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Clasa a VIII-a
27 Ianuarie 2018

I. Choose the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet:

( 10x1p=10 points )

1. Alex didn’t come to see the film last night because he … it before.
A. saw B. had seen C. has seen D. was seen
2. A cold wind … for the last three days.
A. has been blowing B. blows C. is blowing D. blew
3. I don’t like ................. . It’s not nice to talk about other people.
A. arguing B. whispering C. chatting D. gossiping
4. I wish I… younger.
A. had been B. would be C. were D. have been
5. I’ll see you in August when I … back.
A. will come B. came C. will have come D. come
6. I have no money in my purse, I have forgotten … at home.
A. it B. them C. they D. its
7. Despite………. a lot of money, she’s always broke.
A. she earns B. earn C. of earning D. earning
8. You ………energy when appliances are on standby.
A) waste B. reduce C. save D. consume
9. She wanted to know what……..
A. is his name B. his name has been C. was his name D. his name was
10. I’d like to relax and ……… the beach for a few hours.
A. pick up B. get by C. chill out D. show up

II. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, put a tick (√ ).
If it contains a mistake, cross it and correct it on your answer sheet, as in the examples:
( 10x2p=20 points)

Skiing is the sport I like better. I live in a small village 0 ……best………

in the mountains where there is a lot of snow and 00 …… √ ……....
I can ski every day. Skiing is great fun to people 1 ……………….
who enjoy to be outdoors. It’s also a very thrilling sport. 2 …………….
Speeding down the slopes of the mountains makes you feeling 3 …………….
like a bird. Other good thing about skiing is that 4 …………….
it help you relax. Being out in the fresh air makes you 5 …………….
forget your problems. However, learning to ski can sometimes 6 ……………
be dangerous as you must hurt yourself. 7 …………….
Sometimes it is also difficult and tiring because you need 8 ……………..
a lot of time to practice. To sum up, although skiing is sometimes 9 ……………
difficult, I think it’s a excellent way to exercise. 10 ……………..

III. Read the title and the text, and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word for each gap. There is one example (0).
Write your answer on the answer sheet. ( 10x2p=20 points )

A couple of years (0)..ago.. , a friend from college asked me if I (1) …….like to come along to a
Tai Chi class with her. I had (2) ……….people doing Tai Chi, but I didn’t know much about it so
I decided to look it (3) ……..on the Internet. I found out that Tai Chi involves one hundred and
eight movements that (4) …….used to develop flexibility and good health. It has been practised
in China (5)……. hundreds of years and is now becoming popular (6) ……..over the world.
There are several different schools of Tai Chi, but (7)……….follow the same basic principles.
The movements are made very slowly and gracefully. Tai Chi can, (8) …… fact, be used as a
martial art if the person moves more quickly, but most people do it just to (9)……. fit.
Learning the movements can (10) …….quite a long time, but it’s much easier to remember them
if you practise in a group.

IV. Read the article about Mike Reynolds and answer the questions. (25 points)


Mike Reynolds builds houses from recycled materials to show us what we waste. Mike’s
houses are built using the things that other people throw away. His Earthships ( as his houses are

called ) are beautiful buildings. They are shaped and coloured to match the landscape around
them. He uses bottles to create beautiful walls full of light. There are plants everywhere, inside
and out. But the plants and the bottles, like everything else in the Earthships, are not only there
for decoration. Every single material in an Earthship is carefully chosen. Old car tyres are used to
build strong walls. The rubber protects the houses from the cold northern winds in winter. These
walls are built at the back of the house. The walls at the front of the house are built from metal
cans or glass bottles. They’re held together with the earth from around them and cement is not
used at all. The beautiful bottle walls are built to the south to give light during the day. The house
is heated by the larger front windows. They also create the perfect temperature for growing all
kinds of fruit and vegetables, and the plants are protected against the bad weather. When you live
in an Earthship, you grow your own food, get electricity from the sun and wind and you get
water from the rain and snow.
Mike and Earthship organisation use their ability and experience to help people all over the
world. In 2010, they visited victims of the earthquake in Haiti. They taught them how to build
safe, new homes quickly and cheaply from materials that they could find around them. Mike
points out that rubbish only exists because humans create it. That is exactly what Mike, the
Garbage Warrior, wants us to see – that we have to stop waste and reuse our rubbish.

1. What kind of houses does Mike Reynolds build? 3p

2. How does Mike protect his Earthships from the cold? 3p
3. How does he provide light during the day? 3p
4. Why does he grow his plants in the front of the house? 3p
5. How does he get energy and water? 3p
6. How did he and his organisation help other people? 3p
7. What is Mike’s main message to the world? 3p
8. Is it easy to recycle materials in your area? Why/Why not? 4p

V. A popular magazine is holding a short story competition and you have decided to enter.
Your story must end with the words “It was the best day of my life”.
Write your story in 150-180 words on your answer sheet. (25 points)

NOTĂ: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timp de lucru 90 de minute.
Nu se acordǎ puncte din oficiu.



Clasa a VIII-a

27 ianuarie 2018


I. Choose the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet:

( 10 x 1p=10 points )
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C

II. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, put a tick
(√ ). If it contains a mistake, cross it and correct it:
( 10 x 2p=20 points)
1. fun to people – for people;
2. enjoy to be outdoors – enjoy being outdoors;
3. makes you feeling – makes you feel;
4. Other good thing – Another good thing;
5. it help – it helps;
6. √;
7. you must hurt – you can/may hurt;
8. √;
9. a lot of time to practice – a lot of time to practise;
10. a excellent way – an excellent way;

III. Read the title and the text, and think of the word which best fits each gap.
( 10 x 2p = 20 points )
1. would
2. seen/watched
3. up
4. are
5. for
6. all
7. they
8. in
9. keep/stay/get
10. take

IV. Read the article about Mike Reynolds and answer the questions. (25 points)

1. He builds houses from recycled materials. 3p

2. He uses old tyres. 3p
3. The walls at the front of the house are built from glass bottles. 3p
4. So that they are protected against the bad weather. 3p
5. He gets energy from the sun and the wind; he gets water from rain and snow. 3p
6. They taught people in Haiti how to build safe, new homes quickly and cheaply. 3p
7. That we have to stop waste and reuse our rubbish. 3p
8. Students’ own answer: 4p
2 p- task achievement;
1 p – coherence and cohesion;
1 p – proper vocabulary.

V. Write a story with the following ending: “ It was the best day of my life.”
Write 150-180 words on your answer sheet. Give your story a catchy title.
(25 points)

1. Accuracy and content. (Words should be spelled correctly and word order used properly.
Title related to the
topic) – 5 points;

2. Organisation and cohesion. (Storyline should be clear, though paragraphing could be

minimal.)– 5 points;
3. Appropriacy of register and format. (Consistent register suitable to the story.) – 5 points;
4. Range. (Narrative tenses with vocabulary appropriate to the chosen topic of the story).
– 5 points;
5. The story should be original. –5 points.

NOTĂ: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timp de lucru 90 de minute.
Nu se acordǎ puncte din oficiu.
Orice alte variante corecte vor fi luate in considerare.

Nr. teza Subject I Subject II Subject III Subject IV Subject V Punctaj

10p 20p 20p 25p 25p final


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