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Blumenschein, L. (2009). Analysis and application of Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings.

The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science. Vol. 16 (1), p.55-61. Retrieved from:'+Science+of+Unitary+Human+Bei

Martha Rogers was a theorist who developed the theory of Unitary Human Beings. She believed
that nursing was both a science and an art. She believed that the purpose of a nurse was to promote
health and well-being. She believed that a human and the environment were one. Martha refused to
accept the traditional nursing and science views. She did not accept things as they appeared to be. She
had a vision of unitary wholes. By using this vision, she created the science of unitary human beings.

The author of this article examines the science of unitary human beings by looking at the scope,
metaparadigms, major concepts, and value for practice. The author also provides a personal practice
scenario to help the readers better understand what is meant by the science of unitary human beings.
The author tells us that regarding the scope of theory, that there has been disagreements as to how to
exactly classify the science of unitary human beings. The debate is whether the SUHB is considered a
philosophy, model or theory. The author tells us that Rogers actually rejected all of those labels and
considered it to be a system or conceptual framework. There have been different theories that have
come about because of Rogers’ model because it provides the framework that stimulates others to
continue research.

The author also tells us that the SUHB does contain the content that addresses the four
metaparadigm concepts. Those concepts being human beings, environment, health, and nursing. The
major emphasis is on the integrality of human environment field phenomena.

Energy fields, openness, pattern, pandimensionality, and homeodynamics are the concepts of
SUHB. Rogers believed that we couldn’t learn all that was needed by dissecting something. By breaking
it apart, we can only learn how the individual parts work. But there is so much more that parts, we need
to look at things in the context of its whole. We need to look at what makes it work. Energy fields can be
infinite. They can constantly change.

Healing is related to emotions that are pattern manifestations. By being present and connecting
with the energy field of another person is healing. If there is a shift in energy fields, then a person can
heal, and they can also feel the shift in the pattern manifestations. The author gives personal examples
of how she experienced the shift both as a patient and as the nurse. She tells us how the feelings of
anxiousness was decreased just by the touch and the words of a nurse. She also tells us of how the use
of therapeutic touch can decrease the level of pain felt by patients.

I feel that I better understand the SUHB after reading this article. I have always felt that there is
more to nursing than the science. There does have to be that element of care, whether that be in the
therapeutic touch or even just talking with a patient. Not every nurse feels this way. The SUHB is a
valuable basis for nursing care.

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