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The Tortoise and The Hare

Good morning to the wise judges, loyal timekeeper,

teachers, parents and friends. I am Muhammad and I am here to
tell you a story, The Tortoise and The Hare, The Tortoise and
The Hare.

Once, there was a Hare who boast about how fast it can run.
"I have never been beaten. Hahaha. I feel bored now. Anyone can
challenge me?”

The Tortoise said quietly, "I want to challenge you." All the
animals in the forest gathered to watch.

"You must be kidding!" said the Hare. "I could dance all the
way." "Don’t be so proud," answered the Tortoise. "We shall start

The Hare ran down the road for a while and felt sleepy.
“How do you expect to win with this slow pace? Relax!” With that,
the Hare rested under a tree.

The tortoise walked and walked, never stop until he came to

the finishing line. The Hare woke up and shouted “Oh no! I am too
late!” The Tortoise had won the race.

Remember friends, slow and steady win the race. Thank you.

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