Parts of Computer

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A computer system has three main components: hardware, software, and
people. The equipment associated with a computer system is called hardware.
Software is a set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. People,
however, are the most important component of a computer system - people use
the power of the computer for some purpose. In fact, this course will show you
that the computer can be a tool for just about anyone from a business person, to
an artist, to a housekeeper, to a student - an incredibly powerful and flexible
Software is actually a computer program. To be more specific, a program
is a set of step-by-step instructions that directs the computer to do the tasks you
want it to do and to produce the results you want. A computer programmer is a
person who writes programs. Most of us do not write programs, we use
programs written by someone else. This means we are users - people who
purchase and use computer software.



Software, commonly known as programs or apps, consists of all the instructions

that tell the hardware how to perform a task. These instructions come from a
software developer in the form that will be accepted by the platform (operating
system + CPU) that they are based on. For example, a program that is designed for
the Windows operating system will only work for that specific operating system.
Compatibility of software will vary as the design of the software and the operating
system differ. Software that is designed for Windows XP may experience a
compatibility issue when running under Windows 2000 or NT.
Software is capable of performing many tasks, as opposed to hardware which can
only perform mechanical tasks that they are designed for. Software provides the
means for accomplishing many different tasks with the same basic hardware.
Practical computer systems divide software systems into two major classes:

 System software: Helps run the computer hardware and computer system
itself. System software includes operating systems, device drivers,
diagnostic tools and more. System software is almost always pre-installed on
your computer.
 Application software: Allows users to accomplish one or more tasks. It
includes word processing, web browsing and almost any other task for
which you might install software. (Some application software is pre-installed
on most computer systems.)

Software is generally created (written) in a high-level programming language, one

that is (more or less) readable by people. These high-level instructions are
converted into "machine language" instructions, represented in binary code, before
the hardware can "run the code". When you install software, it is generally already
in this machine language, binary, form.


Hardware refers to the physical elements of a computer. This is also sometime

called the machinery or the equipment of the computer. Examples of hardware in a
computer are the keyboard, the monitor, the mouse and the central processing
unit. However, most of a computer's hardware cannot be seen; in other words, it is
not an external element of the computer, but rather an internal one, surrounded by
the computer's casing (tower). A computer's hardware is comprised of many
different parts, but perhaps the most important of these is the motherboard. The
motherboard is made up of even more parts that power and control the computer.

In contrast to software, hardware is a physical entity. Hardware and software are

interconnected, without software, the hardware of a computer would have no
function. However, without the creation of hardware to perform tasks directed by
software via the central processing unit, software would be useless.

Hardware is limited to specifically designed tasks that are, taken independently,

very simple. Software implements algorithms (problem solutions) that allow the
computer to complete much more complex tasks.


A computer is an electronic machine that processes data. Information given to

the computer is called data. Computer works very fast. It saves your time and
energy. It does not make mistakes. It can remember a lot of things. The basic
parts of a computer are shown in the picture given here.

These parts of the Computer and some other devices are connected together
with the help of wires and cables.

The basic parts of a computer system are:

1. Monitor
2. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
3. Keyboard
4. Mouse
5. Speakers
6. Printer

Let us find out about some more devices that can be connected to a computer.
Input Devices:

Devices that help us put data into the computer are called input devices. They
help in giving instructions to the computer. Let us learn about a few input


The keyboard is used for entering data into the computer system. It can type
words, numbers and symbols. More information of computer keyboard Click


The mouse is a pointing device. You can give input to the computer with the
help of the mouse. More information of computer mouse

A joystick makes computer games a lot more fun. When it is moved, it passes
information to the computer.


A microphone is the mike that can be attached to a computer. It allows you to

input sounds like speech and songs into the computer. You can record your
voice with the help of a microphone.

Web Camera:
A web camera is used to take live photos videos. You can save them in the


A Scanner Copies pictures and pages, and turns them into images that can be
saved on a computer.

Processing Device:

All the inputs are stored, sorted, arranged and changed by a computer. The
device that helps a computer do so is called the processing device. The
processing device in a computer is known as Central Processing Unit (CPU).

Output Devices:

The parts of a computer that help us to show the results of processing are called
out devices. Let us learn about a few output devices.

A monitor looks like a TV screen. It shows whatever you type on the keyboard
or draw with the mouse.


A printer prints the results of your work from the computer screen on a sheet of
paper. This is called a printout.

The speakers are the output devices that produce different types of sounds
processed by the computer. You can listen to songs or speeches stored in the
computer with the help of speakers.


You can listen to music or any sound from a computer with the help of
headphones without disturbing others.

Storage Devices:

The parts of a computer which are used for storing data are called. Storing data
are called storage devices. They help in storing any work done on a computer
permanently. Let us learn about a few storage devices.

Hard Disk:

Inside the CPU there is a hard disk. It is made up of one or more metallic disks.
It stores a large amount of information.
Floppy Disk:

A floppy disk stores small amounts small amounts of information. It works

when it is inserted into the floppy drive. The floppy drive is fixed in the CPU.

Compact Disc (CD):

A CD stores many times more information than a floppy disk. It works when it
is inserted into the CD drive. The CD drive is fixed in the CPU. Note: Not
handling the CD properly may result in loss of data stored.


Compact disc: It stores information many times more than a floppy disk.

CPU: The processing device in a computer.

Data: It is the information given to the computer.

Electronic machine: It is the machine that runs with the help of electricity.

Floppy disk: It stores a small amount of information.

Hard disk: It stores a large amount of information.

Headphones: The device for listening to the recorded sounds without
disturbing others.

Input devices: These help us put date into the computer.

Joystick: It is used for playing computer games.

Keyboard: This is used to enter data into the computer system.

Microphone: It is used for recording sound.

Monitor: It shows whatever you type on the keyboard or draw with the mouse.

Mouse: It is pointing device.

Output devices: These help us to show the results of processing.

Processing device: Helps to store, sort, arrange and change the inputs on a

Scanner: It copies pictures and pages and turns into images that can be saved
on a computer.

Speakers: These are used for listening to recorded sound.

Storage devices: These are form the memory of the computer.

Wed camera: It is used for taking live photos and videos.


As you can see, a computer is more than that box sitting on the side of
your desk. In fact it is a very complex machine comprised of numerous parts,
cables, and devices that all need to properly work together in order for the
computer to operate correctly. Having this basic understanding of the parts of
your computer is important for any computer user. Whether you need to
purchase a new one, upgrade an existing one, or repair a broken one, you now
have the knowledge to understand what you are looking at.

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