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Xana Keating

English 101

Professor Batty

30 May 2019

In Reflection, I See Growth

Since the Monday in February that marked the first day of spring semester of the year

2019, I knew I was in for a ride. With seventeen units in my pocket, I was nervous to see how I

would handle it all. I recently decided that I would pursue mathematics as my major after taking

three semesters of mostly art classes. English 101 was one of those general education classes that

I knew I would have to take eventually, so I signed up for one that started at eleven in the

morning. A professor named Holly Batty took the class instead. In her class, we wrote two

essays, read one whole book, took quizzes, and completed many assignments. However, I think

the most important factor included in the classroom was all the open discussions we had about

relevant topics. These discussions lead me to get inspired about reading, appreciate the art of

revising and editing, and become actively involved on campus.

When it comes to reading, I am very intimidated by the whole experience but this class

has changed my reading habits for the better. I was the type of student to read sparknotes and be

able to write a passable essay without ever picking up an assigned novel. I used to think this was

a talent. This semester I learned the beauty of reading. I found out that I was not alone. Many

people struggle when it comes to reading whether it be an assigned book for class or personal

enjoyment. The novel we read was titled Still Water Saints by Alex Espinoza. I fell off in

keeping up with the first chapters. When we met in groups to discuss I was not caught up in the
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reading. This did not feel good, so I promised myself that I would push to be better. Once I got

into it, it was hard to stop. In fact, I even went ahead in the reading and finished it a while before

the essay prompt was introduced. Annotating was a useful skill that helped me really understand

what I was reading. It also kept me interested in asking questions, making predictions, and

figuring out the symbols that the author uses. Annotating also helped in writing the essay. Even

though reading the whole book was not necessarily required to write the essay, I found the

importance of the whole. I am glad that I read the whole book; there’s a lot to learn from it. In

this experience, I feel that I am inspired to read more often now.

Revising and editing was always a step I often skipped in the writing process until now.

All of the assignments, essays, and even this portfolio requires the skill of revising and editing. I

think that I just did not know how to do it. This class taught me to do so. Peer editing was

something that I disregarded since it is not conducted properly in high school. This was probably

the only positive peer editing experience I have had. A lot has to do with being taught how to use

the comments and feedback from our peers. Another important factor is to get enough feedback

and on many drafts. Before, the essays I wrote were often typed all the way through in one

sitting. I thought I was revising and editing as I progressed through what I thought was a perfect

final draft of the essay. My thoughts and ideals were definitely debunked this semester. For once,

I spent endless hours brainstorming, mapping, outlining, and drafting before I even thought about

turning in a final draft. I learned the importance of a clear thesis and found it helpful to refer

back to it often to make sure the essay is clear as possible. It helps to know what to look for like

the flow of the paragraphs, topics sentences, staying on topic, and supporting evidence. Revising

and editing may seem like a pain but it is what will help gain a wonderful developed essay.
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One of the most important things I learned from this class was how to become

involved on campus and why it is important. The start of the semester was a bit rocky for me.

Luckily, I felt that this professor was there for me. In her approachableness, I gained the courage

to ask for advice when I never really have before. I learned a lot about the services the school

offers because of her. I never knew that a community college would offer free therapy sessions

or free tutoring for all subjects. It felt good to know that someone is always there to help. With

the knowledge I gained, I started to see the school’s psychiatrist. The tremendous help and

release I needed was there right in front of me this whole time. Taking classes like computer

science and trigonometry definiety requires a lot of study time. This was something I struggled to

manage. However, I think this semester has been better than it has. I learned about the LAVC

Library and all its glory. It serves as a great studying place and has many resources to help

stressed out college students like myself to get closer to their goals. It is important to become

involved on campus because that is where hard work gets done and focus stays is sharp.

In reflection, I see many growing points. I also find situations that will help me become

a better human and student. It is important to learn and grow from these times and it is crucial to

acknowledge the little victories along the way. Without looking back and considering all the

experiences, you can never learn life’s lessons. They are always there at eye level, but it takes a

strong person to reach out and accept it. When concluding this period of time and finishing up

the semester it is easy to get stuck in all the stress and madness. At least when I look back, I

know that I have what it takes to read more, revise and edit any piece of writing, and take

advantage of the school’s resources. When I look back, I can see how far I’ve come and what

mysteries lie ahead.

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