Ac1 - 1° Bimestre: Leia o Texto Abaixo e Responda Às Perguntas

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1.Não é permitido o uso de corretivo e calculadora; 4. Usar caneta de tinta azul ou preta para os cálculos e respostas;
2. Observe os número e valores das questões; 5. É obrigatório o cálculo de todas as questões;
3. O aluno terá 60 minutos como tempo mínimo para devolução da prova 6.Releia a prova com atenção.

1. Traduza o texto abaixo para o português:

“Some people think that the world will change a lot. The cities will become bigger. They will be more beautiful.
There will be more parks and trees in them. Some people say that there won't be many people in the cities and
the cities will become smaller but there will be more farms. More people will live in the country, and they will grow
food for all the world. People will be taller and more clever. Some people think that men will be two metres tall,
and women will be as tall as men. They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours.
Pupils will not go to school. They will have computers at home and the computers will help them to learn
everything. At weekends people will go to the moon and other planets. They will have a good time there. They
won't read many books. They will mostly watch television and get news from computer networks. And they will
learn many things from nature. All people will enjoy their life.”


Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas:


Come and join our lunchtime yoga class with experienced yoga teacher Divya Bridge!
When? Every Tuesday at 1.30 p.m.
Where? Meeting Room 7
How much? £10 for four 30-minute classes.
What to bring? Comfortable clothes. Divya will provide the yoga mats.
How to join? Write to Sam at

We can only take a maximum of 20 in the room, so book now!

a) Which day of the week does the yoga class take place?

b) How many classes can you take for £10?

c) What time will the class end?

d) What kind of clothes do you need to wear to the class?

e) e) What do you need to send to Sam if you want to join?

f) When should you book if you want to join?

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