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Lighting affects students’ concentration positively: Findings from

three Dutch studies

Article  in  Lighting Research and Technology · April 2013

DOI: 10.1177/1477153512446099

35 1,347

6 authors, including:

Nienke M. Moolenaar Mirjam Galetzka

Utrecht University University of Twente


Ad Pruyn B. E. Sarroukh
University of Twente Philips


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Lighting Research and

Lighting affects students' concentration positively: Findings from three Dutch studies
PJC Sleegers, NM Moolenaar, M Galetzka, A Pruyn, BE Sarroukh and B van der Zande
Lighting Research and Technology 2013 45: 159 originally published online 22 June 2012
DOI: 10.1177/1477153512446099

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Lighting Res. Technol. 2013; 45: 159–175

Lighting affects students’ concentration

positively: Findings from three Dutch studies
PJC Sleegers PhDa, NM Moolenaar PhDa, M Galetzka PhDb, A Pruyn PhDb,
BE Sarroukh PhDc and B van der Zande PhDc
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Twente, Enschedee, The
Department of Marketing Communication and Consumer Psychology, University of
Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Philips Lighting, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Received 18 October 2011; Revised 28 January 2012; Accepted 18 March 2012

The importance of lighting for performance in human adults is well established.

However, evidence on the extent to which lighting affects the school performance
of young children is sparse. This paper evaluates the effect of lighting conditions
(with vertical illuminances between 350 lux and 1000 lux and correlated colour
temperatures between 3000 and 12 000 K) on the concentration of elementary
school children in three experiments. In the first two experiments, a flexible and
dynamic lighting system is used in quasi-experimental field studies using data
from 89 pupils from two schools (Study 1) and 37 pupils from two classrooms
(Study 2). The third experiment evaluated two lighting settings within a school-
simulating, windowless laboratory setting (n ¼ 55). The results indicate a positive
influence of the lighting system on pupils’ concentration. The findings underline
the importance of lighting for learning. Several suggestions are made for further

1. Introduction beneficial biological effects of lighting is the

inhibition and suppression of cortisol and
Research has indicated that both natural and melatonin in human subjects exposed to
artificial lighting affect people’s health, mood, different lighting systems.20 In addition to
well-being and alertness.1–3 Studies suggest physiological and psychological effects of
that the intensity and colour temperature of different types of illumination, research has
artificial lighting affect various physiological indicated that specific lighting conditions may
processes in the human body, such as blood also increase human performance.3 For
pressure, heart rate variability, EEG, core instance, studies suggest that artificial lighting
temperature and melatonin.4–8 Moreover, can have positive effects on working speed,
exposure to lighting with different illumin- accuracy and task performance.12,21–23
ances and correlated colour temperature Empirical studies supporting the effects of
(CCT) can affect the quality of sleep, the lighting have been conducted in various
mood, alertness and perceived self-efficacy of settings, such as retail environments,24
the subjects studied.6,9–19 One of the offices13,18 and schools.25–27 The findings of
these studies indicate that the effect of light-
Address for correspondence: Peter JC Sleegers, Faculty of ing is in part dependent on the situation, the
Behavioural Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, task at hand and the specific environ-
University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The
Netherlands ment.9,28–30 Although these studies did find
E-mail: some effects, they do not unequivocally verify
ß The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2013 10.1177/1477153512446099

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160 PJC Sleegers et al.

or falsify the effects of lighting in different Although the literature suggests that light-
settings as expected in the literature.31 In this ing in school settings can affect pupils’
study, we add to the literature base by achievement and behaviour, empirical evi-
exploring the extent to which classroom dence on these suggested effects is still very
lighting conditions in elementary schools limited. Moreover, the studies vary greatly
affect children’s concentration. While educa- with regard to the research designs (field
tional research has provided valuable insights studies and experiments), types of lighting
as to the importance of various aspects of systems (static and dynamic, differences
learning environments, such as learning tasks between illuminance and spectrum), target
and materials, time on task, feedback, and groups (young children, adolescents, or
teachers’ instructional behavior, systematic adults) and outcome measures (e.g., subject-
empirical research into the influence of phys- ive measurements, objective tests, physical
ical aspects of students’ learning environment, measures). In addition, research suggests that
such as lighting, is limited.32 In a recent study, the timing and duration of the lighting
positive effects were found for brighter light- available plays an important role.34,35 In
ing (500 lux) compared to standard lighting some studies, students were followed for a
(300 lux), on the reading, writing and math- longer period of time, other studies were
ematics of elementary school children.33 conducted in different seasons, and in some
Besides the effects of illuminance, studies studies students were exposed to different
also indicate positive effects of lighting of preset lighting conditions for a short period of
different CCTs (4000 K and 17000 K) on time. More research is needed to understand
various physical, psychological and perform- the influence of artificial lighting in schools
ance outcomes of children, such as dental and classrooms and to establish consistent
health, physical growth and development, and unequivocal support for these effects.
attendance, alertness and academic Given the lack of empirical evidence, studies
achievement.34,35 into the influence of dynamic lighting systems
In addition to these studies into ‘static’ on children’s alertness are indicated. This
forms of lighting, researchers have started to paper makes a contribution to the existing
examine the potential effects of dynamic body of knowledge by examining the extent to
lighting in school settings. Dynamic lighting which dynamic lighting in elementary schools
refers to lighting that provides different light- affects children’s concentration. Our inquiry
ing settings, in specific combinations of illu- examined the following question: To what
minance and CCT, that can be applied over extent does a dynamic lighting system affect
time to support both mental alertness and the concentration of Dutch elementary school
relaxation. The findings indicate that dynamic children?
lighting systems may have positive effects on In this paper, we will present the results of
students’ visual performance, arousal and three different and complimentary studies,
well-being.36–38 Furthermore, dynamic light- namely two quasi-experimental field studies
ing has been found to improve both pupils’ and one randomized laboratory experiment,
performance as assessed by increased reading into the effects of dynamic lighting on the
speed and pupils’ behavior in terms of rest- concentration of elementary school children.
lessness and aggressive behavior.25,26 While The studies were conducted in different sea-
some studies support the effects of dynamic sons: Winter and spring. We used instruments
lighting on performance on elementary school that have been used by other researchers to
children and university students.26 other evi- measure pupils’ concentration. By doing so,
dence disputes these effects.39 this paper aims to validate earlier findings
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Lighting and student concentration 161

and make a unique contribution to increased Electronic PC MLO). The light output was
insights on the effects of lighting conditions pre-programmed in the ballasts for each
on children’s concentration in elementary setting.
2.2. Research design and sample
2. Method 2.2.1. Study 1
The first study was designed as a pre-test-
2.1. The dynamic lighting system: Settings and post-test nonequivalent control group study.
conditions Two schools in the south of the Netherlands
A system for dynamic lighting of class- were appointed to the control and experimen-
rooms was designed to support the rhythm of tal condition. A timeline for the administra-
activity in the classroom with four different tion of the pre- and post-tests is presented in
lighting settings. The teacher is able to select Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, data
the most appropriate setting via a five-button, from two post-tests were gathered 1 month
wall-mounted control panel located in the after the installation of the dynamic system in
classroom. The system has four preset lighting November and December.
settings: The illuminances produced in both schools
 Energy setting. This setting is intended to have been measured on a horizontal plane at
be used to activate the pupils at the start of the pupil’s desk level, without outdoor light-
the day or after lunch. The average hori- ing, using a Konica Minolta CL - 200A.
zontal illuminance measured at desk level is The original lighting condition of the
650 lx, and the CCT is 12 000 K (a ‘cold’, classroom in the experimental school (pre-
blue-rich white light.) test) was nine recessed conventional lumin-
 Focus setting. This setting aids concentra- aires with a louvre creating about 300 lx at
tion during challenging tasks, such as desk level and with a CCT of 4000 K
exams and tests. The average horizontal (Figure 1). Table 2 summarizes the cumula-
illuminance measured at desk level is tive use of the different settings of the
1000 lx with a CCT of 6500 K (a bright dynamic lighting system in the experimental
white light). school in the period November 2009 to
 Calm setting. This setting brings a relaxing March 2010. The ventilation of the class
ambience to support independent and col- rooms was uncontrolled. All tests in the
laborative learning. The average horizontal experimental school were administered using
illuminance measured at desk level is 300 lx the Focus setting of the dynamic lighting
with a CCT of 2900 K (white light with a system (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows the pattern
warm, red colour tone).
 Standard setting. This lighting setting is
used for regular classroom activities. The
Table 1 Time points for the assessment of concentration
average horizontal illuminance measured at (Study 1)
desk level is 300 lx, and the CCT is 3000–
4000 K (standard white light as commonly Time point Date Illumination
used in indoor workplaces). 1 23 October 2009 Pre-test (no dynamic
The settings were created by colour-mixing 2 24 November 2009 First post-test
the light output from a surface-mounted (dynamic lighting)
3 2 December 2009 Second post-test
Philips Savio luminaire fitted with a diffuser (dynamic lighting)
(TCS770 3xTL5-49W/452/827/452 25/90/25
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162 PJC Sleegers et al.

Figure 1 Conventional lighting system in the control school/classroom and the experimental school/classroom

Table 2 Cumulative percentage use of the different settings of the dynamic lighting system in the
experimental school during November 2009 to March 2010 (Study 1)

Lighting setting Grade 4 Grade 6

Mean (%) Standard deviation (%) Mean (%) Standard deviation (%)

Standard 51.0 21.4 74.2 20.6

Energy 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.2
Focus 14.2 10.8 6.6 11.3
Calm 31.4 20.9 15.2 15.3

of use of the dynamic lighting system during a control school. The exact starting time was
test day agreed upon and managed by both schools
The control school was equipped with for each of the time points, and took place
conventional recessed luminaires fitted with between 9 and 10 a.m. The outdoor condi-
louvres (Figure 1). The average illuminance tions during the test days were classified as
was about 600 lx at desk level with a CCT of cloudy and overcast by the Dutch weather
4000 K for both classes. The ventilation of the station KNMI.
classrooms was uncontrolled. A total of 98 pupils participated in the
Concentration tests were administered on study; 52 pupils from the control school (27
the same days in both the experimental and pupils in grade 4 and 25 pupils in grade 6) and
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Lighting and student concentration 163

Figure 2 The dynamic lighting system in the focus setting (post-tests)





6 am 8 am 10 am 12 am 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm

Figure 3 The use of the dynamic lighting system during a test day in Study 1

46 pupils from the experimental school (21 dyslexia, behavioral disorder) were excluded
pupils in grade 4 and 25 pupils in grade 6). In from the sample.
all, 39 pupils (40%) were boys, and 59 pupils 2.2.2. Study 2
(60%) were girls. The average age was 10 The second study was also designed as a
years. Pupils with learning disabilities (e.g. pre-test-post-test nonequivalent control
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164 PJC Sleegers et al.

group study. In contrast to the first study, in illuminance at desk level was about 750 lx
study 2 two classrooms within the same with a CCT of 3000 K.
school in the west of the Netherlands were The control group was equipped with con-
appointed to the control and experimental ventional lighting where the light distribution
condition. A timeline for the administration is created by a Sylvania Sylpack luminaire
of the pre- and post-tests is presented in fitted with a louvre (SYLPACK2 2 x F36W/
Table 3. As can be seen from Table 3, data 830). The average illuminance at desk level was
from two post-tests were gathered 2 weeks about 380 lx with a CCT of 3000 K.
after the installation of the dynamic system The ventilation and the temperature in the
scene in February. experimental and control classrooms were
During the pretest (baseline), the interven- controlled at CO2 level 1000 ppm and 218C,
tion group was equipped with conventional respectively. The temperature and ambient
lighting where the light distribution is created acoustics were recorded during the test
by a Philips SmartForm luminaire fitted with period. Table 4 shows the average values of
a diffuser (TBS471 3xTL5 54 W 830 these environmental variables in the control
Electronic PC MLO). The average illumin- and experimental classrooms.
ance at desk level was about 350 lx with a As mentioned above, all post-tests in the
CCT of 3000 K. experimental classroom were administered
The lighting of the experimental classroom using the Focus setting of the dynamic
(post-tests) was six luminaires with constant lighting system (Figure 2). The concentration
Focus setting of the dynamic lighting in the tests were administered on the same days in
period 21 January 2011 to 18 February 2011. both the experimental and the control class-
After the baseline measurements, the average room. The exact starting time was agreed
upon and managed by both classrooms at
10 a.m. The outdoor conditions during the
Table 3 Time points for the assessment of concentration
test days were classified as cloudy and over-
(Study 2) cast by the Dutch weather station KNMI.
A total of 44 pupils participated in the
Time point Date Illumination
study (23 boys; 21 girls; average age ¼ 10
1 20 January 2011 Pre-test (no dynamic years); 22 pupils from the control classroom
2 03 February 2011 First post-test
and 22 pupils from the experimental class-
(dynamic lighting) room. Pupils with learning disabilities (e.g.
3 17 February 2011 Second post-test dyslexia, behavioral disorder) were excluded
(dynamic lighting)
from the sample.

Table 4 Measured environmental conditions in the experimental classroom (Study 2)

Experimental classroom 20 January 2011 3 February 2011 17 February 2011

CO2 level (ppm) 1208 1072 1024

Temperature (8C) 20.5 20.6 20.3
Noise level dB(A) Not measured 40 40

Control classroom 20 January 2011 03 February 2011 17 February 2011

CO2 level (ppm) 1118 1156 1112

Temperature (8C) 20.4 20.9 20.7
Noise level in dB(A) Not measured 40 40

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Lighting and student concentration 165

2.2.3. Study 3 a letter d with one or two lines (either ’ or ’’)

The third study was designed as an experi- above and/or below the letter (see Figure 4).
mental post-test-only control group design. The assignment is to mark each letter d that
For this study, the dynamic lighting system has a total of two lines above and below the
was installed in a windowless lecture room letter. In order to do the test perfectly,
designed for 28 students at the University of respondents should not mark any other
Twente in the Netherlands. As the data were symbol than a d2, and all d2 symbols
gathered during springtime (in May/June should be marked. The d2-test is timed, and
2010), exposure to natural light may affect respondents are given 20 seconds to complete
the effects of artificial lighting more than each line. After these 20 seconds, respondents
during the winter season.35 Therefore, we have to continue on the next line. As such, the
asked the students to visit the University early test assesses concentration in terms of both
in the morning. The pupils were welcomed accuracy and speed.
and instructed by two researchers of the Several measures can be derived from the
university. A third researcher was responsible d2-test. In this study, we focus on two
for manipulating the setting of the dynamic measures; concentration performance (CP)
lighting system so that during the test, both and the total number of errors made by the
pupils and researchers did not know which pupils (E). CP is assessed as the number of
lighting setting was used. Several tests were correctly marked d2-symbols minus the
administered to the pupils to assess their number of incorrectly marked symbols (sym-
concentration, mood and performance. The bols that are not d2-symbols). This measure is
concentration test was administered half way the most reliable measurement of concentra-
through the session. tion as it captures both accuracy and speed in
In total, 55 pupils from 6 schools (grades 4, the assessment of concentration and it is not
5 and 6) near the university participated in very sensitive to extreme scores due to inci-
the study that ran for a total of 6 weeks. The dental coincidences (so-called outliers).41 The
pupils were randomly assigned to one of the total number of errors is assessed as the
two lighting settings (Focus or Standard) and number of errors made by failing to identify a
experienced the same, constant lighting con- correct d2-symbol plus the number of errors
ditions (illuminance and CCT) rather than made by incorrectly marking symbols that are
different settings and conditions for different not d2-symbols.41 This measure was also used
activities as in the field studies. A total of 25 in previous studies to assess the impact of
boys (45%) and 30 girls participated in the lighting on concentration,25,26 and therefore
study. The average age was 10 years. Pupils an examination of this measure will facilitate
with learning disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, behav- the comparison of this study with previous
ioral disorder) were excluded from the work. We also included gender as a variable,
sample. because research into the effects of lighting on
problem solving has shown that men, com-
2.3. Measurement of concentration pared to women, perform better in bright
To assess the concentration of the pupils, light.21,22,42
we used the d2-test as developed by
Brickenkamp and colleagues.40 This test has 2.4. Analysis strategy
been used in previous research into the effect To analyze the differences between the
of lighting on the concentration of pupils.25,26 experimental and control conditions on the
The d2-test consists of 14 lines, each contain- repeated measures variables (Study 1 and 2),
ing 47 symbols. A symbol is either a letter p or we conducted mixed ANOVAs. A repeated
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166 PJC Sleegers et al.

Figure 4 Example of part of the d2-test for measuring concentration

measures design is a sensitive design that calculated for these contrasts using the effects
reduces sampling error. By comparing pupils’ size estimate calculated as the square root of
scores on the concentration test at least twice the F-ratio divided by the sum of the F-ratio
over time and across schools and classrooms, and the residual degrees of freedom.43
it can be assumed that the variation in Following Cohen,45 we interpret an effect
individuals’ scores will be due to the experi- size of 0.10 as a small effect, while effect sizes
mental manipulation of lighting and that any of 0.30 and 0.50 point to a medium and large
variation that cannot be explained by these effect, respectively.
manipulations must be due to random factors To validate the findings of the quasi-
outside our control.43 experimental field studies and offer additional
By doing so, we could check for so-called support for the effect of lighting on the
‘learning effects’, meaning children may just concentration of young children, we con-
perform better on the concentration test trasted two different lighting settings (Focus
because they have learned how to perform setting vs. Normal setting) of the dynamic
well on the test.44 Specific contrasts were lighting system as used in the experiment
formulated to identify treatment effects (Study 3). The differences between the per-
(focused effects). Effect sizes (r) were formances on the concentration test by the
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Lighting and student concentration 167
Table 5 Average scores and standard deviations for concentration performance for three
measurement times (Study 1)

School/grade N Pre-test Post-test (1) Post-test (2)

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Experimental 38 114.70 (20.88) 141.11 (33.32) 161.18 (38.40)

Grade 4 17 106.24 (15.46) 125.59 (21.28) 143.71 (18.79)
Grade 6 21 121.56 (22.48) 153.67 (36.35) 175.33 (44.44)
Control 51 140.00 (28.44) 154.18 (33.39) 165.35 (45.89)
Grade 4 27 140.86 (31.00) 134.81 (27.21) 140.95 (34.98)
Grade 6 24 139.03 (25.90) 175.97 (35.59) 192.79 (41.34)

pupils in these two experimental groups were schools, the Focus light setting had a positive
tested with a t-test. effect on pupils’ concentration in the experi-
mental school.
3.1.2. Errors made
3. Results
These results showed that, in general,
3.1. Study 1 pupils performed better on the d2-test over
3.1.1. Concentration performance time indicating a learning effect (F(1.35,
The results showed a significant main effect 117.24) ¼ 78.83, p50.001, p ¼ 0.475). On

of CP (F(1.35, 117.05) ¼ 79.28; p50.001, average, pupils in the experimental condition

p2 ¼ 0.477). On average, pupils in the control made more errors than their peers in the
school performed better on CP than their control condition at the three different time
peers in the experimental school and, overall, points (Table 6). Furthermore, there was a
pupils’ performance increased at the consecu- significant interaction effect between school
tive time points, indicating a potential learn- and time on errors made (F(1.35, 117.24) ¼ 6.93,
ing effect (see Table 5). More importantly, a p50.01, p2 ¼ 0.074). Although the number
significant interaction effect was found of errors made in the experimental and
between school and time for pupils’ perform- control school decreases, this decrease is
ance (F(1.35, 117.05) ¼ 6.88, p50.01, more pronounced for pupils in the experi-
p2 ¼ 0.073). This indicates that although the mental school. Contrasts yielded significant
performance of pupils in both sample schools interactions when comparing errors of pupils
increases, this increase is more pronounced across the schools for the second post-test
for pupils of the experimental school. To get a versus pre-test (F(1, 87) ¼ 8.63, p50.01,
better understanding of this interaction, con- r ¼ 0.30) and second post-test versus first
trasts were performed comparing the second post-test (F(1, 87) ¼ 6.57, p50.05, r ¼ 0.26).
post-test with both the pre-test and the first These findings also suggest that the Focus
post-test across the experimental and control light setting had a positive effect on pupils’
schools. The findings indicated significant concentration.
interactions when comparing CP scores of 3.1.3. Differences between grades
pupils across schools on the second post-test As grade 6 pupils of both schools achieved
with the pre-test (F(1, 87) ¼ 8.57, p50.01, higher scores on CP and made fewer errors
r ¼ 0.30) and with the first post-test over the three time points than pupils from
(F(1, 87) ¼ 6.29, p50.05, r ¼ 0.26). As such, grade 4 (Tables 5 and 6), we also performed a
the results suggest that in addition to an mixed analysis of variance for the two grades
overall learning effect for pupils in both separately.
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168 PJC Sleegers et al.
Table 6 Average scores and standard deviations of number of errors made for three measurement
times (Study 1)

School/grade N Pre-test Post-test (1) Post-test (2)

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Experimental 38 183.90 (20.73) 157.56 (33.32) 137.30 (38.69)

Grade 4 17 192.43 (15.35) 173.08 (21.28) 154.96 (18.79)
Grade 6 21 177.00 (22.25) 145.00 (36.35) 123.00 (44.80)
Control 51 158.62 (28.38) 144.39 (37.42) 133.32 (45.89)
Grade 4 27 157.80 (31.00) 163.77 (27.29) 157.72 (34.98)
Grade 6 24 159.54 (25.76) 122.60 (35.57) 105.87 (41.34)

For pupils in grade 4, we found a signifi- indicating that the decrease in pupils’ errors
cant main effect of time on CP (F(1.48, was different for both schools over the three
62.21) ¼ 22.20, p50.001, p ¼ 0.346). In add- time points. Contrasts revealed significant
ition, a significant interaction effect was interactions when comparing the second
found between school and time for pupils’ post-test to the pre-test (F(1, 42) ¼ 27.18,
CP (F(1.48, 62.21) ¼ 22.31, p50.001, p50.001, r ¼ 0.63) and to first post-test
p2 ¼ 0.347), indicating that the increase in (F(1, 42) ¼ 7.66, p50.001; r ¼ 0.39). These
CP of pupils in grade 4 of the experimental results indicate that although the total
schools is more pronounced over time than number of errors made by the pupils from
the increase of CP of their peers in the control grade 4 in both schools decreases, this
school. Contrasts revealed significant inter- decrease is more pronounced for the pupils
actions when comparing the second post-test in the experimental school.
versus the pre-test (F(1, 42) ¼ 27.25, p50.001, The errors made by the pupils in grade 6
r ¼ 0.63) and the second post-test versus the showed a significant main effect of time
first post-test (F(1, 42) ¼ 7. 62, p50.01; (F(1.58, 67.71) ¼ 109.17, p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.717).
r ¼ 0.39). We did not find significant interaction effects
The results also showed a significant main of school and time on number of errors made
effect of time on CP in grade 6 (F(1.58, (F(1.58, 67.71) ¼ 0.32, n.s.). As such, these find-
67.82) ¼ 110.92, p50.001, p ¼ 0.721). In con-
ings reflect the CP results meaning that
trast to the findings for grade 4, no significant lighting appears to positively affect the con-
interaction effect between school and CP centration of pupils in grade 4 but not in
was found (F(1.58, 67.82) ¼ 0.29, n.s.). As such, grade 6.
lighting appears to positively affect the con- 3.1.4. Gender
centration of pupils in grade 4 but not in As statistically significant effects were
grade 6. found for the influence of lighting on chil-
As for the number of errors made, there dren’s concentration, we performed add-
was a significant main effect of time on the itional analyses to examine whether this
total number of errors made by all pupils in effect may be stronger for boys than girls, as
grade 4 (F(1.48, 62.44) ¼ 22.06, p50.001, suggested by the literature.21,22,42 Results
p2 ¼ 0.344). Furthermore, there was a sig- indicated a main effect of gender on concen-
nificant interaction effect between school and tration, indicating that on average, girls
time for the total number of errors made perform better on CP than boys
(F(1.48, 62.44) ¼ 22.17, p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.345) (F(1, 85) ¼ 7.92, p50.01, p2 ¼ 0.085) and
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Lighting and student concentration 169
Table 7 Average scores and standard deviations of concentration performance for three
measurement times (Study 2)

Classroom N Pre-test Post-test (1) Post-test (2)

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Experimental 18 158.56 (21.99) 192.00 (26.31) 206.89 (29.97)

Control 19 158.79 (26.56) 166.26 (27.82) 178.32 (30.81)

make fewer errors (F(1, 85) ¼ 8.02, p50.01, sample classrooms increases, this increase is
p2 ¼ 0.086).We did not find statistically sig- more pronounced for pupils of the experi-
nificant interaction effects involving gender mental condition. Contrast revealed signifi-
on both CP (F(1.35, 114.49) ¼ 1.54, n.s.) and cant interactions when comparing CP of
number of errors (F(1.35, 114.72) ¼ 1.55, n.s.). pupils across classrooms on the second post-
When we examined whether the increase in test with the pre-test (F(1, 35) ¼ 24.07,
concentration for boys and girls differed p50.001, r ¼ 0.64), but not on the first post-
between both sample schools, we found that test (F(1, 35) ¼ 0.41, n.s.). These findings sug-
this three-way interaction effect was not gest that above an overall learning effect for
significant for both CP (F(1.35, 114.49) ¼ 1.00, pupils in both classrooms, the Focus light
n.s.) and number of errors (F(1.35, setting had a positive effect on pupils’ con-
114.72) ¼ 1.00, n.s.). Moreover, three-way inter- centration in the experimental classroom.
action analyses for both grades separately 3.2.2. Errors made
indicated that gender did not play a role in the We found a significant main effect of time
effect of light on CP for grade 4 (F(1.46, on the total number of errors made by all
58.33) ¼ 0.11, n.s.) nor grade 6 (F(1.67, pupils in both the experimental and control
68.30) ¼ 0.14, n.s.). As such, these results sug- condition (F(2, 70) ¼ 89.24, p50.001,
gest that there are no significant differences p2 ¼ 0.718). On average, pupils in the experi-
between boys and girls regarding the effect of mental condition made fewer errors than their
lighting on CP. peers in the control condition at the three
different time points (Table 8). Furthermore,
3.2. Study 2 there was a significant interaction effect
3.2.1. Concentration performance between classroom and time and errors
The results showed a significant main effect made (F(2, 70) ¼ 19.22, p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.354).
of time on CP (F(2, 70) ¼ 89.16; p50.001, Although the number of errors made in the
p2 ¼ 0.718). The finding showed that on experimental and control classrooms
average, pupils in the experimental classroom decreases, this decrease is more pronounced
performed better on CP than their peers in the for pupils in the experimental classroom.
control classroom, and that overall, pupils’ Contrasts yielded significant interactions
performance increased at the consecutive time when comparing errors of pupils across the
points, indicating a potential learning effect classrooms for the second post-test versus
(see Table 7). More importantly, a significant pre-test (F(1, 35) ¼ 24.03, p50.001, r ¼ 0.64)
interaction effect was found between class- but not on the first post-test (F(1, 35) ¼ 0.41,
room and time on pupils’ CP (F(2, 70) ¼ 19.25, n.s.). These findings suggest that the Focus
p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.355). This indicates that light setting had a positive effect on pupils’
although the performance of pupils in both concentration.
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170 PJC Sleegers et al.
Table 8 Average scores and standard deviations of number of errors made for three measurement
times (Study 2)

Classroom N Pre-test Post-test (1) Post-test (2)

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Experimental 18 140.39 (21.87) 107.00 (26.31) 92.11 (29.97)

Control 19 140.21 (26.56) 132.74 (27.82) 120.68 (30.81)

As the first study showed, we found 3.3. Study 3

differences in the effect of lighting across 3.3.1. Concentration performance
grades. Therefore, we also performed add- The results showed that pupils in the Focus
itional analyses to examine whether the effects lighting setting performed better on the CP
of lighting maybe stronger for younger than (M ¼ 159.57; SD ¼ 27.78) than pupils in the
for older pupils. There were main effects of Normal lighting setting (M ¼ 157.69;
age, indicating that, on average, older pupils SD ¼ 31.21). A similar pattern was found
showed better CP than younger pupils at all for the total number of errors made: Pupils in
three measurements points (F(3, 29) ¼ 3.87; the Focus lighting setting made fewer errors
p50.05, p2 ¼ 0.286) and made fewer errors (M ¼ 139.10; SD ¼ 27.78) than their peers in
(F(3, 29) ¼ 3.87; p50.05, p2 ¼ 0.286). No sig- the Normal lighting setting (M ¼ 140.97;
nificant interaction effects of age on both CP SD ¼ 31.21). Although pupils in the Focus
(F(6, 58) ¼ 1.45, n.s.) and number of errors setting performed better on the concentration
were found (F(6, 58) ¼ 1.45, n.s.). Three-way test than pupils in the Normal lighting, these
interaction analysis indicated that age does differences were not statistically significant
not play a role in the effect of lighting on CP for both CP (T(53) ¼ 0.24, n.s.) and total
(F(6, 58) ¼ 0.78; n.s.) and number of errors number of errors made (T(53) ¼ –0.24, n.s.).
made (F(6, 58) ¼ 0.77; n.s.). These findings indicate that the Focus setting
does not have a larger impact on the concen-
tration of pupils than the Normal lighting
3.2.3. Gender setting. Although we did not find the expected
As in the first study, we also found a positive effect of Focus lighting, the results do
statistically significant main effect of gender support the direction of the expected effect on
on CP (F(1, 33) ¼ 15.02; p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.313) the concentration of pupils. As we did not
and number of errors made (F(1, 33) ¼ 15.00; find statistically significant effects of lighting
p50.001, p2 ¼ 0.313). This indicates that, on on pupils’ concentration in the third study,
average, girls do perform better than boys on additional analyses including background
the concentration test. There were no signifi- variables were considered redundant.
cant interaction effects of gender on both CP
(F(2, 66) ¼ 2.54, n.s.) and number of errors
(F(2, 66) ¼ 2.58, n.s.). Moreover, no significant 4. Discussion
three-way interaction effects were found for
both CP (F(2, 66) ¼ 0.07, n.s.) and number of The following research question guided our
errors (F(2, 66) ¼ 0.08, n.s.), indicating that investigations: To what extent does a dynamic
gender does not play a role in the effect of lighting system affect the concentration of
lighting on concentration. Dutch elementary school children? In order to
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Lighting and student concentration 171

find answers to this question, we conducted judgements with regard to the child’s home
two field studies and an experiment to exam- situation – an educational recommendation
ine the effect of dynamic lighting on the will be provided for the transition from
concentration of pupils in elementary schools. primary to secondary school at the end of
Following previous research, we focused on elementary school. Given the importance of
pupils’ CP25,26 and evaluated the impact of this test for the future school career of their
different lighting conditions and settings on pupils and to prepare them for this test as well
pupil’s concentration. In addition, we exam- as possible, grade 6 teachers might be paying
ined the differential effects of classroom more attention to testing the basic skills of the
lighting conditions on concentration for pupils (teaching to the test) than their col-
gender. We evaluated the effects of lighting, leagues from other grades. This may explain
conducting analyses of variance, using three the possible differences between grades as
samples of data from 181 elementary school found in the field study. Although the
children. In this section, we discuss our most findings of the second field study show that,
important findings. on average, older children perform better on
First, the results of our field studies offer concentration tests than their younger peers,
support for the positive influence of class- no additional support was found for the role
room lighting conditions on concentration. of age in the effect of lighting on concentra-
Although all pupils performed better at the tion. This may be related to the small number
concentration test at the consecutive meas- of different age groups within both
urement points, it appeared that the perform- classrooms.
ance of the pupils in the experimental groups Our results partly concur with findings
improved more than the performance of their from two recent studies into the effects of
peers in the control groups. Furthermore, the dynamic lighting on concentration conducted
findings of the first field study show differ- in Germany.25,26 In one of their studies, the
ences between grades: we find effects of researchers found differences in errors made
lighting on concentration for pupils from when comparing elementary school pupils in
grade 4 but not for pupils from grade 6. the experimental setting with the control
These findings suggest that older pupils’ setting. By substantiating these earlier find-
concentration might be less affected by the ings, results from our study offer additional
lighting conditions used than younger pupils. support for the effect of dynamic lighting on
One plausible explanation is that older pupils concentration for young children. More
are more trained to concentrate while per- research is needed to test the effects of
forming tests than younger pupils. Because different lighting conditions and settings on
pupils in Dutch elementary schools are tested the school performance of different age
on a regular basis to assess their development groups. Future studies should use reliable
in basic skills such as reading and mathem- and repeated measurements of concentration
atics, pupils become more skilled in testing in order to reduce bias, increase the validity of
during their school career. Moreover, pupils the design used and evaluate the possible
in grade 6 are in their final year of elementary long-term effects of lighting on school per-
education and will participate at the end of formance of young children in natural school
the school year in the nation-wide standar- environments.
dized Final Primary Education Test. Based Second, the results of the third study
on the performance of this test – together with showed no statistically significant effect of
noncognitive factors such as attitudes, motiv- lighting on concentration and do not sub-
ation and interests, and the teacher’s stantiate the findings of the two field studies
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172 PJC Sleegers et al.

in a controlled environment. One possible different lighting settings and conditions are
explanation for not finding a significant effect used to support the specific activities and
in the third study might be related to the tasks at hand during a longer period of time
differences in the designs used. The rando- may be more effective for pupils’ learning
mized experimental design features of the than an environment in which pupils are
third study promise full control over extrane- exposed to the same lighting condition for a
ous sources of variances. If correctly done, the relatively short period of time. The effect of
random assignment experiment ensures that lighting might be situation-, task- and time
any outcome differences between groups are (duration)-dependent as previous studies also
likely to be due to the treatment, not to have indicated.28–30,34 Future research should,
differences between groups that already therefore, focus on the interaction between
existed at the start of the study.46 Although light conditions and settings, specific activities
we have tried to get a more valid estimate of and tasks and duration (in terms of exposure).
the treatment effect by using a sensitive design This may increase our understanding of the
(repeated measures) that reduces sampling variability of the effect of lighting among
error, the quasi-experimental design features classroom environments, school activities,
of the two field studies create less compelling tasks and student performance and the poten-
support for counterfactual interferences than tial effects of dynamic lighting in school
the randomized experimental design used in settings.
the third study. This suggests that the statis- The differences between the findings of the
tically significant differences found in the field field studies and the third study for the
studies might be caused by uncontrolled relationship between lighting and concentra-
extraneous influences that might limit or tion may also have to do with seasonal effects.
bias observation. In order to validate the As described above, the field studies were
findings of the third study, more randomized conducted between October and February
experiments are needed. Results from mul- (autumn and winter) while the third study was
tiple randomized experiments on the effect of conducted during a six-week period from
dynamic lighting on pupils’ achievement can May to June (spring). Although in all three
yield more accurate estimates than any one studies the tests were administrated in the
individual study. morning, the pupils who participated in the
It might also be that differences between third study were more exposed to daylight
the findings are related to differences in the than pupils in the field studies before they
way the children were exposed to the lighting visited the lecture room at the university and
conditions and settings in the different envir- were tested. The pupils in the two field studies
onments. In the field studies, the pupils in the were less exposed to normal daylight before
experimental conditions were subjected to the administration of the post-tests; due to
different lighting settings and conditions seasonal conditions, it was still relatively dark
during one day for a longer period of time outside when school started and the test were
(Study 1) or were constantly exposed to the made. Seasonal effects were also found in a
Focus setting for one month (Study 2), while more recent study into the effects of dynamic
the pupils in the controlled environment were lighting on student alertness in a lecture room
subjected to the same lighting conditions environment.35 The results of that study
during one morning (Study 3). Although we showed that in spring no change in alertness
did not evaluate the dynamic nature of the could be detected, while in the autumn study
light system used, our findings seem to the decrease of alertness during lectures was
suggest that an environment in which significant. These findings shed light on the
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Lighting and student concentration 173

effects of exposure to lighting conditions help to increase our understanding of person/

during different seasons and the effect of the environment interaction and its impact on the
dynamic nature of light (both artificial and performance and learning of elementary
daylight). As such, attention should be paid school children.
to the added value of artificial lighting in
combination with exposure to daylight for the
improvement of the performance of students
in educational settings. We therefore agree Acknowledgements
with Rautkyla and her colleagues35 that more
systematic research is needed on the relation A great deal of input, hard labour and
of daytime and artificial light, concentration support from our masters-students Anna
and seasonal effects, using objective measures Janneke Salverda and Johan van Dijk made
to analyze performance in real-life settings it possible to invite and transport over hun-
and with prolonged exposure. dred school children from different schools in
Third, the results of our field studies the region of Twente, and to collect data from
showed no evidence of differential effects of them. We gratefully acknowledge their help-
gender in the relationship between lighting ful input. Last but not least we would like
and concentration. Although earlier studies thank the school management and the school
did find effects of lighting on performance children that took part in the studies.
and mood differ between men and women,
our findings do not indicate gender-related Funding
effects of lighting on pupils in elementary
education. This may be related to the differ- This research received no specific grant from
ence between children and adults in effects of any funding agency in the public, commercial,
lighting, for instance in regard to the devel- or not-for-profit sectors.
opment of psychological and affective prefer-
ences for the environment in general, and
lighting specifically. Conflict of interest
The positive effects of lighting conditions
on pupils’ concentration as found in our BES and BVDZ have salary support from
study were based on data from samples of Royal Philips Electronics N.V. The other
‘normal’ children. As mentioned above, in all authors declared no conflicts of interest with
three studies, pupils with learning disabilities respect to the authorship and/or publication
were excluded from the sample. We therefore of this article.
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examining the role of lighting in learning
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