Do Muids Students Read A Digitize Book Novel

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Sumita Swatesuthisan

Mr.Abel Cadias

English 10 / 1004

June 5, 2019

Do​ ​ Mahidol University International Demonstration School​ Students Read​ ​Digitized


The paper book​ is both knowledgeable and fun, written into the paper for other

people to read and learn and can pass down​ to other​ generations. According to Newitz

(2012), Johannes Gutenberg was the one who invented the first book. Then people started

to write different kinds of books such as textbook, fiction like a fairy tale, and different kind of

myths into a book. Later on, they converted these books into media and free for everyone to

read in a device, or even download these books for free. Today, online textbooks are very

useful for many ​students​ ​to study and learn by themselves in a convenie​nt ​way.​ ​MUIDS

school should provide more digitized books or paper book novels for students​.

The purpose of this research report is to find out the number of students who read

digitized books using a survey. The importance of this research is ​to encourage Mahidol

University International Demonstration students to read more digitize books and to

encourage the administration to unblock some novel website such as

The author uses three articles from different sources to relate to the results and interpret the

survey for other research studies.

⅗ + 4= 7
The question asked ​should MUIDS school provide more novels to read online. The 

choices are ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘maybe.’ The pie chart below shows most of the students at 

MUIDS that the school should provide more novels to read online say ‘yes’ with 20 students 

or a percentage of 58.8, followed by ‘maybe’ with 11 students or 32.4 percentage, and the 

rest with a percentage of 8.8% or 3 students. Most of the students who like to read want the 

school to provide and recommend the fun online book that will help students practice and 

improve their reading skills while relaxing. But those w

​ ho are not sure​ or don’t want the 

school to provide more novels may have little effect on their reading skills if they don’t want 

to read​. T
​ his means that the school should encourage students to read more book online 

and unblock some novel. 

MUIDS students have a lot of homework, tests, and projects, so this makes them 

nervous and ​don’t​ h

​ ave time to relax. Reading the novel in school on break time or lunch may 

help them to relax. The digitized book is useful more than a paper book because it doesn’t 

waste the time. Students don’t need to go to the library to borrow the book and they also 

don’t need to return the book. According to Wilber (2018), ​s​tudents also don’t need to pay for 

a late fee. The most reason that digitized book is useful that this book does not require a 

tree to make paper, and it reduces the environmental impact (Weber, n.d.).  

Figure 1 Number of students who want the school to provide digitized book 

⅘ +5= 9 

This research report concludes that reading a digitized book is beneficial for MUIDS 

students. Most of students at MUIDS school want the school​ t​ o ​encourage students to read 

more book online, but the rest don’t want the school to ​reading​ ​more book online. The 

digitized book can affect the education of students in a positive way by helping students to 

improve their reading skill while relaxin​g. Th​is can also help to improve their writing skills. 

⅘ +5= 9 


Newitz, A. (2012). Printed books existed nearly 600 years before Gutenberg's Bible.
Retrieved May 29, 2019, from ​ 
Weber, R. (n.d.). The Pros and Cons of eBook Downloads. ​Retrieved May 29, 2019, from 
Wilber, J. (2018). 10 Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Print Books. R
​ etrieved May 29,
2019, from ​ 

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