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ORI : Governance Policy & Methodology- Solved-From-2000-to-2011.


1. Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by:

(a) Executive

(b) Legislature

(c) Judiciary

(d) All the three above

2. Formal relationship in an organization is based On:

(a) Friendship

(b) Peer groups

(c) Authority on subordinates

(d) Rules and Regulations

3. Pressure groups in public administration work for:

(a) Public interest

(b) Self interest

(c) Foreign interest

(d) Sectoral interest

4. The process of transmitting the idea or thought into meaningful symbols is called:

(A) Decoding

(B) Feedback

(C) Reception

(D) Encoding

(E) None of these

5. Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command?

(A) Bureaucratic Organization

(B) Functional Organization

(C) Manufacturing Organization

(D) Product Organization

(E) None of these.

6. Which of the following is not a feature of good governance?

(A) Accountability

(B) Transparency

(C) Nepotism

(D) Rule of law

(E) None or these.

7. An attempt to integrate common business practices from the United States and Japan into one middle
ground framework has been termed as:

(a) Theory X

(b) Theory Y

(c) Type Z Model

(d) Universal Model

(e) None of these

8. How the Role of public administration is determined by the people or Government? Can it be a

a) The civilization fails means the breakdown of public administration.

b) Modern democracy can perform this job well.

c) Moral conviction is vital for its role.

d) Social and economical developments are more feasible than any branch of government. e) None of

9. Centralization and decentralization are the problems of relationship between higher and lower levels
of government. They can be solved by:

a) Introduction of local bodies in the country.

b) Solving territorial and functional problems

c) Solving the jurisdictional disputes.

d) Active determination of external factors between the two

e) None of these

10. the proper continuity of communication system in public administration is a serious problem. u point
out which hindrance blow must be removed first?

(a) language difficulty

(b) frame of mind

(c) status distance

(d) geographical distance

(e) none

11. According to an early definition that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by
standards established by facts or truth gained through systematic observation experiments or reasoning
is known as

a. Classical management

b. Bureaucratic management

c. Neo-classical management

d. Scientific management

e. None of these

ORI : Governance Policy & Methodology - Public Policy Multiple Choice Test.html

12. All of the following are ways that individuals influence public policy EXCEPT-

a. express opinions
b. provide a forum for opposing viewpoints
c. join an interest group
d. participate in politics

13. All of the following are ways that special interest groups influence public policy EXCEPT-

a. make political contributions

b. help identify issues
c. lobby government officials
d. give the state of the union address

14. Which of the following is not a way that the media influences public policy?

a. focusing attention on issues

b. providing a forum for opposing viewpoints
c. participating in politics
d. holding government officials accountable
15. The issues that Americans think are important are known as-

a. public policy
b. public forum
c. public agenda
d. public problems

16. Which of the following is a way that the President influences public policy?

a. provide a forum
b. appoint officials to help carry out laws
c. join a special interest group
d. hold government officials accountable

ORI : Governance Policy & Methodology - Multiple Choice Questions.html

17. Organizations that pursue the common interests of groups of people by attempting to influence the
making and implementation of government policy are known as:

a. Interest groups
b. Policy communities
c. Social movements
d. Political parties
e. Lobbyists

18. This theory assumes that governments will be influenced by various interest groups and will not be
biased for or against any of those groups:

a. Pluralist theory
b. State centered theory
c. Institutionalist theory
d. Marxist theory
e. Rational choice theory

19. New social movements have increasingly relied on the following tactic to pressure governments:

a. Circulating petitions in their community

b. Affiliations with the New Democratic Party
c. Legal challenges under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d. Civil disobedience
e. Creating interactive websites to appeal to younger people

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