Am I A Murderess

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It’s already twelve o’clock. Oh, God, I’m hungry!

I’ve been running and hiding for almost three

days. I’m dead tired. I need some rest. But no, they are looking for me! And if they find me, I
will be put to jail. But, where can I hide? Leo’s father is so influential, so powerful. He is the
governor of our great province and I happened to kill his son!

No, don’t accuse me like that! I’m not a murderess! Hear me, I’m begging you, I tell you I’m not
a murderess.

Audience, let me explain, please.

Okay, okay, okay! It all happened in school one day. I went to the library to find a book. Then I
found it. I got so engrossed to what I was reading that I almost didn’t notice the time. It was
gone past six and, oh my! I think I was the only student left in the library. To my dismay, Leo
was waiting for me outside. I wanted to hide but it was too late. He was already in front of me.

I shook my head irritatingly. My God, how I hate him! He often sends me scented love letters in
pink stationery which I sent back all unopened. He sends me roses and chocolates, too. They
are my favorites. I wanted so much to eat the chocolates, but I hate the person who gave them.
So I throw them into the trash. How could I ever get away from this guy?

“Hey, Leo, wait a minute! If you want to drive me home, thanks, but no thanks! I’m old enough
to go home on my own, okay? So, please stop following me like a dog! And besides, I’m too
young for love and I don’t accept any suitors, understand?”

“But, Brenda, I love you! Can’t you understand? I can give you anything you want. Say it and
you’ll have it. And, Brenda, remember, I can get everything I want by hook or crook. So you’d
better be good to me or else. Ha… ha… ha…!”

And he started laughing like a monster. I got so scared. I know how powerful his family was, but
I still insisted, “Leo, how can you be such a jerk? I don’t like you and I don’t love you. In fact, I
hate you! Now, will you leave me alone?”
But instead of leaving, do you know what he did? He pushed me so hard against the wall and
started kissing me. I was shouting for help, but no, no one was there!

“Somebody, help me, please! Please, please! Help! Help!”

Then he gave me a big, big punch on my stomach. Oh my God! It was painful!

But even before he reached for me again, I spotted a rusty knife and grabbed it.

“Now, Mr. Leo Monteverde, try to kiss me again, attempt to rape me again, and I will never
ever forgive you! Go to hell! Um… um… ummm!”

I didn’t know how many times I pushed the rusty knife in his body. Then I noticed something.
Blood, blood… there’s a blood on my hands!

Leo, Leo…! Oh, God! I killed Leo! No, I’m not a murderess! He was going to rape me and I just
defended myself. I didn’t mean to do it, I’m not a murderess! I’m not a murderess! But I killed
Leo…! I killed him! I’m a murderess! Ha! Ha! I’m a murderess! Ha! Ha! Ha!

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