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English Lesson Plan

Name of the School: Homebush Public School Name of the Teacher Education Student: Andrina Shemoon Name of the Mentor: Ms Duff

Class: 4/5D Date: 14th November, 2017 Time: 12:15-1:00 (45mins)

Key Learning Area: English and History Lesson Topic: My Place - Picture book ‘My Place’ (Wheatley and Rawlins, 1987).

Recent Prior Experience:

Prior to this lesson 4/5D have read the first five decades of the picture book ‘My Place’ by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins. Students have explored the
environment, characters and the change overtime of the first 5 decades in the book. Ss are familiar with the picture book as the series of my place has been
Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson (learning intention): Assessment (success criteria):
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
EN3-3A: uses an integrated range of - Able to specify how the environment
skills, strategies and knowledge to read, changed overtime and how it impacted on
- Identify how the environment changed overtime and how it
view and comprehend a wide range of how people live.
impacted on how people lived in Australia.
texts in different media and
technologies. - understand the different experience of people living in Australia - Able to Challenge the way people lived in
overtime. Australia using relatable questioning to the
HT3-2: describes and explains different -Challenge the way people lived in Australia using questioning specific characters.
experiences of people living in Australia and role play.
over time. Note: this assessment will be conducted
during the lesson through observation on
EN2-4A- uses an increasing range of
the notes stated above.
skills, strategies and knowledge to
fluently read, view and comprehend a
range of texts on increasingly challenging
topics in different media and
Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:
Students will be reminded to use the - Picture book- My place (Wheatley and Rawlins, 1987).
resources safely. - Classroom noise management (Refer to appendix 1).
- A3 papers
Students will be reminded to respectfully -A4 papers for planning
interact with their classmates during group - Markers, colouring, pencils.
discussion. -Appendix 2 (Pages of ‘My Place’).
Movements from the whole class- ensure
order in the classroom to prevent collision or
bumping to other students.


Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
(What is Taught): (mins) (How it is taught)

Recap the first five decades of the picture 10mins T recaps the first five decades of the picture book to year 5 as T will instruct Ss to sit quietly on the
book ‘My Place’ (Wheatley and Rawlins, the they had not been in the first session. Using the big picture floor.
1987) to year 5 and emphasis on the word book ‘My Place’ T recaps to year five the first five years that
‘Place’. have been viewed in the previous lesson. And what the whole T will remind the Ss about the
book is about. rainfall clap for classroom
management. T will tell
As the T flips the pages, she asks year 4 questions about the expectations and remind the Ss on
changes over time: how to behave during lesson and
What changes happened over the 5 first years? doing activities.
Consider the environment?
Resources? Classroom noise management will
Lifestyle? be conducted if needed (Refer to
appendix 1).
T allows year 4 to verbally recap the changes. Ss are asked to
put their hands up to answer any questions. Ss need to raise their hands when
they want to answer or ask
As the students state the changes overtime. T will be question. T will call Ss to answer.
brainstorming the answers on the board for year 5 to
understand. T will give Homebush cards for
positive reinforcement.’
T emphasis on the changes of the land. More crops, building
roads, building bigger houses, cutting down the trees. Resources:
Picture book- My place (Wheatley
T explains to year five that they will be looking at the changes and Rawlins, 1987).
happening over the next 5 years that will be viewed.

T view the next five decades from the Using the smart-board T plays the story of ‘My Place’ Ss stay sitting on the floor for open
picture book- My place (Wheatley and (Wheatley and Rawlins, 1987). (Year 1838-1878). discussion.
Rawlins, 1987). (Year 1838-1878).
20mins The rainfall clap will be used for
classroom management.
T asks the Ss to turn to the person next to them and explain
one change over time from the last years that have been read. Classroom noise management will
be conducted if needed (Refer to
T and Ss discuss the change of events, lifestyle, and appendix 1).
T displays the changes of the 5 years viewed from the video on - Picture book- My place (Wheatley
the board. T asks Ss to quickly look at the changes and turning and Rawlins, 1987).
to the person next to them, they would explore one thing that - A3 papers
they did not know before. -A4 papers for planning
Ss create a poster summary of the five years - Markers, colouring, pencils.
(1838-1878) of ‘My place’. T explains to year 5 that they will be allocated in groups and -Appendix 2 (Pages of ‘My Place’).
will be given one year each to create a poster. T shows one of
the posters from year 4 and explains to year 5 that they will be
doing the same thing but different years.

T explains that the posters should include drawing of the key

resources or environmental resources used at particular year
and little summary of what the character was doing or using at
that time (E.g. 1838 a new dam was put across the top of the
bridge’ and in 1848 the dam had polluted the water).

T allocates the Ss into 5 groups and gives them one A3 paper,

A4 paper, and the picture books my place for reference. T
hands out the posters of the year 4 and sends them to their
tables’ one group at a time.
T explains to Ss that by the end of this unit, as a class we will
create a book of ‘My place’ using the posters.
Year 5 are given time to plan their posters T explains that year5 will use the A4 paper to briefly plan what The activity is composed of whole
while year 4 continue their posters. it will be included in the poster and the layout of it. class, partners and mixed groups.

Year 4 continue finishing their posters. T explains to Ss that When creating posters, Ss will be
they will have time to finish there posters next lesson if they sent to their tables: one group at a
don’t finish it this lesson. time. Ss will take all the resources
they need for the poster and sit with
their own groups.

Ss create posters of the summary of the 15mins While the Ss are working on the posters, T refers to the noise The picture book My Place
picture book ‘My Place’. management plan on the board (traffic light noise (Wheatley and Rawlins, 1987) can
management). T asks Ss to finish their posters quietly. be shared around the room if

Pages of the picture book will be

displayed on the smart-board (Refer
to appendix 2)

- Picture book- My place (Wheatley
and Rawlins, 1987).
- A3 papers
-A4 papers for planning
- Markers, colouring, pencils.
-Appendix 2 (Pages of ‘My Place’).
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

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