Research Paper Essay Dennis Emilio Castellon Houston Community College

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Research Paper Essay

Dennis Emilio Castellon

Houston Community College



In this essay, I will be presenting my career choice and the reasons why I would like to

pursue this career. I will argue about essential information like what are the regular duties of a

Computer Software Designer as well as the required education needed to become a Software

Designer, and also other requirements needed as well. I will be discussing more of how would it

be the work environment of a Software Designer on a daily basis. And also, the mean salary for

applicant software developers.


 Computer software designers: design, create and test software applications.

 Software: is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate

computers and related devices.


Research Paper Essay

My name is Dennis Emilio Castellon Romero, I am just a regular boy who dreams with

one day becoming an Engineer in Computer Software designer. The way computer is design had

always been my passion. Designing programs, learning how computers operate, and all those

kinds of software that are implemented to make our computer usage easier every time is just

fascinating to me. At this point, I am staring the path that will take to my dream, I am in my first

semester of college, taking my regular courses. My plan is to once I finish with my basic courses

here in college, transfer to a bigger University to start getting deeper into my engineering classes

and start learning and improving my designing skills in computer software, this will help me to

prepared for the work environment and also for most of my classes by setting a good base of


Job Description

According to the Occupational Outlook Hand book (OOH), “Software developers are the

creative minds behinds computer programs. Some develop applications that allow people to do

specific task on a computer or another device. Others develop the underlying systems that run the

devices or that control networks”. The median annual wage for the software developers, systems

software was $106,860 back in May 2016. Also, the employment of software developers is

projected to grow 24% from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Software developers will be needed to respond to an increased demand for computers software.

Education Requirements

The page provides that the required education to became a Computer

Software Engineer is a “Bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering or related

field minimum requirement; master's degree may lead to greater career prospects”. As well as

other requirements such as the completion of internship and/or previous work experience may be


Education Plan

At first, I need to start with my degree plan suggested by my advisor to stay in the right

path and in the right classes. My uncle Jacob (who is a Software designer in a Company in

Honduras) suggested me to “Join to a computer program in college they are so helpful when it

comes to start programming”, also to “start enforcing my strengths to have a better chance of

succeeding in my dream”. He told me that designing is can get fun some times, but there are

times that can be stressful, and that I have to be prepared to handle those kinds of situation.

Financial Future

According to the Texas Reality Check Report the annual salary needed for my lifestyle is

the amount of $30,940 (see chart below), being efficient because “the median annual wage for

the software developers, systems software was $106,860 in May 2016” (OOH). Basically, out of

my annual income, I will be spending only the third part on my annual expenses, being extra

beneficial for me because that will leave me with a lot money on my savings account.

The CNN Money Calculator shows that the normal annual salary on approximately

$105,000 here in Houston, Texas, will go down if I would live in San Antonio, Texas (one of my

favorite places) with approximately $92,195, San Antonio is not a busy city as it is Houston,

there the streets are very quiet and calm, and the ambient is so much better than Houston. Also in

another big city such as Austin, Texas, will it be going down to $103,506, it does not go down

that much in Austin as it goes in San Antonio. In Dallas, Texas for surprise it goes up the annual

salary income to approximately $107,348, again not that much, but efficient and good for my


Helping my Community

The best part of learning is when you put all that you have learned in practice, and what a

best way to practice your skills than participating as a volunteer in your community, it could be

teaching basic software design skills, or helping to design a program, you never know when,

where or who will need your help, will need you to teach them, to give them advices that you did

not had when you wanted to start in computer software design.

In conclusion, I want to be a Computer Software Engineer no matter what, by the end of

2021 or early 2022 I will be getting my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. But first, I

need perseverance, I will do all my effort on my classes, to get good grades, to learn as much as I

can, but I will need perseverance to do that. Next, I will have to practice, because I’m not going

to learn only in class, I have to put the same or more effort outside of the classroom. And at last,

I will have to get connections, being sociable will help me to meet people, to have better and

more opportunities for jobs, or for help in my courses, or whatever I need in respect to my

studies. I know that money can be a big obstacle sometimes, but with a part time job and the

financial aid help I can overcome it, and I also have the help of my parents. All it matters is that

at the end of this road, I will make my dream come true, I will become a Computer Engineer, and

my life will change in a better way than what it is right now, and all of those years of effort that I

put now, are going to be worth it at the end.



 (website).

 (Occupational Outlook Handbook)

 (Texas Reality Check)

 (CNN Cost of living



Texas Reality Check Chart

Category Amount
Housing $684
Utilities $311
Food $400
Transportation $543
Clothing $25
Health Care $0
Personal Care $0
Entertainment $75
Miscellaneous $0
Student Loan Debt $0
Family $0
Savings $204
Total Monthly Expenses $2,242
Annual Expenses $26,904
Income Tax (15% of Annual Expenses) $4,036
Annual Salary Needed $30,940

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