S Uchanie: Przyk Adowe Zadania Egzamin Pisemny - Poziom Podstawowy

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Przyk³adowe zadania
Egzamin pisemny - poziom podstawowy Crazy about cleaning? You are not alone! A channel in Britain, Discovery Home
and Health, has started a reality TV show called Cleanaholics. It shows people who
are mad about cleaning hard at work in their homes. The channel has had a national

s³uchanie housework survey done. Did you know that British women spend an average of 16
hours a week cleaning? Nearly half of them say that they are addicted to it. Are you
a cleanaholic? Try the Cleanaholics online quiz at www2.discoveryhealth.co.uk/
cleanaholics, and find out!
Zadanie 1
cD 1
Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis, a mountain in Scotland, is Britain’s highest mountain. Every year, many
Zapoznaj siê z treœci¹ zadania. Us³yszysz dwukrotnie trzy informacje. Wska¿ visitors come. Unfortunately, many of them leave rubbish. This is picked up by
zakoñczenia zdañ (1.-5.) zgodne z treœci¹ tekstu, zakreœlaj¹c jedn¹ literê A,B, C lub D. volunteer litter pickers. These people pick up rubbish and don’t get any money for
Za ka¿d¹ poprawn¹ odpowiedŸ otrzymasz 1 punkt. their work. They do this because they love Ben Nevis! Last week, they found a very
strange piece of rubbish. It looked like a grand piano! The next day, they saw that it
1. The TV show called Cleanaholics was a church organ. 35 years ago, a man called Kenny Campbell pulled it up the
A. is about mad people.
B. is about people who love cleaning. mountain to get money for charity. He has also taken other heavy things up the
C. is about British women. mountain to get money for poor people. But why hasn’t he taken them down again?
D. tells you how to clean. Sorry, we don’t know the answer to that!
2. Some visitors
A. pick up rubbish. Happy Birthday!
B. found a piano.
C. don’t care if the area around Ben Nevis is clean or not. In Texas, Glendell Smith recently celebrated his 63rd birthday. As usual, he got a card
D. met Kenny Campbell. from his brother Everett, who is 65. Before he opened the envelope, he knew what
the greeting said. How? He and his brother have sent each other the same card for
3. Kenny Campbell
A. climbed Ben Nevis 35 years ago. 42 years. Everett bought the card in 1964 and sent it to Glendell for his birthday.
B. found a piano. Glendell, who has always been a joker, sent it back to Everett for his birthday the
C. took heavy things down the mountain.
D. left lots of rubbish. next year. And that’s how it started! Each time they send it, they add a written
message. So now there are six pages of notes with the card! In 1999, something
4. Glendell Smith terrible happened! Glendell forgot to put the apartment number on the envelope
A. is 65 years old.
B. did not know what was in the envelope. when he sent the card to Everett! The card came back to Glendell ten days later. He
C. has a brother who is 42 years old. then drove to his brother and gave him the card. Everett was very happy to see the
D. loves joking.
card. He thought it had been lost forever!
5. Everett
A. did not write the apartment number on the envelope.
B. got the card after 10 days.
C. was sure that the card would finally arrive.
D. was visited by Glendell after some time. materia³y pochodz¹ z publikacji wydawnictwa ENSET. www.enset.pl
4 www.maturazangielskiego.net 5
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Zadanie 2
cD 2
Fire! Fire!
Hi, I’m Lucy and I’ll tell you what happened to my neighbour last January.
Zapoznaj siê z treœci¹ zadania. Us³yszysz dwukrotnie fragment opowiadania. Wska¿
zakoñczenia zdañ (1.-6.) zgodne z treœci¹ tekstu, zakreœlaj¹c jedn¹ literê A,B, C lub D. The moon had gone behind a cloud and there weren't many stars in the sky. It was
Za ka¿d¹ poprawn¹ odpowiedŸ otrzymasz 1 punkt. a dark night. I saw a glow in my neighbour's kitchen. I thought he was having a
midnight snack, so I went back to bed.
1. Before the fire, Lucy
A. saw a light in her neighbour’s kitchen.
B. saw that her neighbour was having a snack. Soon, there was a burning smell in the air and I suspected something was wrong. I
C. saw a lot of stars in the sky. jumped out of bed at once and went downstairs to investigate. I saw fire coming out
D. was having a snack at midnight.
of my neighbour's kitchen. I shouted "Fire! Fire!", but there was no one nearby to
2. Later, Lucy hear my shouts for help.
A. fell asleep.
B. wanted to see what was happening.
I ran into my house, called the Fire Department and went back to my neighbour's
C. didn’t see a fire.
D. was sure that something was wrong. house. I rang the doorbell, banged on the door and called out my neighbour's name
but there was no response. I managed to break into the house and rescued a cat and
3. After a while, Lucy a rabbit.
A. saw some people who heard her shouts for help.
B. went back to her house and called the Fire Department.
C. went to her neighbour’s house and called the Fire Department. I tried to throw buckets of water through the kitchen window, but it was no use: the
D. heard her neighbour shouting “Fire!” flames were too fierce. Luckily, a fire engine arrived and the firefighters put out the
4. Then Lucy fire. They arrived in the nick of time, as the fire was going to spread to the other
A. found her neighbour dead. rooms in the house.
B. tried to break into the house but couldn’t.
C. found a dead rabbit.
When my neighbour came back, he was sad because his kitchen was a wreck, but he
D. brought a cat out of her neighbour’s house.
thanked me for calling the Fire Department and for saving his pets. He wanted to
5. The firefighters give me some money as a reward, but I didn’t take it.
A. saw the fire in the other rooms of the house.
B. saw that there was no fire.
C. were just in time. Weeks later, my neighbour invited me to his new kitchen and gave me a medal that
D. arrived too late. he had specially ordered from a factory. It made me very happy!
Adapted from Huang YiPeng.
6. Lucy’s neighbour
A. was angry with her.
B. gave her some money.
C. was happy that his pets were alive.
D. wanted to give her a medal, but Lucy didn’t take it.
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Zadanie 3
cD 3
Best Songs of the Twentieth Century
Zapoznaj siê z treœci¹ zadania. Us³yszysz dwukrotnie tekst o konkursie na najlepsze Music lovers in the United States recently voted for the best songs of the 20th
piosenki XX wieku. Wska¿, które z podanych informacji (1.-7.) s¹ zgodne z jego century. The competition was designed to help school children learn about music. 
treœci¹ (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni¹ rubrykê
w tabeli. Za ka¿d¹ poprawn¹ odpowiedŸ otrzymasz 1 punkt. Two organizations have started a program for better music education in schools. The
Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the
Arts began the project with a competition called ‘Songs of the Century’. Hundreds
TRUE FALSE of music-lovers across the country voted for songs they liked best from the past one
hundred years. Elected officials, people in the music industry, teachers, students
1. Only 100 music lovers voted for songs they liked best.
and media representatives were among the voters. They chose from a list of more
2. People who worked for the media could not vote. than 1000 recordings of historical importance. The voters chose 365 Songs of the
Century. Children in 10,000 schools will hear the songs on school computers later
3. There were more than 1000 songs on the list.
this year. They will also learn about how music is written, performed and produced.
Children in 10,000 schools will learn how music is
4. produced, performed and written. The ‘Songs of the Century’ competition was divided into nine periods. The first
period was from 1890 to 1920.  During these years, many people came from other
5. The competition was divided into 19 periods. countries to live in the United States. Some of the music of this time showed their
6. 'The Entertainer' by Scott Joplin won the competition. love for their new country. For example, voters chose a recording of ‘America the
Beautiful’ sung by Louise Homer. They also liked the happy rhythms of a piano
7. People also chose recordings from the 1990s.
piece written and played by Scott Joplin called ‘The Entertainer’. Voters chose
‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’, sung by Billy Murray, as the top song of that time. It
honours baseball, America’s national sport. The voters also chose several kinds of
music from the 1990s. They voted for the rewritten version of a sad song by Elton
John called ‘Candle in the Wind’. They also liked the happy sound of ‘Livin' La Vida
Loca’ by Ricky Martin. The song voters liked best from the last ten years of the
century was by Nirvana.  It’s called ‘Smells like Teen Spirit’.
Adapted from Jerilyn Watson, VOA.

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