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Dear patient 5 
Your diet by Jack Leclercq and Josh Mruk. 

Eating healthy 

Why do you need a diet? 

You are eating much more than you need to be. We believe that if you eat healthier more filling 
foods, it could put you on a better track for your body. In your diet we made for you we plan to 
include many tasty foods that still include fat. Some fat 
though is healthy for example unsaturated fats are 
healthy fats that allow the body to remain healthy while 
food tastes good. Saturated fats are less healthy and you 
should limit yourself to them. These are fats that become 
solid when at room temperature. Finally trans fats are 
very bad for you. You should try to avoid these as much 
as possible. These are put in products like fast food 
companies which is very unhealthy for you . 

Processed vs Healthy 
Much of the time food companies process foods and put 
in different sorts of ingredients. Although some food companies make their food very healthy, 
others do not. Processed foods have added flavors, fats, and sodium. None of these are healthy 
for you, and you should try to avoid. We believe it is good for you to eat more fruits and 
vegetables that are left plain this could help you grow better and become healthier. 
“What Food Should We Eat in Winter?” H
​ eart Foundation NZ​, 


Cancer Risk 
What's the relationship between mitosis and cancer? 
When cells divide the it is usually a parent cell dividing making copies if themselves. Cancer is 
essentially mitosis that is out of control and does not operate the same way as other cells in the 
system they occupy so they replicate and damage surrounding tissues. When a cell divides it is 
usually two identical copies that are made and have a controlled amount for a specific task, 
when cancer cells replicate they do not stop growing when they need to. 

Why Is cancer more common in some people? 

In many families people had genetics that can allow them to have a higher risk for cancer, this 
can make a rate of cancer chance increase by 3x or more. Poor nutrition and eating unhealthy is 
also another way to be easily hit by cancer. Many people with unbalanced diets can become a 
victim of cancer faster than a person that eats healthy. Ethnicity is also a big change of the % of 
people with cancer. Certain areas of the world have more cancer cases then others. This 
although is based on what previous generations of families and the culture of food that your 
previous generations have ate. 

Diet plan 

Diet  Day One  Day Two 
Eggs and grits with pepper. (  Breakfast bowl with greek 
Breakfast   two Eggs one bowl of grits)  yogurt. (one bowl) 220 
270 calories  calories 

Salad with veggies and fruit  Pasta with lettuce and 

Lunch  of your choice. ( bowl full of  tomatoes. ( one bowl of 


salad) 510 calories  pasta with light amount of 

lettuce and tomato) 380 

Fresh cut apples. (2 apples)  grapes,apples ,oranges. (one 

snack  144 calories  serving of each) 226 calories 

California sushi roll  Meat free taco with sauce 

Dinner  (vegetables only). (2 rolls of  rice onions and lettuce. ( 3 
8)550 calories  tacos) 890 calories 

Water, orange juice,milk,  Orange juice,water, coconut 

Drinks  protein shake. (one of each)  milk, apple cider vinegar. (one 
250 calories  of each) 150 calories 

WHy is this good? 

We wanted to add more fiber to your diet with eggs and pasta. This will make you feel better and 
look better with a stronger body system and bones. We also have lowered calories a big amount 
decreasing by about 600 calories. This balanced meal has also made the calories more split 
from meal to meal and more consistent. This should make your body feel and look more 

Exercise Plan 

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5   Day 6  Day 7 

15  1 mile run  14  Sit and  20 Jump  20   1 mile run 
Pushups  1 minute  lunges  Reach   Ropes  Pushups  25 
25  planks  20   Quad  20 Speed  20  Jumping 
Squats  25  sit-ups  Stretch   Skaters   Sit-Ups  Jacks 
15  Jumping  5   Shoulder  30 Sec Run  25   20  
step-ups  Jacks   pull ups   Stretch  in place  Squats  Jump 
4 sets of  20 High  10   Tricep  25 Butt  4 Sets of  Ropes 
each  Knees   Squat  Stretch  Kickers  each  3 sets of 
3 sets of  Jumps  3 sets of  4 sets of  each 
each other  4 sets of  25  each 
than mile  each  seconds  


Why this would be healthiest? 

This workout plan would be the healthiest for many reasons first is because there is all kinds of 
workouts and not just resistance and not just cardio. The resistance work which strengthens the 
muscles helps with many things including building up the muscle fibers which is strength fibers 
and helps build bones which lowers the risk for osteoporosis and it helps with you blood 
pressure. As stated by resistance workouts are done by creating small 
tears in muscle cells and when they body quickly regenerates them they come back stronger. 
Then there is cardio workouts too which help the lactic acids get moved around which in turn 
will cause less cramping in the muscles. Then there is a day of stretching which will get the 
lactic acids flowing around again and will loosen the muscles so they don't get too tight and 
have a higher risk of cramps. It is also good because it gives the muscles a day to rest and 
rebuild. To wrap it up this workout plan will be most helpful because it works out all parts of the 
body while still keeping cramps and problems with overworking the muscles at bay. 


Works Cited 

“7 Early-Morning Stretches to Build a Better Body.” M

​ en's Journal​, 21 May 2018, 

“Cancer – Why Some Get It and Some Don't.” T

​ he Truth About Cancer​, 31 May 2017, 

Robinson, Ann. “Pumped on Protein: Can a Shake Ever Be as Good as a Plate of Food?” ​The 

Guardian​, Guardian News and Media, 1 Feb. 2017,


Weil, Richard. “Resistance Training Exercises: Benefits, Definition & Examples.” 


“What Is the Relationship Between Mitosis and Cancer?” R

​ eference​, IAC Publishing, 

“What Food Should We Eat in Winter?” ​Heart Foundation NZ​, 

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