Business Ethics Jhae: 1. Environmental Dimension

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The Concept or Corporate Social Responsibility •If a toy manufacturer produces toys that endanger the
children who will buy them, then the manufacturer will have
Corporate Social Responsibility a bad reputation.
 It refers to a corporation’s responsibilities or •Toy buyers will look for another toy seller that assures
obligations toward society. quality, safety and reasonable price. This is how the market
 It is a gesture of company’s concern and approach works.
commitment towards society’s sustainability and • Sellers would stop producing unsafe Christmas Lights if
development consumers value safety so much that they would stop
 It is ethical behavior of the company towards buying them.
society Monopoly- when a single firm produces the entire market
Father or Modern CSR - Howard Bowen supply for a good or service.
Oligopoly- only a few sellers control most or all of the
“SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BUSINESSMAN” market and sell similar or identical products.

“It refers to the obligations of businessmen to pursue those 2. The Contract View Approach
policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of
actions which are desirable in terms of the objectives and • This view claims that the sellers and buyers always enter
value of our society” into a contractual agreement.

Five Dimension of CSR - Alexander Dahlsrud • The seller is duty-bound to deliver safe and value-for-
money products and services by virtue of this contractual
1. Environmental Dimension agreement.
 Pertains to many CSR Definitions’ direct
assertion of concern for the natural FOUR IMPORTANT CONDITIONS IN CONTRACTUAL
environment. AGREEMENT
2. Social Dimension 1. The buyer and the seller have full knowledge of the
 Points to the aspect of CSR wherein the nature of the contract.
business is conscious of its impact to the 2. The buyer and the seller do not misrepresent
communities. relevant facts.
3. Economic Dimension 3. The buyer and the seller are not forced to enter the
 pertains to the emphasis on preserving the contract.
economic viability or profitability of 4. The buyer and the seller have adequate information
the business organization. regarding the product.
4. Stakeholder Dimension
 emphasizes the importance of how other THE FOUR IMPORTANT DUTIES OF BUSINESS
stakeholders such as employees,
Suppliers and customers are fairly and justly 1. DUTY TO COMPLY -pertains to the seller’s moral
treated. obligation to deliver what it claims to be the
5. Voluntariness Dimension product’s features.
 Speaks of the CSR programs as going beyond 2. DUTY TO DISCLOSE - pertains to the seller’s
the requirements of the law and as being moral obligation to reveal the relevant facts about
motivated by ethics and values. the products and the terms and conditions of the
Milton Friedman’s View of CSR 3. DUTY NOT TO MISREPRESENT -pertains to the
seller’s deliberate attempt to deceive and mislead
-Based on assumptions of private property and the free the buyer just to sell the products.
market, the ONLY social responsibility of business is to 4. DUTY NOT TO COERCE -pertains to the moral
INCREASE its PROFITS. obligation of the seller not to take advantage of the
Some Ethical Issues in: buyer’s fear, emotional stress, immaturity and
a. Consumer Relation ignorance that may hinder the buyer’s ability to
b. Employer-Worker Relation choose freely.
c. Relation to the Government 3. The Due Care Approach
d. Relation to the Natural Environment
The main assumption of the ethics of due care….
Ethics of Consumer Protection In the business transaction, the buyer and the seller
are not on equal footing.
Business Ethicists consider….
The seller is always more knowledgeable about the
1. The Market Approach
The buyer relies on the expertise of the manufacturer and
•It assumed that the free market will ensure the protection to a certain extent of the retailer
of the buyers from unreasonably high prices and low-quality
and hazardous products.
•Buyers and sellers are free to interact. Sellers are free to Caveat Emptor – (let the buyer beware) - The general
produce the goods and services that buyers need and want. rule and an acceptable practice in the marketplace.
Buyers are free to choose the products offered by various Caveat Vendor – (let the seller beware) - The duty of the
sellers. seller to assure that the product is safe and not defective
4. Social Costs Approach b. EMPLOYER-WORKER RELATION
•According to George Brenkert, the manufacturer has full Contractualization
responsibility for all the harms that the product may cause ● Fixed-term employment
the buyer. ● a contract of employment for a definite period which
terminates by its own terms of such period.
•The social cost is part of the cost to be shouldered by the
manufacturer. Accdg. To Satur Ocampo
“Hiring workers for short-term, non-regular employment
Advertising - Techniques and practices used to bring without the benefits accorded by law to regular workers.”
products, services, opinions or causes to public notice for
the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain Critics of contractualization in the Philippines usually point
way. to former Senator Ernesto Herrera’s penning in 1989 OF
Republic Act 6715 as the main culprit for the widespread
Commercial Advertising coontractualization practices but they said that it was
● Organized method of communicating information about Ferdinand Marcos in his Presidential Decree 422 or PD 22,
the product or service which a company or individual wants Labor Code of the Philippines
to sell to the people.
● It is a kind of salesmanship without the actual face-to-face WHY DO EMPLOYERS WANT TO CONTRACTUALIZE?
encounter with the salesman. . It reduces business cost
2. To avoid workers to join the unions
Main Purpose of advertising
1.New products being introduced Criticisms AGAINST Contractualization
2.Alternative products that the public can choose from 1. It undermines many basic rights of the workers.
3.Uses and benefits of the products. 2. It degrades the value of work and the workers.
3. It violates the fundamental justice.
Twin Purposes of Advertising 4. It is an open invitation to more abuses of the rights of the
Informational Advertising Persuasive Advertising workers.
to inform to persuade
Just and Fair Wage
Ethical Implication of an Advertising - The main interest is to reduce the cost of his/her business.
1. Social Effects Employees
2. Effect on Desire - The main interest is to increase his or her wage because it
3. Effects on Belief is usually his or her main way of supporting his/her family.
Some Ethical Problem in Advertising The 7 Factors that must be considered in determining
- Continuous degradation of the earth’s natural resources FAIR and JUST WAGE.
- The advertisers try to manipulate the minds of the viewers.
Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) 1. Comparative Wage - A business owner must
consider the prevailing wage in the industry and in
the area.
2. Capability of the Business - A business owner
must consider the capability of his or her business.
3. Nature of the job - A business owner must
consider the nature of the job because some jobs
involve great health risks, offer less security, and
require more training and experience.
4. Cognizant of the law on minimum wage - A
business owner must obey the law in minimum
wage and must be sufficient for the needs of his or
her workers
5. Relative proportionality and similarity of the
nature of 5 the job of workers within the
6. Both employer and the employee must consider
the fairness of wage negotiations.
– Edward Louis Bernays
7. Business owner must account for 7 the living
- He became famous for instructing young women wage of the workers. - The business workers must
models (not really smokers) to light lucky strike account for the cost of living within the specific
cigarettes while marching in a parade to support the locality where his business operates.
American women’s fight for freedom and equal
Labor union
- Association of employees that advances member interests
Subliminal Advertising through collective bargaining with an employer.
● Latin words “sub” meaning “below” and “limen” meaning - 1987 Philippine Constitution Article 3
● Advertising that operates below the limits of the
1. Democratization Of Wealth
consciousness of its audience.
- It refers to the labor union’s objective of ensuring that the
● Coined by James Vicary
workers receive just wage ad safe working conditions.
Deceptive Advertising
2. Democratization Of Power
● Is the content of advertisement truthful?
- Pertains to the labor union’s objective of balancing the
● Does the advertisement have a tendency to mislead those
power between the employer and the employee
to whom it is directed?
3. Humanizing the Working Class
-Pertains to the functions of labor union to educate workers,
the employers and the society as a whole with regard to the
value of human labor and dignity of the workers.
Fiduciary Duty of the Employee
Theory of Agency
- A consensual relationship created by contract or by law
where one party, the principal, grants authority for another
party, the agent, to act on behalf of and under the control of
the principal to deal with a third party.
Principals  employers
Agents  employees
Fiduciary Duty - Occurs when property or personal advantage is offered,
- Refers to the obligations of the employee (agent) to without the authority of law, to a public official with the intent
always act on behalf of his or her employer (principal) of acting favorably to the offer or, at any time in execution of
- Fidere means “to trust the public official.

1. Candor - To be truthful and honest to his or her
principal Anthropocentric Approach to Environmental Ethics
2. Care - To take good care of all the assets entrusted
to him or her by the owner of the business.
- The view that human beings are the central fact on earth.
3. Loyalty - To act in the interest of the beneficiary and
to avoid taking any personal advantage of the Bio centric and Eco centric Approaches to Environmental
relationship. Ethics
Conflict of Interest Biocentrism
- It is an actual or potential violation of a fiduciary duty of - Centrality of Life
loyalty to the business owner. - All life deserves equal moral consideration or has equal
- It is the independence and impartiality of decision-makers moral standing.
is compromised due to competing interests influencing the
outcome of a decision, for personal benefit in particular. Ecocentrism
- "Oikos” means house - “Kentron” means center
- Favoring one’s relatives and friends. - The natural environment is a house for everybody and
-It is an attempt by a member or former member of an
organization to disclose wrongdoing in or by the
- Means by which governments finance their expenditure
by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities.
Types of Taxation:

1. Individual Taxation
- individual citizens who gain income who consume
goods and services
2. Business Taxation
-Income accumulated by the different forms of
business establishments

1. Tax Evasion - Failure to make disclosure to the

2. Tax Avoidance - -Use of lawful tax planning

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