Anthony Andrews - Online PJM Work Evaluation

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Competency 2

Student Name:   Anthony Andrews   Placement:   Reno Stone  

Reflect on your placement, and give yourself a mark for each of these attitudes and behaviours

Job Task Mark (A, B, C, D) Comments

Punctuality I was always on time I was never late for a

(always on time, rarely late, A day I stayed on track the entire placement. I
often late, always late) didn’t disapoint them they really liked me.

Attendance My attendance was really good I only missed

(Never absent, a few absences a couple of days of the week but overall It
but informs employer, was good.
occasionally absent but does
not inform, frequently absent -
does not inform)

Relations with Supervior I got along with everyone I didn’t make new
(Always shows respect, relates friends but I got to know new people I was too
well to supervisor, has difficulty A
shy to chat with a whole group of people It
with authority, is disrespectful) wasn’t difficult.

Relations with Customers I got along with all customers In the

(Deals with customers with workplacement didn’t make any enemies at
ease, accommodates customer work I dealt with many types of people I was
needs, has some difficulty usually 1 to 2 people I see but I didn’t get
dealing with customers, is

Following Directions I always followed directions when someone

(Listens carefully and follows told me I was considtrating on my job the
directions accurately, follows entire time I didn’t get people to distract me I
directions but needs correction, stayed on task.
has some difficulty, instructions
must be repeated frequently)

Interest in Work I really was Interested the way to lift skids,

(Exceptionally interested, and carry bag cements It was a really tough
interested in most aspects, job I still got through It. I wanted a chance to
interested in specific aspect, not A
get hired but I needed to speak French to
interested earn a spot on the job that’s one thing I need
to practice.

Productivity A I was very movitivated at my job I needed a

(Very energetic and exceptional lot of energy I was never behind from
amount of work done, anything It took me a few seconds to get to
completes tasks within the next thing than I would complete a task
expected time limits, often tires within 5-10 mins at a time.
and completes minimal work,
completes little work)

Initiative I showed a lot of Initiative at work I really

(Shows initiative regularly, showed It at my job they seen how I work
shows sometimes, has not A they really like It.
shown, shows no interest in
taking initiative)

Motivation I was movitivated to do the job sometimes I

(Very motivated and goes was tired coming to work In the mornings and
above and beyond, motivated to was really difficult cause of lifting cement
follow expectations, needs B almost everyday I came In at work It was a
encouragement to stay challenge also In the afternoon I would sit
motivated, shows little
down sometimes stand up but still I did a
great job.

Communication I still have Issues communicating to people

(Communicates fluently in cause It’s not my strongest thing I don’t really
language of the workplace, like talking a lot I would rather just get the job
communicates adequately, C done and do small talk with most people.
sometimes has difficulty with
the language, has serious

Overall Appreciation They really enjoyed having me as a assistent

(Good employee and would at Reno Stone one thing they wanted me to
be hired, meets expectations do was to improve on speaking and asking
asked of student, needs questions If I needed something It was
improvement, would be fired) difficult for me and Improving a little of

What went well:

I enjoyed working with the group of people the beginning was a challenge but I got through It for the
seven weeks I got to know the people from the past weeks I enjoyed spending time with them I will
never forget how well I did working there as a team.

Even Better If:

If I would of ask for someone to help not just wait for a long period of time, ask for small faithers from
other employees, and Speaking a little more of French and speaking.

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