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Competency 2

Student Name:     Anthony Andrews Placement:  Marche Laflamme    

Reflect on your placement, and give yourself a mark for each of these attitudes and behaviours

Job Task Mark (A, B, C, D) Comments

Punctuality I was always on time during work I always

(always on time, rarely late, kept a great attitude on during the time
often late, always late) A
working. I am never late for a job I get there at
avance so I can move quickly.

Attendance I was always there I never missed a day of

(Never absent, a few absences work. I always showed a good attitude
but informs employer, everyday I came In. I was very reliable to
occasionally absent but does trust.
not inform, frequently absent -
does not inform)

Relations with Supervior I got along with everyone I was working with
(Always shows respect, relates they all treated with respect I sometimes had
well to supervisor, has difficulty B
difficulty dealing with them but the whole time
with authority, is disrespectful) was good.

Relations with Customers I got along with all the staff all the customers I
(Deals with customers with had were very kind no one was rude. I got
ease, accommodates customer along with everyone I didn’t show no fear I
needs, has some difficulty showed up and did a great job.
dealing with customers, is

Following Directions I need to follow directions more not when

(Listens carefully and follows someone told me more than once I gotta do It
directions accurately, follows It would always be repeated everyday. I made
directions but needs correction, a couple of mistakes but I know what went
has some difficulty, instructions wrong.
must be repeated frequently)

Interest in Work I was always Interested In the work I showed

(Exceptionally interested, how puncuwell I was while working I proof
interested in most aspects, A myself that I’m a hard worker.
interested in specific aspect, not

Productivity I got all the work done but I need to work a

(Very energetic and exceptional little faster and keep working faster until I get
amount of work done, better I get my task done always I never leave
completes tasks within B something behind.
expected time limits, often tires
and completes minimal work,
completes little work)
Initiative I was always taking Inititaive I always took
(Shows initiative regularly, Interest to the job I was annoyed that It was
shows sometimes, has not B going to be the same task during work I have
shown, shows no interest in always got things done. Am always confident
taking initiative) about myself.

Motivation I was very puntuwell and movitated to work

(Very motivated and goes everyday I nevered letted but one thing I need
above and beyond, motivated to to work on is my Self-Confidence at work I
follow expectations, needs B can’t let down when I work. I dont let myself
encouragement to stay down keep trying everyday.
motivated, shows little

Communication I didn’t talk a lot at work I struggled a bit while

(Communicates fluently in talking to my supervisors It was stressful and I
language of the workplace, couldn’t stand It as from the other placements
communicates adequately, C It was a tougher time. I still struggle with it
sometimes has difficulty with once I get a job I will start to try harder not
the language, has serious shy away no more

Overall Appreciation Self Confidence, Communication, Working

(Good employee and would faster, Less Distractions at work, and fluyad
be hired, meets expectations French. I need to work on commuincating to
asked of student, needs people Id stack from follow directions but I
improvement, would be fired) can still Improve by working better fo the next

What went well:

I got along with everyone working, I was always on time, and I was showing a great work althetic
everyday always was doing a great job. I got some experience from working I know how to cut, and
slice different types of fruits and vegetables.

Even Better If:

If I can speak French, build up Self Confidence In myself, and needing to speed up the pase at work
not working sloppy and not letting someone tell me more than once that I know what I need to

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