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JDR Clinical Research Supplement July 2014


Gap Size and Wall Lesion

Development Next to Composite
N.K. Kuper1*, N.J.M. Opdam1, J.L. Ruben1, J.J. de Soet2, M.S. Cenci3, E.M. Bronkhorst1,
and M.C.D.N.J.M. Huysmans1

Abstract: This in situ study investi- Filtek Supreme) gave no statistically (Hals et al., 1974). One of the possible
gated whether there is a relationship significant differences in lesion depth factors in the development of secondary
between gap size and wall lesion devel- and mineral loss. A minimum gap size caries is the existence of a gap or defect
opment in dentin next to 2 composite could not be established, although, in a at the cavity wall. With this considered
materials, and whether a clinically rel- non-bonded interface without a mea- a weak point, the presence of defective
evant threshold for the gap size could surable gap, wall lesion development margins leads to many clinical decisions
be established. For 21 days, 14 volun- was never observed. to repair or replace restorations (Gordan
teers wore a modified occlusal splint et al., 2009), even where caries has not
containing human dentin samples Key Words: secondary caries, recur- yet developed.
with 5 different interfaces: 4 gaps of rent caries, lesion depth, mineral loss, There are 2 different theories for
50 µm, 100 µm, 200 µm, or 400 µm Transversal Wavelength Independent explaining a possible relationship
and 1 non-bonded interface without a Microradiography, composite resin between gaps and wall lesion
gap. Eight times a day, the splint with restorations. development. First, in what we shall
samples was dipped in a 20% sucrose call the ‘microleakage theory’, leakage
solution for 10 minutes. Before and Introduction of bacterial acids into a small gap is
after caries development, specimens considered to be sufficient to cause
were imaged with transversal wave- Secondary caries is a frequently demineralization and a wall lesion.
length-independent microradiogra- encountered problem in dental practice According to this theory, a wall lesion
phy (T-WIM), and lesion depth (LD) and has been widely recognized to be can develop in any gap, but the wider
and mineral loss (ML) were calculated one of the most important reasons for the gap, the higher the risk. Second,
at the 5 different interfaces. After cor- restoration replacement (Mjör, 1997). recent changes in the theory of
rection for the confounder location Secondary caries is defined as a new cariology put more emphasis on the
(more mesial or distal), a paired t test caries lesion at the margins of an existing importance of the biofilm in driving
clustered within volunteers was per- restoration (Mjör and Toffenetti, 2000). the caries process in gaps. Clinical and
formed for comparison of gap widths. These lesions have 2 parts: an outer microbiological studies have indicated
Results showed no trend for a relation- lesion, which is histologically similar that microleakage alone does not lead
ship between the corrected lesion depth to a primary lesion and formed on the to active demineralization beneath a
and the gap size. None of the differ- outer surface of the tooth next to the restoration (Kidd and Fejerskov, 2004).
ences in lesion depth for the different restoration; and a wall lesion, which is Only where a biofilm can establish itself
gap sizes was statistically significant. a lesion that develops at the interface along the tooth-restoration interface wall
Also, the composite material (AP-X or between the restoration and the tooth lesions may develop. The width of the

DOI: 10.1177/0022034514534262. 1College of Dental Sciences, Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry, Radboud University Medical Center, the Netherlands;
Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and
Federal University of Pelotas, School of Dentistry, Gonçalves Chaves, 457, 5th floor, Pelotas, 96015560, Brazil; *corresponding author,
A supplemental appendix to this article is published electronically only at
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vol. 93 • issue 7 • suppl no. 1 JDR Clinical Research Supplement

gap needed for such a cariogenic biofilm the lesion depth or mineral loss of wall the 2 chosen composites, Filtek Supreme
has been roughly estimated to be 400 lesion development. XTE (A1 body shade, 3M ESPE, St. Paul,
micrometers (Kidd et al., 1995) or MN, USA) or AP-X PLT (A2,Clearfil,
225 micrometers (Thomas et al., Materials & Methods Kuraray, Okayama, Japan), without any
2007a). adhesive procedures, and with matrices
The literature provides no conclusive Study Participants of different thicknesses (50, 100, 200,
answer to the question whether a Fourteen volunteers (six men, eight and 400 µm) between the dentin and the
relationship between gap size and wall women, aged 20-57 yr, mean age = composite. One slot was filled completely
lesion development exists and, if so, the 30.4 yr) were recruited within the Dental with composite (also not bonded)
minimum gap size needed. Results of School in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. without any matrix. One interface of this
non-bacterial in vitro, bacterial Exclusion criteria were active caries, slot was randomly chosen as the control
in vitro, and clinical (in situ) studies are periodontitis (DPSI > 2), ASA>2, or interface without a gap (non-bonded,
conflicting. Nassar and González-Cabezas the wearing of a removable prosthetic no gap interface = NG). The order of
(2011), in their sucrose cycling microbial appliance in the mandibular jaw. the different gap sizes was changed per
caries model, showed that in uniform The study design and protocol volunteer, starting with the largest gap of
gaps, the size of the gap was positively were approved by the local ethics 400 µm at the most mesial position (order
correlated with the size of dentinal wall committee, METC (CMO file nr. 2011/248, 400-200-100-50-NG) for the first volunteer
lesions, but they gave no threshold for NL33528.01.11). and starting with the 200-µm gap at the
the size of the gap. Diercke et al. (2009), most mesial position (order 200-100-50-
Preparation of Specimens
in their bacterial-based in vitro model, NG-400) for the second volunteer and
found a statistically significant increase in Sound human molars were ground flat so forth. The samples were polished to
lesion depth in enamel between a 50-µm until all the enamel was removed (Fig. 1). remove excess composite material, and
gap and a 250-µm gap and in dentin The roots were cut off, and the remaining the final rectangular composite-dentin
between a 50-µm and a 100-µm gap. crowns were perpendicularly cut into bars with gaps had dimensions of 15 mm
Totiam et al. (2007) showed in vitro 56 dentin bars with a fixed width of (length), 3.2 mm (width), and 2.2 mm
a trend toward bigger wall lesions 3.2 mm and various lengths. The dentin (height).
associated with larger gaps in both bars were manually ground with 400- Each volunteer received a modified
enamel and dentin, but did not establish grit paper (Siawat, Abrasives, Frauenfeld, occlusal splint for the mandibular jaw
a threshold for gap size. Finally, the Switzerland) to a height of 2.0 mm. The (Fig. 1C), with buccal flanges holding 4
clinical in situ study by Thomas et al. dentin bars were gas-sterilized with embedded metal slots of 20 mm x
(2007a) gave an average gap size of ethylene oxide (Isotron Nederland B.V., 3.2 mm x 2.5 mm. Only the 2 lower slots
225 µm (range, 80-560 µm) needed for Venlo, the Netherlands) (Thomas et al., were used for this study. The 2 composite
the development of wall lesions. 2007b). materials were placed at the left or right
Secondary caries lesion development For each sample, 2 dentin bars (occlusal side alternately per volunteer.
has been observed to be more of a surface downward) were placed in a
Experimental Protocol
problem for composite restorations than rectangular putty mould with dimensions
for amalgam restorations (Opdam et al., of 15 x 3.2 x 2.5 mm. On the pulpal side, The occlusal splints were worn for 3
2010; Kuper et al., 2012). This has been a self-etching primer and bonding agent wk for 24 hr a day, being removed only
suggested as the main reason for the (SE Bond, Clearfil, Kuraray, Okayama, during eating, drinking, or oral hygiene,
reduced life expectancy of composite Japan) were applied according to the with the device kept in a physiologic salt
(National Institutes of Health, 2009). manufacturer’s instructions, and solution. Volunteers were instructed to
Composite restorative materials, however, 0.5 mm composite was applied, fixing dip the device with the samples in a 20%
may differ in their relative susceptibility the 2 dentin bars. For the purpose of the sucrose solution 8 times a day for
to secondary caries lesion development. microradiographic method used, utmost 10 min. They were asked to keep
In this study, therefore, we evaluated 2 care was taken to keep the bars perfectly intervals between different sucrose
composite materials. straight with rectangular angles and to dippings around an hour or more,
The aim of this in situ study was position the top surface of the dentin but with a minimum of 30 min. They
to investigate whether there is a in such a way that when placed in the were given a diary to record the exact
relationship between gap size and wall microradiography holder, it was parallel moments of sucrose-dipping. After being
lesion development next to 2 composite to the central ray of the x-ray beam. dipped in sucrose, the device was rinsed
materials, and whether a clinically In each composite-dentin bar, 5 slots with tap water.
relevant threshold for the gap size can were made parallel to the dentin tubuli Volunteers were asked to apply some
be established. The null hypothesis with a 012 cylindrical bur with a depth of fluoride toothpaste/saliva slurry to
tested was that neither the gap size nor 1.9 mm (Fig. 1A). While the bar was fixed the samples once a day (when they
the composite material would influence in a mould, 4 slots were filled with 1 of brushed their teeth). They were explicitly

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JDR Clinical Research Supplement July 2014

Figure 1.
Sample preparation and sample holder. (A) Schematic representation of sample preparation. (B) Microscopic view of gap samples, 10x
magnification. (C) Modified occlusal splint with gap samples in situ.

requested not to clean or brush the dried. Digital images of each sample subtracted from measurements after 3 wk
samples at all, to promote plaque were recorded with a light microscope (T21), to estimate true lesion depth (LD)
formation. All instructions were given (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) and mineral loss (ML). The subtracted
both orally and in writing. with a magnification of 10x and a CMOS values were used in the statistical
camera (Canon EOS 50D, Tokyo, Japan). analysis.
Transversal Wavelength Independent
Microradiography (T-WIM) The digital T-WIMs were edited in Adobe To obtain the real gap sizes, we
Photoshop CS3 (version 10.0; Adobe measured gaps on the baseline T-WIM
T-WIM pictures were made at baseline Systems, San Jose, CA, USA). The contour image using the same software program.
(T0) and after 21 days (T21) according of the different gaps in the sample on the Since gaps were not always perfectly
to the method of Thomas et al. (2006). baseline picture was selected and copied straight, but slightly tapered, the distance
The settings for the microradiography to the sample of the T21 picture. The between restoration material and dentin
were 60 kV and 30 mA at an exposure selected contour in the gaps was colored was always measured at the outer surface
time of 8 sec. A stepwedge with the black (R = 0, G = 0, B = 0) so that in of the gap.
same absorption coefficient as tooth case of caries development, lesion depth
Statistical Analysis
material (94% Al/6% Zn alloy) was used could be distinguished from gap width.
for proper quantitative measurement of From each sample, the wall lesions in With a linear mixed-effects model, a
lesion depth and mineral loss. the dentin facing the gaps and in the first analysis was carried out to identify
dentin facing the ‘no gap’ composite possible confounders that would prohibit
Film Processing and Image
Measurements interface were measured with a software comparison of effects within a patient.
program developed in our laboratory at a Included in this analysis were left/right
After exposure, films were developed fixed area 400 µm under the surface (Fig. effect, material effect (APX or Filtek
(10 min), fixed (7 min), rinsed, and 2). Baseline measurements (T0) were Supreme composite), and effect of the

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vol. 93 • issue 7 • suppl no. 1 JDR Clinical Research Supplement

Figure 2.
T-WIM images of the dentin with composite and the different interfaces (gaps of 50, 100, 200, and 400 µm, and no gap = NG) at baseline
(A) and after 21 days with caries development (B). The area of measurement (red rectangle) starts at a 400-µm distance from the surface
to prevent overlap with the surface lesion.

Table 1.
Gap Width and Lesion Depth per Group

Gap Measurements (µm) Uncorrected Lesion Depth (µm) Corrected Lesion Depth (µm)
Group Minimum Maximum Mean Mean SD Mean SD
No gap N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.4 5.7 Not corrected

50 gap 68 202 121 74.4 45.7 47.2 47.0

100 gap 110 275 169 93.8 49.4 66.1 48.9

200 gap 166 312 257 89.3 58.2 58.5 52.2

400 gap 406 587 462 95.9 45.9 63.3 45.6

location of the gap. Where necessary, a First analysis of the data with a linear gaps within volunteers for all gap sizes
correction for confounding factors was mixed-effects model showed that there (Table 2). Since the correlation between
performed. Subsequently, gaps within was no effect for left/right position (p = lesion depth and mineral loss was high
patients were compared by paired t tests. .765) or composite material (p = .119). (r = 0.795), only the analysis for lesion
A Bonferroni correction was applied to However, the location of the gap was depth is shown in Table 2; results for
correct for multiple testing (α = 0.05/6 = statistically significant, since the most mineral loss are shown in Appendix
0.008). mesial position showed significantly less Table 2 (online). None of the differences
demineralization than the other more in lesion depth and mineral loss for
Results distally located positions. Therefore, the different gap sizes was statistically
lesion depth values were corrected for significant.
Ten volunteers completed the study location. The difference in lesion depth
successfully in 3 wk. Two volunteers between the 2 most extreme locations Discussion
dropped out of the study too early for (most mesial vs. most distal) was 45.5 µm
data analysis (n = 1) or lost their sample (p = .0001). The changes in lesion depth In this in situ study, the null hypothesis
device (n = 1). Two volunteers completed with location can be seen in Appendix could not be rejected, since we could
only 2 wk, but since they did show caries Table 1a (online). Corrected lesion depths not find a relationship between gap size
development and effects were evaluated are shown in Table 1, and corrected and wall lesion development; no clear
within patients, they were included in the mineral loss is shown in Appendix Table trend for increasing lesion progression
analysis. 1b (online). with wider gaps could be observed.
Gaps were, on average, 60 to 70 µm After correcting for this location effect, Neither could a minimum gap size be
larger than intended (Table 1). we performed paired t tests comparing established, although in non-bonded

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JDR Clinical Research Supplement July 2014

Table 2.
Paired t Test Results of Comparison of Lesion Depths among Gap-width Groups
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Pair Mean Difference* (µm ± SD) p value lower upper
LD 50 - LD 100 –18.8 (43.3) .044 –37.1 –0.6

LD 50 - LD 200 –11.3 (38.1) .161 –27.3 4.8

LD 50 - LD 400 –12.0 (40.0) .165 –29.3 5.3

LD 100 - LD 200 7.6 (41.5) .380 –9.9 25.1

LD 100 - LD 400 4.5 (38.8) .587 –12.3 21.2

LD 200 - LD 400 –0.7 (47.0) .944 –21.0 19.6

*All lesion depth values are corrected for distance from the mesial location.

interfaces without measurable gaps, wall relatively short period of time, and since Unfortunately, all gaps turned out to be
lesions never occurred. we know that secondary caries in such a wider than intended. The smallest gap
In situ studies approximate clinical model can develop in 21 days, our results measured was 68 µm, in which a lesion
situation best, but unfortunately they show that secondary caries is probably of 79.4 µm developed (not corrected
cannot completely mimic the in vivo not caused by microleakage as long as for location). The ‘gaps’ of the non-
situation. An unexpected confounder in there is no hydrodynamic flow due to bonded surfaces could not be measured,
this in situ study was location effect. The restoration loading (Kuper et al., 2013). since these were too small for our
most mesial location showed significantly In the ‘no gap’ samples, outer lesions measurement software to distinguish. The
less demineralization than the more were sometimes seen to extend slightly authors emphasize that there is not yet a
distally located positions. We suspect deeper next to the composite. Such standard for measuring gaps on T-WIM
that this was caused by reduced oral lesions were also observed in the in situ images.
clearance and more plaque accumulation study by Barata et al. (2012), and we It is known that patient risk factors play
in the back of the buccal vestibule. have observed them both in vitro (Kuper an important role in restoration survival
Also, compliance of volunteers was et al., 2013; non-bonded samples) and (van de Sande et al., 2013). A large
challenging. Many volunteers were in situ (Thomas et al., 2007a; bonded patient factor was also seen in this study.
not used to wearing an occlusal splint samples). In our opinion, those lesions, Despite the very highly standardized
(increased height), and since this splint while being directly associated with cariogenic exposure, which would make
had to be worn 24 hr a day, speech the tooth-composite interface, are not all volunteers ‘high caries risk’ as far as
and oral comfort were significantly indisputable wall lesions, since they the appliance was concerned, we still
compromised. One volunteer reported do not obviously progress from the observed volunteers (with established
that she unconsciously removed the interface (Hals et al., 1974). Although good compliance) with very little caries
splint at night during her sleep. Other there is a possibility that the curved development, whereas other volunteers
volunteers had difficulties fulfilling the lesion extensions are the result of had considerable caries development.
strict schedule of ‘8 × 10 min’ sucrose microleakage (of acid) in the interface, Caries progression is probably also
dipping each day, because of work or the fact that such lesion shapes were also influenced by other patient factors, e.g.,
other obligations. found next to bonded samples, where saliva components, biofilm composition,
In all volunteers, wall lesions developed microleakage may be present but only or other oral conditions.
in 1 or more gaps, although the extent to a very limited degree, points more We conclude that gap size is probably
ranged from minimal to substantial, toward an explanation by the enhanced not relevant as long as the caries risk
but surface lesions developed only in diffusion of dissolution products at the is low, but when caries risk is high,
4 AP-X samples and 5 Filtek supreme edge of the tooth surface, accelerating even a gap size of 68 µm may allow
samples of the 12 volunteers. This demineralization locally. This is in for secondary wall lesion development.
shows that the wall lesions in this study agreement with the results of an earlier These new findings undermine the
developed independently of the outer in vitro study wherein different windows accepted theory that only in large gaps
surface and can be seen as an entity on were exposed with the use of tape, (> 250 µm; Mjör, 2005), which enable a
their own. In the ‘no gap’ surfaces, wall as opposed to the use of a restorative cariogenic biofilm to thrive, wall lesions
lesions never developed at the interface material with an interface (Ruben et al., can develop. Since the ‘no gap’ interfaces
between dentin and composite. Given the 1999). never showed wall lesions, and minimal

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vol. 93 • issue 7 • suppl no. 1 JDR Clinical Research Supplement

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