendant had an initial appearance on this charge or not? Is

24 there a complaint earlier?

25 MR. CESTARO: There was an earlier complaint. This

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1 charge was being charged by Information and there has not been

2 an initial appearance on this charge.

3 THE COURT: So, should we do that as part as this

4 proceeding?

5 MR. CESTARO: Yes, Your Honor.

6 THE COURT: So, we'll start then with some aspects of

7 the initial appearance.

8 Mr. Condrey, do you have a copy of the Information

9 that is the written document stating the charges against you?

10 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: Now, the United States Attorney is

12 charging you in an Information with the following crime;

13 conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and to

14 commit wire fraud in violation of 18 United States Code Section

15 371.

16 Mr. Cestaro, what is the maximum penalty for this

17 offense?

18 MR. CESTARO: The maximum term of imprisonment of five

19 years, supervised release of up to three years, a fine of not

20 more than $250,000 or twice the gain or loss associated with the

21 offense. And in addition, a special assessment of $100.

22 THE COURT: Okay. Do you understand the charge

23 against you, Mr. Cestaro? I'm sorry, Mr. Condrey.

24 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

25 THE COURT: Now, let me advise you of certain rights

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 4 of 39
1 you have under the Constitution. First, you the right to remain

2 silent. You are not required to make any statement or answer

3 any questions about these charges. If you do make a statement,

4 it can be used against you by the government in its case against

5 you in other proceedings. If you begin to make a statement, you

6 can stop at any time and decline to say anything further.

7 Do you understand your right to remain silent?

8 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: You also have the right to be represented

10 by counsel throughout this case. And if you cannot afford

11 counsel, you can request that counsel be appointed to represent

12 you. Do you understand that right?

13 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

14 THE COURT: And I understand you do have counsel with

15 you today, Mr. Bonsib; is that correct?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Now, because we're proceeding to an

18 arraignment and Rule 11 proceeding, I suggest we defer any

19 discussion of bail conditions until the end of the proceeding.

20 I understand there are already some conditions of release in

21 place?

22 MR. BONSIB: That's correct, Your Honor. He's been

23 under pre-trial supervision for a number of months.

24 THE COURT: So, with that, let's move on to the Rule

25 11 proceeding.
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 5 of 39
1 Mr. Condrey, I understand you're prepared to plead

2 guilty in this case and pleading guilty to a federal crime is a

3 serious step. It will mean you have been convicted a federal

4 crime and that you have been convicted without taking advantage

5 of your constitutional right to a trial by jury. So, in order

6 to accept your plea, I must be satisfied that your plea is being

7 made knowingly and voluntarily. And to do so, I will ask you a

8 series of questions and will listen carefully to your responses.

9 The first step is to have the clerk administer an oath

10 to you to ensure that you tell the truth.


12 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Thank you, sir. You may put your

13 hand down.

14 Will you please state your full name for the record?

15 THE DEFENDANT: Daren James Condrey.

16 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Thank you. You may be seated.

17 THE COURT: Okay. So, Mr. Condrey, do you understand

18 that you're now under oath and you must answer all questions

19 truthfully?

20 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Do you understand if you answer any of my

22 questions falsely, your answers may later be used against you in

23 another prosecution for perjury or making a false statement?

24 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

25 THE COURT: How old are you, sir?

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1 THE DEFENDANT: Forty-nine.

2 THE COURT: And where were you born?

3 THE DEFENDANT: Oahu, Hawaii.

4 THE COURT: And how far did you go in school?

5 THE DEFENDANT: Two years of college.

6 THE COURT: Have you been treated recently for any

7 mental illness or addiction to narcotic drugs of any kind?

8 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: Are you currently under the influence of

10 any drug, medication or alcoholic beverage of any kind?

11 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

12 THE COURT: Now, you are here today with your

13 attorney, Mr. Bonsib. Are you fully satisfied with your

14 attorney's representation, advice and counsel in this case?

15 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

16 THE COURT: Earlier I asked if you had received a copy

17 the Information; that is, the written charges made against you.

18 And the charge, as we indicated was, is conspiracy to violate

19 the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and to commit wire fraud in

20 violation of 18 United States Code Section 371.

21 Have you fully discussed this charge and the case in

22 general with your attorney?

23 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

24 THE COURT: Do you understand the charge against you?

25 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

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1 THE COURT: And so you fully understand, in order to

2 find you guilty of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt

3 Practices Act and wire fraud, the government would have to prove

4 the following elements or things at a trial. First, that you

5 and at least one other person entered into an unlawful

6 agreement. Second, that you knowingly and willfully became a

7 member of that agreement or conspiracy. Third, that at least

8 one member of the conspiracy knowingly committed at least one

9 overt act. And fourth, that that overt act was committed to

10 further some objective of the conspiracy. Do you understand

11 that those are the things the government would have to prove to

12 find you guilty in this case?

13 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

14 THE COURT: Do you have any questions about the charge

15 against you?

16 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Now, this charge has been brought through

18 a document called an Information. It has not been brought by an

19 Indictment, and I will explain the difference in a minute. I

20 have before me a signed Waiver of Indictment. Is that your

21 signature on this document?

22 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

23 THE COURT: Now, under the Constitution, you have a

24 constitutional right to be charged by an Indictment of the Grand

25 Jury. A Grand Jury is composed of 16 to 23 citizens from the

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1 community. And in order to obtain an Indictment, the government

2 must present evidence to the Grand Jury that would convince at

3 least 12 of the grand jurors to find that there was probable

4 cause to believe that you committed the crime.

5 The Grand Jury upon receiving this evidence might or

6 might not indict you. Do you understand that you have a right

7 to be charged only by an Indictment?

8 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: You can proceed without an Indictment if

10 you waive or give up your right to the Indictment. And if you

11 do so, the case proceeds against you without having been

12 presented to a Grand Jury based simply on an Information, this

13 document filed by the United States Attorney, just as though you

14 had been indicted. Do you agree to waive or give your right to

15 be charged only by Indictment?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: And have you discussed waiving your right

18 to Indictment by a Grand Jury with your attorney?

19 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

20 THE COURT: Has anyone made any threats against you to

21 cause you to waive your right to Indictment?

22 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

23 THE COURT: Other than what is in the Plea Agreement,

24 has anyone made any promises to you to cause you to waive your

25 right to Indictment?
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1 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

2 THE COURT: Mr. Bonsib, is there any reason the

3 defendant should not waive Indictment in this case?

4 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

5 THE COURT: So, I do find that the defendant as

6 knowingly and voluntarily waived his right to Indictment and

7 will accept the signed waiver.

8 Now, Mr. Condrey, if you plead guilty, you will be

9 giving up some important rights, which I'd like to go over with

10 you. First, under our system of justice, even though you have

11 been charged with a crime, you are innocent until proven guilty.

12 You are not required to plead guilty and you have a right

13 to plead not guilty and persist in that plea throughout the

14 case. But by pleading guilty, you would be giving up that

15 right. Do you understand that?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Under our Constitution, when you are

18 charged with a crime, you have the right to a trial by a jury.

19 So, if you do not plead guilty, we'll have a panel of citizens

20 come from Maryland to the courthouse and we'll select 12 jurors

21 to sit in the jury box in the courtroom here to hear your case.

22 You and your attorney would have the right to participate in the

23 jury selection process to assure the jurors selected are fair

24 and impartial.

25 In order for you to be found guilty, the jury would

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1 have to agree on a unanimous verdict of guilt. Meaning that all

2 12 would have to agree you are guilty. Do you understand that?

3 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

4 THE COURT: You also understand that if you do not

5 want to have a jury trial, the trial could be before a judge

6 only if you, the government and the Court all agree.

7 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

8 THE COURT: Now, at your trial, you would not be

9 required to prove anything. You would be presumed innocent and

10 you would not be found guilty unless the government proved your

11 guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And I would instruct the jury

12 that they are to presume that you are innocent and the

13 government has this burden of proving your guilt beyond a

14 reasonable doubt. Do you understand?

15 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

16 THE COURT: At your trial, you would have the right to

17 be represented by counsel. And if it became necessary, the

18 Court would appoint counsel to represent you at trial and every

19 other stage of the case. Do you understand that?

20 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Now, at trial you would have the right to

22 confront the witnesses against you. Meaning the witnesses would

23 have to come into the courtroom and sit in the witness box in

24 your presence and testify. And you would have the right to have

25 your attorney cross-examine the witnesses, to question them, to

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1 challenge their testimony.

2 You would also have the right to testify yourself and

3 to present other witnesses and evidence -- other witnesses and

4 evidence on your behalf. And if there are witnesses who would

5 be unwilling to come to testify on your behalf, the Court would

6 issue subpoenas to require them to come and testify. Do you

7 understand those rights?

8 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: On the other hand, if you do not want to

10 testify, you have an absolute right not to testify at the trial.

11 You're not required to present any evidence at all. And I would

12 instruct the jury that they are not allowed to draw any negative

13 inference; that is, they cannot hold it against you if you do

14 not testify or if you do not present any evidence. Do you

15 understand those rights?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Do you also understand that if you were

18 found guilty at a trial, you would have the right to appeal both

19 the verdict and the Court's decisions before and during the

20 trial to see if any errors were committed that would require a

21 new trial or dismissal of the charges. Do you understand your

22 right to appeal?

23 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

24 THE COURT: And so, do you understand that by entering

25 a plea of guilty, there will be no trial, you will be adjudged

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1 guilty at that time and you will have waived or given up your

2 right to a trial, as well as all the other rights associated

3 with a trial that I just mentioned?

4 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

5 THE COURT: Now, do you understand that if you were

6 adjudged guilty of a felony, it may also deprive you of valuable

7 civil rights, such as the right to vote, the right to serve on a

8 jury and the right to possess a firearm?

9 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

10 THE COURT: And I think you indicated having been born

11 Hawaii that you are a U.S. citizen; is that correct?

12 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: So, I won't go over the consequences for

14 non-citizens in this proceeding.

15 Now, I understand that you have entered into a Plea

16 Agreement with the government. It's dated June 1st and I have

17 it before me. Is this your signature on this document?

18 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Mr. Bonsib, did you convey all plea offers

20 by the government in this case to your client?

21 MR. BONSIB: I did, Your Honor.

22 THE COURT: Thank you.

23 Mr. Condrey, did you have an opportunity to read and

24 discuss the Plea Agreement with your attorney before you signed

25 it?
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1 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

2 THE COURT: Do you understand the terms of the Plea

3 Agreement?

4 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

5 THE COURT: Do you have any questions about it?

6 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

7 THE COURT: Now, if you look at paragraph 13 of the

8 Plea Agreement, it's entitled "Court Not a Party". And what

9 this paragraph indicates is that this is an agreement between

10 the United States Attorneys' office and you as negotiated by

11 your lawyer and the prosecutor. And so, the Court is not a

12 party to this Agreement, is not bound by any of its terms. So

13 the terms of the Plea Agreement are only recommendations to the

14 Court, which I could reject. And if I did so, you would not be

15 able to withdraw your guilty plea. Do you understand that?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Now, do you understand that in terms of

18 the potential sentence in this case, the Court; that is, I as

19 the Judge will impose a sentence upon you?

20 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Now, you've already -- we've already gone

22 over the maximum penalties in this case, five years of

23 imprisonment, fine of $250,000, three years supervised release

24 and a $100 special assessment. Do you understand that those are

25 the maximum penalties?

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1 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

2 THE COURT: And when I refer to supervised release,

3 what I mean is that there is a period that -- would constitute a

4 period of time after you have been released from any

5 imprisonment during which you would be required to follow

6 certain conditions imposed by the Court and violation of any of

7 those conditions could result in additional jail time. Do you

8 understand that?

9 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

10 THE COURT: And do you also understand when I

11 mentioned a special assessment, that is a legal requirement that

12 you pay $100 for every count of conviction?

13 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

14 THE COURT: Do you also understand that as part of

15 your sentence, the Court has the authority to order you to pay

16 restitution, which means that as part of the sentence you could

17 be required to pay back any victims of the crime for any losses

18 that they incurred?

19 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

20 THE COURT: Now, in determining your sentence, I will

21 consider the United States Sentencing Guidelines. These are a

22 set of guidelines established by the United States Sentencing

23 Commission under authority of Congress, which provide for an

24 advisory range for a sentence based on the specific crime and

25 conviction, specific factors relating to the offense, that

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1 reflect the seriousness of the offense and your criminal

2 history.

3 Have you discussed the sentencing guidelines with your

4 attorney and how they may apply in this case?

5 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

6 THE COURT: At this time, I'd ask Mr. Cestaro to

7 summarize the Plea Agreement terms as they relate to the

8 guidelines calculations and any commitments by either side as

9 they relate to a possible sentence, and also, the terms of the

10 Plea Agreement as they relate to forfeiture.

11 MR. CESTARO: Yes, Your Honor.

12 As outlined beginning in paragraph six of the

13 agreement, this office and the defendant understand, agree,

14 stipulate to the Statement of Facts set forth in Attachment A

15 hereto, which this office would prove beyond a reasonable doubt

16 and set forth the following agreed upon and disputed applicable

17 sentencing guideline factors.

18 The base offense level is 12. The offense level is

19 increased by two levels because there was more than one bribe.

20 The value the payment or benefit received or to be received will

21 be established at sentencing and the offense level will be

22 further increased.

23 The offense level will increase -- increase will not

24 be less than 16 levels, because the value of the payment is more

25 than $1 million. Further, the offense level will not be more

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1 than 24 levels because the value of the benefit received or to

2 be received will not be more than $100 million.

3 The adjusted offense level will be established at

4 sentencing, but will not be less than 30, nor greater than 38.

5 This office does not oppose a two-level reduction in the

6 defendant's adjusted offense level based upon the defendant's

7 recognition and affirmative acceptance of personal

8 responsibility for his criminal conduct.

9 This office agrees to make a motion pursuant to

10 Section 3E1.1 for an additional one level decrease in

11 recognition of the defendant's timely notification of his

12 intention to plead guilty.

13 This office may oppose any adjustment for acceptance

14 of responsibility if the defendant fails to admit each and every

15 item in the factual stipulation, denies involvement in the

16 offense, gives conflicting statements about his involvement, is

17 untruthful with the Court, this office or the United States

18 Probation Office; obstructs or attempts to obstruct justice

19 prior to sentencing, engage in any criminal conduct between the

20 date of the agreement and the date of sentencing or attempts to

21 withdraw his plea of guilty.

22 The final offense level will be established at

23 sentencing, but will be between 27 and 35.

24 The defendant understands that there is no agreement

25 as to his criminal history or criminal history category, and

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1 that his criminal history could alter the offense level if he is

2 a career offender or if the instant offense was part of a

3 pattern of criminal conduct from which he derived a substantial

4 portion of his income.

5 This office and defendant agree that with respect to

6 the calculation of the advisory guideline range, with the

7 exception of the establishment of the offense level increase,

8 for the value of the benefit received or to be received at

9 sentencing, no other offense characteristics, sentencing

10 guideline factors, potential departures or adjustments set forth

11 in the United States Sentencing Guidelines will be raised or are

12 in dispute.

13 At the time of sentencing, this office will recommend

14 a reasonable sentence.

15 THE COURT: Thank you.

16 Having heard that description of the agreement as they

17 relate to the guidelines calculations and any recommendations by

18 the government, do you understand the description outlined by

19 the prosecutor, Mr. Condrey?

20 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: And just to make sure that you understand

22 the key parts of that, if you look at the chart in front of you,

23 this is a table from the United States Sentencing Guidelines and

24 it lays out how a advisory sentence range is calculated that

25 would then be provided to the judge.

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1 The offense levels that Mr. Cestaro referenced are the

2 numbers in the far left column. And so, under the Plea

3 Agreement, you have agreed that the range of the offense level

4 be either 27 or 35, or somewhere in between. And so, the

5 numbers to the right of that column represent the advisory

6 sentencing range that the guidelines would contemplate based on

7 your criminal history.

8 The column one is if you have little or no criminal

9 history. Column six is if you have a significant criminal

10 history. But what this indicates, if you look, is that under 27

11 that even with little or no criminal history, the advisory range

12 for a sentence would be 70 to 87 months. And if the offense

13 level were as high as 35, it could be 168 to 210 months.

14 Now, recognizing again that the maximum penalty in

15 this case is 60 months, which is five years, but those are the

16 ranges that the guidelines would calculate. And if your

17 criminal history is higher, you can see the numbers would be

18 higher than that.

19 Do you understand that's how the guidelines would work

20 in this case based on the terms of the Plea Agreement?

21 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

22 THE COURT: Now, in determining a sentence, I will be

23 obligated to calculate the advisory sentencing guidelines range

24 myself in considering, reaching a sentence, but I may not agree

25 with the range recommended in the Plea Agreement by the parties.

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1 Do you understand that?

2 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

3 THE COURT: I also will not calculate that range

4 today. I will wait until I receive a Presentence Report

5 prepared by the U.S. Probation Office. And that report will

6 describe the offense and your criminal history, and provide

7 recommended calculations. You and your attorney will have the

8 opportunity to provide input into that report and raise

9 objections to the probation officer's facts and calculations.

10 Do you understand?

11 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

12 THE COURT: Now, as I indicate, I'm not bound to give

13 you a -- well, even once I calculate the guidelines range, I'm

14 not bound to give you a sentence within the guidelines range.

15 Within the guidelines are reasons by which I may be able to

16 depart from the guideline range; that is, to give you a sentence

17 higher, lower or within the guidelines range. Do you understand

18 that?

19 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

20 THE COURT: And in addition to that, I'm required to

21 consider certain factors in federal law with respect to

22 determining the sentence. Those factors include the nature and

23 circumstances of the offense; the history and characteristics of

24 the defendant; the need for the sentence to reflect the

25 seriousness of the offense, to promote respect for the law, to

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1 provide for just punishment, to afford adequate deterrence, to

2 protect the public from further crimes and to provide the

3 defendant with needed training, medical care or treatment in the

4 most effective manner.

5 Based on all of those factors, I could decide to

6 impose a sentence above, below or within the guidelines range so

7 long as it's at or below the maximum penalty. Do you understand

8 that?

9 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

10 THE COURT: The main point I'm trying to convey is

11 that the sentence ultimately imposed may be different from any

12 estimated sentence that the prosecutor or your attorney may have

13 given you. And if the sentence turns out to be different from

14 that, you would not be allowed to withdraw your guilty plea. Do

15 you understand that?

16 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: You also understand that there's no parole

18 in the federal criminal justice system and if you are sentenced

19 to prison, you will not be released on parole?

20 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Do you understand that under the terms of

22 the Plea Agreement, and this is, I believe, paragraph 11 of the

23 Plea Agreement, you have waived or given up your right to appeal

24 your conviction? That is, the right to appeal my decision to

25 accept your guilty plea.

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1 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

2 THE COURT: And do you also understand that under the

3 same provision, you are waiving or giving up your right to

4 appeal the sentence, unless it is higher than the advisory

5 guideline range under the government's calculation or this

6 offense level 35 as calculated in the Plea Agreement. Do you

7 understand that?

8 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: At this time, I'd like to move into a

10 sealed portion of the proceeding. Should we do that here at the

11 bench?

12 (Bench conference.)

13 It is the policy of this court that every guilty plea

14 and sentencing proceeding include a bench conference concerning

15 whether the defendant is or is not cooperating.

16 (Open court.)

17 THE COURT: We'll return back to the unsealed portion

18 of the proceedings.

19 Mr. Condrey, if you'll look at paragraph 19 of the

20 Plea Agreement entitled, "Entire Agreement", I'd like to ask you

21 whether this Agreement represents the full agreement or

22 understanding you have with the government?

23 MR. BONSIB: Sorry, Your Honor. What was the

24 reference?

25 THE COURT: Page 7, paragraph 14. I'm sorry.

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1 MR. BONSIB: All right.

2 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

3 THE COURT: Has anyone made any promises or assurances

4 that are not contained in the Plea Agreement to persuade you to

5 accept the Plea Agreement or to plead guilty in general?

6 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

7 THE COURT: Has anyone threatened you in any way to

8 persuade you to accept the Plea Agreement or plead guilty in

9 general?

10 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: Do you understand all the possible

12 consequences of the plea that I have described to you?

13 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

14 THE COURT: Now, in order to accept your guilty plea,

15 I need to be satisfied that there is an independent basis in

16 fact for the plea; that is, that you are, in fact, guilty of

17 this offense.

18 So, at this time, I'd like to ask Mr. Cestaro to

19 summarize the factual basis for the plea; that is, the facts the

20 government would prove at trial if this case were to proceed to

21 trial.

22 MR. CESTARO: Yes, Your Honor.

23 If this matter had proceeded to trial, the government

24 would have proven the following facts beyond a reasonable doubt.

25 The parties agree that the following facts do not encompass all
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1 of the facts that would have been proven if this matter

2 proceeded to trial.

3 Mr. Condrey was a citizen of the United States and a

4 resident of Maryland. Mr. Condrey was an owner and executive of

5 Transportation Corporation A from about August 1998 through

6 about October, 2014. Mr. Condrey was the co-president of

7 Transportation Corporation A from about January, 2010 to about

8 October, 2014. Thus, Mr. Condrey was a domestic concern and an

9 officer, employee and agent of a domestic concern as that term

10 is used in the FCPA.

11 Transportation Corporation A was a United States

12 company headquartered in Maryland and, thus, a domestic concern

13 as that term is used in the FCPA. Transportation Corporation A

14 was in the business of providing logistical support services for

15 the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the

16 United States and to foreign customers.

17 These foreign customers included JSC Techsnabexport,

18 which I will refer to as TENEX. TENEX supplied uranium and

19 uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies

20 throughout the world on behalf of the government of the Russian

21 Federation. TENEX was indirectly owned and controlled by, and

22 performed functions of the government of the Russian Federation

23 and thus was an agency and instrumentality of a foreign

24 government as those terms are used in the FCPA.

25 TENEX established a wholly-owned subsidiary company

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 24 of 39
1 located in the United States in about October, 2010. The name

2 of that corporation is TENAM Corporation. TENAM was TENEX's

3 official representative office in the United States. TENAM was

4 indirectly owned and controlled by, and performed functions of

5 the government of the Russian Federation and, thus, was an

6 agency and instrumentality of a foreign government as those

7 terms are used in the FCPA.

8 Foreign Official One, a national of the Russian

9 Federation was a director of TENEX from at least 2004 through

10 about October, 2010, and was the president of TENAM from in or

11 about October, 2010 through in or about October, 2014. Foreign

12 Official One is a foreign official as that term is used in the

13 FCPA. From in or about December, 2011 through in or about

14 October, 2014, Foreign Official One was a resident of Maryland.

15 Co-Conspirator One was an owner and executive of

16 Transportation Corporation A from about 1998 to about December,

17 2009, and a consultant to Transportation Corporation A from

18 about January, 2010 through about 2011.

19 Cylinder Corporation A was a company based in Ohio,

20 which engaged in the manufacture of tanks and vessels for the

21 oil and gas, nuclear and marine markets. Cylinder Corporation A

22 secured contracts with TENEX to supply storage and

23 transportation cylinders. In about September, 2012, Cylinder

24 Corporation A was acquired by another company headquartered in

25 Ohio, which I will refer to as the Ohio Corporation.

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 25 of 39
1 Between about 2004 through in or about 2014 in the

2 District of Maryland and elsewhere, Mr. Condrey knowingly

3 combined, conspired, confederated and agreed with others to

4 commit offenses against the United States. Namely, to violate

5 the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in violation of 15 U.S.C.

6 United States Code 78dd-2 and to commit wire fraud in violation

7 of 18 United States Code Section 1343, all in violation of Title

8 18 United States Code Section 371.

9 Specifically, Mr. Condrey and other co-conspirators,

10 including Co-Conspirator One, agreed to make payments and cause

11 Transportation Corporation A to make payments at the direction

12 of and for the benefit of Foreign Official One in order to

13 obtain or retain business with TENEX.

14 Further, in order to effectuate the bribery payments

15 to Foreign Official One, Mr. Condrey and other co-conspirators

16 obtained the money used to pay the bribes by inflating the

17 prices Transportation Corporation A charged TENEX for services

18 thereby depriving TENEX of money and property in violation of

19 Title 18 United States Code Section 1343.

20 In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the

21 objects of the conspiracy, Mr. Condrey and other co-conspirators

22 discussed making bribe payments with Foreign Official One in

23 person and via electronic mail. For example, on or about

24 October 30th, 2013, Mr. Condrey sent an e-mail to Foreign

25 Official One with the subject "LF" that attached the details of
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 26 of 39
1 the payment that was made in furtherance of the scheme. The

2 terms "LF", "Lucky Figure", "Cake" and "remuneration" were code

3 words used by Mr. Condrey and others to describe the bribe

4 payments that were promised and made to Foreign Official One.

5 In order to make the bribe payments to Foreign

6 Official One, Mr. Condrey and other co-conspirators caused

7 Transportation Corporation A to make payments to offshore bank

8 accounts at the direction of and for the benefit of Foreign

9 Official One, including a wire transfer in the amount of $77,896

10 from Transportation Corporation A's bank account in Maryland on

11 October 30th, 2013, to a bank located in Zurich, Switzerland.

12 Mr. Condrey knew it was wrong to make and agree to

13 make the bribe payments. Mr. Condrey also knew that the bribe

14 payments were made for the benefit of Foreign Official One, and

15 the payments were promised and made in order to influence

16 Foreign Official One in his official capacity and to secure an

17 improper advantage for Transportation Corporation A.

18 Further, as part of the conspiracy, Mr. Condrey and

19 other co-conspirators caused Transportation Corporation A to

20 increase the prices it charged TENEX by the amount of the bribe

21 payments promised to Foreign Official One.

22 Mr. Condrey and other co-conspirators sent and caused

23 Transportation Corporation A to send quotations and invoices to

24 TENEX that hid the cost of the bribe payments promised to

25 Foreign Official One within the total of Transportation

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 27 of 39
1 Corporation A's pricing. While keeping the bribe payments

2 hidden from TENEX, Mr. Condrey sent e-mails to Foreign Official

3 One regarding the amount of the bribe payments that were

4 promised and paid in furtherance of the scheme.

5 Mr. Condrey and others also caused Transportation

6 Corporation A to act as an intermediary for a payment Ohio

7 Corporation made for the benefit of Foreign Official One.

8 Specifically, on or about November 29th, 2013, Ohio Corporation

9 made a payment to Transportation Corporation A in the amount of

10 $30,900 with the understanding that Transportation Corporation A

11 would send the money to an account at the direction of Foreign

12 Official One.

13 Shortly afterwards, on or about December 16th, 2013,

14 Transportation Corporation A sent a wire transfer in the amount

15 of $57,713.42 from Transportation Corporation A's bank account

16 in Maryland to a bank account in Zurich, Switzerland that

17 included the payment Ohio Corporation made for the benefit of

18 Foreign Official One, minus a fee, in addition to a payment

19 Transportation Corporation A made to the benefit of Foreign

20 Official One.

21 From 2004 through 2014, Mr. Condrey and other

22 co-conspirators caused Transportation Corporation A to make

23 bribe payments for the benefit of Foreign Official One totaling

24 more than $1 million in association with the bribery scheme

25 involving Transportation Corporation A.

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 28 of 39
1 THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Cestaro.

2 Mr. Condrey, having heard the government's recitation

3 of the facts, do you agree with the government's factual

4 statement?

5 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

6 THE COURT: Did you do the things that the government

7 said that you did?

8 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: Are you pleading guilty because you are in

10 fact guilty?

11 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

12 THE COURT: Is there anything we discussed today that

13 you do not understand?

14 THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.

15 THE COURT: Mr. Cestaro, are there any other

16 provisions of the Plea Agreement or other issues we should

17 discuss with the defendant?

18 MR. CESTARO: No, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Mr. Bonsib, is there any reason that the

20 defendant should not -- we should not take the plea at this

21 time?

22 MR. BONSIB: No, Your Honor.

23 THE COURT: I'd ask the clerk now to take the plea.

24 And would the defendant please stand?

25 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Mr. Condrey, Judge Chuang has just

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 29 of 39
1 reviewed with you the charge contained within the Information.

2 Do you understand the charge placed against you?


4 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Mr. Bonsib, as counsel for the

5 defendant, are you satisfied that the defendant understands what

6 he has been charged with?

7 MR. BONSIB: I am.

8 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Mr. Condrey, you have been charged

9 in Count One of the Information. What is your plea as to Count

10 One, conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and

11 to commit wire fraud?


13 THE DEPUTY CLERK: I'm sorry, can you please --


15 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Thank you, sir.

16 The plea is guilty as to Count One, conspiracy to

17 violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and to commit wire

18 fraud of the Information; is this correct?


20 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Thank you, sir. You may be seated.

21 THE COURT: It is the finding of the Court, United

22 States versus Condrey, that the defendant is fully competent and

23 capable of entering an informed plea; that the defendant is

24 aware of the nature of the charge and the consequences of the

25 plea; and that the plea of guilty is a knowing and voluntary

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 30 of 39
1 plea supported by an independent bases, in fact, containing each

2 of the essential elements of the offense.

3 The plea is therefore accepted and the defendant is

4 now adjudged guilty of that offense in Count One of the

5 Information.

6 The next step, as I mentioned earlier, will be that

7 the United States Probation Office will prepare a written

8 Presentence Report to assist me in determining the appropriate

9 sentence. You will be asked to meet with the probation officer

10 to provide information for that report and your attorney may be

11 present during that meeting. You and your counsel will have the

12 opportunity to review the report and submit objections. And at

13 the sentencing hearing, you'll have the opportunity to make

14 statements to the Court as will your attorney and any victims of

15 the offense.

16 I believe we have agreed on a sentencing date of

17 November 2nd, 2015, at 10:30 a.m.; is that correct?

18 MR. BONSIB: Yes, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: And I believe the defendant is currently

20 out on conditions of release; is that correct?

21 MR. BONSIB: That's correct, Your Honor.

22 MR. CESTARO: Yes, Your Honor.

23 THE COURT: And is there any proposal to modify or

24 change or revoke those conditions at this time?

25 MR. BONSIB: I don't think so, Your Honor.

Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 31 of 39
1 MR. CESTARO: No, Your Honor.

2 THE COURT: So, we will continue with the current

3 conditions.

4 Mr. Condrey, I would just remind you again that it's

5 very important to abide by these conditions of release,

6 particularly now that you have pled guilty to this offense. If

7 there are any violations of any conditions, it is likely that

8 you will be detained pending sentencing, so. And also be aware

9 that a failure to appear at sentencing is a new criminal offense

10 and could lead to a separate term of imprisonment. Do you

11 understand that?

12 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: Is there anything else we should discuss

14 today?

15 MR. CESTARO: No, Your Honor.

16 MR. BONSIB: No, Your Honor. Thank you very much.

17 THE COURT: Thank you very much. See you in a few

18 months.

19 (Recess at 11:15 a.m.)






Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 32 of 39

2 I, Linda C. Marshall, certify that the foregoing is a

3 correct transcript from the record of proceedings in the

4 above-entitled matter.

7 /s/
8 Linda C. Marshall, RPR
Official Court Reporter
















Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 33 of 39 33

38 [1] 16/4 21/21 21/21 22/4 22/5 22/8 28/16

$ 3E1.1 [1] 16/10 agrees [1] 16/9
$1 [2] 15/25 27/24 AIDED [1] 1/24
$100 [4] 3/21 13/24 14/12 16/2 6 alcoholic [1] 6/10
$100 million [1] 16/2 60 [1] 18/15 all [12] 2/15 5/18 10/1 10/6 11/11 12/2
$250,000 [2] 3/20 13/23 6411 [1] 1/18 12/19 20/5 22/1 22/11 22/25 25/7
$30,900 [1] 27/10 6500 [1] 1/15 allowed [2] 11/12 20/14
$57,713.42 [1] 27/15 already [3] 4/20 13/21 13/21
$77,896 [1] 26/9 7 also [15] 2/9 4/9 10/4 11/2 11/17 12/6
70 [1] 18/12 14/10 14/14 15/9 19/3 20/17 21/2 26/13
/ 78dd-2 [1] 25/6 27/5 31/8
/s [1] 32/7 alter [1] 17/1
8 am [1] 29/7
0 87 [1] 18/12 AMERICA [2] 1/4 2/4
0336 [2] 1/5 2/3 amount [5] 26/9 26/20 27/3 27/9 27/14
A another [2] 5/23 24/24
1 A's [3] 26/10 27/1 27/15 answer [3] 4/2 5/18 5/21
10:30 a.m [1] 30/17 a.m [3] 1/8 30/17 31/19 answers [1] 5/22
10:35 [1] 1/8 abide [1] 31/5 any [36]
11 [3] 4/18 4/25 20/22 able [2] 13/15 19/15 anyone [4] 8/20 8/24 22/3 22/7
116 [1] 1/18 about [24] 4/3 7/14 13/5 16/16 23/5 23/6 anything [5] 2/12 4/6 10/9 28/12 31/13
11:15 a.m [1] 31/19 23/7 23/7 24/1 24/10 24/11 24/11 24/13 appeal [5] 11/18 11/22 20/23 20/24 21/4
12 [4] 8/3 9/20 10/2 15/18 24/13 24/16 24/16 24/18 24/18 24/23 appear [1] 31/9
13 [1] 13/7 25/1 25/1 25/23 27/8 27/13 appearance [3] 2/23 3/2 3/7
1343 [2] 25/7 25/19 above [2] 20/6 32/4 APPEARANCES [1] 1/12
14 [1] 21/25 above-entitled [1] 32/4 applicable [1] 15/16
15 [1] 25/5 absolute [1] 11/10 apply [1] 15/4
15-0336 [1] 1/5 accept [6] 5/6 9/7 20/25 22/5 22/8 22/14 appoint [1] 10/18
15-CR-0336 [1] 2/3 acceptance [2] 16/7 16/13 appointed [1] 4/11
16 [2] 7/25 15/24 accepted [1] 30/3 appropriate [1] 30/8
168 [1] 18/13 account [4] 26/10 27/11 27/15 27/16 are [36]
16th [1] 27/13 accounts [1] 26/8 arraignment [3] 1/10 2/5 4/18
17 [1] 1/7 acquired [1] 24/24 arraignment/guilty [2] 1/10 2/5
18 [5] 3/14 6/20 25/7 25/8 25/19 act [9] 3/13 6/19 7/3 7/9 7/9 25/5 27/6 as [37]
19 [1] 21/19 29/10 29/17 ask [5] 5/7 15/6 21/20 22/18 28/23
1998 [2] 23/5 24/16 Action [2] 1/4 2/3 asked [2] 6/16 30/9
1st [1] 12/16 addiction [1] 6/7 aspects [1] 3/6
addition [3] 3/21 19/20 27/18 assessment [3] 3/21 13/24 14/11
2 additional [2] 14/7 16/10 assist [1] 30/8
200 [1] 1/15 adequate [1] 20/1 associated [2] 3/20 12/2
2004 [3] 24/9 25/1 27/21 adjudged [3] 11/25 12/6 30/4 association [1] 27/24
2009 [1] 24/17 adjusted [2] 16/3 16/6 assurances [1] 22/3
2010 [5] 23/7 24/1 24/10 24/11 24/18 adjustment [1] 16/13 assure [1] 9/23
2011 [2] 24/13 24/18 adjustments [1] 17/10 at [40]
2012 [1] 24/23 administer [1] 5/9 attached [1] 25/25
2013 [4] 25/24 26/11 27/8 27/13 admit [1] 16/14 Attachment [1] 15/14
2014 [6] 23/6 23/8 24/11 24/14 25/1 advantage [2] 5/4 26/17 attempts [2] 16/18 16/20
27/21 advice [1] 6/14 attorney [14] 1/14 3/11 6/13 6/22 8/13
2015 [2] 1/7 30/17 advise [1] 3/25 8/18 9/22 10/25 12/24 15/4 19/7 20/12
20770 [1] 1/18 advisory [7] 14/24 17/6 17/24 18/5 18/11 30/10 30/14
20772 [1] 1/15 18/23 21/4 attorney's [1] 6/14
210 [1] 18/13 affirmative [1] 16/7 Attorneys' [1] 13/10
23 [1] 7/25 afford [2] 4/10 20/1 August [1] 23/5
24 [1] 16/1 after [1] 14/4 August 1998 [1] 23/5
27 [3] 16/23 18/4 18/10 afterwards [1] 27/13 authority [2] 14/15 14/23
29th [1] 27/8 again [2] 18/14 31/4 aware [2] 29/24 31/8
2nd [1] 30/17 against [14] 3/9 3/23 4/4 4/4 5/22 6/17
6/24 7/15 8/11 8/20 10/22 11/13 25/4 B
3 29/2 back [2] 14/17 21/17
30 [1] 16/4 agency [2] 23/23 24/6 bail [1] 4/19
3000 [1] 1/19 agent [2] 2/9 23/9 bank [5] 26/7 26/10 26/11 27/15 27/16
301 [1] 1/23 agree [10] 8/14 10/1 10/2 10/6 15/13 base [1] 15/18
301-441-3000 [1] 1/19 17/5 18/24 22/25 26/12 28/3 based [7] 8/12 14/24 16/6 18/6 18/20
30th [2] 25/24 26/11 agreed [5] 15/16 18/3 25/3 25/10 30/16 20/5 24/19
3229 [1] 1/23 agreement [30] 7/6 7/7 8/23 12/16 12/24 bases [1] 30/1
344-3229 [1] 1/23 13/3 13/8 13/9 13/12 13/13 15/7 15/10 basis [2] 22/15 22/19
35 [4] 16/23 18/4 18/13 21/6 15/13 16/20 16/24 17/16 18/3 18/20 be [54]
371 [3] 3/15 6/20 25/8 18/25 20/22 20/23 21/6 21/20 21/20 became [2] 7/6 10/17
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 34 of 39 34

25/17 26/20 29/6 29/8 controlled [2] 23/21 24/4

B charges [4] 3/9 4/3 6/17 11/21 convey [2] 12/19 20/10
because [5] 4/17 15/19 15/24 16/1 28/9 charging [1] 3/12 convicted [2] 5/3 5/4
been [16] 2/15 3/1 4/22 5/3 5/4 6/6 7/17 chart [1] 17/22 conviction [3] 14/12 14/25 20/24
7/18 8/11 8/14 9/11 12/10 14/4 23/1 Cherrywood [1] 1/15 convince [1] 8/2
29/6 29/8 CHRISTOPER [1] 1/13 cooperating [1] 21/15
before [7] 1/10 2/2 7/20 10/5 11/19 Christopher [1] 2/7 copy [2] 3/8 6/16
12/17 12/24 CHUANG [2] 1/10 28/25 corporation [31] 23/5 23/7 23/11 23/13
begin [1] 4/5 circumstances [1] 19/23 24/2 24/2 24/16 24/17 24/19 24/21
beginning [1] 15/12 citizen [2] 12/11 23/3 24/24 24/25 25/11 25/17 26/7 26/10
behalf [5] 2/8 2/18 11/4 11/5 23/20 citizens [3] 7/25 9/19 12/14 26/17 26/19 26/23 27/1 27/6 27/7 27/8
being [2] 3/1 5/6 civil [1] 12/7 27/9 27/10 27/14 27/15 27/17 27/19
believe [4] 8/4 20/22 30/16 30/19 clerk [2] 5/9 28/23 27/22 27/25
below [2] 20/6 20/7 client [1] 12/20 correct [8] 4/15 4/22 12/11 29/18 30/17
bench [3] 21/11 21/12 21/14 co [10] 23/6 24/15 25/9 25/10 25/15 30/20 30/21 32/3
benefit [10] 15/20 16/1 17/8 25/12 26/8 25/21 26/6 26/19 26/22 27/22 Corrupt [6] 3/13 6/19 7/2 25/5 29/10
26/14 27/7 27/17 27/19 27/23 Co-Conspirator [2] 24/15 25/10 29/17
between [5] 13/9 16/19 16/23 18/4 25/1 co-conspirators [7] 25/9 25/15 25/21 cost [1] 26/24
beverage [1] 6/10 26/6 26/19 26/22 27/22 could [8] 10/5 13/14 14/7 14/16 17/1
beyond [4] 10/11 10/13 15/15 22/24 co-president [1] 23/6 18/13 20/5 31/10
BONSIB [10] 1/17 1/17 2/17 2/20 4/15 code [7] 3/14 6/20 25/6 25/7 25/8 25/19 counsel [11] 2/6 2/9 4/10 4/11 4/11 4/14
6/13 9/2 12/19 28/19 29/4 26/2 6/14 10/17 10/18 29/4 30/11
born [2] 6/2 12/10 college [1] 6/5 count [5] 14/12 29/9 29/9 29/16 30/4
both [1] 11/18 column [4] 18/2 18/5 18/8 18/9 court [19] 1/1 1/23 2/3 10/6 10/18 11/5
bound [3] 13/12 19/12 19/14 combined [1] 25/3 13/8 13/11 13/14 13/18 14/6 14/15
box [2] 9/21 10/23 come [4] 9/20 10/23 11/5 11/6 16/17 21/13 21/16 29/21 30/14 32/1
bribe [11] 15/19 25/22 26/3 26/5 26/13 Commission [1] 14/23 32/8
26/13 26/20 26/24 27/1 27/3 27/23 commit [6] 3/14 6/19 25/4 25/6 29/11 Court's [1] 11/19
bribery [2] 25/14 27/24 29/17 courthouse [1] 9/20
bribes [1] 25/16 commitments [1] 15/8 courtroom [2] 9/21 10/23
brought [2] 7/17 7/18 committed [4] 7/8 7/9 8/4 11/20 CR [1] 2/3
burden [1] 10/13 community [1] 8/1 crime [8] 3/12 5/2 5/4 8/4 9/11 9/18
business [2] 23/14 25/13 companies [1] 23/19 14/17 14/24
but [6] 9/14 16/4 16/23 18/10 18/15 company [4] 23/12 23/25 24/19 24/24 crimes [1] 20/2
18/24 competent [1] 29/22 criminal [17] 1/4 2/3 15/1 16/8 16/19
complaint [2] 2/24 2/25 16/25 16/25 17/1 17/3 18/7 18/8 18/9
C composed [1] 7/25 18/11 18/17 19/6 20/18 31/9
Cake [1] 26/2 COMPUTER [1] 1/24 cross [1] 10/25
calculate [4] 18/16 18/23 19/3 19/13 COMPUTER-AIDED [1] 1/24 cross-examine [1] 10/25
calculated [2] 17/24 21/6 concern [3] 23/8 23/9 23/12 current [1] 31/2
calculation [2] 17/6 21/5 concerning [1] 21/14 currently [2] 6/9 30/19
calculations [4] 15/8 17/17 19/7 19/9 conditions [9] 4/19 4/20 14/6 14/7 30/20 customers [3] 23/15 23/16 23/17
called [1] 7/18 30/24 31/3 31/5 31/7 Cylinder [3] 24/19 24/21 24/23
can [6] 4/4 4/6 4/11 8/9 18/17 29/13 CONDREY [36] cylinders [1] 24/23
cannot [2] 4/10 11/13 conduct [3] 16/8 16/19 17/3
capable [1] 29/23 confederated [1] 25/3 D
capacity [1] 26/16 conference [2] 21/12 21/14 DAREN [5] 1/6 2/4 2/18 5/11 5/15
care [1] 20/3 conflicting [1] 16/16 date [3] 16/20 16/20 30/16
career [1] 17/2 confront [1] 10/22 dated [1] 12/16
carefully [1] 5/8 Congress [1] 14/23 DAVID [3] 1/13 2/7 2/9
case [21] 2/12 2/12 2/15 4/4 4/10 5/2 consequences [3] 12/13 22/12 29/24 December [3] 24/13 24/16 27/13
6/14 6/21 7/12 8/11 9/3 9/14 9/21 10/19 consider [2] 14/21 19/21 December 16th [1] 27/13
12/20 13/18 13/22 15/4 18/15 18/20 considering [1] 18/24 decide [1] 20/5
22/20 conspiracy [11] 3/13 6/18 7/2 7/7 7/8 decision [1] 20/24
category [1] 16/25 7/10 25/20 25/21 26/18 29/10 29/16 decisions [1] 11/19
cause [4] 8/4 8/21 8/24 25/10 Conspirator [2] 24/15 25/10 decline [1] 4/6
caused [5] 26/6 26/19 26/22 27/5 27/22 conspirators [7] 25/9 25/15 25/21 26/6 decrease [1] 16/10
certain [3] 3/25 14/6 19/21 26/19 26/22 27/22 defendant [22] 1/7 1/17 2/23 5/11 9/3
CERTIFICATE [1] 32/1 conspired [1] 25/3 9/5 15/13 16/14 16/24 17/5 19/24 20/3
certify [1] 32/2 constitute [1] 14/3 21/15 28/17 28/20 28/24 29/5 29/5
CESTARO [10] 1/13 2/7 2/22 3/16 3/23 Constitution [3] 4/1 7/23 9/17 29/22 29/23 30/3 30/19
15/6 18/1 22/18 28/1 28/15 constitutional [2] 5/5 7/24 defendant's [3] 16/6 16/6 16/11
challenge [1] 11/1 consultant [1] 24/17 defense [1] 2/16
change [1] 30/24 contained [2] 22/4 29/1 defer [1] 4/18
characteristics [2] 17/9 19/23 containing [1] 30/1 denies [1] 16/15
charge [12] 2/23 3/1 3/2 3/22 6/18 6/21 contemplate [1] 18/6 depart [1] 19/16
6/24 7/14 7/17 29/1 29/2 29/24 continue [1] 31/2 Department [1] 2/10
charged [10] 3/1 7/24 8/7 8/15 9/11 9/18 contracts [1] 24/22 departures [1] 17/10
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 35 of 39 35

established [5] 14/22 15/21 16/3 16/22 gas [1] 24/21

D 23/25 general [3] 6/22 22/5 22/9
deprive [1] 12/6 establishment [1] 17/7 give [5] 8/10 8/14 19/12 19/14 19/16
depriving [1] 25/18 estimated [1] 20/12 given [3] 12/1 20/13 20/23
derived [1] 17/3 even [3] 9/10 18/11 19/13 gives [1] 16/16
describe [2] 19/6 26/3 every [4] 10/18 14/12 16/14 21/13 giving [3] 9/9 9/14 21/3
described [1] 22/12 evidence [6] 8/2 8/5 11/3 11/4 11/11 go [3] 6/4 9/9 12/13
description [2] 17/16 17/18 11/14 gone [1] 13/21
details [1] 25/25 examine [1] 10/25 Good [2] 2/17 2/20
detained [1] 31/8 example [1] 25/23 government [21] 1/13 2/11 4/4 7/3 7/11
determining [4] 14/20 18/22 19/22 30/8 exception [1] 17/7 8/1 10/6 10/10 10/13 12/16 12/20 17/18
deterrence [1] 20/1 executive [2] 23/4 24/15 21/22 22/20 22/23 23/20 23/22 23/24
did [7] 6/4 12/19 12/21 12/23 13/14 28/6 explain [1] 7/19 24/5 24/6 28/6
28/7 government's [3] 21/5 28/2 28/3
difference [1] 7/19 F grand [7] 7/24 7/25 8/2 8/3 8/5 8/12 8/18
different [2] 20/11 20/13 fact [4] 22/16 22/16 28/10 30/1 grant [1] 2/14
direction [3] 25/11 26/8 27/11 factors [6] 14/25 15/17 17/10 19/21 greater [1] 16/4
director [1] 24/9 19/22 20/5 Greenbelt [3] 1/6 1/15 1/18
discuss [3] 12/24 28/17 31/13 facts [7] 15/14 19/9 22/19 22/24 22/25 guideline [5] 15/17 17/6 17/10 19/16
discussed [5] 6/21 8/17 15/3 25/22 23/1 28/3 21/5
28/12 factual [3] 16/15 22/19 28/3 guidelines [16] 14/21 14/22 15/3 15/8
discussion [1] 4/19 fails [1] 16/14 17/11 17/17 17/23 18/6 18/16 18/19
dismissal [1] 11/21 failure [1] 31/9 18/23 19/13 19/14 19/15 19/17 20/6
dispute [1] 17/12 fair [1] 9/23 guilt [3] 10/1 10/11 10/13
disputed [1] 15/16 false [1] 5/23 guilty [37]
DISTRICT [4] 1/1 1/1 1/11 25/2 falsely [1] 5/22
DIVISION [1] 1/2 far [2] 6/4 18/2 H
do [58] FCPA [5] 23/10 23/13 23/24 24/7 24/13 had [4] 2/23 6/16 8/14 22/23
document [5] 3/9 7/18 7/21 8/13 12/17 federal [4] 5/2 5/3 19/21 20/18 hand [2] 5/13 11/9
does [1] 16/5 Federation [4] 23/21 23/22 24/5 24/9 has [12] 2/22 3/1 7/17 7/18 8/20 8/24
domestic [3] 23/8 23/9 23/12 fee [1] 27/18 10/13 14/15 22/3 22/7 28/25 29/6
don't [1] 30/25 felony [1] 12/6 have [55]
doubt [4] 10/11 10/14 15/15 22/24 few [1] 31/17 having [4] 8/11 12/10 17/16 28/2
down [1] 5/13 Figure [1] 26/2 Hawaii [2] 6/3 12/11
draw [1] 11/12 filed [1] 8/13 he [3] 17/1 17/3 29/6
drug [1] 6/10 final [1] 16/22 He's [1] 4/22
drugs [1] 6/7 find [4] 7/2 7/12 8/3 9/5 headquartered [2] 23/12 24/24
during [3] 11/19 14/5 30/11 finding [1] 29/21 hear [1] 9/21
fine [2] 3/19 13/23 heard [2] 17/16 28/2
E firearm [1] 12/8 hearing [1] 30/13
e-mail [1] 25/24 first [4] 4/1 5/9 7/4 9/10 here [4] 2/4 6/12 9/21 21/10
e-mails [1] 27/2 five [3] 3/18 13/22 18/15 hereto [1] 15/15
each [2] 16/14 30/1 follow [1] 14/5 hid [1] 26/24
earlier [4] 2/24 2/25 6/16 30/6 following [5] 3/12 7/4 15/16 22/24 22/25 hidden [1] 27/2
effect [1] 25/20 foregoing [1] 32/2 high [1] 18/13
effective [1] 20/4 foreign [31] 3/13 6/19 7/2 23/16 23/17 higher [4] 18/17 18/18 19/17 21/4
effectuate [1] 25/14 23/23 24/6 24/8 24/11 24/12 24/14 25/5 his [9] 9/6 16/8 16/11 16/16 16/21 16/25
either [2] 15/8 18/4 25/12 25/15 25/22 25/24 26/4 26/5 26/8 17/1 17/4 26/16
electronic [1] 25/23 26/14 26/16 26/21 26/25 27/2 27/7 history [11] 15/2 16/25 16/25 17/1 18/7
elements [2] 7/4 30/2 27/11 27/18 27/19 27/23 29/10 29/17 18/9 18/10 18/11 18/17 19/6 19/23
else [1] 31/13 forfeiture [1] 15/10 hold [1] 11/13
elsewhere [1] 25/2 forth [3] 15/14 15/16 17/10 Honor [79]
employee [1] 23/9 Forty [1] 6/1 HONORABLE [1] 1/10
encompass [1] 22/25 Forty-nine [1] 6/1 how [5] 5/25 6/4 15/4 17/24 18/19
end [1] 4/19 found [3] 9/25 10/10 11/18
Energy [1] 2/10 fourth [1] 7/9 I
engage [1] 16/19 fraud [6] 3/14 6/19 7/3 25/6 29/11 29/18 I'd [6] 9/9 15/6 21/9 21/20 22/18 28/23
engaged [1] 24/20 front [1] 17/22 I'm [7] 3/23 19/12 19/13 19/20 20/10
enrichment [1] 23/19 full [2] 5/14 21/21 21/25 29/13
ensure [1] 5/10 fully [4] 6/13 6/21 7/1 29/22 identify [1] 2/6
entered [2] 7/5 12/15 functions [2] 23/22 24/4 if [37]
entering [2] 11/24 29/23 further [7] 4/6 7/10 15/22 15/25 20/2 illness [1] 6/7
Entire [1] 21/20 25/14 26/18 impartial [1] 9/24
entitled [3] 13/8 21/20 32/4 furtherance [3] 25/20 26/1 27/4 important [2] 9/9 31/5
EPHRAIM [2] 1/14 2/8 impose [2] 13/19 20/6
errors [1] 11/20 G imposed [2] 14/6 20/11
Esquire [4] 1/13 1/13 1/14 1/17 Gadren [1] 2/9 imprisonment [4] 3/18 13/23 14/5 31/10
essential [1] 30/2 gain [1] 3/20 improper [1] 26/17
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 36 of 39 36

key [1] 17/22 medication [1] 6/10

I kind [2] 6/7 6/10 meet [1] 30/9
in [114] knew [2] 26/12 26/13 meeting [1] 30/11
include [2] 19/22 21/14 knowing [1] 29/25 member [2] 7/7 7/8
included [2] 23/17 27/17 knowingly [5] 5/7 7/6 7/8 9/6 25/2 mental [1] 6/7
including [3] 2/12 25/10 26/9 mentioned [3] 12/3 14/11 30/6
income [1] 17/4 L might [2] 8/5 8/6
increase [4] 15/23 15/23 17/7 26/20 Lane [2] 1/15 1/18 million [3] 15/25 16/2 27/24
increased [2] 15/19 15/22 later [1] 5/22 minus [1] 27/18
incurred [1] 14/18 law [2] 19/21 19/25 minute [1] 7/19
independent [2] 22/15 30/1 lawyer [1] 13/11 modify [1] 30/23
indicate [1] 19/12 lays [1] 17/24 money [3] 25/16 25/18 27/11
indicated [2] 6/18 12/10 lead [1] 31/10 months [5] 4/23 18/12 18/13 18/15
indicates [2] 13/9 18/10 least [5] 7/5 7/7 7/8 8/3 24/9 31/18
indict [1] 8/6 left [1] 18/2 more [6] 3/20 15/19 15/24 15/25 16/2
indicted [1] 8/14 legal [1] 14/11 27/24
Indictment [13] 7/19 7/20 7/24 8/1 8/7 less [2] 15/24 16/4 morning [2] 2/17 2/20
8/9 8/10 8/15 8/18 8/21 8/25 9/3 9/6 let [1] 3/25 most [1] 20/4
indirectly [2] 23/21 24/4 let's [1] 4/24 motion [2] 2/14 16/9
inference [1] 11/13 level [15] 15/18 15/18 15/21 15/23 15/25 move [2] 4/24 21/9
inflating [1] 25/16 16/3 16/5 16/6 16/10 16/22 17/1 17/7 Mr [42]
influence [2] 6/9 26/15 18/3 18/13 21/6 Mr. [3] 18/1 23/3 25/9
information [12] 2/13 3/1 3/8 3/12 6/17 levels [4] 15/19 15/24 16/1 18/1 Mr. Cestaro [1] 18/1
7/18 8/12 29/1 29/9 29/18 30/5 30/10 LF [2] 25/25 26/2 Mr. Condrey [2] 23/3 25/9
informed [1] 29/23 like [6] 2/11 2/21 9/9 21/9 21/20 22/18 much [2] 31/16 31/17
initial [3] 2/23 3/2 3/7 likely [1] 31/7 must [3] 5/6 5/18 8/2
innocent [3] 9/11 10/9 10/12 LINDA [3] 1/23 32/2 32/8 my [2] 5/21 20/24
input [1] 19/8 listen [1] 5/8 myself [1] 18/24
instant [1] 17/2 little [2] 18/8 18/11
instruct [2] 10/11 11/12 located [2] 24/1 26/11 N
instrumentality [2] 23/23 24/6 logistical [1] 23/14 name [2] 5/14 24/1
intention [1] 16/12 long [1] 20/7 Namely [1] 25/4
intermediary [1] 27/6 look [4] 13/7 17/22 18/10 21/19 narcotic [1] 6/7
into [5] 7/5 10/23 12/15 19/8 21/9 loss [1] 3/20 national [1] 24/8
invoices [1] 26/23 losses [1] 14/17 nature [2] 19/22 29/24
involvement [2] 16/15 16/16 lower [1] 19/17 necessary [1] 10/17
involving [1] 27/25 Lucky [1] 26/2 need [2] 19/24 22/15
is [75] needed [1] 20/3
issue [1] 11/6 M negative [1] 11/12
issues [1] 28/16 made [13] 5/7 6/17 8/20 8/24 22/3 26/1 negotiated [1] 13/10
it [19] 2/21 2/22 4/4 5/3 7/18 10/17 26/4 26/14 26/15 27/7 27/9 27/17 27/19 new [2] 11/21 31/9
11/13 12/6 12/17 12/25 13/5 17/24 mail [2] 25/23 25/24 next [1] 30/6
18/13 21/4 21/13 26/12 26/20 29/21 mails [1] 27/2 nine [1] 6/1
31/7 main [1] 20/10 no [22] 1/4 6/8 6/11 7/16 8/22 9/1 9/4
it's [4] 12/16 13/8 20/7 31/4 make [13] 4/2 4/3 4/5 16/9 17/21 25/10 11/25 13/6 16/24 17/9 18/8 18/11 20/17
item [1] 16/15 25/11 26/5 26/7 26/12 26/13 27/22 22/6 22/10 28/14 28/18 28/22 31/1
its [2] 4/4 13/12 30/13 31/15 31/16
Ivy [1] 1/18 making [2] 5/23 25/22 non [1] 12/14
manner [1] 20/4 non-citizens [1] 12/14
J manufacture [1] 24/20 nor [1] 16/4
jail [1] 14/7 Marcus [1] 1/17 not [40]
James [1] 5/15 marine [1] 24/21 NOTES [1] 1/24
January [2] 23/7 24/18 markets [1] 24/21 notification [1] 16/11
joined [1] 2/9 MARSHALL [3] 1/23 32/2 32/8 November [2] 27/8 30/17
JSC [1] 23/17 MARYLAND [11] 1/1 1/6 1/15 1/18 9/20 November 29th [1] 27/8
judge [5] 1/11 10/5 13/19 17/25 28/25 23/4 23/12 24/14 25/2 26/10 27/16 November 2nd [1] 30/17
June [2] 1/7 12/16 materials [1] 23/15 now [25] 2/2 2/22 3/11 3/25 4/17 5/18
June 1st [1] 12/16 matter [4] 2/2 22/23 23/1 32/4 6/12 7/17 7/23 9/8 10/8 10/21 12/5
jurors [3] 8/3 9/20 9/23 matters [1] 2/15 12/15 13/7 13/17 13/21 14/20 18/14
jury [15] 5/5 7/25 7/25 8/2 8/5 8/12 8/18 maximum [6] 3/16 3/18 13/22 13/25 18/22 19/12 22/14 28/23 30/4 31/6
9/18 9/21 9/23 9/25 10/5 10/11 11/12 18/14 20/7 nuclear [3] 23/15 23/19 24/21
12/8 may [12] 5/12 5/16 5/22 12/6 15/4 16/13 number [2] 2/3 4/23
just [7] 2/22 8/13 12/3 17/21 20/1 28/25 18/24 19/15 20/11 20/12 29/20 30/10 numbers [3] 18/2 18/5 18/17
31/4 me [4] 3/25 7/20 12/17 30/8
justice [3] 9/10 16/18 20/18 mean [2] 5/3 14/3 O
Meaning [2] 10/1 10/22 Oahu [1] 6/3
K means [1] 14/16 oath [2] 5/9 5/18
keeping [1] 27/1 medical [1] 20/3 objections [2] 19/9 30/12
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 37 of 39 37

Page [1] 21/25 proceeding [8] 3/4 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/25
O paid [1] 27/4 12/14 21/10 21/14
objective [1] 7/10 panel [1] 9/19 proceedings [4] 1/10 4/5 21/18 32/3
objects [1] 25/21 paragraph [6] 13/7 13/9 15/12 20/22 proceeds [1] 8/11
obligated [1] 18/23 21/19 21/25 process [1] 9/23
obstruct [1] 16/18 parole [2] 20/17 20/19 promised [5] 26/4 26/15 26/21 26/24
obstructs [1] 16/18 part [5] 3/3 14/14 14/16 17/2 26/18 27/4
obtain [2] 8/1 25/13 participate [1] 9/22 promises [2] 8/24 22/3
obtained [1] 25/16 particularly [1] 31/6 promote [1] 19/25
October [9] 23/6 23/8 24/1 24/10 24/11 parties [2] 18/25 22/25 property [1] 25/18
24/11 24/14 25/24 26/11 parts [1] 17/22 proposal [1] 30/23
October 30th [2] 25/24 26/11 party [2] 13/8 13/12 prosecution [1] 5/23
offender [1] 17/2 pattern [1] 17/3 prosecutor [3] 13/11 17/19 20/12
offense [30] 3/17 3/21 14/25 15/1 15/18 pay [4] 14/12 14/15 14/17 25/16 protect [1] 20/2
15/18 15/21 15/23 15/25 16/3 16/6 payment [7] 15/20 15/24 26/1 27/6 27/9 prove [5] 7/3 7/11 10/9 15/15 22/20
16/16 16/22 17/1 17/2 17/7 17/9 18/1 27/17 27/18 proved [1] 10/10
18/3 18/12 19/6 19/23 19/25 21/6 22/17 payments [15] 25/10 25/11 25/14 25/22 proven [3] 9/11 22/24 23/1
30/2 30/4 30/15 31/6 31/9 26/4 26/5 26/7 26/13 26/14 26/15 26/21 provide [6] 14/23 19/6 19/8 20/1 20/2
offenses [1] 25/4 26/24 27/1 27/3 27/23 30/10
offers [1] 12/19 penalties [2] 13/22 13/25 provided [1] 17/25
office [14] 1/14 13/10 15/13 15/15 16/5 penalty [3] 3/16 18/14 20/7 providing [1] 23/14
16/9 16/13 16/17 16/18 17/5 17/13 19/5 pending [2] 2/2 31/8 proving [1] 10/13
24/3 30/7 performed [2] 23/22 24/4 provision [1] 21/3
officer [2] 23/9 30/9 period [2] 14/3 14/4 provisions [1] 28/16
officer's [1] 19/9 perjury [1] 5/23 public [1] 20/2
official [25] 1/23 24/3 24/8 24/12 24/12 persist [1] 9/13 punishment [1] 20/1
24/14 25/12 25/15 25/22 25/25 26/4 person [2] 7/5 25/23 purpose [1] 2/4
26/6 26/9 26/14 26/16 26/16 26/21 personal [1] 16/7 pursuant [1] 16/9
26/25 27/2 27/7 27/12 27/18 27/20 persuade [2] 22/4 22/8 put [1] 5/12
27/23 32/8 pertaining [1] 2/12
offshore [1] 26/7 place [1] 4/21 Q
Ohio [6] 24/19 24/25 24/25 27/6 27/8 placed [1] 29/2 question [1] 10/25
27/17 plea [45] questions [6] 4/3 5/8 5/18 5/22 7/14 13/5
oil [1] 24/21 plead [8] 5/1 9/8 9/12 9/13 9/19 16/12 quotations [1] 26/23
Okay [3] 2/14 3/22 5/17 22/5 22/8
old [1] 5/25 pleading [3] 5/2 9/14 28/9
on [25] 2/8 2/18 2/23 3/2 4/24 7/21 8/12 please [4] 2/6 5/14 28/24 29/13 raise [1] 19/8
10/1 11/4 11/5 11/9 12/7 12/17 14/24 pled [1] 31/6 raised [1] 17/11
18/6 18/20 20/5 20/19 23/20 25/23 point [1] 20/10 range [15] 14/24 17/6 17/24 18/3 18/6
26/10 27/8 27/13 30/16 30/20 policy [1] 21/13 18/11 18/23 18/25 19/3 19/13 19/14
once [1] 19/13 portion [3] 17/4 21/10 21/17 19/16 19/17 20/6 21/5
one [32] 7/5 7/8 7/8 15/19 16/10 18/8 possess [1] 12/8 ranges [1] 18/16
24/8 24/12 24/14 24/15 25/10 25/12 possible [2] 15/9 22/11 reaching [1] 18/24
25/15 25/22 25/25 26/4 26/6 26/9 26/14 potential [2] 13/18 17/10 read [1] 12/23
26/16 26/21 26/25 27/3 27/7 27/12 power [1] 23/19 ready [2] 2/18 2/21
27/18 27/20 27/23 29/9 29/10 29/16 Practices [6] 3/13 6/19 7/3 25/5 29/10 reason [2] 9/2 28/19
30/4 29/17 reasonable [5] 10/11 10/14 15/15 17/14
only [4] 8/7 8/15 10/6 13/13 pre [1] 4/23 22/24
Open [1] 21/16 pre-trial [1] 4/23 reasons [1] 19/15
opportunity [4] 12/23 19/8 30/12 30/13 prepare [1] 30/7 receive [1] 19/4
oppose [2] 16/5 16/13 prepared [2] 5/1 19/5 received [7] 6/16 15/20 15/20 16/1 16/2
or [55] presence [1] 10/24 17/8 17/8
order [10] 5/5 7/1 8/1 9/25 14/15 22/14 present [6] 2/18 8/2 11/3 11/11 11/14 receiving [1] 8/5
25/12 25/14 26/5 26/15 30/11 recently [1] 6/6
other [18] 4/5 7/5 8/23 10/19 11/3 11/3 presented [1] 8/12 Recess [1] 31/19
11/9 12/2 17/9 25/9 25/15 25/21 26/6 Presentence [2] 19/4 30/8 recitation [1] 28/2
26/19 26/22 27/21 28/15 28/16 president [2] 23/6 24/10 recognition [2] 16/7 16/11
others [3] 25/3 26/3 27/5 presume [1] 10/12 recognizing [1] 18/14
our [2] 9/10 9/17 presumed [1] 10/9 recommend [1] 17/13
out [3] 17/24 20/13 30/20 previously [1] 2/15 recommendations [2] 13/13 17/17
outlined [2] 15/12 17/18 prices [2] 25/17 26/20 recommended [2] 18/25 19/7
over [3] 9/9 12/13 13/22 pricing [1] 27/1 record [3] 2/6 5/14 32/3
overt [2] 7/9 7/9 prior [1] 16/19 reduction [1] 16/5
owned [3] 23/21 23/25 24/4 prison [1] 20/19 refer [3] 14/2 23/18 24/25
owner [2] 23/4 24/15 probable [1] 8/3 reference [1] 21/24
probation [5] 16/18 19/5 19/9 30/7 30/9 referenced [1] 18/1
P proceed [4] 2/18 2/21 8/9 22/20 reflect [2] 15/1 19/24
P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S [1] 2/1 proceeded [2] 22/23 23/2 regarding [1] 27/3
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 38 of 39 38

sentencing [21] 14/21 14/22 15/3 15/17 supply [1] 24/22

R 15/21 16/4 16/19 16/20 16/23 17/9 17/9 support [1] 23/14
reject [1] 13/14 17/11 17/13 17/23 18/6 18/23 21/14 supported [1] 30/1
relate [4] 15/7 15/9 15/10 17/17 30/13 30/16 31/8 31/9 sure [1] 17/21
relating [1] 14/25 separate [1] 31/10 Switzerland [2] 26/11 27/16
release [6] 3/19 4/20 13/23 14/2 30/20 September [1] 24/23 SWORN [1] 5/11
31/5 series [1] 5/8 system [2] 9/10 20/18
released [2] 14/4 20/19 serious [1] 5/3
remain [2] 4/1 4/7 seriousness [2] 15/1 19/25 T
remind [1] 31/4 serve [1] 12/7 table [2] 2/9 17/23
remuneration [1] 26/2 services [3] 23/14 23/19 25/17 take [2] 28/20 28/23
report [6] 19/4 19/5 19/8 30/8 30/10 set [4] 14/22 15/14 15/16 17/10 taking [1] 5/4
30/12 Shortly [1] 27/13 tanks [1] 24/20
REPORTER [3] 1/23 32/1 32/8 should [7] 3/3 9/3 21/10 28/16 28/20 TDC [2] 1/5 2/3
represent [3] 4/11 10/18 18/5 28/20 31/13 Techsnabexport [1] 23/17
representation [1] 6/14 should not [1] 28/20 tell [1] 5/10
representative [1] 24/3 side [1] 15/8 TENAM [4] 24/2 24/2 24/3 24/10
represented [2] 4/9 10/17 signature [2] 7/21 12/17 TENEX [12] 23/18 23/18 23/21 23/25
represents [1] 21/21 signed [3] 7/20 9/7 12/24 24/9 24/22 25/13 25/17 25/18 26/20
request [1] 4/11 significant [1] 18/9 26/24 27/2
require [2] 11/6 11/20 silent [2] 4/2 4/7 TENEX's [1] 24/2
required [7] 4/2 9/12 10/9 11/11 14/5 simply [1] 8/12 term [5] 3/18 23/9 23/13 24/12 31/10
14/17 19/20 sir [4] 5/12 5/25 29/15 29/20 terms [11] 13/2 13/12 13/13 13/17 15/7
requirement [1] 14/11 sit [2] 9/21 10/23 15/9 18/20 20/21 23/24 24/7 26/2
resident [2] 23/4 24/14 six [2] 15/12 18/9 testify [7] 10/24 11/2 11/5 11/6 11/10
respect [3] 17/5 19/21 19/25 so [24] 2/21 2/22 3/3 3/6 4/24 5/5 5/7 11/10 11/14
responses [1] 5/8 5/17 7/1 8/11 9/5 9/19 11/24 12/13 testimony [1] 11/1
responsibility [2] 16/8 16/14 13/11 13/12 13/14 18/2 18/4 20/6 22/18 than [12] 3/20 8/23 15/19 15/24 15/25
restitution [1] 14/16 30/25 31/2 31/8 16/1 16/2 16/4 16/4 18/18 21/4 27/24
result [1] 14/7 some [4] 3/6 4/20 7/10 9/9 Thank [9] 5/12 5/16 12/22 17/15 28/1
retain [1] 25/13 somewhere [1] 18/4 29/15 29/20 31/16 31/17
return [1] 21/17 sorry [4] 3/23 21/23 21/25 29/13 that [134]
review [1] 30/12 sounds [1] 2/21 that's [3] 4/22 18/19 30/21
reviewed [1] 29/1 SOUTHERN [1] 1/2 their [1] 11/1
revoke [1] 30/24 special [4] 2/9 3/21 13/24 14/11 them [2] 10/25 11/6
right [33] specific [2] 14/24 14/25 then [2] 3/6 17/25
rights [6] 3/25 9/9 11/7 11/15 12/2 12/7 Specifically [2] 25/9 27/8 THEODORE [1] 1/10
ROBERT [2] 1/17 2/17 stage [1] 10/19 there [18] 2/24 2/25 3/1 4/20 8/3 9/2
RPR [1] 32/8 stand [1] 28/24 11/4 11/25 14/3 15/19 16/24 22/15
Rule [2] 4/18 4/24 start [1] 3/6 28/12 28/15 28/19 30/23 31/7 31/13
Russian [4] 23/20 23/22 24/5 24/8 state [1] 5/14 there's [1] 20/17
statement [6] 4/2 4/3 4/5 5/23 15/14 thereby [1] 25/18
S 28/4 therefore [1] 30/3
said [1] 28/7 statements [2] 16/16 30/14 these [4] 4/3 14/21 23/17 31/5
SALEM [2] 1/13 2/7 STATES [28] 1/1 1/4 1/11 1/14 2/3 2/8 they [9] 10/12 11/12 11/13 14/18 15/4
same [1] 21/3 3/11 3/14 6/20 8/13 13/10 14/21 14/22 15/7 15/9 15/10 17/16
satisfied [4] 5/6 6/13 22/15 29/5 16/17 17/11 17/23 23/3 23/11 23/16 things [3] 7/4 7/11 28/6
say [1] 4/6 24/1 24/3 25/4 25/6 25/7 25/8 25/19 think [2] 12/10 30/25
scheme [3] 26/1 27/4 27/24 29/22 30/7 Third [1] 7/7
school [1] 6/4 stating [1] 3/9 this [58]
sealed [2] 2/15 21/10 STENOTYPE [1] 1/24 those [11] 7/11 11/7 11/15 13/24 14/7
seated [2] 5/16 29/20 step [3] 5/3 5/9 30/6 18/15 19/22 20/5 23/24 24/6 30/24
Second [1] 7/6 stipulate [1] 15/14 though [2] 8/13 9/10
Section [6] 3/14 6/20 16/10 25/7 25/8 stipulation [1] 16/15 threatened [1] 22/7
25/19 stop [1] 4/6 threats [1] 8/20
secure [1] 26/16 storage [1] 24/22 three [2] 3/19 13/23
secured [1] 24/22 subject [1] 25/25 through [8] 7/17 23/5 24/9 24/11 24/13
see [3] 11/20 18/17 31/17 submit [1] 30/12 24/18 25/1 27/21
select [1] 9/20 subpoenas [1] 11/6 throughout [3] 4/10 9/13 23/20
selected [1] 9/23 subsidiary [1] 23/25 thus [4] 23/8 23/12 23/23 24/5
selection [1] 9/23 substantial [1] 17/3 time [11] 2/11 4/6 12/1 14/4 14/7 15/6
send [2] 26/23 27/11 such [1] 12/7 17/13 21/9 22/18 28/21 30/24
sent [4] 25/24 26/22 27/2 27/14 suggest [1] 4/18 timely [1] 16/11
sentence [22] 13/18 13/19 14/15 14/16 Suite [2] 1/15 1/18 Title [2] 25/7 25/19
14/20 14/24 15/9 17/14 17/24 18/12 summarize [2] 15/7 22/19 to give [1] 19/12
18/22 18/24 19/14 19/16 19/22 19/24 supervised [3] 3/19 13/23 14/2 to plead [1] 9/13
20/6 20/11 20/12 20/13 21/4 30/9 supervision [1] 4/23 today [5] 4/15 6/12 19/4 28/12 31/14
sentenced [1] 20/18 supplied [1] 23/18 total [1] 26/25
Case 8:15-cr-00336-TDC Document 25 Filed 07/15/15 Page 39 of 39 39

violations [1] 31/7 yourself [1] 11/2

T voluntarily [2] 5/7 9/6 yourselves [1] 2/6
totaling [1] 27/23 voluntary [1] 29/25
training [1] 20/3 vote [1] 12/7 Z
transcript [2] 1/10 32/3 Zurich [2] 26/11 27/16
transfer [2] 26/9 27/14 wait [1] 19/4
transportation [24] 23/5 23/7 23/11 waive [5] 8/10 8/14 8/21 8/24 9/3
23/13 23/15 24/16 24/17 24/23 25/11 waived [3] 9/6 12/1 20/23
25/17 26/7 26/10 26/17 26/19 26/23 waiver [2] 7/20 9/7
26/25 27/5 27/9 27/10 27/14 27/15 waiving [2] 8/17 21/3
27/19 27/22 27/25 want [2] 10/5 11/9
treated [1] 6/6 was [27] 2/25 3/1 6/18 7/9 8/3 15/19
treatment [1] 20/3 17/2 21/23 23/3 23/4 23/6 23/8 23/11
trial [21] 4/23 5/5 7/4 9/18 10/5 10/5 23/14 23/21 23/23 24/2 24/3 24/5 24/9
10/8 10/16 10/18 10/21 11/10 11/18 24/10 24/14 24/15 24/19 24/24 26/1
11/20 11/21 11/25 12/2 12/3 22/20 26/12
22/21 22/23 23/2 way [1] 22/7
truth [1] 5/10 we [11] 2/21 3/3 4/18 6/18 21/10 28/12
truthfully [1] 5/19 28/16 28/20 30/16 31/2 31/13
trying [1] 20/10 we'll [4] 3/6 9/19 9/20 21/17
turns [1] 20/13 we're [3] 2/4 2/9 4/17
twice [1] 3/20 we've [1] 13/21
two [3] 6/5 15/19 16/5 Wednesday [1] 1/7
two-level [1] 16/5 well [2] 12/2 19/13
were [11] 6/2 11/17 11/20 12/5 18/13
U 22/20 26/2 26/4 26/14 26/15 27/3
U.S [2] 12/11 19/5 WERNICK [2] 1/14 2/8
U.S.C [1] 25/5 what [8] 3/16 8/23 13/8 14/3 18/10
ultimately [1] 20/11 21/23 29/5 29/9
unanimous [1] 10/1 when [3] 9/17 14/2 14/10
under [13] 4/1 4/23 5/18 6/9 7/23 9/10 where [1] 6/2
9/17 14/23 18/2 18/10 20/21 21/2 21/5 whether [2] 21/15 21/21
understand [49] which [12] 9/9 13/14 14/5 14/16 14/23
understanding [2] 21/22 27/10 15/15 17/3 18/15 19/15 23/18 24/20
understands [2] 16/24 29/5 24/25
UNITED [28] 1/1 1/4 1/11 1/14 2/3 2/8 While [1] 27/1
3/11 3/14 6/20 8/13 13/10 14/21 14/22 who [2] 2/18 11/4
16/17 17/11 17/23 23/3 23/11 23/16 wholly [1] 23/25
24/1 24/3 25/4 25/6 25/7 25/8 25/19 wholly-owned [1] 23/25
29/21 30/7 will [40]
unlawful [1] 7/5 willfully [1] 7/6
unless [2] 10/10 21/4 wire [8] 3/14 6/19 7/3 25/6 26/9 27/14
unseal [2] 2/11 2/14 29/11 29/17
unsealed [1] 21/17 withdraw [3] 13/15 16/21 20/14
until [3] 4/19 9/11 19/4 within [6] 19/14 19/15 19/17 20/6 26/25
untruthful [1] 16/17 29/1
unwilling [1] 11/5 without [3] 5/4 8/9 8/11
up [7] 3/19 8/10 9/9 9/14 12/1 20/23 witness [1] 10/23
21/3 witnesses [6] 10/22 10/22 10/25 11/3
upon [4] 8/5 13/19 15/16 16/6 11/3 11/4
uranium [2] 23/18 23/19 won't [1] 12/13
used [9] 4/4 5/22 23/10 23/13 23/24 words [1] 26/3
24/7 24/12 25/16 26/3 work [1] 18/19
world [1] 23/20
V would [40]
valuable [1] 12/6 written [3] 3/9 6/17 30/7
value [4] 15/20 15/24 16/1 17/8 wrong [1] 26/12
verdict [2] 10/1 11/19
versus [2] 2/4 29/22 Y
very [3] 31/5 31/16 31/17 years [6] 3/19 3/19 6/5 13/22 13/23
vessels [1] 24/20 18/15
via [1] 25/23 Yes [59]
victims [2] 14/17 30/14 you [209]
violate [6] 3/13 6/18 7/2 25/4 29/10 you'll [2] 21/19 30/13
29/17 you're [3] 5/1 5/18 11/11
violation [7] 3/14 6/20 14/6 25/5 25/6 you've [1] 13/21
25/7 25/18 your [133]

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