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University of Sydney Foundation Program

Cover Sheet and Anti Plagiarism Form

Valid from 3/8/2017



I certify that:
 This assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research.
 I have acknowledged all material and/or sources cited in this assignment.
 I have not copied in part, or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of others.
 This assignment has not been previously submitted in whole or part for assessment.
 The assignment is within the word limit specified.
 I accept that this assignment will be subjected to electronic scanning for the purposes of
detecting plagiarism.
 I have read and acknowledge the criteria used for assessment of this assignment.

 Attach this consent form, plus the cover page to the front of the hard copy of your
 Assignments are required to be submitted to Turnitin (several submissions may be
made). It is recommended that:
o Your first submission to Turnitin must be at least four college days prior to the
submission date.
o You must review your similarity score on Turnitin and if it is greater than the
Percentage allowed for this assignment by your faculty you must edit your work and
resubmit at least two college days prior to the submission date.
 Plagiarism will result in a penalty.
 You may be required to provide further evidence that the work submitted is your original
work, is not copied or has not been written by a third party.
 The Assignment you submit electronically must be identical to the hard copy assignment
you hand in otherwise you will receive a zero grade.
 If you have not submitted to Turnitin by the final due date your assignment is considered
late. Your teacher may also require a paper copy.
 Late submission of assignments will result in a late penalty of 20% per day and zero
marks after three days.
 Assignments will not be accepted for marking unless this cover sheet is signed and
 Your assessment must be submitted in accordance with the requirements stated in the
assessment notification.
 If your Medical Certificate is found to be fraudulent you will receive zero for this task.

If you do not understand the implications of the certification, or the criteria used for
assessment, ask your teacher to explain it to you before starting the assignment.

Signature: ………………………………………………………….… Date: …………………………..

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