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by Kornramin Khamin
Thai education has been Making students learn to Technology and media, life and career
developing for many years. It’s a prepare and apply for their future is the skills are also important. The 21st
system that requires students to better way of studying. partnership reported that life and
memorize all information to take the In an article by the 21st partnership career skills are more necessary than
exam to graduate or pass to the next framework (Cleesuntorn,2016), content knowledge. Students need to
level without really understanding English, reading, arts, math, economic be ready and flexible to adapt
science, history, geography, and world themselves to the change of the world.
what they have learned. The more
language, are the main subject for the In some country such as Singapore
scores they get, the better their
21st-century students. Also, the skills which is one of the countries that have
educational profiles are. However, that students should have in order to be the most successful educational
there are some Thai graduated students ready for the new world of work are system. (continued on page 2)
who still can’t find a job. In my such as creativity, innovation, critical
opinion, there’s no need to study hard thinking and problem-solving.
in order to pass the exam, but the point international school. MUIDS beat KIS
is that students should know how to in the first game and got into the next
adapt what they have learned to their round. Even though they tried their
life. best, they still would not be able to
defeat EIS. This competition was held
CHIMPANZEE WON THE MUIDS FOOTBALL to show the ability of the students in
each international school. My JV
CHARITY CUP volleyball team just played together
By Kornramin Khamin for the first year but got the 4th place
Chimpanzee won the final in the tournament by thinking positive
round in MUIDS Football Charity Cup and communicating with each other.
which was held on April 3, 2019 at (continued on page 2)
International School and Ekamai
MUIDS football field. This activity International School.
was held in order to donate money for AISAA junior basketball occurred from
charity and to make friendship with January 18, 2019, to February 24, 2019, WHY SOME STUDENTS SHOULD TAKE
teammates and other teams. Moreover,
it was a good opportunity to play sport
and they had been through Berkeley
International School, KIS International SUMMER SCHOOL?
School, and Ekamai International School By Nolaphan Punch
with other students from different
levels. Chimpanzee won Football to scramble the first, second, third, fourth, Is there any student wanted to take
Charity Cup this year by fifth and sixth place. MUIDS won two a summer school? Of course not, but why
communicating to one another in the matches out of five matches by losing to some of the students should take a
Ekamai International School two times summer school? Summer school is taking
team while they were playing. They
and one time for Concordian
didn’t put the pressure on one another International School
classes during summer break. It is the
and stayed positive whether they way to give yourself an advantage and get
“ We got fifth place in an AISAA
would lose or not. (continued on page 2) ready for next year. I think that some
competition and we lost to two Schools students should take a summer school
which were Concordia International especially the one who get a lower GPA
School and Ekamai International School because it can raise your GPA and help
because this was the first time that we had you to prepare before school starts.
an AISAA competition and we didn’t
Summer school helped students in
practice enough when compared to other
many ways. It gives students the
schools and we had less experience than
other schools” said by Kaysorn opportunity to get a better grade.
(continued on page 3)
Kerdwiriyaskul one of the junior’s
basketball team members.
By Kriengkrai Sprite By Nolaphan Punch
The MUIDS’ junior basketball
The MUIDS JV girls volleyball got
team got fifth place in AISAA after losing
to two schools which were Concordian 4th place in Volleyball AISAA which was
held on March 31, 2019, at Concordian
… (continued)
Singapore uses the education system In conclusion, to make the most
called “Teach less, learn more” that focus Their education is like the field that effective education system, school
on the quality of learning associated with provides students to experience and needs to give more time to students to
technology in the classroom not the discover the real abilities and practice do activities or assignments that help
quantity of learning and exam preparation the essential skills for working in the them discover the skills that they can
(2014). However, their students still get real world like critical thinking and utilize and adapt in the future not only
the highest average scores in both math problem-solving that seem hard to find give them loads of information that
and science according to the result of the in some new generation of Thai sometimes isn’t necessary. In my
PISA test in 2016. (Coughlan, 2016) students. I think the problem in opinion, students should study to
Compare with Thai students that take Thailand is that when the students apply for their life to get ready for the
loads of inputs, but the results are not so focus on study to get a good grade or real work field in the future.
good as they should be. to just pass the exam which is the
effect from the education system, they
Other systems are proved more
successful despite the less time spending may overlook what they really like to when compared with other teams in
in the class. As you can see, the Thai do, and it also causes Thai graduated the league. For instance, our
education system makes Thai students students can’t find their job that based teammates just started getting to know
study hard mostly for passing the exam on their knowledge form what they each other and formed the team
while the others make their students get have learned. at the beginning of the school year
ready for their future. whereas Wells and Concordian
had already done that since they were
CHIMPANZEE WON … (continued) 7th graders. All in all, it took us a lot
“As I was a captain of the team, of time to train and be united as a team,
I decided not to take it too serious however, our JV girls volleyball never
because I know that everyone has the gave up and finally worked pretty well
different skills level. When there is the together.
game, most of the time I always stay
To be honest, I had never seen myself
positive, communicate with the team
as a leader but seeing others tried and
and give position to my teammates. I
played at their highest level
always tell that let’s have a fun match
made me extremely happy. Last but
together on the field. Also not put too
not least, as a team captain, I didn't
much pressure to the team and make
them enjoy with the game. Another
MUIDS GOT 4th PLACE…(continued) care what the result was because we all
important point is trusting my tried the best of our abilities and we
teammates. If they made a mistake, the “From my perspective, were so proud of what we had done,”
easy way for me is give them a chance, Winning KIS was the biggest said by Ms. Apinya Ungjaroensap,
encourage them and continue to have highlight of the AISAA tournament as captain of JV girls volleyball team, in
fun also treat the opponent team and it was one of the an interview.
my team with respect,” said by captain hardest schools to beat. Even though
of Chimpanzee, in an interview. they defeated us once at the league
game, we were able to beat them at the
In addition, we had one tough loss to
LOGO Wells in the second game and that was
EXPLANATION our big wake up call to focus more.
Same as other volleyball teams, we
had both strong and weak points. Our
Our logo is three potatoes chips setters and spikers had great
with smiley faces. The potatoes communication during games,
represent the three of us that will nevertheless, we lost so many points
give happiness to all readers just on the serves. Overall, we didn't have
like when they eat potato chips. a lot of weaknesses, but we were at a
disadvantage in terms of experiences

WHY SOME STUDENTS…(continued) ‘Five feet apart: Revolution of
a teen romantic movie
By Kornramin Khamin
For example, if you fail
in math subject you still Five feet apart is a teen romantic movie about two sick
have a chance to teenagers. Stella Grant, a cystic fibrosis patient (CF). She
improve your grade by meets another CF patient, Will Newman. The rule for CF
taking a summer course. patient is to be at least six feet apart from one another at all
Research by Denise time to reduce the risk of getting a cross infection. As the time
Witmer (2018) suggests pass, Will and Stella have more feeling for each other and
that taking a summer their feeling quickly develop, as Stella helps Will do his
school make students
treatment by following her regimen. With under nurse’s care
feel comfortable
and the six feet distance keep them apart, two lover teenagers
because of the small
classes and they will find every way to at least to be closer to each other, so Stella
have more positive attitude toward the school. In this course, and Will decide to break six-foot-rule by reducing the
students will know a bit about what they going to study when distance to five feet.
the school open. Most of the classes will teach you a basic of
the subjects and give you an advantage on the subject that
you are not good at it. Moreover, with the small classes you
can ask for help anytime you feel confused and
misunderstand of something.
By taking a summer course you will have less break
time, but I think taking a summer course is better than staying
at home, relaxing or playing some video games. Summer
school usually works for the one who not ready for the school
year. On the other hand, most students who get an excellent
score on every subject did not take a summer school. In
addition, school did not force you to take a summer school, it This teen romance movie tells the story of the CF
is your own decision. If you feel struggle in a regular school patient with a great plot to encourage other patients who have
year or wanted to get ahead before the school open, I suggest the same disease that they can live their life and can be happy
you taking a summer school, because summer school will as normal people. Moreover, with the great performance
make you feel more relaxed and you will also receive more actor and actress, Haley Lu Richardson and Cole Sprouse
knowledge by the way. Christine Sarikas reveals that by who play as the main character in this movie, Stella Grant
taking summer school teachers will give you additional and Will Newman make the movie even more realistic and
information and make sure that you understand the subject. interesting. I personally like the drama scene because it’s so
All teachers should thoroughly explain to students in order to real that I cry along with the character. When I watch the
make them understand it clearly. movie, I always hope that Will and Stella will be recovered,
Not every student should take a summer school, but all and they can be together in the end.
the students still need to prepare for the school year. Last, I As I watch the movie, the characters teach me that
suggest that everyone should take a summer school because even though you are sick or hopeless in your life, you will
it helped you to keep on learning and prevent you from losing always have family, friends to support you and cheer you up.
some of the knowledge from last year. however hopeless you are, don’t give up and live your life.

3 (Some pictures are lifted online)

on the water. You can burn about 14 calories in just one minute if you
FRIED BAMBOO CATERPILLARS AND FRIED CRICKETS do fast swimming. The best place to do some exercises is to go to the
By : Nolaphan Roongrojpanawan gym. Some popular gym in Thailand are Fitness First and Bangkok
Fight Lab. There is a course for the beginners of any age and experience.
By eating healthy food like protein, it can reduce obsessive thoughts
One of the unique food in Thailand are fried insects. We can about foods and make you full. Some of main protein sources are meat,
easily find them along the street. Fried bamboo caterpillars and fried seafood, and eggs. On the other hand, you should eat a natural food
crickets consist of high protein and low fat which is healthy and good instead of food that humans are generally adapted to eat.
for our body. They are best eaten when deeply fried.
Both eating healthy foods and doing some exercises help you in
Fried bamboo caterpillars in Thailand are called “Rod Duan”, order to lose weight. While eating healthy food helps you with your diet
which means “fast train.” It is called fast train because the body of the plans, doing exercises also helps you to burn more calories than you eat.
bamboo caterpillars are look like a train. As we know, Thailand is
known for “Tom Yum Kung” as
its national cuisine, it also
known for fried insects as one
of the most famous street food. By : Nolaphan Roongrojpanawan
The best place to buy them is in
Bangkok around Khao San The accident happened when I was playing basketball in P.E.
Road or Chinatown. I have tried class. All girls in our class were separated into two teams. During the
fried bamboo caterpillars since game, I got injured by my teammate. It was the most painful experience
I was young. At first I thought that I ever had.
they were disgusting but after I ate them, it changed my mind because It occured when I was playing basketball in P.E. class. Before
the taste and texture is like a chips, that made me forgot about their we started to play, we warmed-up and practiced some basketball skills.
appearance. They were crispy and a little bit salty. However, the taste At the beginning, I was the one who tip-off the ball, and that made my
of crickets is not crispy as bamboo caterpillars, but it still contains lots team got the first ball. After we played for a while, the opponent team
of protein. In my opinion, I think that the texture of crickets is like a got a higher score than my team. We continued playing until the end of
dried shrimp while the taste and the class, then the worst thing in my life happened. When I was running
the texture of bamboo caterpillars to the ball, I hit with my friend and I got a sprained ankle. My foot got
is quite similar to popcorn, it was swollen larger than usual and I could not move at all. Then my teacher
crunchy on the outside, but soft on got an ice pack
the inside. Moreover, the crickets for me and
give the texture of dryness in the helped me to
mouth which usually eaten as a find a place to
snack alone, or with beer. Another sit. While my
insect snacks that taste like crickets are called “Tak Ka Tan” which are friends were
the grasshoppers. changing their
clothes, I called
In Thailand, we can see a lot of fried insects when we walk my mom and
through the street. This fried bamboo caterpillars and crickets are one talked about my
of the the best snacks and they are the most popular fried insects in injured. After I
Bangkok. got an ice pack
for a while, I

LOSING WEIGHT still could not walk, so I need to get a wheelchair. I could not play any
sports and I needed to use a wheelchair for an entire week. In that
evening my mom took me to a massage, but it did not help at all. My
By : Nolaphan Roongrojpanawan
foot were still swollen and had some bruises. It was the worst day
Have you ever wanted to lose your weight? I believe that most because I had a football training with Chelsea, a football house match,
of the people did. Lots of people lose their weight by fasting, but it is and a volleyball practice after school. My mom took me to see a
not the right way at all. The best way to lose weight is to do some physical therapist on Saturday. He ultrasound my foot and he used the
exercises and eat more healthy food. kinesiology tape to heal my injury. My foot gets a lot better after the
therapy, but I still can not play sports.
Doing some exercises and eating healthy food are the best two
ways to lose weight. There are lots of exercises. You can choose what This accident is one of the worst experiences that I ever got.
is the best for you. For example, jumping rope, squat, and swimming. However, this injury made me more careful while playing sports.
Squat is one of the best way
to lose weight, and it also
help you to improve your WHY YOU SHOULD VISIT DOI CHIANG DAO?
upper and lower body By : Nolaphan Roongrojpanawan
strength. Jumping rope is
cheap, easy to do, and can Doi Chiang Dao or also known as Doi Luang Chiang Dao is a
burn lots of calories. high mountain that needs a hard work to go up. Doi Chiang Dao is
Another example is located in Chiang mai, the easiest choice is to go by plane. Then go up
swimming. It works out and the mountain by car. While you climb up to the mountain by car you
your muscles will working will feel the nature because the weather is fresh (continued on page 5)
hard to keep you float (some pictures are lifted online)

WHY YOU SHOULD…(continued) non-formal education. For example, life-skills training, literacy
programme, and equivalency programme. It is the planned programme
and there is no of a personal and social education for young people to improve a skill
internet at all. outside the formal school system. The purpose of literacy programme
However, after is to practice reading, writing skills, and bring the knowledge to
seeing a beautiful improve the quality of life. The target of equivalency programme is to
help people who want to receive basic education. It is for the people
view at the top, all
who missed or did not access formal school system. The target groups
of your tiredness of life-skill training are youth aging between 16-25. This programme is
will be gone. At increase the knowledge and abilities of individual to solve the problem
the top of the that they are facing to. Non-formal education has an impact on social
mountain, the and economic development. This learning is a lifelong form to help the
weather is quite country move towards a knowledge-based economy. This also provide
cold in the learning opportunities for adults who out of school because they
withdrew or because they do not have access formal school system. It
evening and in the gives the chance to young people to develop through different kind of
morning. It is the perfect point for the sea of mist and the first activities. This education start learning from the people you work with,
light of the day. In this place, there are no any activities the processes inside your groups, and from yourself.
except taking a picture and chilling out. It is a good place to Non-formal education plays an important role for both youth
go with family especially old people, because it has less and adults. This non-formal education focused on the development of
pollution than Bangkok. It was the first time I climbed up the life skills. It helped people to adapt and to live successfully in the future.
mountain by car. I fell asleep until reach the top of the
mountain because I felt dizzy and wanted to vomit all the
time. One of my experiences was to know how people are
living at this high mountain with no technology and internet.
Building Abs Muscle
BY Kornramin Khamin
Moreover, in this high mountain there was no water heater,
so most of the people choose to not take a shower. However, For those people who want to have a flat belly, what
I chose to take a shower in the evening because after taking a you have to do is exercise. If you’re eager to get strong belly
shower, I would feel warm for a while. You can either sleep or abdominal muscle, you need to work out regularly. The
in a tent or in small houses. The best view to take pictures two ways to build abs muscle are cardio and exercise.
was the sea of mist and the sun rise during morning. Cardio and exercise help you improve your abs muscle.
Doi Chiang Dao is one of the best places in Thailand Cardio is an exercise that burns fat and calories and makes
you should visit. It is the place where you can feel the real your heart strong. There are many ways to do the Cardio, for
nature and have a good time with your family. example, running, walking, jumping rope, cycling, stationary
What is non-formal education? Non-formal education bike, etc. At first, you can try these various exercises to find
is more flexible than learning with the general school the right one that works for you. To build abs muscle, running
system. This way of learning is beneficial for both students can be one of your choices because while you’re running, the
and society. external oblique (the outer muscle in slanting orientation on
both sides of your body) is active which is one type of
By : Nolaphan Roongrojpanawan You need to run at
least 20 minutes
Non-formal education is a natural learning throughout life in the
society. The example of non-formal education is the knowledge and
for three to five
skills to solve problems in daily life. This way of learning provides the days a week.
basic knowledge, which is available for all ages. The target of this Another way is to
learning is to improve the quality of human beings. Wisanee Siltragool do exercise such as (Lifted online)
observes that an organizations in Thailand intend to provide learning sit-up, crunch, planks, etc. All these exercises are easy for
opportunities and non-formal education for all of the people who did you to do at home only three times a week. Choosing the right
not have a chance to learn in formal system. There are many types of
exercise depends on what part of abs muscle you want to get.
For example, sit-up for 15-20 reps if you want obliques and
abdominal muscles. Planks three rounds for 15-30 seconds if
you want to build inner core muscles.
Doing exercises or cardio alone will not be that much
effective. You need to do both of them, so each exercise helps
you get the muscle in the different parts. However, you
should prevent yourselves from any injury while doing
exercises. Warm-up and cool-down, stretching, are what you
should do before and after any exercise and remind
yourselves not to overuse your body.

by Kriengkrai “Sprite”
by Kriengkrai “Sprite”

E-cigarettes are legal in many countries but some

don’t. Thailand is one of the countries that e-cigarettes are something that is less harmful and decrease the numbers of
illegal. The reasons why Thailand doesn’t legalize e- cigarettes’ smokers. In my point of view, I definitely agree
cigarettes are about politic problems. In my opinion, I think with the reason because I’ve seen this problem in my real life
that Thailand should legalize e-cigarettes because they and I want this problem to be fixed as soon as possible or else
contain less nicotine and chemical substances than cigarettes it will affect Thai teenagers more in the bad ways.
so it will cause less harmful than cigarettes.
In my own point of view, I want Thailand to legalize
e-cigarettes because there are a lot of benefits such as
increasing taxes, controlling the illegally used and buy of e-
cigarettes and decrease the number of people that smoke the
things that are more harmful or cigarettes.


by Kriengkrai “Sprite”

There are many opinions from many researchers discuss Gambling under 18 is illegal in many countries so,
about the harms of e-cigarettes due to e-cigarettes are very with online gambling, underage gamblers are able to access
new in every country so the researchers can’t track on the the gambling sites so easily because they are able to get a
long term of the side effects of e-cigarettes. But the reasons credit card and they can easily register to online gambling
why Thailand doesn’t legalize e-cigarettes are about the sites. Have you ever wondered what types of online
economic and politic reasons. Even though the Thai Ministry gamblings are the most popular in Thailand? Online football
of Commerce announced that the reasons are about the side gambling is the most popular gambling among Thai teenagers.
effects of e-cigarettes even though the ESCT(2015) observed
that legalizing e-cigarettes will bring benefits to the
government and the foreign tourists because the government
can receive more tax and foreign tourists will not get finished
for smoking e-cigarettes. In my opinion, I think that the
Minister of Commerce doesn’t want to lose the benefits of
collecting taxes from cigarettes because according to
Naruemon Yimchavee said that “ Most of the taxes are from
alcoholic beverages and cigarettes which is counted as 19
percent of all the taxes”. Minister of Commerce will collect
the taxes from the cigarette’s factories which located in
Thailand but when many people change to smoke e-cigarettes,
they need to be imported from the abroad and Minister of
There are many kinds of online gamblings in Thailand but
Commerce will face the Deficit balance of trade.
online football gambling is the most popular. There are many
Another reason that Thai government should legalize reasons why Thai teenager love to gamble on online football
e-cigarettes because of the illegally used and buy of e- gambling sites, especially boys. One of the reasons is about
cigarettes of Thai teenagers as the research by Marit surrounding and enticements around teenagers. Surrounding
Karunyawat, a representative of the ESGT(2018) suggested is a very important factor in online football gambling such as
that Thai government should legalize e-cigarettes so they can the place where they live, the people or friends they stay with,
control the laws and usings of e-cigarettes because Thai etc. (continued on page 7)
teenagers are still buying e-cigarettes illegally and it can let
the people use
(All pictures found in this article are lifted online.)
TEENAGE ONLINE FOOTBALL. . . (continued) the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I was sitting in the
by Kriengkrai “Sprite” car with anxiety and worries. My cousin cried continuously
until we reached the hospital. He was instantly sent to the
emergency room to check whether the wound was deep or
Another thing that many adults don’t realize is when not. My grandmother and I sat in front of the emergency room
teenagers’ families see online football gambling as a normal and waited until the doctor came out to say some good news.
thing that teenagers do, especially when parents also We had waited for two hours and then the doctor came out
gamble online football gambling. Even though their from the emergency room and told us that his wound was
surroundings in their families are strict, teenagers will be quite deep and needed 4 stitches. My cousin came out from
attracted by their friends or on the internet. They will think the emergency room with a depressed face and when he saw
me, he suddenly cried. When we arrived home, his parents
that they are going to be separated from their friends If they
ran to hug him and told him not to use any cutters again.
don’t gamble. At present, teenagers are free to use the
internet and the internet is the place where the owners of This incident is the worst incident in my life but it
online football gambling websites advertise their sites. made me more careful in doing everything. I also loved to
share my stuff with my cousin because I was afraid that this
incident is going to happen again.
Even though most of the people see that teenage
gamblers are the only ones who hurt by their behaviors but
by Kriengkrai “Sprite”
their surrounded people also hurt from their behaviors as
well but football online gambling websites don’t care about
Have you ever lost your concentration on your work? Many
these things.
people lose their concentration because they can’t stay
focused on the things they do. Stopping multitasking is one
THE WORST INCIDENCE IN MY LIFE of the ways to stay focused on your work.
by Kriengkrai “Sprite” Multitasking is doing multiple things at the same time.
Have you ever faced a bad incident in your life before? If It is going to reduce your productivity by 40 percent
yes. What was the worst thing? I saw my cousin cut his hand compared to focus to doing on one thing. In fact, it is just
in front of me and he was swapping your focus to other things quickly. Switching from
bleeding a lot. one thing to another is going to slow down your brain and it
will make you confused. So instead of doing many things at
the same time, you would better do or focus on one thing at a
When I was a kid, my cousin time to make you stay focused. Another suggestion is starting
and I always loved to cut the your day with easy things such as checking emails, replying
paper into toys by using texts, etc, then move to the things that are more challenging.
scissors. One day, my cousin You have to move or improve your brain by challenging
and I went to my mother’s yourself with a harder, bigger and more complicated than
office to play toys and cut paper but on that day There were before, such as facing, overcome your fears and doing new
only one scissors available. So we fought with each other to things and solving problems in the new ways. If you think
use the scissors first and I won. I started cutting my paper and that everything is not challenging anymore it is called
ridiculed him at the same time. He couldn’t wait until I “SELF-MASTERY”. (continued on page 8)
finished playing so he went to his mother’s room to bring a
cutter to cut a paper and he didn’t know how to use it or how
it worked. He placed a paper on his bare hand and started to
cut not only the paper but also his hand. He didn’t cry or
scream but he staring at me with a question, “What is it?”. At
that time, I was very frightened but the first thing that I did
was cleaning the drops of blood on the floor by using a
normal paper to mop them up. After I finished mopping blood
on the floor, my cousin started crying and screaming so I ran
to tell my grandmother that he was bleeding. My (All pictures found in this article are lifted online.)
grandmother really freaked out and instantly brought him to
STAYING FOCUSED. . .(continued)
by Kriengkrai “Sprite”
The Role Model Sister
by Kriengkrai “Sprite”

Self-Mastery is an ability to supervise emotions, feelings,

situations, etc. It means that If you can stay focused on those Have you ever met someone who inspires you to
things that I have mentioned in the last sentence, you are a achieve your dream? If not you need to find one. Chatchaporn
“SELF-MASTERY” or Print is my sister who has inspired me since I was young.
She inspires me in many ways such as the way she studies,
Staying focused is up to yourself. If you know what
spends her money, lives her life, manages her routines and a
you should do and concentrate on doing that thing, there will lot more. Chatchaporn was born in 1997. She saw the world
be no multitasking.
for the first time at the Nakornthon hospital in Bangkok. She
has one older brother and one young sister. Her parents had
to work hard and came back home late so she had to manage
WHAT IS THE STRANGEST FOOD HAVE YOU EVER EATEN IN YOUR her life and school routines on her own since she was in grade
LIFE? two. She told me that she was very bad at math when I was
by Kriengkrai “Sprite” in grade one and then my mom thought after the tough day of
working, after that day I have realized that I had to manage
People always challenge the world by searching for
things on my own. She studied at Kasinthorn Academy since
food that is weird and dangerous to challenge or they call grade one to grade six and she moved to Yothinburana School
themselves as the adventurous eater. But what about sperm for both middle and high school. Right now she is studying
sac of Codfish? Sperm sac of Codfish or Shirako has a very at Chulalongkorn University which is located on Phayathai
delicate taste. Its skin is crispy and juicy inside. Road in Bangkok. She is not very good at studying, but she
is smart and diligent. I asked her for tips to do a great job on
the exam and she said that it is very simple. She just deletes
Shirako is mostly all of the social network applications for two weeks before
consumed in Japan and the exam to read and review. Her future plan is to be an
considered as the strangest accountant and run her family’s business. She apprenticed at
food in Japan. Shirako is PWC for three months and she was very outstanding because
always served as a seasonal she concentrated on her work even though it was just an
dish which is in the winter apprentice. She is the main factor that inspires and motivates
season of Japan so it’s rarely found in an ordinary restaurant me in the way I live and study. She brought me up from the
and ordinary season. It is not only strange and rare but also most down part
its taste is very delightful. Shirako skin is crispy and squishy of my life. It
just like a texture of smoked sausage and when you bite it happened when
there will be white creamy liquid split out from it and the taste I was in grade
of that liquid is very light and smooth just like cheese. There six. She
are many ways to prepare Shirako such as Tempura(Deep- motivated me to
Fried) and eat rawly but the most traditional and common go to my dream
way to eat Shirako is to quickly heat Shirako with boiled middle school
water and then eat with Ponzu sauce( a sour-sweet sauce and I really
which is made with rice wine, rice vinegar, bonito fish flakes, could attend
and seaweed). Most of the chefs who prepare and serve this that school and she did it again when I was in grade nine. I
dish usually won’t tell what it is at first because they are really wanted to attend to MUIDS but I was really lazy so she
afraid that their customers are not going to eat it. Shirako is helped me to manage my routines and others.
also widespread in some parts of America and the southern
part of Korea. It is very high in protein and low calories so She is a very respectable person and I asked her to leave a
some of the Japanese women believe that eating it will message to the people who want to be successful like her and
nourish the tightness of their skins. she said that just don’t give up and pressure on yourself too
much or else they will harm you in the end.
So it is worth to experience and taste it once in your
life because the tastes and the textures are going to impress
your mouth. (some pictures are lifted online)

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