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Goal: Indicators/Evidence: Actions:

Evidence you will have to show you Sequenced steps describing the actions you
achieved the goal will take as you work towards achieving the
Professional Practice  At the beginning of each lesson, From week 2 onwards I will employ verbal
Goal 2: clear learning objectives will be communication strategies that include:
communicated to students, so as
To use and be able to to provide students with a clear  Varying the speed and tone in my voice
demonstrate a range of verbal and instruction of what is expected of to make it engaging and interesting to
non-verbal communication them for the lesson ahead. listen to.
strategies to support student  Observation of students’  Projecting my voice to enable students to
engagement in the learning responses to verbal and non- hear instructions and lowering the
environment, from week 2 verbal communication strategies volume of my voice to a whisper to act as
onwards. to ensure they are positively a cue for quiet time.
engaged in the learning  Pausing to regain students' attention,
Rationale: This goal has been set experiences allowing them time to process
as effective communication is  Samples of students work, to information and also allowing wait-time
paramount for creating a positive assess that they are clearly for student responses before intervening
learning environment. Throughout understanding what is being or asking additional questions.
my lessons I will aim to model communicated to them, and to  Using a range of call-and-response
verbal and non-verbal assess they are achieving the phrases to gain students' attention, such
communication techniques that learning outcomes. as the “Hi-5 phrase”
will help engage students and  Feedback from ST evidencing
increase their understanding of my ability to use verbal and non- From week 2 onwards I will employ non-
the content being taught, verbal communication strategies
verbal communication strategies that include:
to support student engagement.
 Maintaining eye contact with students
AITSL focus area/s:  Smiling to offer warmth and place value
This goal has been set to support upon what I am saying or who I am
the development of effective addressing
classroom communication, so as  Moving around the classroom to maintain
to provide students with an student engagement and positioning
engaging learning experience. myself down to the students' level, rather
than standing over them
(Focus Area 3.5)
 Clapping hands rhythmically in a call-
and-response pattern with students to
regain focus
 Raising hand in the air or putting hand on
head or lips, while pausing for students
to imitate
 Using visuals such as posters, pictures,
labels and diagrams to support student
learning, organisation and understanding
 Discuss communication strategies with
ST and make any suggested
adjustments – week 2 onwards.
 Deliver lesson and seek feedback from
ST – week 2 onwards.
 Self-reflection upon conclusion of
planned lessons - week 2 onwards.

Professional Engagement  Relationships developed with ST  Engage with ST and teachers at school
Goal 3: and other staff at the school. with the aim to learn from their expertise,
 Samples of lesson plans written so that my learning and teaching
To communicate and interact with by me over the duration of my practices will continue to develop – week
placement, that will highlight my 1 onwards.
my supervising teacher and other
continuing development of my  Discuss Teaching practices with ST and
teachers at the school to seek other teachers at the school and take
teaching practices.
constructive feedback of my feedback on board in order to make any
 Feedback from ST evidencing
teaching techniques in order to suggested changes to my methods –
my ability to take on constructive
further develop and refine my week 1 onwards.
skills, knowledge and feedback and improve my  Deliver lesson and seek feedback on
understanding of pedagogies. teaching practice. teaching practices from ST – week 2
 Copies of any written onwards.
communication between ST,  Self-reflection upon conclusion of
planned lessons to evaluate if chosen
AITSL focus area/s: other teachers and myself,
teaching practices and strategies were
including feedback sheets. effective - week 2 onwards.
This goal has been set to support
the development of effective
classroom practices, by engaging
with colleagues and applying
feedback from them to improve
my teaching practices. (Focus
Area 6.3)
Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

 Maintain student safety. Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements.
 Develop my teaching practices to gain more knowledge about ways in which to differentiate teaching to meet the
specific learning needs of students across a full range of abilities.
 Identify ways to use ICT safely, so that it has the capacity to enhance learning outcomes for students.
 To gain a more thorough understanding of the practices and implementation of assessment for, as and of learning.
 Engage with, work effectively and develop a professional relationship with parents and carers of children.
 If the opportunity is presented to me, to engage in professional learning experiences.

Teacher Education Student: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Supervising Teacher: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Subject Coordinator: 29/3/19

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