Movies Vocabulary

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cinema cine
movie (US), film película
action film película de acción
cartoon dibujos animados
comedy comedia
detective film película de detectives
documentary film película documental
educational film película educativa
full-length film largometraje
horror film película de terror
love story historia de amor
musical musical
romantic film película romántica
science-fiction film película de ciencia ficción
short-length film cortometraje
silent film cine mudo
western película del oeste
commercial publicidad
episode episodio, capítulo

actor actor
actress actriz
cameraman camarógrafo
cast elenco
cinema review críticas de cine
dialogue diálogo
director director
extras extras
film star estrella de películas
producer productor
role papel, rol
scene escena
screenwriter guionista
set plató
studio estudio de grabación
subtitles subtítulos
supporting actor actor secundario, de reparto
supporting cast reparto
supporting role papel secundario
titles títulos

to go to the cinema (GB) ir al cine

to go to the movies (US) ir al cine
to rent a video/DVD alquilar un vídeo/DVD
to watch a video/DVD mirar un vídeo/DVD

Movies can be divided into several different genres. There are

exciting action movies with gun fights and car chases, and horror
movies that make us jump in our seats. There are comedies that make
us laugh, and dramas that make us cry. Sci-fi movies show us what
the future might be like, historical films tell us stories from the past,
and documentaries show us real people and events.

After watching a movie, you might want to ask questions like:

 "Which character did you like the best?"

 "What did you think of the plot?"
 "Did you like the cast?"
 "What was your favourite scene?"

action movie (noun): a movie with many exciting and violent scenes
- Our teenage boys love watching action movies.

cast (noun): all the actors and actresses in a movie or TV show - It had
a good cast, but the story wasn't very interesting.

character (noun): one of the people in a story - Harry likes movies with
lots of interesting and unusual characters.

cinema (noun): a place where movies are shown on a big screen - Let's
meet in front of the cinema just before the movie starts.

comedy (noun): a film with lots of funny scenes - Let's see a comedy
and have a good laugh.

director (noun): the person in charge of making a movie - The director

gets really angry when actors forget their lines.

documentary (noun): a film that's about real people, events or issues

- How can you eat junk food after seeing that documentary Super Size

drama (noun): a movie about realistic characters in dramatic situations

- Maria loves legal dramas with lots of courtroom scenes.

entertainment (noun): enjoyment from movies, concerts, TV shows,

etc. - Airlines offer plenty of entertainment on their flights these days.
family movie (noun): a movie that both children and adults can enjoy
- Which entertainment company made the family
movies Cinderella and 101 Dalmatians?

film (noun): another word for "movie" (also "motion picture") - This
year's Academy Award for Best Picture was won by a British film.

genre (noun): a kind or style of music, movie, TV show, painting, etc.

- For film class we had to compare movies from two different genres,
such as comedy and horror.

horror movie (noun): a movie that frightens and shocks people - If you
love horror movies, you've got to see Fright Night.

movie star (noun): a very popular movie actor or actress - Movie stars
earn millions of dollars every time they play a role.

plot (noun): the series of events that form the main story - It was a
good film, but the plot was difficult to follow at times.

scene (noun): a small part of a film - The opening scene showed a

young man leaving prison and walking to a bus stop.

sci-fi (or "science fiction") (noun): a genre with stories set in the
future or in outer space - Have you seen that sci-fi film Interstellar yet?

screen (noun): the flat surface that a movie is projected onto - Do you
like sitting at the back, or close to the screen?
Here is some vocabulary to describe different types of film and
some people connected with the cinema.
Types of film, using the word 'film':

A horror film: A film that scares you

A science fiction film (a sci-fi film): A film set in the future, or an
imaginary world and time
An action film: A film with lots of chases, violence and strong heroes

Types of film that don't need the word 'film' in the name:

A comedy: A film that makes you laugh.

A drama: A film about human relationships and life
A thriller: A film that keeps you excited

Detailed description of films using compound words:

A period drama: A drama set in a definite historical period

A romantic comedy (A rom com): A comedy that is also a love story
A psychological thriller: A thriller that has a lot of suspense and fear

Compound words with 'film':

A film review: A report about a film, usually with opinion

A film critic: A person who writes film reviews
A film premiere: The first time a film is shown in a country
A film star: A famous actor from films
A film-maker: A person who makes films: a film director
A film festival: A special event when many different films are shown
A film buff: Someone with a very detailed knowledge of films
A film-goer: Someone who regularly goes to the cinema


(That's/It's) not really my thing (informal):

I don't like it.

(Someone or something) doesn't do it for me (informal):

I don't like him/her/it. Lots of people think Tom Cruise is fantastic but he
doesn't really do it for me.
Describing films (Describiendo las películas)
El cine mudo = silent film
Un cortometraje = a short
Un drama = a drama
Un largometraje = a feature film
Una comedia = a comedy
Una película = a movie, a film
Una película bélica / una película de guerra = a war film
Una película clásica = a classic movie
Una película de artes marciales = a martial arts movie
Una película de aventuras = an adventure movie
Una película de ciencia ficción = a science-fiction film
Una película de dibujos animados = a cartoon
Una película de espionaje = a spy film
Una película de suspense / un thriller = a thriller
(The term “thriller" has become, lately, very popular among Spanish speakers)

Una película de terror / una película de miedo = a horror movie

Una película del oeste / una película de vaqueros / un western = a western
Una película documental = a documentary film
Una película histórica = a historical film
Una película musical / un musical = a musical movie
Una película policíaca = a detective film
Una película romántica = a romance movie
Una tragicomedia = a tragicomedy

- ¿Qué tipo de películas te gusta? (What kind of movies do you like?)

- Prefiero las películas de ciencia ficción. (I prefer science-fiction movies.)
- ¿De qué va esta película? Or ¿De qué trata esta película? (What is this movie about?)
- ¿Qué tipo de película es esta? (What kind of movie is it?)
- Es una película de terror. (It is a horror movie.)
- Me gustaría ver una película de aventuras. (I'd like to watch an adventure movie.)

 At the Movies – General Vocabulary (En el Cine – Vocabulario General)

El acomodador – usher
El actor – actor
El actor secundario – supporting actor
La actriz – actress
La banda sonora – soundtrack.
La butaca – seat
El cine (local) – movie theater, cinema
El cine de barrio – local movie theater / cinema
Los créditos – credits
La crítica de cine – Movie review
El director – director
La entrada (de cine) – ticket
La escena – scene
La estrella de cine – movie star
El estudio – studio
Los extras – extras
El guionista – screenwriter
El multicine – multiscreen movie complex / cinema.
Las palomitas (de maíz) – popcorn
La pantalla – screen
El papel (de cine) – role
La película – movie, film
La pelicula doblada – dubbed movie
La película subtitulada – subtitled movie
El preestreno – preview
La primera sesión - matinée
El productor – producer
El reparto – cast
La sesión (de cine) – showing, performance
La sesión de tarde – evening performance
La sesión de noche - last performance
Los subtítulos – subtitles
La taquilla – box office

 Going to the Movies – More Expressions (Yendo al Cine – Más Expresiones)

These expressions cover the most common ones used to go to the movies and to buy the tickets.

- ¿Por qué no vamos al cine? (Why don't we go to the movies?)

- ¿Te apetece ir al cine? (Do you feel like going to the movies?
- ¿Dónde está el cine? (Where is the movie theater located?)
- ¿Está el cine muy lejos de aquí? (Is the movie theater very far from here?)
- He comprado dos entradas para esta película. (I have bought two tickets for this film.)
- ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada de cine? (How much does the ticket cost?)
- ¿Dónde podemos comprar las entradas? (Where can we buy the tickets?)
- Yo pago las entradas. (I'll pay for the tickets.)
- ¿Quedan butacas libres para esta película? (Are there any seats left for this film?)
- Hay mucho gente. Tendremos que hacer cola para comprar las entradas. (There are a lot of people.
We'll have to wait in line to buy the tickets.)
- Quiero tres entradas, por favor. (I want three tickets, please.)
- ¿A qué hora empieza la película? (What time does the film start?)
- ¿A qué hora termina la película? (What time does the film finish?)
- ¿Cuánto dura la película? (How long does the film last?)
- Antes de entrar, podemos comprar unas palomitas y unos refresco. (Before entering, we can buy some
popcorns and soda.
- Mi butaca es la H3. ¿Puede ayudarme a encontrarla, por favor? (Hablando con el acomodador). My seat
number is H3. Can you please help me find it? (Talking to the usher).

 Describing a Movie / Film. (Describiendo una Película.)

So you watched the film and someone is asking you what do you think about it. Did you like it? Was it
interesting? You can find, below, how to express yourself and give your opinion.

- ¿Te gustó la película? (Did you like the film?)

- Es una película muy buena. (It is a very good movie.)
- Es una película muy mala. (It is a very bad movie.)
- Es una película para mayores de 18 años. (It is a movie for people over 18 years old.)
- Sí, me gustó mucho. (Yes, I really liked it.)
- No, no me gustó. (No, I didn't like it.)
- Ya la había visto. (I had already watched it.)
- Me parece una película muy interesante. (I think it is a very interesting movie.)
- Es una película con subtítulos. (It is a subtitled movie.)
- ¿De qué país es? Es una película española. (What country is it from? It is a Spanish movie.)
- El director de la película es Amenábar. (The director of the film is Amenábar.)
- Me gustó mucho el guión. (I really liked the script.)
- La película era divertida. (The movie was funny.)
- La película era aburrida. (The movie was boring.)
- El argumento era muy bueno. (The storyline was very good.)
- Volvería a verla una y otra vez. (I'd watch it again and again.)
- Fue una de las mejores actuaciones de Antonio Banderas. (It was one of Antonio Banderas' best
- En cambio, la banda sonora era horrible. (On the other hand, the soundtrack was awful.)
- ¿Quién es la actriz principal? (Who is the main actress?)
- La actriz principal es Ariadna Gil. (The main actress is Ariadna Gil.)

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