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Course Outline
1. Definition of Information and Communication Technology, Information Systems
2. History of Information and Communication Technology, and Information Systems
3. Trends in Information and Communication Technology
a. Hardware trends
b. Connectivity and Mobility trends
c. Software trends
d. Long term trends
e. Cloud Computing
f. Mobile application
g. User interfaces
h. Analytics
4. Emerging Trends in ICT
5. Impact of Information and Communication Technology
a. Business
b. Education
c. Society
d. Defense and Military
e. Governance
f. Labor
g. Marine industry
h. Others
6. Ethics in IT
a. Overview of ethics
b. Ethics for IT workers and IT users
c. Ethics of IT organizations
d. Intellectual property
e. Computer and internet crime
f. Impact of IT to productivity and quality of life
g. Social networking
h. Ethical Dilemma/ issues in the cyberworld
 Privacy Invasion
 Hacking
 Security
 Theft
 Copyright Infringement
 Unfair Competition
 Virus
 Tele/videoconferencing
 Online defamation
 Piracy
 Fraud
i. Applicable Philippine Laws that penalize cybercrime
 Intellectual Property Right
 E-Commerce Law
 Optical Law
 Civil Code
 Revised Penal Code
 Special Criminal Law
 Unfair Competition Act
 Internet Pornography
7. IT applications

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