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Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation – Zingoni (Ed.

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-58472-2

Buitengragt structural steel pedestrian bridge: A continuous asymmetrical

box girder

J.R.B. Anderson
Vela VKE Consulting Engineers as part of Foreshore Freeway Consultants

ABSTRACT: Using over 3500 welded steel plates the asymmetric box girder of the Buitengragt structural
steel pedestrian bridge is an unconventional form that responds to the challenges of its location. The bridge was
designed as a simple but visually bold line across the busy urban back drop of Cape Town’s City Centre. Its
fabrication required a high degree of dimensional accuracy and carefully planned welding procedures to ensure
the fit up of the plated sections. Its location, partly over the roof of a buried parking garage, influenced the deck
design and required the development of bespoke foundations details.


FIFA’s 2010 World Cup Soccer Tournament has ener-

gized many public transport initiatives in the City of
the Cape Town. The Buitengragt structural steel pedes-
trian bridge was one of those. Situated across the main
arterial road into the City Centre, the bridge’s concep-
tual design was subject to a rigorous review by the
client, the City of Cape Town. This ensured the stake-
holder’s functional, technical and aesthetic standards
were met.
The structure’s position presented a number of chal-
lenges to the design team. Partly founded on top of a
buried parking garage and partly on land reclaimed
from the sea, the foundation design required some
innovative ideas. Integrating the bridge into a narrow
corridor between two of the City’s main hotels also Figure 1. Photograph of box section during the main span
influenced the design outcomes. The need to erect the erection.
bridge in a confined space whilst limiting the noise by the spacing of columns on the underground parking
impacts was an unavoidable constraint. garage.
A structural steel asymmetric box girder was not an
obvious choice of structural form. It did, however, offer
a number of specific benefits. Firstly the use of struc-
tural steel significantly reduced the dead weight of the
bridge, which had to be 4.0 m wide. This was impor-
2.1 Deck section
tant considering the founding conditions. The use of
an up-stand beam was necessary to keep the level of The localised deformation of an asymmetrically sup-
the walking surface as low as possible. In so doing ported bridge can disturb pedestrians, even though
the length of the bridge was limited to fit the avail- it may be structurally irrelevant (Adao Da Fonseca,
able space. Because it was necessary for pedestrians 2007). The development of the deck section therefore
to access the structure along its length, a closed box took its direction from a sensitivity analysis of the
section with an up-stand beam on one side was devel- serviceability performance of the structure. Beams of
oped. The lift shafts (provided for disabled access) and various dimensions and torsion constants were mod-
additional access staircases were then able to connect eled using a 3-D beam model. The resulting transverse
directly onto the open side of the bridge deck. deflections were then reviewed in conjunction with the
In its final form the steel structure is 101 m long economy of the section. For the chosen deck section,
with six spans: 17.7 m : 17.7 m : 27 m : 14 m : live load deflections of up to 50 mm were predicted
14 m : 11 m. The lengths of the first two spans were set on the main span. A maximum coexistent transverse

Figure 2. Visualisation showing lift shaft positions.

deflection of 40 mm was also calculated. From past

experience of designing and testing similar structures
this was judged acceptable.

2.2 Articulation
In deciding upon the fixity of the bridge, different
ways of providing the necessary transverse rotational
restraint to the box girder were reviewed. In the end,
a built-in pier was preferred because of the simplicity
of the connection detail.
Longitudinally the bridge is fixed at its northern
lift shaft. Behind its architectural cladding the lift
structure is braced internally to subtly provide a rigid
point that anchors the bridge. From this stagnant point Figure 3. Pier and deck cross section.
the continuous deck section expands and contracts in
response to temperature ranges.
diaphragms were modeled as I-beam sections and the
2.3 Piers edge member as a longitudinal beam.
Global section properties were used in the ultimate
The top of the piers are centered close to the line of the limit state analysis as per the recommendations of
deck section’s centre of gravity. The applied moments BS5400-3:2000, Code of practice for the design of
in the pier section due to dead and superimposed dead steel bridges. The effects of shear lag on the element’s
loads are therefore limited. It is in resisting eccentric section properties were, however, used for calculating
live loads that the pier must work hardest. To fulfill its the deflections of the beams at the serviceability limit
function a 1250 mm deep pier section was needed. state.
The final form of the pier was decided upon using a The number of load combinations was significant.
simple technique. The pier head is subject to a fixed- However, rather than using specialist bridge analysis
end transverse moment in combination with an applied software, a general FEM package was used and the
axial load. By angling the pier stem down its length separate load effects were exported to a spreadsheet.
(towards the eccentric live load’s centre of effort) the A visual basic program then calculated the combined
applied axial load becomes eccentric to the pier base. limit states for a chosen member and presented 12
A relieving moment that increases towards the bottom critical combinations.
of the pier is therefore induced. The reduction in the A dynamic analysis applying oscillating loads to
applied transverse moment allows a section depth of the structure was also carried out following the rec-
750 mm at the pier base. This reduces the visual impact ommendations of the SETRA Technical Guide, Foot-
of the pier and provides an interesting aesthetic. bridges: Assessment of the vibrational behavior of
footbridges under pedestrian loading, 2006. This was
judged necessary because the first vertical mode of
vibration is in a range susceptible to excitation from
pedestrian loading. The vertical and lateral accelera-
The analysis model for the bridge was relatively
tions were found to be well within acceptable limits.
straight forward. For the closed box girder, two lon-
gitudinal beams were defined on the section’s centre
of gravity and its shear centre. The moment of inertia
was then allocated to the beam on the section’s centroid
and the torsion constant to the beam along the section’s
4.1 Foundations
shear centre. This approach was used to accurately
model the transverse deflections caused by eccentric Resting on the roof of buried parking garage, the foun-
superimposed dead and live loads. The transverse dations for the first two spans of the bridge are unique.

Table 1. Natural frequencies of the bridge. the material’s modulus of elasticity and the width of the
pier. In the case of forced displacements, an increase
Mode Frequency (Hz) in pier stiffness does not reduce the induced stresses
as additional loads are attracted. Because of this the
1 2.36 piers are slender with a transverse width of 200 mm.
2 3.20
Five of the six piers were fabricated using Grade
3 3.42
4 3.71 S355JR steel. However, the first pier was constructed
5 4.40 using a high strength steel, Domex 550. This was nec-
essary to cope with the combination of transverse
moments due to the forced displacements and the
applied axial loads. The use of high strength steel is
appropriate when a higher tensile strength is required.
In short columns it will also increase the axial capac-
ity of the section. In the case of intermediate and long
columns, the benefit of high tensile steel is lost as
the section becomes susceptible to buckling. Also, at
serviceability the increase in steel strength does not
reduce the fatigue stress range. As a result the service-
ability stress ranges in the pier section were checked
using BS5400-10:1999, Code of practice for fatigue.
Although a stress range of 135 MPa was predicted, the
number of cycles due to temperature ranges was not
sufficient to comprise the design life of the structure.
Figure 4. Section on span 1 & 2 foundations.

4.3 Deck section

The option of piling through the underground structure
was not permitted. The bridge foundations therefore In a steel box girder bridge the effects of shear lag and
had to sit on top of the parking garage’s reinforced buckling of unsupported plate sections in compression
concrete roof slab. This 350 mm thick slab, supported must be accounted for. In this regard BS5400-3:2000
by down-stand beams and circular columns supported was referenced. For the hogging and sagging regions of
2.0 m of saturated fill material. the bridge the effective deck sections were developed
A solution that did not interfere with or add addition taking account of the reduced effective area of any
loading to the existing roof structure was necessary. compression flanges. These sections were then used
One way of doing this was to support the bridge footing to check the serviceability stresses in the plates.
on a structure that displaced the existing fill material The compressive buckling resistance of the web
and reduced the superimposed dead load on the roof plates was another important design consideration.
slab. Using a plate model, the stresses in the webs were
In the final design two reinforced concrete up-stand calculated and verified using hand calculations. In
350 × 1500 beams, 8.9 m long and 3.0 m apart were this instance the 10 mm transverse diaphragms, pro-
used to support the pier footings. These simply sup- vided at approximately 2.0 m centres, help restrain the
ported beams were constructed directly onto of the web panels against local buckling. These diaphragms
existing structure’s waterproofing layer. The beams also prevent the distortion of the box girder under the
transferred the bridge’s pier loads to the roof structure’s applied torsional stresses.
500 × 1500 mm down-stand beams. By enclosing the Plated steel construction is a relatively expensive
space between the up-stand beams, an empty cham- construction method in comparison to reinforced con-
ber was formed which displaced a significant weight crete sections. The plate thickness of the deck section
of fill material. In the end, no additional loading was was therefore varied across the length of the bridge to
applied to the existing roof structure. achieve some economy. Using a concrete slab between
the deck cantilevers in lieu of steel plate also resulted
in significant savings.
4.2 Piers
The piers for the bridge are fabricated steel sections
4.4 Fabrication
with internal stiffeners to prevent localized plate buck-
ling under the applied compressive stresses. Their The bridge deck section consists of over 3500 indi-
design allows for the forced displacement of the pier vidual plates. The dimensions of these plates were
heads due the thermal expansion and contraction of the calculated numerically and then checked graphically
deck section. This movement causes bending stresses using a 3-D CAD model. This approach gave the
in the pier section. The simplest means of reducing design team certainty in the geometric detailing of the
the stresses in the steel was to limit the pier section’s bridge, which was essential when it came to checking
width. In fact, the stress range is purely a function of the contractor’s fabrication drawings.

Table 2. Material quantities and development costs. 6 CONCLUSIONS

Total weight of structural steel 128 t Although the detailed design followed a conventional
in bridge & piers approach, the fabrication process did not. The design
Weight of structural steel / metre 1.3 t/m team invested significant effort in the detailing of
Total construction cost of bridge R 10,950,000 all plated sections to ensure the constructability of
structure (excluding glazing screen) ($1,368,750) the bridge. Throughout the construction process no
Construction cost of bridge structure R 27,104/m2 dimensional errors were found in the design. This is
(excluding glazing screen)/m2 ($3,388)/m2 because the plates were dimensioned both numerically
and graphically and the outputs correlated. This was,
however, only the first part of the process. During the
fabrication process the welding procedures were also
The main challenge in fabricating a closed torsion critical in preventing plate distortions that translated
box is the assembly and welding sequence and ensur- to fit up problems on site. In this regard the presence
ing that all the required welds can be accessed. The of the transverse diaphragms was important. In plac-
presence of internal longitudinal webs introduced the ing additional diaphragms at closer centres, the time
need for access windows at the diaphragms. Without saved in the fit up the sections outweighed the cost of
them it was not possible to ensure continuity in the the additional steel.
internal web plates at construction joints. Although The final design of the bridge is a direct response
this detail was feasible it added time and distortion to the site and the required functionality for pedestri-
risks to the fabrication process. ans. It is hoped it also achieves the goal of creating a
Plate distortion on the box section during the weld- positive landmark in the City.
ing process was a major fabrication issue, especially on
the thicker plates (16 mm deck plates). Internal brac-
ing was required to maintain the sections geometry REFERENCE
to ensure the fit up of the segments. It was necessary
Adoa Da Fonesca, A. 2007a. Footbridges in Portugal.
for the fabricator to develop a welding sequence that
minimized heat build up and distortion. Over the 12
months of construction it was necessary to continually
manage and monitor the fabrication process.


The basic quantities of structural steel and the devel-

opment costs of the bridge are presented in Table 2.


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