SLC Reflection

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Carly Angel

IR 3/11 AP #17
27 April 2019

Student Learning Conference Reflection

The Student Learning Conference was a great success. I had a lot of nerves going into the

presentation, but it went very well. There were about 30 people in our session and everyone

seemed very engaged. This was encouraging to see because it means that teens are actually

interested in topics about fast fashion. There were a lot of questions asked by the audience too.

My partner and I were able to blend out topics very well and this was noted by a lot of the

attendees of our session. I also really enjoyed getting to hear the presentations of other students

in the county. It was interesting to see how diverse everyone's topics are and how this class

allows you to do just about anything. My biggest takeaways were that if I show confidence when

I am presenting then it will go much better and that I do not need to be nervous anymore about

speaking in front of audiences.

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