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BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Introduction for new users ............................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction for upgrade users ..................................................................................................................... 5
How to migrate from the previous version ......................................................................................5
What’s New in BobCAD-CAM V26? ............................................................................................... 11
Getting Started with BobCAD-CAM ............................................................................................................ 14
1- Installation ............................................................................................................................... 15
2- The Machine Configuration for Mill and Lathe ........................................................................... 20
3- The Material Library, Feed & Speed Configuration for Milling & Lathe-Drilling ........................... 47
4- The Tool Database Configuration for Mill & Lathe ..................................................................... 49
5- The Cutting Condition Configuration for Mill & Lathe ................................................................ 52
6- The Tool Pattern Configuration for Mill & Lathe ........................................................................ 53
7- Program Creation ..................................................................................................................... 54
8- Saving and Sending Files for Mill and Lathe ............................................................................. 136
Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 139
Basic Trouble-Shooting ............................................................................................................... 138
Technical Support ....................................................................................................................... 139
Training ..................................................................................................................................... 141
Sales .......................................................................................................................................... 143

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Introduction for new users

See Video 1- Introduction to BobCAD-CAM

This getting started guide consists of, this document as well as videos and other files. The purpose of this
guide is to aid you in installing, registering and properly configuring the BobCAD-CAM V26 software to
work with your computer and CNC machine. This guide covers from Installation to programming your
first part.

This getting guide is to be used in conjunction with the videos and files provided on the getting started

It is strongly recommended that you start with this guide and follow it in the order that it is written.

BobCAD-CAM has several items that will need to be configured for your software to work properly.

For the CAD

• The computer system including the hardware drivers and operating system should be up to
• The BobCAD-CAM software will need to be registered to activate the purchased modules.

If using the CAM

• A machine configuration file will need to be set up.

• The Tooling, feeds and speed databases will need to be adjusted / customized to meet your
• A post processor will need to be installed.

If using an RS-232 Cable for file transfer

• RS-232 Editor Settings will need to be configured.

The next section covers migrating from earlier versions of BobCAD-CAM and can be skipped.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Introduction for upgrade users

See Video 1- Introduction to BobCAD-CAM

If you are upgrading from the previous version of BobCAD-CAM it is important that you review this full
document as some of the CAM Tree menu item locations and procedures within BobCAD-CAM software
have changed. If you have not done so already, it is also necessary that you configure your machine file.
Machine files, tools, feeds, speeds and post-processors can be imported from earlier versions of
software; details of how to set up the machine file are covered in this guide.

How to migrate from the previous version

See Video 2- How to Migrate From Version 25

When migrating from an earlier version of BobCAD-CAM, you may have already configured your
machine, material and tool libraries. We have made it a priority to make all of the data files backwards
compatible to ensure that you can import them into newer versions of BobCAD-CAM.

Your settings and configurations can be migrated from an earlier version of BobCAD-CAM using import
functions and by transferring files using windows explorer.

To migrate from an earlier version of BobCAD follow the instructions below…

To transfer your existing Machine Files

Using windows explorer copy your machine folders from the…

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\MachSim \ Your_Machine_Folder


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\MachSim \ Your_Machine_Folder

To transfer your existing Material Database and Cutting Conditions

Using windows explorer copy your MaterialDB.xml file from …

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\Technology\ MaterialDB.xml


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\Technology\ MaterialDB.xml Overwrite the V26 File.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

To transfer your existing Tool Libraries

BobCAD-CAM uses an import function to update the tool libraries so they will be compatible with the
new system.

To Import your tools (*.mtools, *.ltools) files…

In BobCAD-CAM V26 Right Click on the CAM Defaults, select Tool Library.

In the Tool Library select the Import from File option

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Browse to

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\MillingTechnology\Tools\Mill – For Mill Tools

Or to

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\LatheTechnology\Tools\Lathe – For Lathe Tools

Select you’re your Tool File type (*.MTOOLS or *.LTOOLS) Select your existing tool file and Select OPEN.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

To transfer your existing Tool Holders

Using windows explorer copy your HolderFile.mholders from the…

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\MillingTechnology\Tools\Mill\ HolderFile.mholders


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\Technology\ HolderFile.mholders

To transfer your existing Saved Features

Using windows explorer copy your “Feature_Name”.bcom files from the…

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\ Features\


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\ Features\

To Import custom Tap Sizes

BobCAD-CAM uses an import function to update the Hole Sizes / Tap Sizes so they will be compatible
with the newer system.

To Import your Hole Sizes / Tap Sizes…

In BobCAD-CAM V26 Right Click on the CAM Defaults, select Thread Library.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Select Import…

Browse to

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\MillingTechnology\Taps\Inch\ – For Inch


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\MillingTechnology\Taps\Metric\ – For Metric

Select you’re your existing tap file, MillingTaps.Taps and Select OPEN.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

To transfer your existing Mill Post Processor

Using windows explorer copy your “Post_Name”.millpst files from …

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\Posts\Mill\


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\Posts\Mill\

Important- Only Transfer Post-Processor Files Do not Move .exe files.

To transfer your existing Lathe Post Processor

Using windows explorer copy your “Post_Name”.lathepst files from …

C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V25\Posts\Lathe\


C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26\Posts\Lathe\

Important- Only Transfer Post-Processor Files Do not Move .exe files.

Lathe Post Processors will require added functionality to support new drilling features. To have your
post-processor updated contact support.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

What’s New in BobCAD-CAM V26?

See Video 3 - What’s New in BobCAD-CAM V26

Machining Jobs

The CAM Tree has been redesigned to handle the longtime customer request, allowing to only have the
appropriate type of job in the CAM tree. To improve even more on the work flow, programming begins
by selecting the type of job to create, and there is the ability to also add more “jobs” to the CAM tree.

CAM Tree Workflow

The entire CAM tree has been made easier to navigate. The right-click context menus have been
improved by placing items in locations that are more logical. These changes make navigating through
the machining process require fewer clicks to get the same result! In addition the new Collapse and
Expand Items options make it easier to get to individual toolpaths.

Copy and Paste within the CAM Tree

Added in addition to the Feature Save and Load, the ability to copy and paste Features and Operations
directly within the CAM tree, making for a faster method for duplicating work, without always having to
save the feature, and then load it back in.

Also note that the copy and paste of Features and Operations will work across documents!

Customizable Machining Features / Dynamic Operations

Previously the machining strategies were fixed in what types of operations were available. For both the
Mill and the Lathe, BobCAD-CAM has moved completely to a Feature based system. Now a “feature” by
definition is part of the CAD model, and pertains to the geometry. When you load your model, you can
choose any combination of Machining Operations to machine for one Feature.

Now if you want to drill a hole, but needed to use a smaller drill to predrill, there is no need to edit the
Tool Pattern, you can just simply just add another drill!

The dynamic operations also improve for 2 axis machining. You can now add several finish passes by just
adding more operations to the feature. None of the operations share parameters as they did in the past,
allowing complete control. You can have your finish operations start in a different location than your
roughing operations without using multiple features.

The dynamic operations create a large advantage in the 3 axis machining as well. Now instead of having
to create multiple CAM Features, and selecting the same model over and over again, you can simply
create one Feature, select the model once, and apply all of the 3 axis operations to that model.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Setup Sheets

You now have the ability to generate a Setup Sheet from within the software! This long time requested
feature has now been completed. Now the programmer can generate a sheet to give to his operator to
give him all of the data he needs to get the overview of the program. Information such as the program
data, stock and material data, tool lists, and operation data will all be available through an HTML report.
The other advantage of the way the setup sheets are designed is that they can be customized to display
only the data that is important.

Simplified Tool Pattern Dialog

The default operations that are available for a Machining Strategy are customized through the Tool
Pattern dialog. Even though you can modify what operations they are using on the fly, you can adjust
their defaults through the Tool Pattern dialog to make the system work more efficiently. There is added
support to import Tool Pattern files from previous versions of the BobCAD-CAM software, to make you
have not lost any work from the past.

Machining Order

The machining order can now be changed on the fly; you gain complete control over your operations
posting order. This works in conjunction with the current Post by Tool, Post by Feature options giving
complete control over the order in which your operations post.

Multiple Depths for 3 Axis Engrave Roughing

There is now a 3 Axis Engrave Rough which can utilize multiple passes.

Multiaxis Posting Options per Feature

You have the ability to modify more settings at the feature level this gives you more control over the G
code output.

Thread Milling Enhancements

The Thread Milling operation has been improved to support multiple hole or boss locations on the
model. Also, there is the ability to control the start angle of the thread milling toolpath, allowing you
finer control over their toolpath, as well as the ability to create multi-start threads by using multiple
threading operations.

Toolpath Patterns

The Toolpath Patterns have been enhanced to give you the ability to do multiple patterns on a single
operation, feature, index system, or machine setup.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Lathe CAM Wizards

The Lathe module in BobCAD has received a complete face lift to make it consistent with the exact
workflow of the Mill. The Lathe operations are all dynamic as well, and have the same exact CAM
Wizard flow as the Mill.

Lathe Stock Wizard

The Lathe module now has a Stock Wizard as well to help direct the flow of how machining should occur
inside of the BobCAD-CAM software. The Lathe Stock Wizard gives 2 different stock creation methods;
cylindrical and revolve. You can either simply enter the size of stock cylinder, or can create a custom
revolved stock shape.

Lathe Hole Making

The drilling in lathe now matches up exactly as mill, giving you consistency and power. All of the drilling
canned cycles and all of the same intelligence in Mill. The hole making strategies will also use the Cutting
Conditions to aid in setting the default values for each strategy. Another important note on this is that
the Drill tools are now shared with the so you no longer need to have duplicate tools across Mill and
Lathe libraries.

Available Drilling Operations:

• Center Drill
• Drill
• Chamfer
• Bore
• Ream
• Counterbore
• Tap

Lathe Tool Library

The tool library for Lathe has also been redesigned to offer a more consistent feel like the Mill module.
Now all of your tools; drills, mill tools, and lathe tools are actually all contained within the same Tool
Library. In addition, the Drill tools are now shared across Mill and Lathe, making it easier, you no longer
have to duplicate the data in both Mill and Lathe.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Getting Started with BobCAD-CAM

About Your BobCAD-CAM Software

BobCAD-CAM is a full 2D and 3D CAD-CAM system. BobCAD-CAM is a modular system; all modules are
contained within the same installation file. Add-on modules are activated during the registration

BobCAD-CAM offers the following modules…

• CAD • Mill 4 Axis Pro

• Mill Express • Mill 5 Axis Standard
• Mill 3 Axis Standard • Mill 5 Axis Pro
• Mill 3 Axis Pro • Editor/DNC Pro
• Mill 4 Axis Standard • Machine Simulation Pro
• Art
• Nest

The BobCAD-CAM native file type is BBCD, the software can also work with the following CAD files…

Read & Write Read Only Files

• BobCAD Files *.BBCD • Parasolid ASCII *.x_t
• IGES *.igs,*.iges • Parasolid Binary *.x_b
• AutoCAD *.dxf • Solidworks *.sldprt
• AutoCAD *.dwg
• ACIS *.sat
• Rhino *.3dm
• Step *.stp, *.step
• STL *.stl

BobCAD-CAM Supports and can produce G-Code for the following machine types…

• 2-5 Axis Horizontal and Vertical CNC Mills • 2-5 Axis Lasers
• 2 Axis Lathes • 2-5 Axis Plasmas
• 2-5 Axis Routers • 2-5 Axis Waterjets

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

1- Installation
See Video 4- Installation and Registration

System Requirements

For BobCAD-CAM to run efficiently it is critical that all necessary files are present on the computer.

BobCAD-CAM Uses the latest technology available, for this reason it is imperative that the Windows
System and Hardware drivers on the computer are up to date.

Before Installing BobCAD software, first insure that the computer meets or exceeds our system

Windows (Minimum) Windows (Recommended)


• 128 MB Graphics Adaptor* o 1GB Graphics Adaptor*
• Intel® or AMD® Processors** o Intel® or AMD® Processors**
• 2GHz Processor o 2+GHz Processor (Multi-core)
• Windows Vista or Windows 7 o Windows 7 x64

Specifications -Recommended Vs. Minimum.

The Minimum specifications means that BobCAD-CAM software will open and work, the minimum
requirements do not gauge performance and stability. For BobCAD-CAM to preform reliably at its best, it
is highly recommended to meet or exceed the recommended specifications.

Note: Although initial testing has shown that BobCAD-CAM V26 runs on Windows XP SP3, Windows XP is
no longer officially supported.

*BobCAD-CAM’s stability is dependent on the graphics card ability to process information, integrated memory
graphics cards may work but are not recommended.

ATI® or NVIDIA® graphics cards with dedicated memory are recommended. The graphics card’s software driver
must be updated to the current software drivers released by the graphics card manufacturer.

**BobCAD-CAM is not supported on Apple Macintosh® -based machines. Some customers have shown success in
running BobCAD-CAM in a Virtual Windows environment on Mac computers using Boot Camp. While the end user
may choose to run Windows on a MAC®, this is not supported by BobCAD-CAM Inc.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Preparing your computer for installation

How to check to see if you meet the system requirements…

In the Windows Search box type “dxdiag” (without the quotes)

Then Launch the dxdiag.exe (DirectX Diagnostic Tool) file.

The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will provide you with the necessary information about your computer to
know if you meet the system requirements.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Updating the Computer System

Even new computers usually require software and driver updates. These updates are released on a
weekly and monthly basis, before installing BobCAD software you should check that your Windows
system and graphics card driver are up to date to avoid future problems.

Should you not be able to do this for any reason do not worry, just proceed with the installation of
BobCAD and if a software stability problem arise you may need to re-visit obtaining and installing these

Windows Updates

Windows updates are necessary to insure a stable working environment for the BobCAD software to
perform. There are different kinds of updates. Security updates or critical updates protect against
vulnerabilities to malware and security exploits. Other updates correct errors that aren't related to
security, or enhance functionality.

Windows Updates are normally provided over an Internet connection, although there is provision for
updates to be installed on computers without an Internet connection. If your computer is not or cannot
be connected to the internet you should consult an IT professional for help with how to obtain these
updates. If the computer is or can be connected to the internet, then check for and run all of the
available updates from Microsoft. Your computer is up to date when you've installed the latest updates
for Windows and your programs.

To check for Windows updates, follow these steps:

In the Windows search type “Windows Update” without the quotes.

Open Windows Update by clicking on “Check for updates”.

If any updates are found, click Install updates. Administrator permission required if you are prompted
for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Updating the Graphics Card Driver

The graphics card driver is one of the most crucial dependencies for the software to perform properly.

It is a common misconception that Windows will update the graphics card driver. The graphics card
driver must be updated manually. To update the graphics card driver, the latest driver must be obtained
from the graphics card manufacturer.

To update the graphics card driver you will first need to know the make and model of the graphics card,
to obtain this information, In the Windows Search box type “dxdiag” (without the quotes) then press
enter. This will display a control panel that shows the processor, memory and graphics card information.

Write down the graphics cards make and model, and then search the internet to find the manufactures
website. Once you have found the manufactures website you can then follow their instructions on
downloading and installing the newer driver if available. If you are unable to locate a newer driver for
the cards you have do not worry as this just means you are probably already running the latest update.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Installing BobCAD-CAM

To install the Software locate your BobCAD-CAM installation disks and place the “appropriate” either 32
or 64 Bit software installation CD in the drive. The CD should play automatically, and then follow the on
screen instructions to complete the installation.

Registering BobCAD-CAM

The BobCAD-CAM software will need to be installed to your computer before registration, after the
original installation you will have a 5 day trial period where all modules will be registered before you are
required to activate the software’s license. If you are within the first five days of installing the software,
the Trial Mode dialog box is displayed.

In Trial Mode the following two options are available…

Run as Trial – the software is unlocked for you to use for five days.

Register Online – starts the online registration process.

Once the five-day full unlock expires, the software begins running in the Demo Mode. This allows you to
still use the software, but without the ability to post NC programs, and any files that are saved in Demo
Mode can't be opened in the licensed version of the software. The Demo Mode dialog box appears
when the software is first launched.

To register VIA the internet, follow the instructions below…

1. Open the software

2. Double-click the BobCAD-CAM icon on the desktop.
3. Click Register Online
4. Enter the License ID and the Password ( The License ID can be found on your invoice)
5. Click Activate.
6. When you see the dialog box, indicating a successful activation, click OK.

The License Status dialog box will display a list of your licensed modules.

If no internet is available, register by phone 877-262-2231.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

2- The Machine Configuration for Mill and Lathe

See Video 5 - Machine Configuration

It is important to properly define your machines within BobCAD-CAM. The machine file controls several
aspects of the software.

The machine file controls the following Items…

• Simulation • Post-Processor used

• Gouge & Collision Checking • Min. & Max. Feed Rates
• Multiaxis Posting Settings • Min. & Max. Spindle Speed
• Machines Physical Definition & Limits • Absolute & Incremental
• BobCAD Software Defaults • Sequence Numbering
• Sub-Program Output • The file extension for G-code files

The Machine Setup must be configured for your software to work properly.

Installing the Post-Processors

A Post Processor is the translator that formats the G-code output by BobCAD-CAM into the language
that your CNC machine can read. Post Processors can be found & downloaded from the BobCAD-CAM

How to install a Post-Processor…

Open your web browser and go to Click on Support and then Post –

Follow the on-screen instructions to use the post-processor wizard to download your post processor,
make sure to save the file. After the post processor has been saved to your computer, locate the file you
had saved and double click the file to begin the installation.

The post installation copies the post file to the BobCAD-CAM software’s post directory, its default
location is in C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V#\Posts\Mill.

NOTE: After the installation is complete you will now be able to locate the file when you need to access
it when setting up a machine. After Installation is complete there should be no visible change, proceed
to adding and configuring your machine.

Gathering the Machine Data – Mill Only

In order to configure your machine there is some information you will first need to gather. The check list
on the next page will help you gather this information.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Milling Machine Setup Check List


In order to configure your machine there is some information you will first need to gather. The
check list below will help you gather this information.

Machine Name: _________________________________________________

This is the name of the machine.

Controller Make and Model: ___________________________________

This is the model of the machine and make of the controller.

Type of Machine: __________________________________________

This is the type of 4th/ 5th axis machine.

4th Axis Vertical Mill
4th Axis Horizontal Mill
Table – Table
Head – Head
Head – Table
Head – Head Nutating

Maximum Spindle Speed: _____________________________________

Fastest speed (RPM) the spindle can rotate.

Maximum Feed Rate: __________________________________________

Fastest allowable feed rate (IPM) the machine can travel.

NC File Extension: __________________________________________

This is the file extension that the machine requires to load the NC program into the controller.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Direction Vector:

Most machines follow what is known as the “Right Hand Rule” when it comes to directions of
motion when using the Cartesian coordinate system. We will use the standard “Right Hand
Rule” as our base when comparing your machines movement to complete the following
questions. Please keep in mind that all of the following questions refer to the direction the
TOOL moves in the workpiece.

X axis Direction:

When you jog your machine in the positive direction does the tool move to the Right?

Yes__ / No__

(Yes = Tool Motion Matches Right Hand Rule)

Y axis Direction:

When you jog your machine in the positive direction does the tool move to the Back?

Yes__ / No__

(Yes = Tool Motion Matches Right Hand Rule)

Z axis Direction:

When you jog your machine in the positive direction does the tool move Up?

Yes__ / No___

(Yes = Tool Motion Matches Right Hand Rule)

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Minimum & Maximum Values for Axis Travel:

X____ _____

Y____ _____

Z____ _____

The minimum and maximum absolute coordinates for each axis. These values are from the
rotation zero. This zero is a virtual machine zero used by BobCAD and is not necessarily the
machine home.

**To pull the values for the limits of the machine**

These measurements are done with the machine spindle empty.


Line the center of the spindle up with the edge of the face of the indexer or the center of the
platter and set as zero. Now move the machine to the max positive then the max negative
amount in X. Record these numbers above.


Line the center of the spindle up with the center of rotation and set as zero. Now move the
machine to the max positive then the max negative amount in Y. Record these numbers above.


The BobCAD machine zero for Z is the face of the spindle down at the center of the rotation
axis. Move the machine to this position and set zero. Now move the machine to the max
positive then the max negative amount in Z. Record numbers above. If the machine cannot get
there, take as far down as it can and measure from center of rotation to spindle face. This does
not have to be exact. However you want it as close as you can get it. If needed can use ruler.
Now you can measure the Max positive movement in Z.

For instance the spindle can only come down to 3” above rotation center.

The max travel for Z is 15”. Then record above Max Z = 15” and minimum Z= +3”

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Rotary Axes:

The rotary axes of your machine need to be correctly defined for the internal mathematics of
our post processing engine to function correctly. Again here we will reference the “Right Hand
Rule” for defining your rotary axis components and we will also define the prefix used in the G-
Code to operate them.

Like the X Y Z axes the rotary axes of a machine tool can be referenced using the standards of
the Right Hand Rule. The following image illustrates this as well as the following description.
Please note the following axis identification is not the prefix used in the G-Code but how we
identify the rotary axis components for building your machine. The prefix for each axis is
defined in the next section.

A axis – This is a rotary axis that rotates around the X axis of the machine.
B axis – This is a rotary axis that rotates around the Y axis of the machine.
C axis – This is a rotary axis that rotates around the Z axis of the machine.

1st Rotary Axis – Using the above image what is your 1st rotary axis? __A__B__C__

2nd Rotary Axis – Using the above image what is your 2nd rotary axis? __A__B__C__

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Direction of Positive rotation on rotary:

When facing the machine place a mark on the axis being rotated. Whether it is marker or tape
and rotate the rotary axis positive. When following the Right Hand Rule standard axis rotation is
counterclockwise when looking at the axis from the positive direction.

1st Rotary Rotation:

When you rotate the 1st axis positive does your machine rotate toward you in the positive

Yes__ / No__

(Yes = Tool Motion Matches Right Hand Rule)

2nd Rotary Rotation:

When you rotate the 2nd axis positive does your machine rotate toward you in the positive

Yes__ / No__

(Yes = Tool Motion Matches Right Hand Rule)

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Rotary Centers:

1st Rotary Axis: ____ ____ ____

2nd Rotary Axis: ____ ____ ____

X, Y, and Z center of rotation point for each rotary axis.

Click Here for information on How to find the Rotation for the rotary axis.

BobCAD Machine Zero to Center Of Rotation:

This is a measurement from where we are going to define zero for our system’s calculations.
This location is NOT where you have to define your work offset locations. The values for this
option will vary based on machine configuration. All values are measured with the 4th & 5th
axis of your machine at Zero location.

Table/Table – For this machine type the values are measured from the center of the rotary
platter at the face of the rotary platter going to the center of rotation for the 4th & 5th axis

Head/Head – For this machine type the values are measured from the face of the spindle to the
center of rotation for the 4th & 5th axis.

Head/Table – For this machine type the values are measured in one axis from the face of the
spindle to the center of the rotating axis which tilts the spindle. The second rotation center will
be aligned with the spindle face so a value of zero should suffice, but values are available here if

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Rotary Axis G-Code Prefix:

1st Rotary Axis: _________ Example: “A”

2nd Rotary Axis: _________ Example: “B”

What is the prefix (letter) used to identify your rotary axes?

Minimum & Maximum Rotary Degrees:

1st Rotary Axis: ______ ______

2nd Rotary Axis: ______ ______

What is the minimum (- direction) and maximum (+ direction) travel limits for each of your
rotary axes?

Rotary Axis limits:

What is the limit of rotation for the rotary axis I.E. +9999.999 and -9999.999 or is there another limit? Or
is it unlimited. Distance before it has to stop and rewind.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

STL Files (Optional)

STL Drawing files of each part of the machine. These are not required but helpful and can only
be added for use with the full machine simulation. The full machine simulation is included with-
4 Axis Pro, 5 Axis Standard and 5 Axis Pro.

Machine Base – _________________________________________________

X-AXIS – _________________________________________________

Y-AXIS – _________________________________________________

Z-AXIS – _________________________________________________

1st Rotary Axis – _________________________________________________

2nd Rotary Axis – _________________________________________________

More or less files can be used; this varies by the amount of detail desired and machine type.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Adding and Configuring Your Milling Machine (Tutorial)

This tutorial covers how to create a machine. Machine creation starts with a machine definition to
define each element of the machine. Then the parameters are defined for each element of the machine,
such as the moving direction and limits. The machine parameter values are used in posting. For each
element, geometry (.stl) files are added to define what appears in the simulation window.

There are two levels of machine simulation: Standard Simulation and Pro Simulation. If you have
purchased the 4 Axis Pro, 5 Axis Standard, or 5 Axis Pro module, then you have the Pro Simulation.
Regardless of what level of machine simulation you have, you must still create a proper machine
definition. The only difference is that with Standard Simulation, you can’t add geometry items to the
machine definition that is used for simulation and component checking.

The following image shows the 4-axis machine that is created in this example.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

The following image shows all of the individual geometry files (.stl), together in one Workspace. This is
shown to help you understand how each geometry item is aligned in the Workspace when creating the
geometry files for the machine. The second image, the view is made transparent and zoomed in to show
the coordinate system used to align the machine elements.

Adding a New Milling Machine

Step 1. In the CAM Tree, Right-click the CAM Defaults folder, and click Current Settings.

Step 2. On the left side of the Milling Settings dialog box, make sure that Machine Parameters is

Step 3. On the right side of the dialog box, in Machine, click Add.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 4. In the Add/Modify dialog box, next to Machine Name, type the name of your machine.(No
spaces) For this example, the name is 4_Axis_Example.

Step 5. Next to Axes, select the 4 Axis Machine. To close the dialog box and add the new machine,
click OK.

Step 6. The Make list now shows the new machine is selected and the Number of Axes should
display the number 4.

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Step 7. In the Machine Parameters group, define the parameters for your machine.

Locating the Machine Definition Files

Step 1. When you create a new machine, a folder is automatically created along with an XML file of
the machine definition, in the BobCAD-CAM Data folder. The default location is: C:\BobCAD-
CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM “Your Version Number” \MachSim\Machine Name.... This is the
same location in which the geometry files for the machine must be stored.

Step 2. For the purposes of this tutorial, the next step is to copy the geometry files from the default
machine that is provided by BobCAD-CAM.

Step 3. Open the following folder: C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V26 \MachSim. Notice the
folder named 4 Axis Example has been automatically created. If you open the folder, you
will see the 4 Axis Example.xml file that is created to save all of the machine information.

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Step 4. Open the BC_4x_Mill folder, and select all of the files except the .xml file. Press CTRL+C to
copy the selected files.

Step 5. Open the 4 Axis Example folder and press CTRL+V to paste the copied files into the folder.
These files are now available to add to the Machine Definition.

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The Machine Definition Dialog Box - Define the Axis Parameters

Step 1. On the left side of the Current Settings dialog box, click Machine Definition.

Step 2. Notice the Machine group in the middle of the dialog box. The machine tree shows all of the
machine elements that have been automatically created. This definition includes the linear
axes, the rotational axis, and the dynamic holder and workpiece elements.

Step 3. The items in the tree are used to define or modify the parameters of each component. For
example, in the tree, click Y. Notice on the right, in the Machine Data group, the parameters
for the Y-axis are displayed.

Step 4. The Direction and the Limits for the Y-axis must be defined. By default the Y-axis Direction is
defined by the vector X0Y1Z0. This defines the direction as the positive Y-axis. The machine
being built requires the vector to be negative. Under Direction, next to Y, click in the box,
and change the value to -1. The Y-axis vector is now X0Y-1Z0.

NOTE: The vector direction for the axes is determined by the type of machine. For machines that the
table (and not the head) moves in the X- and Y-axes, generally these values are negative. For
machines where the head (tool) moves in the X- and Y-axes, generally these values are positive.
The direction is determined by the relationship of the machine elements and which way they
need to move to make the tool move in a positive direction in each of the X, Y, and Z axes.

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Step 5. Under Limits, to the right of Min, click in the box, and type the distance that this machine
element can move along the defined direction. For this example, type -10. This defines 10
inches of travel in the negative Y-axis direction.

Step 6. To the right of Max value, click in the box and define the maximum distance that the
element can move along the defined direction. For this example, type 10. This defines 10
inches of travel in the positive Y-axis direction.

Step 7. Set the Initial Value for this element to represent the elements starting position. For this
example, type 0. This sets the initial position to the origin or zero location of the Y-axis.

Repeat this Process for Each Axis on your Machine

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Add Machine Drawings to the Full Machine Simulation Module

When creating geometry, the files must be saved using the .stl file extension.

IMPORTANT: The Pro Simulation is an add-on module, it is included with the 4 Axis Pro, 5 Axis
Standard, or 5 Axis Pro modules. If you do not have Pro Simulation, you cannot add
geometry as shown in the following step.

Step 1. In the Machine group, right-click the top tree item 4 Axis Example, and click Add Geometry.

Step 2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the 4 Axis Example folder, and select BC_4x_Mill_Rot-
X_Base.stl, and click Open.

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Step 3. The geometry item is added to the tree. In the tree, click geometry so it is selected. In the
Machine Data group, next to ID, click the name (geometry) and change the name to
mh_Base. Because the prefix mh_ was added, the visibility of this item is changed using the
machine housing view toggle (in the simulation window).

Step 4. Notice that the parameters for the geometry item are displayed in the Machine Data group.
The parameters for the added geometry can be modified from this location. For example, if
you needed to change the .stl file, in the left column click Geometry. Notice that the icon
appears next to BC_4x_Mill_Rot-X_Base.stl. You can click to display the Open dialog box
and select a new geometry file.

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Add the Y-Axis Geometry

Step 1. In the machine tree, right-click Y, and click Add Geometry.

Step 2. In the Open dialog box, select BC_4x_Mill_Rot-X_Y Axis Base, and click Open.

Step 3. The geometry item is added to the tree. In the Machine Data group, next to ID, select the
name (geometry) and type Y_Axis_Base.(Name MUST contain NO SPACES)

Step 4. Click Color, and on the right, click . In the Color dialog box, select a color for the element
and click OK. When you run simulation, the Y-axis base will be shown with the selected

Step 5. In the machine tree, right-click Y, and click Add Geometry.

Step 6. In the Open dialog box, select BC_4x_Mill_Rot-X_X Axis Base, and click Open.

Step 7. The geometry item is added to the tree. In the Machine Data group, next to ID, select the
name (geometry) and type X_Axis_Base.

Step 8. Set the color used for the base.

Repeat this Process for Each Axis on the Machine

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About the Dynamic Elements

The dynamic elements are the elements that can change with each program. The Workpiece Transform
contains the first set of dynamic elements in the tree. This transform includes the toolpath, stock,
fixture, and the workpiece. You do not have to define geometry for each of these items because they
are defined by each program that you create. This is also true for the Holder Transform elements. These
dynamic elements are automatically created for you when you create a new machine.

Step 1. In the Machine group, under the Workpiece Transform, click Initial stock. Notice the
parameters in the Machine Data group as with the other geometry items, you can define a
color for the element. It is helpful to define a different color for each element that appears
in simulation.

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Step 2. In the Machine Data group, next to Transparency, click in the box and change the value to
40. This makes the initial stock item that is shown in simulation appear with forty-percent
transparency. When this item is fully visible, it will still appear slightly transparent which
makes it easier to tell it apart from the stock or workpiece items.

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Step 3. In the Machine group, under the Workpiece Transform, click Stock.

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Step 4. In the Machine Data group, notice the name in the Geometry row. For each program that
you create, when you simulate, the stock.stl (and the workpiece.stl) files are automatically
created and placed in the machine's folder with the other geometry files (as shown earlier in
this example). These files are created using the defined stock and the selected geometry for
the program.

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Step 5. In the Machine group, under the Holder Transform, click Tool. Notice the parameter
displayed in the Machine Data group. You can change the color for each part of the tool and
tool holder, as well as the transparency and reflectivity.

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About the Collision Check

At the bottom of the Machine tree, there should be an item labeled CC. This is the collision check that is
automatically added to the tree when you created the new machine. This item defines the dynamic
elements that are included in the collision check.

Step 1. To add a collision check to the tree, right-click the top tree item 4 Axis Example, click Add
CollCheck, and click Tool-Workpiece. This adds a collision check to the tree that is
automatically set between the workpiece and the tool. The more geometry you add. The
more options are available.

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Step 2. In the Machine group, click the new collision check item (CC1). Notice the information in the
Machine Data group. There are three boxes displayed. The larger box on the left side
contains all of the items that are available to add to a collision check group. The two boxes
on the right, Group 1 and Group 2, define the items that are collision checked. Any items in
Group 1 are collision checked with the items in Group 2. The Workpiece-Tool collision check
that was added automatically places the Workpiece in Group 1 and the Tool is placed in
Group 2.

Step 3. To add an item to a collision check group, in the list on the left side, click the item to add.
Next to the Group box to which the item is added, click .

Step 4. To remove an item from a collision check, click the item to remove, and then next to the
Group box, click .

Step 5. If you add a User Defined collision check, no items are automatically added to the Group 1
and Group 2 boxes.

Step 6. To finish the machine creation and save the information, at the bottom of the Current
Settings dialog box, click OK.

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Additional Machine Parameters

After your machine has been created, you also need to define the Posting parameters for the machine.
To learn about the remaining options in the Current Settings dialog box, view the Current Settings
Default dialog box help topic.

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3- The Material Library, Feed & Speed Configuration for Milling & Lathe-Drilling
See Video 6- The Material Library

Feeds and speeds are calculated based on the material type selected; BobCAD-CAM comes with
hundreds of pre-configured materials that are set up based on the Machinist Toolbox™. The feeds and
speed references within BobCAD-CAM have been calculated based on the Machinist Handbook™ and
the book Mathematics at Work™.

NOTE: The feeds and speeds that are suggested are a starting point only, many variables need to be
taken into account for when properly calculating feeds and speeds such as, tooling, material, and
machine rigidity and toolpath technique.

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Adding & Editing Materials

You may need to add or modify materials within the database, to do so follow the instructions below.

To access the Stock Material Library, in the CAM tree tab, under Milling Stock, right-click Stock
Material (such as Wrought Alum), and click Edit. The Stock Material Library dialog box appears.

To create a Material Group, in the Material Group, click Add Group. The Add New Material Group
dialog box appears. To name the group, in the Material Group Name box, type My Materials, and click

To add a new stock material to the group, in the Material Group, click My Materials. In the Material List
area, click Add Material. The Stock Material Feeds and Speeds dialog box appears

Note: Full documentation on all of the Stock Material Feeds and Speeds dialogue can be found within
the built in help system. To locate this information launch the help system by clicking on Help then Help
Topics from within BobCAD. Search for the term “stock material”.

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4- The Tool Database Configuration for Mill & Lathe

See Video 7- The Tool Database

The Tool Library contains all of the available system tools.

The tools contained within the tool library are all of the tools that you can select from within the
BobCAD-CAM tool path settings. This library is set up and customized by you, the end user.

It is recommended, that at this point you add at least some of the tools you will be using. Additional
tools can be added to the software later at any point in time.

Adding a Tool Holders & Tools

To add a tool holder to the tool library, follow the instructions below.

To access the Tool Holder Library, Right Click On CAM Defaults, click Mill Tool Holders.

From here you can find Add Arbor and Add Holder, Holders and arbors are entered here and a drawing
of them is generated dynamically as you build the Arbors and Holders.

NOTE: Arbors and Holders are only used for simulation purpose for 2 – 3.5 axis toolpaths at this time it is
not necessary to set up a holder nor an arbor, the default ones that come pre-installed with BobCAD-
CAM can be used. Additional Information & Tutorials on adding Tool Holders and arbors can be found
within the BobCAD-CAM help system by clicking on help then help topics and searching for the term
“Arbor” or “Holder”.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

To add a tool to the tool library, follow the instructions below.

To add a tool to the tool library, follow the instructions below.

To access the Milling Tool Library, do the following:

In the CAM tree tab, right-click CAM Defaults, click Tool Library.

In the left pane select a tool type, then click on Add to add a new tool. Fill out the Add tool dialogue box
using the information that you have about your tools.

NOTE: The BobCAD-CAM Software’s tool library includes a limited amount of tool types that BobCAD-
CAM software supports.

Certain “Unsupported” or Custom tooling can be added to the library. If you add unsupported tools to
the tool library you must use an existing tool type for entry to the database, use the Tool label (tools
description) to identify these tools. Unsupported tools must be manually accounted for within your CAD
drawings, machines offsets and simulation.

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Tool Cribs for Mill and Lathe

The Milling Tool Crib is comparable to the tool changer on a machine. It adds two advantages to the
milling system. First, the Milling Tool Crib can be loaded and saved before you create milling features.

When the milling feature operations are created, the system automatically selects the appropriate tool
from the Milling Tool Crib. Second, when selecting tools for milling operations, the tool crib shows all
tools that are currently defined. By having the tools already defined, you can eliminate the need to
search the Milling Tool Library.

To add tools to a tool crib, follow the instructions below.

To access the Milling Tool Crib, do the following:

In the CAM tree, under Milling or Turning Job. Right-click Milling or Turning Tools and click Tool
Crib. Use this method to view all the tools currently loaded in the Tool Crib.

Click on Add Tool From Library, and select the tool to add then click OK.

NOTE: In order to load tools into the Milling Tool Crib before creating milling features, you must create
the tools in the Milling Tool Library.

When tools are created in the Tool dialog box, of a milling wizard, that are not pre-loaded into the
Milling Tool Crib, the tools are then automatically added.

When the Milling Tool Crib is accessed by clicking Tool Crib from a milling wizard Tool dialog box, the list
automatically shows only the available tools for that operation type.

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5- The Cutting Condition Configuration for Mill & Lathe

See Video 8- The Cutting Conditions

Drilling Parameters

Much of the drilling done by BobCAD-CAM is automated. BobCAD automatically accounts for items such
as drill tip angle and through holes and adds depth to the drilling operations. Before creating a program
for drilling you should first understand exactly what BobCAD is going to do when drilling. The drilling
parameters used by BobCAD can be customized to suit your needs, see the information below to see
how to access the drilling parameters and how to change or edit them.

The drilling parameters are configured within Cutting Condition Parameters see below for instructions
on how to access them.

To access the Cutting Condition Parameters, in the CAM tree, right-click CAM Defaults, click
Cutting Conditions.

Note: Full documentation on all of Cutting Condition Parameters dialogue can be found within the built
in help system. To locate this information launch the help system by clicking on Help then Help Topics
from within BobCAD. Search for the term “Cutting Condition”.

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6- The Tool Pattern Configuration for Mill & Lathe

See Video 9- Tool Patterns

Adding and Removing the Default Tools from Features

To access the Tool Pattern dialog box, in the CAM Tree, right-click CAM Defaults and click Tool

To Add an Operation:
• In the Feature list on the left side of the dialog box, select the Feature type, and then select the
Template you want to edit.
• In the Available Operations on the left, click the operation that is desired new operation.
• In the Select item to edit list, select the new operation to add.
• Click Insert.
• The new operation is added to this feature.

You can further modify the Tool Patterns using the modification buttons below the Operation in
Template dialogue box.

Note: Full documentation on all of the Tool Pattern dialogue can be found within the built in help
system. To locate this information launch the help system by clicking on Help then Help Topics from
within BobCAD. Search for the term “Tool Pattern”.

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7- Program Creation

Video 9 CAD Tutorial

Below is the part that is created in this lesson:

The functions that are covered in this tutorial are:

• Arc Coordinates
• Extrude Curve
• Solid Fillet
• Solids Cylinder
• Solids Cone
• Solids Torus
• Solid Add
• Solid Subtract
• Layers
• Translate
• Rotate
• Arc 3 Entities
• Quick Trim
• Text

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• Fit Text to Curves

• Extract Edges Single

Step 1: To start a new drawing, go up to the top of the screen and Click on File and then Click New. This
will open up a new CAD drawing.

Step 2: At the top of the screen Click Arcs and then Click Coordinates. Enter the following settings
for the Arc Coordinates CAD Function:
• Center X 0.0000
• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius - 3.0000
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click OK and then click Zoom Fit All

Step 3: While still in the Arc Coordinate function. Change the following settings:

• Center X -2.500
• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius .1875
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click OK from the Arc Coordinate CAD function.

Step 4: While still in the Arc Coordinate function we need to draw another circle. Change the following

• Center X 2.500
• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius .1875
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click OK from the Arc Coordinate CAD function.

Step 5: While still in the Arc Coordinate function we need to draw another circle. Change the following
• Center X 0.0000
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• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius .3750
• Start Angle 0.0000
• End Angle 0.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click OK

Step 6: Change your view by Clicking View, move to Views, then ISO 2

Step 7: In the Layer UCS Post Manager go to the Layers Tab

Step 8: Right-Click on the CAD layer then Right-Click Rename Layer. Name the layer

Step 9: Right-Click in the Layer Manager then Click Add New Layer. Right-Click on the Not Named layer
(the new layer created in this step.) then Click Rename Layer. Name the layer MAINSOLID.

Step 10: Make the MAINSOLID your Active Layer, by clicking the layer to show the red check box.
The Red Check means this is your Active Layer. The black square next to the
MAINSOLID layer controls whether the layer will be hidden or unhidden.

Step 11: At the top of the screen Click Surfaces and then Click Extrude Curve.

Step 12: Enter the following settings for the Extrude Curve CAD Function:

• Distance -2.0000
• Draft Angle 0.0000
• With Caps is selected
• Along Normal is cleared
• Along Z-Axis is selected

Step 13: Select all the entities by Left-Click in the top left corner of the workspace and holding down on
the button as you drag a window around all the entities. Then do a Right-Click OK. Then
Click OK under the Extrude Curve CAD function and then Cancel to exit the Extrude Curve CAD

Step 14: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Cone.

Step 15: Enter the following settings for the Solids Cone CAD Function:

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• Top Radius 1.0000

• Radius Base 1.7500
• Height 1.5000

• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected
• X – 0.0000
• Y – 0.0000
• X – 0.0000

Click OK under the Solids Cone CAD Function and then Cancel to exit the Solids Cone CAD function.

Step 16: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Add.

Step 17: Select the bottom solid by a Left-Click, wait until it changes to your selection color. Then select
the top solid. Then select OK from the Solid Boolean Add CAD function and then Cancel to exit
the Solid Boolean Add CAD function

Step 18: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Fillet.

Step 19: Enter the following settings for the Fillet CAD Function:

• Constant Fillet is selected

• Radius = 0.2500
• Whole Solid is cleared
• Tangent Propagation is selected

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Select the circle edge at the base of the cone and the top of the cylinder of the solid that was created.
Then Right-Click and then Click OK.

Step 20: While still in the Solid Fillet CAD function enter the following setting:

• Constant Fillet is selected

• Radius = 0.3750
• Whole Solid is cleared
• Tangent Propagation is selected

Select the top cone circle edge of the solid that was created. Then Right-Click and then Click OK.
Then Click Cancel to exit the Solid Fillet CAD function

Step 21: In the Layer Manager, Click the in the BOTTOMWIREFRAME layer to make it the Active
Layer. Click the MAINSOLID black square box to hide the MAINSOLID layer.

Step 22: At the top of the screen Click Surfaces and then Click Extrude Curve.

Enter the following settings for the Extrude Curve CAD Function:
• Distance = 6.0000
• Draft Angle = 0.0000

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• With Caps – selected

• Along Normal cleared
• Along Z-Axis selected

Select the center .7500 diameter circle by Left-Click or a window pick. Then do a Right-Click OK. Then
Click OK under the Extrude Curve CAD function and then click Cancel to exit the Extrude Curve CAD

Step 23: In the Layer Manager, Click the in the MAINSOLID layer to make it the Active Layer. Click
the MAINSOLID square box to unhide the MAINSOLID layer.

Step 24: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Subtract Solid. Select the main solid
which is the cylinder and cone, wait for it to change color, then select the inner .3750 x 6.00
cylinder for the differencing solid. Then select OK from the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function
and then click Cancel to exit the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function.

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Step 25: In the Layer UCS Post Manager go to the Layers Tab

Step 26: Right-Click in the Layer Manager then Click Add New Layer, Rename it to SLOTS

Step 27: Make the SLOTS layer the Active Layer by clicking in the SLOTS Layer

Step 28: Left-Click in the MAIN SOLID layer to make this layer hidden

Step 29: Select Top View from toolbar view menu

Step 30: At the top of the screen Click Arcs and then Click Coordinates.
Enter the following settings for the Arc Coordinates CAD Function:
• Center X 2.4375
• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius - 0.3750
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Step 31: At the top of the screen select Utilities menu and select Rotate function
Enter the following settings for the Rotate CAD Function.

• Preview Box is selected

Angle Around Axis:

• X = 0.0000
• Y = 0.0000
• Z= 35.0000

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• Scale is cleared
• Copy is cleared

• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected
• X = 0.0000
• Y = 0.0000
• Z= 0.0000

Select the .750 diameter circle entity from step 30 and then Right-Click OK. Then select OK from the
Rotate CAD function.

Step 32: While still in the Rotate CAD function change the following settings:

• Preview Box is selected

Angle Around Axis

• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= 110.0000
• Scale is cleared
• Copy is selected
• X= 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z=0.0000
• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected

Then select OK from the Rotate CAD fucntion.

Step 33: While still in the Rotate CAD function change the following settings:

• Preview Box is selected

Angle Around Axis

• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= 70.0000
• Scale is cleared
• Copy is selected
• X= 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000

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• Z=0.0000
• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected

Then select OK from the Rotate CAD function.

Step 34: While still in the Rotate CAD function change the following settings:

• Preview Box is selected

Angle Around Axis

• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= 110.0000
• Scale is cleared
• Copy is selected
• X= 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z=0.0000
• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected

Then select OK from the Rotate CAD function and then select Cancel

Step 35: At the top of the screen Click Arcs and then Click Coordinates.
Enter the following settings for the Arc Coordinates CAD Function:
• Center X 0.0000
• Center Y 2.4375
• Center Z 0.0000

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• Radius - 0.3750
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Then select OK from the Arc Coordinate CAD function.

Step 36: While still in the Arc Coordinate CAD function change the following settings:

• Center X 0.0000
• Center Y -2.4375
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius - 0.3750
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000

Then select OK from the Arc Coordinate CAD fucntion and then select Cancel.

Step 37: At the top of the screen Click Arcs and then click the 3 Entities

• Left Click Top Right .7500 circle at the top = Start Point
• Left Click Top Middle .7500 circle at the top = Pass Thru Point
• Left Click Top Left .7500 circle at the top = End Point

Step 38: While still in the 3 Entities CAD function.

• Left Click the Top Left .7500 circle at the bottom = Start Point
• Left Click Top Middle .7500 circle at the bottom = Pass Thru Point
• Left Click Top Right .7500 circle at the bottom = End Point

Step 39: Use Step 37 and Step 38 to complete the same function to the bottom three .7500 circles

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Select Cancel in the Arc 3 Entities CAD function after completing these steps.

Step 40: At the top of the screen Click Utilities – then hover the cursor over Trim Extend and then click
Quick Trim. Select the interior circle entities by Left-Clicking the unnecessary entities.
Select Cancel in the Quick Trim CAD function.

Step 41: At the top of the screen Click on the Pull Down Arrow on Top View and then select ISO
2 view.

Step 42: At the top of the screen Click Surfaces then select Extrude Curve. Enter the following
settings for the Extrude Curve CAD Function.

• Distance = -0.75000
• Draft Angle = 0.0000
• With Caps is selected
• Along Normal is cleared
• Along Z-Axis is selected

Step 43: Create a Chain-Select of the slot entities that we just created. Left-Click while holding down the
Shift key to select all those entities. After the lines are selected Right-Click and then Click
OK. Then Click OK under the Extrude Curve CAD function. Then Click Cancel to exit the Extrude
Curve CAD function.

Step 44: In the Layer UCS Post Manager go to the Layers Tab

Step 45: Left-Click in the MAIN SOLID layer to make this layer visible and make this the Active

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Step 46: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Subtract Solid.

• Select the main solid which is the cylinder and cone, wait for it to change color
• Then press the “S” on your keyboard to turn off Shading so you can pick inner shapes (slots)
easier. Then select the inner (2) slots for the differencing solid.
• Select “S” again to turn on Shading view.
• Then select OK from the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function and then click Cancel to exit
the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function.

Step 47: At the top of the screen Click File Save. Enter a name for your saved file and click Save

Step 48: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Fillet.

Step 49: Enter the following settings for the Fillet CAD Function:

• Chamfer is selected
• Chamfer = 0.0310
• Whole Solid is cleared
• Tangent Propagation is selected

Select the appropriate edges on the slots and holes by Left-Clicking. Then Right-Click and then Click
OK. Then Click Cancel to exit the Solid Fillet CAD function.

Step 50: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Torus

Step 51: Enter the following settings for the Torus CAD Function:

• Major = 3.000

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• Minor Radius = .150


• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected
• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= -0.875

Then select OK from the Torus CAD function.

Step 52: While still in the Torus CAD function change the following settings:

• Major = 3.000
• Minor Radius = .150

• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected
• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= -1.2500

Then select OK from the Torus CAD function.

Step 53: While still in the Torus CAD function change the following settings:

• Major = 3.000
• Minor Radius = .150

• Pick is cleared
• Enter is selected
• X = 0.0000
• Y= 0.0000
• Z= -1.6250

Then select OK from the Torus CAD function. Click Cancel to exit the Torus CAD function.

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Step 54: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Subtract Solid.

• Select the main solid, wait for it to change color.

• Then select the (3) torus’s we made in steps 51-53 for the differencing solids.
• Then select OK from the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function and then click Cancel to exit
the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function.

Step 55: At the top of the screen Click File Save.

Step 56: Right-Click in the Layer Manager then Click Add New Layer. Right-Click on the Not Named layer
(the new layer created in this step.) then Click Rename Layer. Name the layer TEXT.

Step 57: Make the TEXT your Active Layer, by clicking the layer to show the red check box. The Red
Check means this is your Active Layer.

Step 58: At the top of the screen Click Utilities then hover over Extract Edges then select click

Step 59: Select the Face on the top of the cone by Left-Clicking it, then a Right-Click OK. Then select
Cancel to exit the Extract Single Edge CAD function.

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Step 60: Make all your Layers invisible except for the TEXT layer by clicking the box and changing it
too hidden.

Step 61: At the top of the screen Click Top View button

Step 62: At the top of the screen Click Text then click Text

Step 63: Enter the following setting for the Text CAD function:

• Bold is cleared
• Italic is cleared
• Windows Font is cleared
• BobCAD font is selected
• Font = BobCAD Default
• Text Box = 7274890003
• Height = 0.2500
• Ratio = 1.0000
• Angle = 0.0000
• Slant = 0.0000
• Ext. Spacing = 0.0500
• Vectorize is cleared
• Drag is selected

Select OK from the Text CAD function.

Step 64: Drag the Text you have created and place it at the bottom of the two circles. Left-Click to place
the text. Select Cancel to exit the Text CAD function.

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Step 65: At the top of the screen Click Text then click Fit Text to Curve.

Step 66: Enter the following settings for the Text to Curve function:

• Distance from Path =0.0500

• Move text from Start = 0.0000
• Left is cleared
• Center is selected
• Right is cleared

Step 67: Select Text by Left-Click then a Right-Click OK.

Step 68: Pick the start point by Left-Clicking on lower right quadrant of the smaller circle then do a Shift-
Click to pick the end. Then select Cancel to exit from the Text to Curve CAD function.

Step 69: At the top of the screen Click on the Pull Down Arrow on Top View and then select
ISO 2 view.

Step 70: At the top of the screen Click Utilities and then select Translate

Enter the following settings for the Translate function:

• Delta is selected
• Sketch/Enter - is cleared
• Drag -is cleared
• Reselect - is cleared
• Scale - is cleared
• Copy - is cleared
• Pick - is cleared
• X=0.0000
• Y=0.0000

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• Z=1.5000

Step 71: Select Text by Left-Click then a Right-Click OK. Then select Cancel to exit from the Translate
CAD function.

Step 72: Make the MAINSOLID layer visible by clicking in the box.

Step 73: At the top of the screen Click Selection mode.

Step 74: Select the main model by a Left-Click then a Right–Click and hover over Modify Attributes and
select left click on Color then left click a grey color box

Step 75: Right-Click in the Layer Manager then Click Add New Layer. Right-Click on the Not Named layer
(the new layer created in this step.) then Click Rename Layer. Name the layer

Step 76: Make the BOTTOMCUTOUT layer the Active Layer by left click

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Step 77: Make all of the other layers hidden by clicking black box and make them hidden.

Step 78: At the top of the screen Click Top View button

Step 79: At the top of the screen Click Arcs and then Click Coordinates. Enter the following
settings for the Arc Coordinates CAD Function:

• Center X 0.0000
• Center Y 0.0000
• Center Z 0.0000
• Radius – 2.8000
• Start Angle - 0.0000
• End Angle 360.0000
Once all of the above information is entered Click OK then click Cancel to exit from the Arc Coordinate
CAD function.

Step 80: At the top of the screen Click on the Pull Down Arrow on Top View and then select
ISO 2 view.
Step 81: At the top of the screen Click Surfaces and then Click Extrude Curve
Enter the following settings for the Extrude Curve CAD Function:
• Distance -1.7500
• Draft Angle 0.0000
• With Caps is selected
• Along Normal is cleared
• Along Z-Axis is selected

Then do a Right-Click OK. Then Click OK under the Extrude Curve CAD function and then Cancel to
exit the Extrude Curve CAD function.

Step 82: At the top of the screen Click Utilities and then select Translate.
Enter the following settings for the Translate function:
• Delta is selected
• Sketch/Enter is cleared
• Drag is cleared
• Reselect is cleared
• Scale is cleared
• Copy is cleared
• Pick is cleared
• X=0.0000
• Y=0.0000
• Z=-1.0000

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Step 83: Select the cylinder by Left-Click then a Right-Click OK. Then select Cancel to exit from the
Translate CAD function.

Step 84: Make your Solid layer unhidden by a left click in the box to make it visible again.

Step 85: At the top of the screen Click Solids and then Click Subtract Solid.

• Select the main solid, wait for it to change color.

• Then select the cylinder that we created in step 81 for the differencing solid.
• Then select OK from the Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function and then click Cancel to exit the
Solid Boolean Subtract CAD function.

Step 86: Make your Text layer unhidden by a left click in the box to make it visible again.

This lesson is now finished. The finished part is below:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Mill Program Tutorial

Video 10 MILL Tutorial

V26 GETTING STARTED Mill_Example.bbcd

Below is the part with the tool paths that are being machined in this lesson:

The CAD functions that are covered in this tutorial are:

• Rotate

The CAM functions that are covered in this tutorial are:

• New CAM Job

• Blank (Blanking stock)
• Mill Simulation
• Milling Stock
• Stock Wizard
• Machine Setup
• Feature 3 Axis

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• Feature 2 Axis
• Advanced Rough
• Flatlands
• Z Level Finish
• Machine Strategy
• Mill 2 Axis Wizard
• Pocket Operation
• Profile Finish Operation
• Chamfer Mill Operation
• Mill Drill Hole
• Mill 3 Axis Wire Frame

Step 1: To start the new drawing, go up to the top of the screen and Click on File and then Click Open.
Open the V26 GETTING STARTED Mill_Example.bbcd

V26 GETTING STARTED Mill_Example.bbcd

Step 2: With the 3D drawing open go to the top of the screen and Click Modules and then Click New
CAM Job.

Step 3: Select Milling from the Job Type. Left click radio tab Machine button to select BC_3x_Mill
machine. Left click OK button

Step 4: Right-Click Milling Stock and then Click Stock Wizard.

Step 5: In the Stock Type Dialog Box enter the following settings:

Stock Type:
• Cylindrical – radio button is selected
• Then Click the next button to go into the next window.

Step 6: In the Stock Definition Dialog Box enter the following settings:

• Bounding box – radio button is selected
• Auto from workspace – radio button is selected

Stock Orientation:
• Extrusion Direction = Z Axis
• Diameter Offset = 0.0000
• Start Face Offset = 0.0000
• End Face Offset = 0.00000

Then Click the next button to go into the next window.

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Step 7: In the Machine Setup Dialog Box enter the following settings:
Machine Setup:
• Machine Setup -1 is selected
• Pick Origin – radio button is selected
• Enter Origin button is clear
• Pick From Existing UCS is not selected
• Work Offset # - 1
• Clearance Plane – 1.0000

Step 8: Left click to select the “Origin” button in the Machine Setup dialog box.

Step 9: Left click the top center point of the cylinder to specify the machine UCS zero at the center and
top of the cylinder.

Step 10: Then left click OK in the Machine Setup dialog box.

Step 11: Right-Click Milling Stock and Click Blank.

NOTE: You can Left Click Rotate function to rotate the part or use the middle mouse button as

Step 12: Under Milling Stock Right-Click on the Material type. Then left click Edit.

Step 13: In the Stock Material Library window under the Material Group select Carbon Steel. Then
under the Material List select Carbon Steel 1018 – Plain (100-125HB). Then Click OK to specify
the material.

Step 14: Right-Click on Machine Setup - 1 and Left Click Mill 3 Axis.

Step 15: Left Click Select Geometry then select the entire solid model by doing a Window-Select and
then Right-Click and Click OK. Click Next in the Geometry Selection window.

Step 16: In the Feature window enter the following information:

Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane – 1.00 (greyed out)
• Rapid Plane – 0.2000
• Feed Plane – 0.1000

Feature Parameters
• Top of Part – 0.0000

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Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 17: Machining Strategy window enter the following information:

• Strategy 1 is clear
• Strategy 2 is clear
• Strategy 3 is selected
• Strategy 4 is clear

Step 18: Remove all the Current Operations except for the Advance Rough by Left-Clicking the
operation and then a Left click of the button to remove the operation.

Step 19: Left-Click Flatlands from the Available Operations dialog box, then Left-Click to add this
operation to the Current Operations.

Step 20: Left-Click Z Level Finish from the Available Operations dialog box, then Left-Click to
add this operation to the Current Operations. If required you can change the order of these
operations by using the and arrows to adjust the order.

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 21: Under the Posting dialog box enter the following information:
Posting Parameters:
• Work Offset # - 1
• Output Rotary Angle – Check-box is cleared
• Arc Fit – Check-box is selected
• Arc Fit Tolerance – 0.0005
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 22: Under the Rough window Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click Add From Tool Library
button and Left-Click the tool with the following information:
• Tool Number – 245
• Material – HSS
• Diameter – 3.0000
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Num. Flutes – 6
• Flute Length – 1.0000

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• Overall Length – 4.0000

• Protrusion Length – 2.0000
• Tool Label – 3” FACE MILL

Then Click OK and then Click OK again in the Tool Crib. If there is no tool with the above settings Click
Add and add the settings.

Step 23: Left Click the Assign Tool Holder button. Left Click the 1.5 inch I.D. Arbor CAT40. Left-Click OK
button in the Milling Tool Holder Library dialog box.

Step 24: Under the Rough window enter the following information:
Tool Data:
• System Tool – Check-box is cleared
• Diameter – 3.0000
• Flute Length – 1.0000
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Number of Flutes – 6
• Overall Length – 4.0000
• Protrusion Length – 2.0000
• Tool Label – 3 FACE MILL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 25: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
Cut Patterns:
• Zig –radio button is selected
Cut Direction:
• Climb Mill – radio button is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 26: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Depth of Cut(1) – 0.1500
• Stepover (2) – 0.8750
• Num. of Intermediate Steps - 2
• Allowance XYZ – 0.0100
• Machining Tolerance – 0.0010
• Cut Holes – radio button is selected.

Depth Options:
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• Automatic – radio button is selected

• Min/Max from Machining Surfaces – radio button is selected
• Min/Max from Stock – radio button is cleared
• Min/Max from Both – radio button is cleared

User Defined – radio button is cleared

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 27: Under the Leads window enter the following information:

• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Ramp – radio button is clear
• Center Cutting Tool – box is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 28: Under the Options window enter the following information:

Rest Roughing:
• Rest Rough – Check box is cleared
Machine Flatlands:
• Min. Width of Flatlands – 0.0500
• Max. width of Flatlands check box is cleared
• Smooth Corners (1) – check box is selected
• Smooth Distance/Stepover % - 20.00
• Smooth Link (3) check box is selected.
• Smooth Final Contour (2) check box is clear
• Ignore Small Contour check box is clear
• Remove Corner Pegs (4) check is clear
• By Area – radio button is selected
• By Level – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click the Next button.

Step 29: Under the Links window enter the following information:
Within Groups
• Direct - radio button is selected
• S-Link – radio button is clear
Between Groups
• Direct – radio button is selected
• S-Link – radio button is clear

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• Retract – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click the Next button.

Step 30: Under the Rough window for Flatlands Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click
ENDMILL ROUGH from the Tool Category. Left Click Tool Number #1 (this will highlight the
row) and then Left click OK in the Tool Crib dialog box.

Step 31: You should be able to use the default settings for this tool, but below is the information if
Tool Data:
• System Tool – Check-box is cleared
• Diameter – 3.0000
• Flute Length – 1.0000
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Number of Flutes – 6
• Overall Length – 4.0000
• Protrusion Length – 2.0000
• Tool Label – 3 FACE MILL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 32: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
Cut Patterns:
• Zig –radio button is selected
Cut Direction:
• Climb Mill – radio button is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 33: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:

• Stepover – 0.7500
• Allowance XYZ – 0.0000
• Min width of Flatlands - .05000
• Max. Width of flatlands – check is clear
• Machining Tolerance – 0.0010
• Cut Holes – radio button is selected.

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• Ignore Hole –radio button is clear

Depth Options:
• Top of Job – check is clear
• Bottom of Job – check is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 34: Under the Leads window enter the following information:

• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Ramp – radio button is clear
• Spiral – radio button is clear

• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius – 1.6000
• Angle – 90.0000
• Same as Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 35: Under the Options window enter the following information:
• Tool Tip – radio button is selected
• Tool Center – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 36: Under the Links window enter the following information:

• Follow – radio button is selected
• Direct – radio button is clear
• S-Link – radio button is clear
• Max Link Gap(% of Tool Dia.) – 200.00

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

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Step 37: Under the Rough for the Z Level Finish window enter the following information:

System Tool – check box is clear

• Diameter (1) – .5000

• Flute Length (2) – 1.0000
• Corner Radius – 0.2500
• Num. Flutes – 4
• Overall Length – 5.0000
• Protrusion Length – 3.7500

Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Step 38: Left Click the Assign Tool Holder button. Left Click the 0.5 inch I.D. Arbor CAT40. Left-Click OK
button in the Milling Tool Holder Library dialog box.

Step 39: Click the Next button.

Step 40: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
Cut Direction
• Climb Mill – radio button is selected
• Conventional Mill – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 41: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Depth of Cut – 0.0300
• Allowance XYZ – 0.0000
• Machining Tolerance – 0.0010
• Cut Holes -= radio button is selected
• Ignore Holes – radio button is clear
Depth Options:
• Top of Job – check box is clear
• Bottom of Job – check box is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 42: Under the Leads window enter the following information:

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• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Ramp – radio button is clear
• Spiral – radio button is clear
• Vertical – radio button is selected
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is clear
• Same as Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 43: Under the Options window enter the following information:
Toolpath Output:
• All – radio button is clear
• Inner Most Only – radio button is clear
• Outer Most Only – radio button is selected
• Tool Tip – radio button is selected
• Tool Center – radio button is clear
• By Area – radio button is selected
• By Level – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 44: Under the Links window enter the following information:
• Follow – radio button is selected
• Horizontal/Vertical – radio button is clear
• Spiral – radio button is clear
• Retract – radio button is clear
Links on Boundary:
• Follow – radio button is clear
• Retract – radio button is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Compute button

Step 45: The processing box will appear on the screen. Give it a moment or two to process the

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Step 46: Hover over the Advanced Rough operation, located below the Machine Setup -1,
Feature 3 Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and then Left-Click an orange
color box, then left-click OK in the Color dialog box

Step 47: Hover over the Flatlands operation, located below the Machine Setup -1, Feature 3 Axis,
and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and then Left-Click a pink color box, then
left-click OK in the Color dialog box.

Step 48: Hover over the Z Level Finish operation, located below the Machine Setup -1, Feature 3
Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and then Left-Click a green color box,
then left-click OK in the Color dialog box.

Step 49: At the top of the screen select Rotate to visually rotate the part on the screen to your
preference by Holding down your Left mouse button while in the workspace area as you move
your mouse.

Step 50: Left-Click on Feature 3 Axis, then a Right-Click then select Edit.

Step 51: Under Z Level Finish operation Left-Click Parameters.

Step 52: In the Depth Options window change the following:

• Bottom of Job = -1.5000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Finish button

Step 53: Under the Machine Setup -1, Left-Click Z Level Finish and then right-click and left-click
Compute Toolpath. This will only compute the toolpath for the Z Level Finish and will save you
time instead of calculating all of the other toolpaths since those were ok.

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Step 54: Under the Machine Setup-1, Feature 3 Axis right-click and scroll to Blank/Unblank
Toolpath and left-click the Blank/Unblank Toolpath. This will hide all the tool paths for the
Feature 3 Axis.

Step 55: Hover over on Machine Setup - 1 and do a Right-Click and Left-Click on Mill 2 Axis

Step 56: Left Click Select Geometry then select the bottom surfaces of the (2) slots by Left-Clicking the
bottom of each slot. Remember to wait a few seconds for it to change color before selecting
the other bottom slot. After selecting the (2) bottom slots do a Right-Click and select OK.
Click Next in the Geometry Selection window.

Step 57: In the Feature window in the Mill 2 Axis Wizard enter the following information:

Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane – 1.00 (greyed out)
• Rapid Plane – 1.6000
• Feed Plane – 1.6000

Feature Parameters
• Top of Feature = – 1.5000
• Total Depth = 0.7500

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 58: Under the Machine Strategy window enter the following information:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Profiling – radio button is clear
• Pocketing – radio button is selected
• Facing – radio button is clear
• Engraving – radio button is clear
• Chamfer – radio button is clear
• Plunge Rough – radio button is clear

Step 59: Left–Click “Profile Finish” from the Available Operations dialog box, then click the button
to add it to the Current operations box.

Step 60: Left–Click “Chamfer Mill” from the Available Operations dialog box, then click the
button to add it to the Current operations box. Move the Chamfer Mill operation to the
bottom by using the button.
Current Operations:
• Pocket
• Profile Finish
• Profile Finish 1(the 1 will be added once you click the next button)
• Chamfer Mill

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 61: Under the Posting dialog box enter the following information:
Posting Parameters:
• Work Offset # - 1
• Output Rotary Angle – Check-box is cleared
Contour Ramping Output:
• Line Moves –radio button is clear
• Arc Moves – radio button is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 62: Under the Rough window Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click Add From Tool Library
button and Left Click the tool with the following information:
• Tool Number – 88
• Material – HSS
• Diameter – 0.4375
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Num. Flutes – 4
• Flute Length – 1.0000
• Overall Length – 2.7500
• Tool Label – 7/16 FLAT ENDMILL – STANDARD

Then Click OK and then Click OK again in the Tool Crib. If there is no tool with the above settings Click
Add button in the Select Tool dialog box and use the above settings to add this tool.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 63: Left Click the Assign Tool Holder button. Left Click the 0.5 inch I.D. Arbor CAT40. Left-Click OK
button in the Milling Tool Holder Library dialog box.

Step 64: Under the Rough window enter the following information:
Tool Data:
• System Tool – Check-box is cleared
• Diameter – .4375
• Flute Length – 1.0000
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Number of Flutes – 4
• Overall Length – 4.0000
• Protrusion Length – 2.5000
• Tool Label – 7/16” FLAT ENDMILL - STANDARD
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 65: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Zig Zag – radio button is clear
• Offset Pocket In – radio button is clear
• Offset Pocket Out – radio button selected
• Advanced Pocket – radio button is clear

Cut Direction:
• Climb Mill – radio button is selected
• Conventional Mill – radio button is clear
• Stepover % - 50
Step 66: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Side Allowance = 0.0150
• Bottom Allowance =0.0000
• Single Step – radio button is clear
• Multiple Steps – radio button is selected

• Even Depths – radio button is selected

• Defined Depths – radio button is clear

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Total Depth = 0.7500 (grey out)

• Depth of Cut = 0.2500
• Number or Cuts = 3 (grey out)

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 67: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
Material Entry:
• Plunge – radio button is clear
• Ramp – radio button is selected
• Spiral – radio button is clear

• Ramp Length/Radius = 0.2500

• Angle Approach = 3.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 68: Under the Machine Sequence window enter the following information:
Sort Order:
• No Sorting – radio button is clear
• X Direction – radio button is clear
• Y Direction – radio button is clear
• Closest – radio button is selected
Start Location/Pattern:

• Zig – radio button is selected

• Zig-Zag – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 69: Under the Finish window Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click Add From Tool Library
button and Left-Click the tool with the following information:

• Tool Number – 94
• Material – HSS
• Diameter – 0.3750
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Num. Flutes – 4
• Flute Length – 1.7500

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• Overall Length – 4.0000

• Tool Label – 3/8 FLAT ENDMILL – LONG

Then Click OK and then Click OK again in the Tool Crib. If there is no tool with the above settings Click
Add button in the Select Tool dialog box and use the above settings to add this tool.

Step 70: Under the Rough window enter the following information:

System Tool – Check-box is cleared

• Diameter (1)– .3750
• Flute Length (2)– 1.7500
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Number of Flutes – 4
• Overall Length – 4.0000
• Protrusion Length – 2.0000
• Tool Label – 3/8 FLAT ENDMILL - LONG
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 71: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Standard – radio button is selected

• System Compensation = Left

• Machine Compensation = Comp Left / G41

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 72: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Side Allowance = 0.0000
• Bottom Allowance = 0.0000
• Single Step – radio button is selected
• Multiple Steps – radio button is clear

• Total Depth =0.7500

• Depth of Cut = 0.0000
• Number of Cuts = 1
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Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 73: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Ramp – radio button is clear
• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius = .0600

• Same As Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 74: Under the Corner Types window enter the following information:
External Corners:
• Sharp – radio button is selected
• Round – radio button is clear
• Loop Radius – radio button is clear
• Loop Length – radio button is clear
• Triangle – radio button is clear
• Direct Line – radio button is clear
Internal Corner:
• Sharp – radio button is selected
• Round – radio button is clear
• Loop Radius – radio button is clear
• Triangle – radio button is clear
• Direct Line – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 75: Under the Machine Sequence window enter the following information:
Sort Order:

• No Sorting – radio button is clear

• X Direction – radio button is clear
• Y Direction – radio button is clear
• Closest – radio button is selected
Start Location/Pattern:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Zig – radio button is selected

• Zig-Zag – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

NOTE: You could use the “Apply to All Operations” button to apply all these settings to remaining
settings below. Use Caution as it will populate all your settings up/down the Mill 2 Axis Wizard

Step 76: Under the Rough window enter the following information:

System Tool – Check-box is cleared

• Diameter (1)– .4375
• Flute Length (2)– 1.7500
• Corner Radius – 0.0000
• Number of Flutes – 4
• Overall Length – 4.0000
• Protrusion Length – 2.5000
• Tool Label – 7/16” FLAT ENDMILL – STANDARD

Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:

• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected

• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 77: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Standard – radio button is selected

• System Compensation = Left

• Machine Compensation = Comp Left / G41

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 78: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Side Allowance = 0.0000
• Bottom Allowance = 0.0000
• Single Step – radio button is selected
• Multiple Steps – radio button is clear

• Total Depth =0.7500

• Depth of Cut = 0.0000
• Number of Cuts = 1

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 79: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Ramp – radio button is clear
• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius = .0600

• Same As Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 80: Under the Corner Types window enter the following information:
External Corners:
• Sharp – radio button is selected
• Round – radio button is clear
• Loop Radius – radio button is clear
• Loop Length – radio button is clear
• Triangle – radio button is clear
• Direct Line – radio button is clear
Internal Corner:
• Sharp – radio button is selected
• Round – radio button is clear
• Loop Radius – radio button is clear
• Triangle – radio button is clear
• Direct Line – radio button is clear

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 81: Under the Machine Sequence window enter the following information:
Sort Order:

• No Sorting – radio button is clear

• X Direction – radio button is clear
• Y Direction – radio button is clear
• Closest – radio button is selected

Start Location/Pattern:

• Zig – radio button is selected

• Zig-Zag – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 82: Under the Chamfer Mill window enter the following information:
Tool Data:
System Tool – check is selected
• Diameter(1) – .5000
• Angle(2) – 90.0000
• Small Diameter (3) – 0.1250
• Number of Flutes – 2
• Overall Length – 3.1875
• Protrusion Length – 2.0000
• Tool Label – 1/2” Chamfer Endmill
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 83: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Standard – radio button is selected

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


• System Compensation = Left

• Machine Compensation = Comp Left / G41

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 84: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
Tool Position:
• Cutter Position = 0.0200
• Chamfer Depth – radio button is selected
• Chamfer Length – radio button is clear
• Chamfer Width – radio button is clear

• Sharp Tool – radio button is clear

• Flat Bottom Tool – radio

• Depth = 0.0310
• Small Diameter = 0.1250
• Chamfer Angle = 45.00

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 85: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius = .0600

• Same As Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Compute button.

Step 86: In the Data CAM Tree Manager, hover over the Profile Finish operation, located below the
Machine Setup -1, Feature 2 Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and
then Left-Click an orange color box, then left-click OK in the Color dialog box

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 87: In the Data CAM Tree Manager, hover over the Profile Finish 1 operation, located below the
Machine Setup -1, Feature 2 Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click on Rename
and then type Skim Pass and click Enter button on keyboard.

Step 88: In the Data CAM Tree Manager, hover over the Skim Pass operation, located below the
Machine Setup -1, Feature 2 Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and then
Left-Click a light blue color box, then left-click OK in the Color dialog box.

Step 89: In the Data CAM Tree Manager, hover over the Chamfer Mill operation, located below the
Machine Setup -1, Feature 2 Axis, and then a Right-Click and then a Left-Click Color and
then Left-Click a pink color box, then left-click OK in the Color dialog box.

Step 90: Right-Click on Machine Setup - 1 and Left Click Mill Drill Hole

Step 91: Left Click Select Geometry then select the drill holes by Left-Clicking the inner walls of each
hole or the top of each the hole. Just be careful not to select the chamfer at the top of each
hole. Remember to wait a few seconds for it to change color before selecting the other holes.
After selecting the (3) holes do a Right-Click and select OK.

Step 92: Under the Geometry Selection window enter the following information:

Geometry Parameters:
• Diameter – 0.3750
• Depth – .5000
• Through Hole – Check-box is selected
Machining Order:
• Optimized – radio button is selected
• Pick Order – radio button is clear

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Click Next in the Geometry Selection window.

Step 93: Under the Feature-0.3750-.05000 operation enter the following information:
Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane: 1.00 (greyed out)
• Rapid Plane = 1.6000
• Feed Plane = 1.6000
Feature Parameters:
• Diameter = 0.3750
• Top of Feature = -1.5000
• Total Depth = -2.0000

Note: You could use the “Pick Top” button to select the top of feature also. And you can also use the
“Pick Bottom” button to select the bottom depth of feature also.

Machine Order:
• Optimized – radio button is selected
• Pick Order – radio button is clear
Hole Type:
• Through – radio button is selected
• Blind – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 94: Under the Machining Strategy enter the following information:
• Center Drill – radio button is clear
• Hole – radio button is selected
• Bore – radio button is clear
• Ream – radio button is clear

Step 95: Left-Click the “Drill” operation in the Current Operations dialog box.

Step 96: In the Available Operations dialog box, Left-Click the “Chamfer Mill” to highlight it, then Left-
Click the to add this operation to the Current Operations.

Current Operations:
• Center Drill
• Drill
• Chamfer Mill

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 97: Under the Posting window enter the following information:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Posting Parameters:
Work Offset # - 1
• Output Rotary Angle – Check-box is cleared
• Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 98: Under the Rough window Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click Add From Tool Library
button and Left Click #236 tool number, then Left-Click the OK button. Click OK button again
in the Tool Crib dialog window.
Step 99: Left –Click Assign Tool Holder, Left-Click “Drill Chuck CAT 40” from the CAT 40 Holder library.
Click OK in the Milling Tool Holder Library.

Step 100: Under the Center Drill window enter the following information is correct:

System Tool – check box is clear

• Diameter (1) = 0.7500
• Small diameter(2) = 0.0000
• Angle (3) = 90.00
• Point Angle = 0.0000
• Small Diameter Length = 0.0000
• Overall Length = 5.0000
• Protrusion Length = 4.00
• Tool Label = 3/4 – 90 DEGREE SPOT DRILL
• Holder Label = Drill Chuck CAT 40

Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Dwell – 0.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 101: Under Parameters enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
• Depth = 0.1000
• Center Diameter = 0.2000
• Center Angle = 90.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 102: Under Drill parameters windows enter the following information:
System Tool check box is cleared
• Diameter (1) = .3750
• Point Angle (2) = 118.0000
• Flute Length(3) = 2.0500

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Overall Length = 5.0000

• Protrusion Length = 4.0000
• Tool Label = 0.3750 Dia.118.0000 Deg. 2.0500 CL
• Holder Label = Drill Chuck Cat 40
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Dwell – 0.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 103: Under Parameters window enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
• Use Cutting Conditions – check is selected

Cycle Type:
• Single Depth – radio button is clear
• Peck – radio button is selected
• Fast Peck – radio button is clear

• Override Auto Peck

• Fast Peck Depth = 0.1875
• Peck Depth = 0.1875
• Number of Pecks = 12

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 104: Under Chamfer Mill enter the following information:

Tool Data:

System Tool – check is selected

• Diameter (1) = 0.5000

• Angle (2) = 90.00
• Small Diameter (3) = 0.1250
• Number of Flutes = 2
• Overall Length= 3.1875
• Protrusion Length = 2.0000
• Tool Label = ½” Chamfer Endmill
• Tool Material = HSS

Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown %l = 100
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 105: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Standard – radio button is selected
• System Compensation = Left
• Machine Compensation = Comp Left / G41
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next

Step 106: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
Tool Position:
• Cutter Position = 0.0200
• Chamfer Depth – radio button is selected
• Chamfer Length – radio button is clear
• Chamfer Width – radio button is clear

• Sharp Tool – radio button is clear

• Flat Bottom Tool – radio

• Depth = 0.0310
• Small Diameter = 0.1250
• Chamfer Angle = 45.00

Step 107: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius = .0600

• Same As Lead-in – check is selected

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 108: Under the Feature-0.7500-3.5000 operation enter the following information:
Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane: 1.00 (greyed out)
• Rapid Plane = 0.2000
• Feed Plane = 0.2000
Feature Parameters:
• Diameter = 0.7500
• Top of Feature = 0.0000
• Total Depth = 3.5000

Note: You could use the “Pick Top” button to select the top of feature also. And you can also use the
“Pick Bottom” button to select the bottom depth of feature also.

Machine Order:
• Optimized – radio button is selected
• Pick Order – radio button is clear
Hole Type:
• Through – radio button is selected
• Blind – radio button is clear

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 109: Under the Machining Strategy enter the following information:
• Center Drill – radio button is clear
• Hole – radio button is selected
• Bore – radio button is clear
• Ream – radio button is clear

Step 110: Left-Click the “Drill” operation in the Current Operations dialog box.

Step 111: In the Available Operations dialog box, Left-Click the “Chamfer Mill” to highlight it then Left-
Click it, then Left-Click the to add this operation to the Current Operations.

Current Operations:
• Center Drill
• Drill
• Chamfer Mill

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 112: Under the Posting window enter the following information:
Posting Parameters:
• Work Offset # - 1

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Output Rotary Angle – Check-box is cleared

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 113: Under the Rough window Left Click Tool Crib button and then Left Click Tool #7. Click OK
button again in the Tool Crib dialog window.
Step 114: Under the Center Drill window enter the following information:

System Tool – check box is clear

• Diameter (1) = 0.7500
• Small diameter(2) = 0.0000
• Angle (3) = 90.00
• Point Angle = 0.0000
• Small Diameter Length = 0.0000
• Overall Length = 5.0000
• Protrusion Length = 4.00
• Tool Label = 3/4 – 90 DEGREE SPOT DRILL
• Holder Label = Drill Chuck CAT 40

Under Machining Data:

• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Under Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Dwell – 0.0000
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 115: Under Parameters enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
• Depth = 0.1000
• Center Diameter = 0.2000
• Center Angle = 90.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 116: Under the Drill window Left-Click Tool Crib button and then Left-Click Add From Tool Library
button and scroll down and Left-Click #67 Tool number, then Left-Click the OK button. Click
OK button again in the Tool Crib dialog window.

Step 117: Left-Click “Assign Tool Holder” button, Left-Click “Drill Chuck CAT 40” from the CAT 40 Holder
category. Left-Click the OK button in the Milling Tool Holder Library.

Step 118: Under Drill parameters windows enter the following information:
System Tool check box is cleared
• Diameter (1) = .7500
• Point Angle (2) = 118.0000

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Flute Length(3) = 5.8750

• Overall Length = 9.7500
• Protrusion Length = 6.1250
• Tool Label = ¾ DRILL
• Holder Label = Drill Chuck Cat 40

Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Dwell – 0.0000
Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 119: Under Parameters window enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
Use Cutting Conditions – check is selected

Cycle Type:
• Single Depth – radio button is clear
• Peck – radio button is selected
• Fast Peck – radio button is clear

Override Auto Peck

• Fast Peck Depth = 0.1250
• Peck Depth = 0.1250
• Number of Pecks = 31

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 120: Under Chamfer Mill enter the following information:

Tool Data:

System Tool – check is selected

• Diameter (1) = 0.5000

• Angle (2) = 90.00
• Small Diameter (3) = 0.1250
• Number of Flutes = 2
• Overall Length= 3.1875
• Protrusion Length = 2.0000
• Tool Label = ½” Chamfer Endmill
• Tool Material = HSS

Under Machining Data:

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• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared

• Coolant – Flood
Under Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Dwell – 0.0000

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next.

Step 121: Under the Patterns window enter the following information:
• Standard – radio button is selected
• System Compensation = Left
• Machine Compensation = Comp Left / G41

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next

Step 122: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
Tool Position:
• Cutter Position = 0.0200
• Chamfer Depth – radio button is selected
• Chamfer Length – radio button is clear
• Chamfer Width – radio button is clear

• Sharp Tool – radio button is clear

• Flat Bottom Tool – radio

• Depth = 0.0310
• Small Diameter = 0.1250
• Chamfer Angle = 45.00

Step 123: Under the Leads window enter the following information:
• Plunge – radio button is selected
• Vertical – radio button is clear
• Parallel – radio button is clear
• Right Angle – radio button is clear
• Circular – radio button is selected
• Radius = .0600

• Same As Lead-in – check is selected

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Once all of the above information is entered Click Compute button.

Step 124: Right-Click on Machine Setup - 1 and Left Click Mill 3 Axis Wireframe

Step 125: Left Click Select Geometry button, then Left-Click the text at the top of the cone by pressing
“S” on the keyboard to turn on Shading function which will allow you to select the text. Then
do a Right-Click to select OK. Click Next in the Geometry Selection window.

Step 126: Under the Feature window enter the following information:

Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane: 1.00 (greyed out)
• Rapid Plane = 0.2000
• Feed Plane = 0.1000
Feature Parameters:
• Top of Feature = 0.0000

Step 127: Under Machining Strategy windows enter the following:

• 3 Axis Wireframe

Current Operation:
• 3D Engrave Rough
• 3D Engrave Finish

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 128: Under the Posting window enter the following information:
Posting Parameters:
• Work Offset # - 1
• Output Rotary Angle – Check-box is cleared

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button.

Step 129: Left-Click on the Tool Crib button. Left-Click the “V-Tool” category and Left-Click Add From
Tool Library button. Left-Click Tool #294 to high-light it and then Click OK in the V-Tool dialog
box at the bottom of the window. Left-Click OK in the Tool Crib dialog box.

Step 130: Under the V-Tool window enter/verify the following information:
Tool Data:
• System Tool – check is selected
• Diameter (1) = 0.5000
• Included Angle (2) = 90.0000
• Flute Length (3) = 1.0000

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• Number of Flutes = 2
• Overall Length = 5.0000
• Protrusion Length = 2.0000
• Tool Label = 90.0000 Deg. 0.5000 Dia.2 Fl.1.0000 CL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected
• Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 131: Under the Parameters window enter the following information:
• Step Distance =0.0035
• Number of Cuts = 2
• Cut to Geometry – radio button is clear
• Cut from Geometry

Once all of the above information is entered Click Next button

Step 132: Left-Click on the Tool Crib button. Left-Click the “V-Tool” category and Left-Click tool #10 to
high-light it and then Click OK in the V-Tool dialog box at the bottom of the window.

Step 133: Under the V-Tool window enter/verify the following information:
Tool Data:
• System Tool – check is selected
• Diameter (1) = 0.5000
• Included Angle (2) = 90.0000
• Flute Length (3) = 1.0000
• Number of Flutes = 2
• Overall Length = 5.0000
• Protrusion Length = 2.0000
• Tool Label = 90.0000 Deg. 0.5000 Dia.2 Fl.1.0000 CL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – Check-box is cleared
• Coolant – Flood
Feeds and Speeds:

Use System Feeds and Speeds – Check-box is selected

Arc Slowdown % - 100

Once all of the above information is entered Click Compute button.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 134: Right-Click on Milling Job in the Data-CAM-Tree Manager and Left-Click on Post

Step 135: The Posted G-Code will appear in the Layer-UCS-Post Manager box.

Step 136: You can also change the machine control by Right-Click Machine under Milling Job tree to
edit the machine. You can also change the Post Processor by Right-Click to change the Post

Step 137: Left-Click Milling Job then Right-Click, then Left-Click Compute All Toolpath.

Step 138: At top of the menu bar Left-Click the Modules menu and Left-Click Mill Simulation

Step 139: The Mill simulation screen will open.

Step 140: For Clarity purposes you can Left-Click on the following icons on the Simulation menu.

• Workpiece Focus

• Initial Stock

• Toolpath

Step 141: Click on the Pull-Down Arrow on the Work Space icon, hover over Hide and Left-Click it.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 142: Move the Slide control to the middle position or adjust to your preference. This
controls the speed of the simulation.

Step 143: Left-Click the to run the simulation.

Step 144: Your middle mouse button controls the Zoom in/out. The Left mouse controls Rotate. The

Right mouse controls the pan. You can also reset the window by selecting the Fit To
Screen button.

Step 145: To exit the Simulation, select Module from the menu, then click Exit Simulation button.

This lesson is now finished. The finished part is below:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Lathe Program Tutorial

Video 11 Lathe Tutorial

V26 GETTING STARTED Lathe_Example.bbcd

Below is the part with the tool paths that are being machined in this lesson:

The CAD functions that are covered in this tutorial are:

• Open
• Rotate
• ISO 2 View
• Top View
• Translate
• Layers
• Rectangle
• Planar
• Intersection Curves
• Trim Extend – Two Entities
• Point Coordinate

The CAM functions that are covered in this tutorial are:

• New CAM Job

• Blank (Blanking stock)
• Lathe Simulation

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Turning Stock
• Stock Wizard
• Machine Setup
• Turning
• Face Rough
• Face Finish
• Turn Rough
• Turn Finish
• Turn Groove Rough
• Turn Groove Finish
• Feature Lath Holes
• Lathe Cutoff

Step 1: To start the new drawing, go up to the top of the screen and Click on File and then Click Open.
Open the V26 GETTING STARTED Lathe_Example.bbcd
Step 2: At the top of the tool bars select Top View.

Step 3: From the View tool bar menu, Left-Click the pull down arrow and select ISO 2 view.

Step 4: At the top of the menu bar select Utilities, then Left-Click Rotate

Step 5: Enter the following settings for the Rotate CAD Function:
• Preview – check box selected
Angle Around Axis:
• X=0.000
• Y=90.0000
• Z=0.0000
• Scale –button is clear
• Copy – button is clear
• X=0.0000
• Y=0.0000
• Z=0.0000
• Pick – button is clear
• Enter – button is selected

Step 6: Left-Click the solid model, then a Right-Click OK. Click the OK button in the Rotate dialog box.
Then Left-Click the Cancel button.

Step 7: At the top of the screen at the View menu tool bar, Left-Click Top View function

Step 8: Left-Click the Utilities menu and then select Translate function

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 9: Enter the following settings for the Translate CAD Function:
• Delta – button is selected
• Sketch/Enter – button is clear
• Drag – button is clear
• Scale – button is clear
• Copy button is clear

Start: is greyed out

• X= -1.5000
• Y=0.0000
• Z=0.0000
• Enter – button is selected

Step 10: Left-Click the solid model, then a Right-Click OK. Click the OK button in the Translate dialog
box. Then Left-Click the Cancel button.

Step 11: Right-Click in the Layer Manager then Click Add New Layer. Right-Click on the Not Named layer
(the new layer created in this step.) then Click Rename Layer. Name the layer WIREFRAME

Step 12: Right-Click WIREFRAME PROFILE and then Click Active Layer.

Step 13: At the top of the menus Left-Click on Other, then Click on Rectangle function.

Step 14: Enter the following information for the Rectangle function:

Sketch – button is selected

Corner Type:
• Radius – button is clear
• Chamfer Length – button is clear
• Sharp Corner – button is selected
• Pick – button is clear
• Enter – button is clear
• Center – button is clear

Step 15: Left-Click the mouse in the workspace, hold-down the left mouse button as you draw a
rectangle that completely surrounds the solid model. Left-Click to complete the function. Click
the Cancel button in the Rectangle CAD function.

Step 16: At the top of the menus Left-Click Surfaces, then Left-Click Planar Surface function.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 17: Enter the following information for the Planar Surface CAD function:

Preview – check box is selected

Step 18: Left-Click a line on the rectangle from step 14, then hold your Shift key down as your select the
end of the geometry chain. All four lines should be high-lighted, then do a Right-Click OK

Step 19: Left-Click the OK button in the Planar Surface dialog box. Then select Cancel.

Step 20: At the top of the menus, Left-Click Surfaces, then Intersection Curves

Step 21: Left-Click the rectangle Surface we created in step 19, then Left-Click the solid model. Left-Click
Cancel button in the Intersection Curves CAD function.

Step 22: In the Layer Manager, Left-Click box on the MAIN SOLID to visual hide it.

Step 23: Left-Click the Selection Mode from the tool bar.

Step 24: Left-Click the Planar surface we created in step 19, then select the Delete

Step 25: Left-Click the Rectangle that we created in step 14, then select the Delete

Step 26: Window pick the entities in the lower left-hand quadrant, then select the Delete

Step 27: Window pick the entities that are high-lighted in red below. You can use the Zoom
Window function to magnify the area. Left-Click the Selection Mode from the tool bar to,
window pick the below entities, then select the Delete. Left-Click the Selection Mode
from the tool bar to turn off this function

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 28: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Utilities, then hover over Trim Extend – Left-Click
Two Entities CAD function. Left-Click the top vertical line entity and then select the vertical
line entity below it. Left-Click the Cancel button to exit the Two Entities CAD function.

Step 29: Left-Click the Selection Mode from the tool bar.

Step 30: Left-Click the top horizontal line that connects the bottom groove and then select the
Delete. Left-Click the Selection Mode from the tool bar to turn off this function or a
Right-Click then Cancel

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 31: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Utilities, then hover over Trim Extend – Left-Click
Two Entities CAD function.

Step 32: Left-Click the vertical line next to the last groove entity as your (1) first point, then extend
that line over to the first groove entity to select this as your (2) second point, Left-Click this
second point to extend this line together. Left-Click the Cancel button

Step 33: Left-Click the Selection Mode from the tool bar.

Step 34: Window pick both the horizontal and vertical lines below the grooves, and then select the

Step 35: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Utilities, then hover over Trim Extend – Left-Click
Two Entities CAD function.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 36: Left-Click the vertical line that is to the left of the grooves as the (1) first entity and then Left-
Click the bottom horizontal line to select it as the (2) second entity to extend to. Left-Click the
Cancel button

Step 37: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Points menu, then Left-Click Coordinates CAD

Step 38: Enter the following settings for the Point Coordinate function:
• X=0.0000
• Y=0.0000
• Z=0.0000

Step 39: Left-Click the OK button in the Point Coordinate dialog box. Then Left-Click the Cancel button.

Step 40: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Modules menu, then Left-Click New CAM Job

Step 41: In Data-CAM tree under Machining Job enter the following settings:
Job Type:
• Milling – radio button is clear
• Turning – radio button is selected
• Nesting – radio button is clear
• BC_2x_Lathe is selected

Step 42: Left-Click on the Stock Wizard button.

Step 43: In the Data-CAM tree under Stock Type enter the following settings:
Stock Type:
• Cylindrical – radio button is selected
• Revolve – radio button is clear

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Left-Click the Next button.

Step 44: In the Data-CAM tree under Stock Definition enter the following settings:
• Stock Diameter = 6.2500
• Internal = 0.0000
• Length = 5.0000
Stock Origin:
• Z= 0.1000
Left-Click the Next button.

Step 45: In the Machine Setup window enter the following settings:
• Face =0.1000
• Diameter =0.1000
• Internal Diameter =0.0010

Left-Click the OK button at the bottom of the window

Step 46: At the top of the menu bar Left-Click Modules menu, then Left-Click CAM Tree

Step 47: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Left-Click Turning Stock, then Right-Click, then Left-Click on
Blank. This turns off the stock for visual clarity.

Step 48: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Right-Click Machine Setup, then Left-Click Lathe Turning.

Step 49: In the Geometry Selection window, Left-Click the Select Geometry button. Left-Click the
vertical line that is on the Y-Plane closest to XYZ zero. Then do a Right-Click OK

Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 50: In the Feature dialog window enter the following settings:
• Stock Diameter= 6.2500

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Internal Diameter= 0.0000

• Face Z = 0.1000
• End of Stock Z = -4.9000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 51: In the Machine Strategy dialog window enter the following settings:
• Face Rough – radio button is selected
• Turn Rough – radio button is clear
• Face Finish / Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Turn Finish /Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Face Groove – radio button is clear
• Turn Groove – radio button is clear

Current Operations:
• Face Rough
• Face Basic Finish

Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 52: In the Posting dialog window enter the following settings:
Posting Parameters:
• Separate Moves - is selected

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 53: In the Rough dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number = 5
• Insert Type =Diamond Insert
• Nose Radius =0.0310
• Tool Angle = 55 Degrees
• Cutting Angle (1)=24.00
• IC Diameter (2) =0.2500
Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 1
• Override Offsets – check box is clear
Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• RPM – radio button is selected

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• CSS – radio button is clear

• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 54: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Depth of Cut = 0.0300
• Z Allowance = 0.0100
• X Allowance = 0.0100
• System Compensation = On without Collision Detection
• Machine Compensation = Comp Right / G42

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 55: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 56: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in Z=0.0000
• Lead-in X=2.5000
• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.4000

Left-Click the Apply to All Operations button in lower right hand corner of the Leads window dialog
box. This will apply this setting to all the Leads operations in the feature.

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 57: In the Finish dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number = 5
• Insert Type =Diamond Insert
• Nose Radius =0.0156
• Tool Angle = 35 Degrees
• Cutting Angle (1)=27.500

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• IC Diameter (2) =0.2500

Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 2
• Override Offsets – check box is clear
Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• RPM – radio button is selected
• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Step 58: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Z Allowance = 0.0000
• X Allowance = 0.0000
• System Compensation = On without Collision Detection
• Machine Compensation = Comp Right / G42

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 59: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 60: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in Z=0.0000
• Lead-in X=2.5000
• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.4000

Step 61: Left-Click the Compute button at the bottom of the window to compute the tool path.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 62: In the Data-CAM Tree, under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Face Rough and Left-
Click Color, Left-Click a orange color box for the face rough tool path. Then Left-Click the OK
button in the color dialog box at the bottom

Step 63: Under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Face Basic Finish and Left-Click Color, Left-
Click a green color box for the face rough tool path. Then Left-Click the OK button in the color
dialog box at the bottom.

Step 64: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Right-Click Machine Setup, then Left-Click Lathe Turning.

Step 65: In the Geometry Selection window, Left-Click the Select Geometry button. Start by selecting
with a Left-Click the arc geometry that makes up the outline of the model. Do not select the
vertical line that is used in step 49 for facing. Then do a Right-Click OK

Step 66: In the Feature dialog window enter the following settings:
• Stock Diameter= 6.2500
• Internal Diameter= 0.0000
• Face Z = 0.1000
• End of Stock Z = -4.9000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 67: In the Machine Strategy dialog window enter the following settings:
• Face Rough – radio button is clear
• Turn Rough – radio button is selected
• Face Finish / Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Turn Finish /Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Face Groove – radio button is clear

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• Turn Groove – radio button is clear

Current Operations:
• Turn Rough
• Turn Basic Finish

Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 68: In the Posting dialog window enter the following settings:
Posting Parameters:
• Separate Moves - is selected

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 69: In the Rough dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number = 1
• Insert Type =Diamond Insert
• Nose Radius =0.0310
• Tool Angle = 55 Degrees
• Cutting Angle (1)=24.00
• IC Diameter (2) =0.2500
Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 3
• Override Offsets – check box is clear
Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• RPM – radio button is selected
• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 70: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Depth of Cut = 0.0600
• Z Allowance = 0.0100
• X Allowance = 0.0100

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• System Compensation = On without Collision Detection

• Machine Compensation = Comp Right / G42

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 71: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 72: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in Z=0.1250
• Lead-in X=0.0000
• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.0000

Step 73: In the Finish dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number =1
• Insert Type =Diamond Insert
• Nose Radius =0.0156
• Tool Angle = 55 Degrees
• Cutting Angle (1)=24.0000
• IC Diameter (2) =0.2500

Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 4
• Override Offsets – check box is clear

Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood
Feeds and Speeds:
• RPM – radio button is selected
• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 74: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Z Allowance = 0.0000
• X Allowance = 0.0000
• System Compensation = On without Collision Detection
• Machine Compensation = Comp Right / G42

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 75: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 76: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in Z=0.1250
• Lead-in X=0.0000
• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.0000

Step 77: Left-Click the Compute button at the bottom of the window to compute the tool path.

Step 78: In the Data-CAM Tree, under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Turn Rough and Left-
Click Color, Left-Click a orange color box for the face rough tool path. Then Left-Click the OK
button in the color dialog box at the bottom

Step 79: Under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Turn Basic Finish and Left-Click Color, Left-
Click a green color box for the face rough tool path. Then Left-Click the OK button in the color
dialog box at the bottom.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 80: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Right-Click Machine Setup, then Left-Click Lathe Turning.

Step 81: In the Geometry Selection window, Left-Click the Select Geometry button. Left-Click the arc
geometry that is the top right one that makes up the top groove. Then do a Right-Click OK .
In the Geometry Selection dialog window, Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the

Step 82: In the Feature dialog window enter the following settings:
• Stock Diameter= 6.2500
• Internal Diameter= 0.0000
• Face Z = 0.1000
• End of Stock Z = -4.9000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 83: In the Machine Strategy dialog window enter the following settings:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Face Rough – radio button is clear
• Turn Rough – radio button is clear
• Face Finish / Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Turn Finish /Pattern Repeat – radio button is clear
• Face Groove – radio button is clear
• Turn Groove – radio button is selected

Current Operations:
• Turn Groove Rough
• Turn Groove Finish

Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 84: In the Posting dialog window enter the following settings:
Posting Parameters:
• Separate Moves - is selected

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 85: In the Groove dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number = 1
• Corner Radius =0.1250
• Tool Width = .2500
• Tool Label= ROUGH GROOVE 1/4
Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 5
• Override Offsets – check box is clear
Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood

Feeds and Speeds:

• RPM – radio button is selected
• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 86: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Stepover = 0.0300
• Z Allowance = 0.0100
• X Allowance = 0.0100
• First Peck Amount = 0.0000
• Peck Increment = 0.0000
• Peck Clearance = 0.0000
• Peck Retract = 0.0000

• System Compensation = On with Collision Detection
• Machine Compensation = Off

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 87: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 88: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in X=0.0000
• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.0000

Step 89: In the Finish dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
Machining Data:
• Orientation Number = 1
• Corner Radius =0.1250
• Tool Width = .2500
• Tool Label= FINISH GROOVE 1/4
• Tool Number = 5

• Override Offsets – check box is clear

Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood
Feeds and Speeds:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• RPM – radio button is selected

• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Step 90: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Z Allowance = 0.0000
• X Allowance = 0.0000

• System Compensation = On without Collision Detection
• Machine Compensation = Off

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 91: In the Rapids dialog window enter the following settings:
• Default Rapid On Exit – is selected
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 92: In the Leads dialog window enter the following settings:
• Lead-in Z=0.0000
• Lead-in X=0.0000

• Override Z2/X2 – check is clear

• Lead-out Z =0.0000
• Lead-out X= -0.0000

Step 93: Left-Click the Compute button at the bottom of the window to compute the tool path

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 94: In the Data-CAM Tree, under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Turn Groove Rough
and Left-Click Color, Left-Click an orange color box for the tool path. Then Left-Click the OK
button in the color dialog box at the bottom

Step 95: Under Machine Setup, Turning, Right-Click Turn Groove Finish and Left-Click Color, Left-
Click a green color box for the tool path. Then Left-Click the OK button in the color dialog box at
the bottom.

NOTE: There are (3) three other methods to complete the remaining two grooves. We will go through
methods 2 and 3 in the following steps.

• Method #1 = Re-enter another turning feature with the same settings

• Method #2 = Save Feature – use it for future use
• Method #3 = Copy and Paste – use for this job only

Step 96: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Turning and Left-Click Save
Feature. Type a file name to save the feature as i.e. GROOVE 1. Left-Click the SAVE button in
the save as dialog box at the bottom.

Step 97: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Turning and Left-Click Load
Feature. Left-Click the GROOVE 1 file the click Open button. In the CAM Tree it has been added
as another turning feature.

Step 98: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Geometry, Left-Click

Step 99: Left-Click the top center groove geometry, Then do a Right-Click OK

Step 100: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree, Right-Click Turning, Left-Click
Compute All Toolpath. This completes method #2.

Step 101: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Turning, Left-Click Copy

Step 102: Right-Click Turning, Left-Click Paste

Step 103: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Geometry , Left-Click

Step 104: Left-Click the top left groove geometry, Then do a Right-Click OK

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 105: Under Machine Setup, last turning feature in tree Right-Click Turning, Left-Click
Compute All Toolpath. This completes method #3.

Step 106: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Right-Click Machine Setup, then Left-Click Lathe Hole.

Step 107: Left-Click the Select Geometry button. Left-Click the point geometry that we created in step
38 at X=0 Y=0 Z=0. Then do a Right-Click OK. Then Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 108: In the Feature-0.1000 0.0000 enter the following settings:

Material Approach:
• Clearance Plane =0.1000
• Rapid Plane =0.2000
• Feed Plane =0.1000

Feature Parameters:
• Diameter =0.7500
• Top of Feature =0.0000
• Total Depth =4.0000

Hole Type:
• Through – radio button is selected
• Blind – radio button is clear

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 109: In the Machining Strategy window enter the following information:
• Center Drill – radio button is clear
• Hole – radio button is selected
• Bore – radio button is clear
• Ream – radio button is clear

Current Operations:
• Lathe Center Drill
• Lathe Drill

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 110: In the Posting window enter the following information:

Posting Parameters:
• Canned Cycles – is selected
• Canned Cycle Shift = 0.0100

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 111: In the Center Drill window, Left-Click Tool Crib button. Left-Click Add From Tool Library
button. Left-Click tool #235. Then Left-Click the OK button at the bottom of the window.

Step 112: Left-Click the OK button in the tool crib window.

Step 113: In the Center Drill window, Left-Click Assign Tool Holder button to assign a tool holder to the

Step 114: In the Milling Tool Holder Library window, Left-Click “Drill Chuck CAT 40” from the CAT 40
Holder tree. Then Left-Click the OK button.

Step 115: In the Center Drill window verify the following settings:
Tool Data:
• System Tool – check box is clear
• Diameter (1) =0.5000
• Small Diameter (2) =0.0000
• Angle (3) =90.0000
• Point Angle (4) =0.0000
• Small Diameter Length =0.0000
• Overall Length =3.000
• Protrusion Length =2.0000
• Tool Label =1/2 – 90 DEGREE SPOT DRILL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – check is clear

Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW = radio button is clear
• Coolant = Flood

Feeds and Speeds:

• Use System Feeds and Speeds – check box is selected
• Dwell = 0.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 116: In the Parameters window enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
• Depth = 0.1000
• Center Diameter =0.2000
• Center Angle =90.0000

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 117: In the Rapids window enter the following information:

• Default Rapid On Exit
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 118: In the Drill window, Left-Click Assign Tool Holder button to assign a tool holder to the tool.

Step 119: In the Milling Tool Holder Library window, Left-Click “Drill Chuck CAT 40” from the CAT 40
Holder tree. Then Left-Click the OK button.

Step 120: In the Drill window enter/verify the following information:

Tool Data:
• System Tool – check box is selected
• Diameter (1) =0.7500
• Point Angle (2) =118.0000
• Flute Length=5.8750
• Overall Length =9.7500
• Protrusion Length =6.1250
• Tool Label = 3/4 DRILL
Machining Data:
• Override Offsets – check is clear

Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW = radio button is clear
• Coolant = Flood

Feeds and Speeds:

• Use System Feeds and Speeds – check box is selected
• Dwell = 0.0000

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 121: In the Parameters window enter the following information:

Operation Parameters:
• Use Cutting Conditions – check box is selected
• Effective Depth =4.0500
• Overall Depth =4.2753

Cycle Type:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• Single Depth – radio button is clear

• Peck – radio button is selected
• Fast Peck – radio button is clear
• Override Auto Peck – check box is clear

Left-Click the Next>> button when finished

Step 122: In the Rapids window enter the following information:

• Default Rapid On Exit
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Compute button when finished

Step 123: In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, Right-Click Machine Setup, then Left-Click Lathe

Step 124: Left-Click the Select Geometry button. Left-Click the bottom of the left vertical line. This line is
the third vertical line from zero. Then Left-Click the Next>> button.

Step 125: In the Feature dialog window enter the following settings:
• Stock Diameter= 6.2500
• Internal Diameter= 0.0000
• Face Z = 0.1000
• End of Stock Z = -4.9000

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 126: In the Machining Strategy dialog window enter the following settings:
• Cutoff

Current Operations:
• Cutoff

Step 127: In the Posting dialog window enter the following settings:
Posting Parameters:
• Separate Moves - is selected

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 128: In the Cutoff dialog window enter the following settings:
Tool Data:
• Orientation Number = 1
• Corner Radius =0.0156
• Tool Width = .1250
• Angle = 10.0000
• Tool Label= CUT OFF TOOL
Machining Data:
• Tool Number = 7
• Override Offsets – check box is clear
Spindle Direction:
• CW – radio button is selected
• CCW – radio button is clear
Coolant = Flood

Feeds and Speeds:

• RPM – radio button is selected
• CSS – radio button is clear
• Maximum RPM = 1000.0000
• Spindle RPM= 500.0000
• Feedrate = 0.0150

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 129: In the Parameters dialog window enter the following settings:
• Cutoff Z=-3.5000
• Cutoff X=.2500
• Rapid Clearance=0.1000
• Retract Amount=0.0000

Corner Break:
• Off
• Chamfer
• Filet

• First Peck Amount=0.0000
• Peck Increment =0.0000
• Peck Clearance=0.0000
• Peck Retract=0.0000

System Compensation:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

• On with Collision Detection

Machine Compensation:
• Off

Left-Click the Next>> button at the bottom of the window

Step 130: In the Rapids window enter the following information:

• Default Rapid On Exit
• Home Position Z = 5.0000
• Home Position X = 5.0000

Left-Click the Compute button at the bottom of the window

Step 131: To Post Code for these toolpaths, Right-Click Turning Job, then Left-Click on Post. The code
will be posted to the Post Manager window. If you right–click in the Posting window this will
allow you to Save As or Edit CNC the G-code.

Step 132: For Simulation, at the top of the menus, Left-Click the Modules menu, then Left-Click Lath

Step 133: For Clarity purposes you can Left-Click on the following icons on the Simulation menu.

• Workpiece Focus

• Initial Stock

• Toolpath

Step 134: Click on the Pull-Down Arrow on the Work Space icon, hover over Hide and Left-Click it.

Step 135: Move the Slide control to the middle position or adjust to your preference. This
controls the speed of the simulation.

Step 136: Left-Click the to run the simulation.

Step 137: Your middle mouse button controls the Zoom in/out. The Left mouse controls Rotate. The

Right mouse controls the pan. You can also reset the window by selecting the Fit To
Screen button.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Step 138: To exit the Simulation, select Module from the menu, then click Exit Simulation button.

This lesson is now finished. The finished part is below:

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


Video 12 Simulation

Navigation Inside the Simulation Window

It is necessary to navigate in the simulation window in order to observe the model and simulation

Panning - (2D shift) involves having the geometry traverse across the screen. This can be accomplished
by holding and dragging the right mouse button. Any movement of the mouse will traverse the
geometry accordingly.

Zooming - involves having the geometry appear closer or farther away on the screen. This can be done
by using the mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out.

Rotation - involves having the geometry spin on the screen. The geometry rotates around the mouse
pointer. Rotation can be accomplished by dragging the item (click the item and hold while moving the

The machining simulation is visualized in two main simulation-modes and three simulation-focus
• The modes are predefined sets of items displayed in the simulation window. The modes should
help you examine the two main components of the simulation: toolpath (with collision check)
and material verification (with gouge check).
• The focus gives you the opportunity to directly zoom and observe the elements, tool and
workpiece. Each element then is in stationery position at any time.

The simulation always uses a combination of one mode and one focus. This gives quick access to one of
the simulation components with only the necessary elements on the screen. Select the combination
from the following modes and focus.

Toolpath Mode - toolpath visible without material removal at this stage.

Material Mode - only material removal is visible, no toolpath at this stage.

Tool Focus - only tool and workpiece visible. Tool is stationary, workpiece moves around

Workpiece Focus - only tool and workpiece visible. Workpiece is stationary, tool moves
around workpiece.

Machine Focus - the full machine is displayed.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


Run - starts the simulation.

Step Backwards or Step Forward - step backward or step forward allow steps through
the toolpath to the next or previous single toolpath segment.

Previous Operation or Next Operation - the previous operation or next operation

allows you to navigate to the next or previous operation.

Fast Run - the simulation starts from the selected step and goes to the last step without
showing the simulation process in the simulation window. If a collision happens during fast run, it
is reported.

Reload - the machining starts over again from the beginning.

Loop - the simulation plays in a repeating cycle.

Simulation Speed - allows you to run the simulation faster or slower. Move the
slider to the left to decrease the speed, and move it right to increase the speed.

Time-based Mode - the simulation is displayed with real time feedrate motions. Machine
motions are very fluent and machining time is exact.

NC-based Mode - the simulation only uses the tool positions from the move list. The
machine motion jumps from one position to the next.

Length-based Mode - the simulation uses a constant speed, distance/time regardless of the
feed rate.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

8- Saving and Sending Files for Mill and Lathe

Video 13 Saving Files and Rs232

Saving Files to a Disk

To post a Milling program after completing the Milling wizard: in the CAM Tree, right-click the Job,
and click Post & Save As, then choose the location to save the file.

Rs-232 Configuration for Mill and Lathe

Follow the steps below to set up the Rs-232 Communication between BobCAD-CAM and your CNC

1. Gather all necessary data.

In order to set up the communications you must first have the following information, the Baud Rate,
Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity and Flow Control and The Computer's Comm Port number.

2. Ensure the serial cable correctly configured.

The cable must be properly configured "wired" for your machine. Cables can be purchased through
BobCAD or through your machine dealer.

3. Make sure your serial port is installed correctly configured.

The serial port should have its own baud, parity, data bits, and flow control. These settings must be set
to match your machine settings, to access the Device Manager, use any of the following methods:

- Click Start; click Run, and then type "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotation marks).
- Right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.

To check the Comm Port Properties

-In the device manager look under Ports>COMM and LPT right click the comm port then click on

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

4. Set your machine to Receive.

If you are not sure how to do this, you will need to consult your machine manual or dealer.

5. Launch the communication software (Predator Editor).

To launch the editor use either of the following methods:

From BobCAD click on Modules then Edit CNC.


From BobCAD right-click in the Posting Manager then click Edit.

6. Configure the communication software (Predator Editor).

From the editor click on DNC then Properties set the Port, Baud, Parity, Data, Stop and Flow Control
Values. Click Next 4 times then click finish.

(The settings on all but the first page need not be changed. Only the Values described above.)

7. Send a file to the Machine.

From the editor click on DNC then Send To CNC.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Basic Trouble-Shooting


1. A "standard" RS-232 null modem cable from an electronics store will not work. The cable must be
wired properly for the machine.

2. The cable must be a serial cable. A parallel cable will not work.

3. USB to serial adapters can be problematic. An internal serial card is always a better solution.

4. If you do not know the proper settings for your machine, contact your machine manufacturer as they
will be able to provide the proper settings to you.

5. If no port appears in the device manager, you will need to install or reinstall your serial port device.

6. If using a USB to serial adaptor, ensure the driver disk has been loaded and the settings (baud, parity,
data bits and flow control) are the same as set on your machine.

7. If the cable is improperly configured sometimes it is possible to send but not receive, and vice versa.

8. If running in a DNC mode you may need to include a line delay amount. Set this value to 0 for
standard RS-232 communication.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


Technical Support
All BobCAD-CAM New purchases and new version upgrades include 45 days of support to help you get
started and properly Install and configure your software.

Every customer should have an online login to access our ticketing system.

When calling BobCAD-CAM for any questions regarding the operation and utilization of the software
system, please have your Company Name and Phone Number available.

For problems with the Import or Export of CAD files with BobCAD-CAM

1. Send an email to support at Include a description of what the problem is

and include the CAD file as an attachment. This allows our support team to review the problem
file so that they are able to provide fast and effective service.

2. Make sure that the BobCAD-CAM software is open and ready for use.

3. Now call BobCAD-CAM technical support at (727) 489-0003.

CAM and Toolpath Questions

For troubles defining and/or generating Toolpath Features/Operations, please follow the procedure
outlined below:

1. Before calling, email support at Include a description of the problem that
is being encountered. Include the .bbcd file that is being used when possible. The original CAD
file may be included as necessary. This allows our support team to have all of the information
on record and will speed up the process of answering questions.

2. Make sure the BobCAD-CAM software is open and that the system will be easily accessible from
the phone terminal. If the computer is not near the phone the problem can still be addressed,
but it may require more time to develop a resolution.

3. Then call the BobCAD-CAM technical support department at (727) 489-0003.

Post Processor Questions

1. Before calling, make sure that the Make and Model for each controller being used with BobCAD-
CAM are known. This allows our support team to provide fast and effective service for the users.

2. Make sure that the BobCAD-CAM software is open and that the system will be easily accessible
from the phone terminal. If the computer is not near the phone the problem can still be
addressed, but it may require more time to develop a resolution.

3. Now call BobCAD-CAM technical support at (727) 489-0003.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

By following the above procedure, our technical support representatives will be able to provide faster
more effective service.

IMPORTANT: Please follow this procedure for all RS232 Communications questions as well. You may
also email us at:

Technical Support
Phone - (727) 489-0003
Fax - (727) 734-8239
Email -

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


Becoming a professional BobCAD-CAM software operator has just been made easier to achieve! Each
Training Seminar includes 3-days of complete CAD/CAM training. Every manufacturer that attends a
Training Seminar is recognized and awarded with a BobCAD-CAM Software Operator certificate after
completing the training. Because we want your training experience to be the best that we can make it,
we ask that you reserve your seats in advance as seating is limited.

The price includes training only. All flights, hotel, food and miscellaneous expenses are the responsibility
of the attendee.

Information on local hotels, car rentals, and restaurants are available as needed upon request.
Discounted hotel rates are usually available when BobCAD-CAM is mentioned during reservation.

We offer 3-Day CAD-CAM Training Seminars at various locations around America.

Course Objective:
This is to provide our BobCAD-CAM customers with an effective way to learn the software and
become more knowledgeable and proficient in its use.

Course Contents:
Training on the BobCAD-CAM software with optional, additional training on Lathe and Art.

Meeting Place:
The Training Seminar is held in a conference room at a hotel near your city.

Day 1 and Day 2 - from 8:30 AM to approximately 5:00 PM
Day 3 - 7:30 AM to approximately 4:00 PM
Optional, additional Lathe & Art Classes are available on the evenings of Day 1 and Day 2

Professional BobCAD-CAM Software Operator certificates are issued at the end of the 3-day
training class.

For large-scale plant-wide training, consider our on-site training solutions.

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡

Online Seminars:
Experience one on one training with a BobCAD-CAM trainer in the comfort of your own office with the
flexibility around your schedule.

In-House Seminars:

Visit the Headquarters of BobCAD-CAM in Clearwater, FL and learn how to use the CAD/CAM system in a
1, 2 or 3-day hands-on training session.

Software Training Book & Video Packages:

The BobCAD-CAM Training Professor Book & Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast.
Train at your own pace the easy way!

BobCAD-CAM Training Department

Toll Free: 877-262-2231 x127

Local & International: 727-442-3554 x127

BobCAD-CAM V26 ͟͠͞͡


28200 U.S. Highway 19 N.

Suite E
Clearwater, FL 33761
Toll Free: 877.262.2231
Intl: 727.442.3554


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