BLWT Report

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1.1 Overview

Today, India is stepping towards becoming a global super power. This implies that, it is
leading the list of developing countries in terms of economic development. Hence its
energy requirement is going to increase manifold in the coming decades. To meet its
energy requirement, coal cannot be the primary source of energy. This is because coal is
depleting very fast. It is estimated that within few decades coal will get exhausted. The
next clean choice of energy is solar power, but due to its lower concentration per unit
area, it is very costly. India is having fifth largest installed wind power capacity in the
world. As the regions with high wind speed are limited, the installation of conventional
windmill is limited. Windmills that would provide safe quite, simple, affordable and
work on lesser wind speeds are need of the hour. The Bladeless Windmill is such a
concept which works on the phenomenon of vortex shedding to capture the energy
produced. Generally, structures are designed to minimize vortex induced vibrations in
order to minimize mechanical failures. But here, we try to increase the vibrations in order
to convert vortex induced vibrations into electricity. The paper studies the scope and
feasibility of the bladeless windmill. This study focuses on identifying the effect of
governing parameters on the energy extraction efficiency by VIV. The parameters
investigated were the mass ratio, the mechanical damping coefficient, and the Reynolds
number. Some key characteristics of performance can be outlined, like the maximum
efficiency attainable for fixed values of m and the range of flow velocities (reduced
velocity) where efficiency is significant. The analysis carried out shows that: (i) M is
mainly influenced by the mass-damping parameter m and there is an optimum value of m
(ii)the range of reduced velocities with significant efficiency is mainly governed by m
(iii) it seems that encouraging high efficiency values can be achieved for high Reynolds
numbers. Finally, it must be noted, however, that the analysis herein presented should be
seen only as an approximation to the real problem. For example, it is clear that the real
VIV situation ( a complete fluid - structure interaction problem ) is more complex than
that of a forced vibrations one , where the body is oscillating at a fixed amplitude and
frequency. This point has been largely discussed in the literature, and the question of
whether forced vibration tests can be used to predict VIV behavior has been addressed by
several important investigators being still open. Nevertheless, recently, Morse and
Williamson have demonstrated that under carefully controlled conditions there is very
close correspondence between free and forced vibration experiments. With this idea in
mind, we believe that results presented in this paper can be representative and, from an
engineering point of view, the parametric analysis of the present study can help to
efficiently design a device to extract useful energy from VIV.

Wind power has become a legitimate source of energy over the past few decades as
larger, more efficient turbine designs have produced ever-increasing amounts of power.
But even though the industry saw a record 6,730 billion global investment in 2014,
turbine growth may be reaching its limits. Bladeless turbines will generate electricity for
40 percent lesser in cost compared with conventional wind turbines. In conventional wind
power generation transportation is increasingly challenging because of the size of the
components: individual blades and tower sections often require specialized trucks and
straight, wide roads. Today’s wind turbines are also incredibly top heavy. Generators and
gearboxes sitting on support towers 100 meters off the ground can weigh more than 100
tons. As the weight and height of turbines increase, the materials costs of wider, stronger
support towers, as well as the cost of maintaining components housed so far from the
ground, are cutting into the efficiency benefits of larger turbines. The alternative energy
industry has repeatedly tried to solve these issues to no avail. But this latest entry
promises a radically different type of wind turbine: a bladeless cylinder that oscillates or
vibrates. The Bladeless Turbine harness vorticity, the spinning motion of air or other
fluids. When wind passes one of the cylindrical turbines, it shears off the downwind side
of the cylinder in a spinning whirlpool or vortex. That vortex then exerts force on the
cylinder, causing it to vibrate. The kinetic energy of the oscillating cylinder is converted
to electricity through a linear generator similar to those used to harness wave energy. It
consists of a conical cylinder fixed vertically with an elastic rod. The cylinder oscillates
in the wind, which then generates electricity through a system of coils and magnets

The outer conical cylinder is designed to be substantially rigid and has the ability to
vibrate, remaining anchored to the bottom rod. The top of the cylinder is unconstrained
and has the maximum amplitude of the oscillation. The structure is built using resins
reinforced with carbon and/or glass fiber, materials used in conventional wind turbine
blades. The inner cylindrical rod, which will penetrate into the mast for 10% - 20% of it’s
length (depending on the size of the mast), is anchored to it at its top and secured to the
ground at its bottom part.

It is built to provide highest resistance to the fatigue and allow its elasticity to absorb the
vibrations generated by the cylinder. A semi-rigid coupling allows the upper section of
the turbine to flutter in the wind while a linear alternator housed in the lower section
converts the movements into electricity. The bladeless wind generator generates
electricity through a “classic” system of coils and magnet. The cost reductions come from
reduced manufacturing costs: the tower and the generator equipment are, basically, one
and the same. This allows us to bypass the need for a nacelle, the support mechanisms
and the blades, that are the priciest components in the conventional wind generators.
Manufacturing savings are roughly estimated at around 51 % of the usual wind turbine
production cost. The manufacturing, transportation, construction and assembly are also
simplified and are typical for the wind industry.

The bladeless turbine currently takes up as much as 30% of the area of a conventional
generator, with maximum amplitude around a diameter at the top. It can capture about
40% of the wind power contained in the air, which is a more than reasonable capacity,
and at same height as many modern wind turbines. The system does loose some electrical
conversion capacity (reaching 70% yield of a conventional alternator), because the design
is so focused on avoiding and wear and tear. It aims to be a “greener” wind alternative.
The impact on the bird population is expected to be much smaller, because it doesn’t
require the same type or magnitude of movement as the traditional wind turbine, allowing
for higher visibility. With the oscillation frequency of the equipment very low, the impact
sound level is nonexistent, opening the possibility to make the future wind farms
completely silent

Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power,
solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. These
sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment and
availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has
experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of conventional
power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse effects on the
environment. This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge research and ground
breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid in the effective tapping of
these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable sources might contribute about
20% – 50% to energy consumption in the latter part of the 21st century. Facts from the
World Wind Energy Association estimates that by 2010, 160GW of wind power capacity
is expected to be installed worldwide which implies an anticipated net growth rate of
more than 21% per year.

Energy markets have combined crisis recovery and strong industry dynamism. Energy
consumption in the G20 soared by more than 5% in 2010, after the slight decrease of
2009. This strong increase is the result of two converging trends. On the one-hand,
industrialized countries, which experienced sharp decreases in energy demand in 2009,
recovered firmly in 2010, almost coming back to historical trends. Oil, gas, coal, and
electricity markets followed the same trend. On the other hand, China and India, which
showed no signs of slowing down in 2009, continued their intense demand for all forms
of energy.

World energy resources and consumption review the world energy resources and use.
More than half of the energy has been consumed in the last two decades since the
industrial revolution, despite advances in efficiency and sustainability. According to IEA
world statistics in four years (2004–2008) the world population increased 5%, annual
CO2 emissions increased 10% and gross energy production increased 10%.
Most energy is used in the country of origin, since it is cheaper to transport final products
than raw materials.
In 2008 the share export of the total energy production by fuel was:
Oil 50%
Gas 25%
Hard coal 14%
Electricity 1%
Most of the world's energy resources are from the sun's rays hitting earth. Some of that
energy has been preserved as fossil energy; some is directly or indirectly usable; for
example, via wind, hydro- or wave power. The term solar constant is the amount of
incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area, measured on the outer surface of
Earth's atmosphere, in a plane perpendicular to the rays. The solar constant includes all
types of solar radiation, not just visible light. It is measured by satellite to be roughly
1366 watts per square meter, though it fluctuates by about 6.9% during a year—from
1412 W/m2 in early January to 1321 W/m2in early July, due to the Earth's varying
distance from the sun, and by a few parts per thousandfrom day to day. For the whole
Earth, with a cross section of 127,400,000 km2, the total energy rate is 174 pet watts
(1.740×1017 W), plus or minus 3.5%. This value is the total rate of solar energy received
by the planet; about half, 89 PW, reaches the Earth's surface.
Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power,
solarpower, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. These sources
have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment and availability for
use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has experienced a
significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of conventional power
generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse effects on the environment.
This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge research and ground breaking
technology that has been introduced so far to aid in the effective tapping of these natural
resources and it is estimated that renewable sources might contribute about 20% – 50% to
energy consumption in the latter part of the 21st century. Facts from the World Wind
EnergyAssociation estimates that by 2010, 160GW of wind power capacity is expected to
beinstalled worldwide which implies an anticipated net growth rate of more than 21% per

Although wind has been harnessed for centuries, it has only emerged as a major part of
our energy solution quite recently. Before the 21st century, wind was primarily used to
pump water from wells and to grind grain, but over the last twenty years the cost of wind
energy has dropped by more than 80 percent, turning it into the most affordable form of
clean energy. Recent advances have allowed for sophisticated wind technologies, which
previously sat in the mind of thoughtful engineers and inventers, to be developed into
cost-effective, reliable solutions.

For a small wind turbine to be effective, it must produce energy across a wide range of
wind speeds. It must be able to generate energy from winds that are switching directions
and gusting. It must also be very quiet, so that it will not disturb people living nearby,
and it certainly helps if it is pleasing to the eye as well.

Wind power harnesses the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines. These
turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which creates electricity. Wind towers are usually
built together on wind farms.

1 World energy requirement:

World energy resources and consumption review the world energy resources and use.
More than half of the energy has been consumed in the last two decades since the
industrial revolution, despite advances in efficiency and sustainability. Most energy is
used in the country of origin, since it is cheaper to transport final products than raw
Fig World Energy Requirement

Conventional Sources of Energy:

Our modern lifestyles are powered by several different sources. While scientists are hard
at work trying to figure out more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of
generating this energy, there are some fuels that we just can't do without for the time
being. Conventional sources of energy are ones that have been with us for a while, and
American citizens use them every day, both at home and at work.


Coal is a sedimentary rock formed when living matter is compressed over a long period
of time. Like all fossil fuels, it is nonrenewable, which means that once we use all of it,
it's gone. According to the Energy Information Administration, there are four different
kinds of coal, classified by how much carbon they contain. The harder the coal, the
darker it is and the more energy it contains. Coal is plentiful in the United States, unlike
other kinds of fossil fuels.
Fig-2 Conventional Source Fulfilling the Requirement


Petroleum (oil) is a liquid hydrocarbon that was also formed by decomposing organic
matter. The U.S. Department of Energy points out how important oil is to Americans, as
it accommodates more than 40 percent of American energy needs and accounts for more
than 99 percent of the fuel we put into our cars. Like coal, oil is used to produce
electricity by burning it to boil water, which is subsequently put through a turbine that
generates power.

Natural Gas

Natural gas is a colorless, shapeless and odorless gaseous hydrocarbon that is often found
atop oil deposits. (In order to make it safer, the government adds a chemical that makes
the gas smell like rotten eggs, so you know if there's a leak.) Natural gas is often used in
homes and businesses as fuel for water heaters and stoves and furnaces. In recent years, it
has been used to power buses, as it is considered slightly cleaner than gasoline.

Hydropower has been with humanity for a long time. To take advantage of the energy in
a rushing river, people put a wheel under the surface to capture the mechanical energy.
Originally, these water wheels powered grain mills, spinning a grindstone directly. As the
nation became electrified, the water's mechanical energy was used to spin turbines,
generating electricity. Niagara Falls is studded with power plants that serve people in
both Canada and the U.S.


Wood and other biomass (carbon-based materials) contain less energy than oil or coal,
because their carbon has not been condensed over millions of years. On the other hand,
wood produces portable, easy-to-control energy. Wood stoves in homes keep people
warm, and wood is always a quick, easy solution for a midsummer barbecue.


Most people wouldn't immediately consider nuclear power a commonplace form of

energy. Engineer, professor and wind turbine designer Frank Leslie, however, includes it
on a list of conventional energy sources. Perhaps he's right. After all, nuclear technology
has been refined since it was first harnessed, demonstrating a exemplary safety record
marred only by the meltdowns at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Perhaps nuclear
power should be considered conventional as, in the past year, American power plants
generated 8.5 quadrillion BTUs of energy, supplying approximately 20 percent of our
electricity supply.

Future of non-conventional energy

Solar Energy

Solar Power was once considered, like nuclear power, ‘too cheap tometer’ but this proved
illusory because of the high cost of photovoltaic cellsand due to limited demand. Experts
however believe that with massproduction and improvement in technology, the unit price
would drop and thiswould make it attractive for the consumers in relation to thermal or
hydro power.

Bio fuels

In view of worldwide demand for energy and concern for environmentalsafety there is
needed to search for alternatives to petrol and diesel for use inautomobiles. The
Government of India has now permitted the use of 5%ethanol blended petrol.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

In both Hydrogen and Fuel Cells electricity is produced through anelectro-chemical

reaction between hydrogen and oxygen gases. The fuelcells are efficient, compact and
reliable for automotive applications.

Ocean thermal and Tidal energy

The vast potential of energy of the seas and oceans which cover aboutthree fourth of our
planet, can make a significant contribution to meet theenergy needs.

Wind Energy

The evolution of windmills into wind turbines did not happen overnightand attempts to
produce electricity with windmills date back to the beginningof the century. It was
Denmark which erected the first batch of steel windmillsspecially built for generation of
electricity. After World War II, the developmentof wind turbines was totally hampered
due to the installation of massiveconventional power stations using fossil fuels available
at low cost.

Non-Conventional Energy Development in India-an overview

India has significant potential for generation of power from renewableenergy sources
such as Wind,Small Hydro, Biomass and Solar Energy. Special emphasis has therefore,
been given to thegeneration of grid quality power from renewable sources of
energy.Planning Commission of Government of India in its Integrated Energy Policy
Report (IEPR)covering all sources of energy including renewable energy sources has
highlighted the needto maximally develop domestic supply options and diversify energy
sources for sustainableenergy availability. It has also projected that renewables may
account for 5 to 6 per cent ofIndia's energy mix by 2031-32 and has observed that the
distributed nature of renewables canprovide many socio-economic benefits for the
country, including its rural, tribal and remoteareas. Meanwhile, The Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy has proposed an outlay ofRS.10.4 Million for the 11th Plan period
from to 2007-2012 for development of New Bio andrenewable energy in the country.

Wind Power Technology

Wind power technology is the various infrastructure and process that promote the
harnessing of wind generation for mechanical power and electricity. This basically entails
the wind and characteristics related to its strength and direction, as well as the
functioning of both internal and external components of a wind turbine with respect to
wind behavior.

1.2. History of bladeless power generation

The Vortex Street effect was first described and mathematically formalized by Theodore
von Kármán, the genius of aeronautics, in 1911. This effect is produced by lateral forces
of the wind on any fixed object immersed in a laminar flow. The wind flow bypasses the
object, generating a cyclical pattern of vortices, which can become an engineering
challenge for any vertical cylindrical structures, such as towers, masts and chimneys. The
issue is that they may start vibrating, enter into resonance with the lateral forces of the
wind, and ultimately, collapse. One of suchexamples is the collapse of three cooling
towers of the power station Ferrybridge in 1965. However, it is possible that the same
forces can be captured to produce energy - the idea behind Vortex.

When a semi-rigid structure enters into a horizontal laminar air flow, it begins to vibrate
under the influence of the lateral forces generated by the vortex street. When the
frequency of vortex occurrence in the atmosphere matches the natural frequency of the
structure, it enters into resonance, maximizing the amplitude of vibration and
coincidentally, the power generation capability we are interested in. The natural
frequency of any object is limited and would only enter resonance and vibrate at certain
wind speeds. Bladeless Turbine buses a radically new approach to capturing wind energy.
Our device captures the energy of vorticity, an aerodynamic effect that has plagued
structural engineers and architects for ages (vortex shedding effect). As the wind
bypasses a fixed structure, it’s flow changes and generates a cyclical pattern of vortices.

Once these forces are strong enough, the fixed structure starts oscillating, may enter into
resonance with the lateral forces of the wind, and even collapse. There is a classic
academic example of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which collapsed three months after
it’s inauguration because of the Vortex shedding effect as well as effects of flattering and
galloping. Instead of avoiding these aerodynamic instabilities our technology maximizes
the resulting oscillation and captures that energy. Naturally, the design of such device is
completely different from a traditional turbine. Instead of the usual tower, nacelle and
blades, our device has a fixed mast, a power generator and a hollow, lightweight and
semi-rigid fiberglass cylinder on top.
6 Problem Statement

utilization of wind energy with the help of conventional windmills is very costly. To
find the answer to the above question survey of established literature was done. The
problems related to conventional windmills were studied.

- It was found that huge investment is the most significant problem for erection of
- Conventional windmill requires places where wind speed is more. Such places
are limited. Hence windmills working on lesser wind speeds are need of the
- The cost of manufacturing different parts of windmill is very high. A typical
windmill will cost $3000-$8000 per kilowatt.
- So also, the transportation of such huge parts is very costly and risky. If during
transportation components get damaged then again cost increases.
- Designing of windmill blades is also a big task.
- The size of the assembled windmill is also very large. The conventional
windmills occupy lots of space. The commercial turbines can be 160m high.
- Area of installation is 60 acres per megawatt of capacity of wind farms.
- Also they prove fatal to birds.
- They produce low frequency sound which is not good for human health
- To develop unconventional wind turbine which have less moving parts and
which is cheap is cost.
7 Objectives

The main objectives of this project is as follows,

i. To increase the efficiency of wind power generation.

ii. To produce clean energy to meet the increasing demands.
iii. To make the wind energy economical and efficient.
iv. Rural electrification.
v. To reduce pollution and global warming.
vi. Development of the project so that it can be used on domestic purposes.
vii. To reduce the manufacturing cost of the turbine.
viii. It aims to be a ‘Greener’ Wind alternative leaving less carbon footprint on the

 Scope

In this project we are going to design and develop the working model of a sovenious type
of vertical axis bladeless wind turbine for the power generation from wind energy. We
are going to design the vortex tube for drag force. The static analysis of turbine blades
will be done. The power generation will be demonstrated with the help of stepper motor
in place of dynamo.

This study/project would be consisting of following chronological step of working:

1. Literature study.

2. Project identification

3. Project literature study

4. Field work(automobile station)

5. Design stage

6. System drawing

7. Material procurement

8. Manufacturing stage

9. Fabrication of assembly

10. Trials and troubleshooting.

11. Testing

12. Conclusion

13. Report and project presentation.


-We started our work with literature survey.

-Search many research papers from various articles and published journal papers.

-Reference sites:


-Worked on diff. Mechanisms that can be useful for our project.

-We have done a rough 2D sketch of model in Auto-CAD.

-After getting rough model we started calculation of some components.

-We selected standard components.

-Simultaneously we have done work of report for semester I.


Actual preparation of project:

-We will complete calculations of remaining parts.

-We will purchase standard components from market.

-We will be done a rough 3D model of our project.

- Manufacturing will be done.

-Assembly will be done.
-Testing of set up will be done.
-Representation of actual theoretical report.

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