Jesus Prado - Timed Writing Piq5

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Personal Insight Question: Timed Writing

Directions: ​In the space below write a response to the following question. Your response has
a ​max of 350 words​. Try to use as many of these words without going over. Plan and spend
your time wisely. Prewrite before writing and then save time to edit and revise.

“Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have
taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your
academic achievement?”

Things to consider:​ Have you had a difficult experience in your life? How did you get through it?
What did you learn going through this experience? If you’re currently working your way through
a challenge, what are you doing now and does that affect different aspects of your life? For
example, ask yourself. “How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends, or with
my family?”

A challenge I have faced in my life is having this special condition that

makes me look different than other people like deformity on the jaw and
causing hearing disabilities which makes me use hearing aids to hear
better. This condition is known as Goldenhar Syndrome. However, the
hard part isn't just having the syndrome but dealing with people staring at
me or just making comments on how I look and saying rude things. I was
young when this happened; I wasn't really aware about the bullying
because I was always a positive little kid but when I finally caught on and
actually started paying attention to how people saw me, I was upset. I am
not a kid to mourn or cry about it; I just accepted the way I am and strived
to be the best. I knew I was not good looking but there were other things
that I worked on to make me a lovable man. People say I am super funny,
kind, smart, and hardworking and I agree with that. After I learned to just
cope with dealing with myself and not care about what others think, I just
wanted to work hard and become successful in school because all the
people who are hating on me or making fun of me are still focusing on me
while I am getting good grades and preparing for my future. I was taught
that you can't change the past and to always move forward and that's the
way I roll in life. Also, I was taught that it's okay to be uncomfortable in life
because once you get comfortable being average then you will not go
anywhere in life. Having this condition made me do what's best for me
and to always treat people with kindness because my worst fear is to
become one of those people that hates on people and complains about
their life.

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