Strategic Plan For Bariw

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Ed.D 309- Management of Educational Institution


I. INTRODUCTION: This plan is created to set Bariw National High School’s progress in the
next five (5) years. It aims to focus the development of the school along a pathway that will
lead eventually towards achieving its Vision, Mission.

Bariw National High School is one of the public secondary schools in the municipality of
Camalig that caters to educational services to the graduates of the nearby elementary
schools. It has carried its role as one of the good performing secondary schools particularly in
Cluster II.

 Statement of Vision

Bariw National High School is committed to produce Camaligueños who are morally
upright, responsible, active, productive and globally competitive individuals.

 Statement of Mission

Provide every learner with quality basic education and life-long skills to enable him to
become productive, responsible and upright citizen imbued with moral values for national
and global development through the collaborative efforts of competent teachers and
administrator with the full support of parents, community and other stakeholders.

 Theories and Principles

Despite of the limited resources the school tries its best to deliver quality education that
would benefit its ultimate clientele; the students with emphasis on academic/intellectual,
moral, physical and spiritual development.

 Current Challenges and Strategy Plan

Although statistical data shows that the enrolment has fluctuated for the past years due
to the opening of the Ilawod High School at Ilawod Camalig, Albay and Mauraro High School
in Guinobatan, Albay still the decrease in the enrolment did not affect the realization of the
schools Vision and Mission; instead, it served as challenge to strive more. All programs and
projects and or activities are continuously undertaken by the school to meet the changing
educational demands of the community.

With the presence of service-oriented teachers, supportive parents, the SCDC/SGC

(School-Community Development Council/School Governing Council), the LGU’s and other
STAKEHOLDERS, this institution will surely achieve its educational goals.

 Current Status

Bariw National High School can be described as an Institution that, in order to be what it
intends to be, shall need to be excellent in the quality of its learning services and fully
committed to improving human conditions and the quality of society and the environment.

 History

Bariw National High School is the name of the Institution. It was located in Barangay
Bariw in Camalig Albay. It was founded in year 1980 and has started with only five teachers
from different parts of Albay. It has a total land area of 9,897 sq.m. It was a Public (General
Secondary Curriculum) in the Division of Albay of the 2nd Congressional District. In the year
2010, Bariw National High School only has 23 teachers (per PSIPOP) 1 support staff (casual-
contract of service) and 2 Administrative Staff under the administration of Celma Navarro-

 Performance Indicator
o A consideration of Bariw National High School’s Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunity, and Threats

The community considered perceptions of Bariw National High School’s strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and Threats (SWOT) within its existing and unfolding external and
internal environments. These are seen as pertinent to its Vision, Mission and Goals.


2.1 There is a continuing high value being placed by most Filipino households on
education. Education is still generally deemed as an important element of
prestige and social performance among most Filipino households. This could
translate to a continuing demand for quality education such as what is purveyed
in Bariw.
2.2 It has an active Board of Trustees. Bariw NHS has a Board that is made up
entirely of alumni. While they represent different constituencies, they share a
common tendency; a deep commitment to what Bariw NHS stands for and to the
traditions of the Institution. The Board is made up of a good mix of esteemed
professionals in education, fiscal policy and finance, business and investments
and environment.

2.3 Most support for the School is driven by donors’ perception and preferences on
how to help Bariw NHS, not always by what the school may more urgently
need. This is true except in cases when donors allows the school to prioritize the
use of their gifts:
 The annual donation of Palanog Cement Factory Inc., which goes
toward supporting general scholarships for students from Palanog.
 The donations of the Bariw National School Alumni Council which
is intended to support the operations of the School.
2.4 There is very low involvement of the faculty and staff in research and extension.
This could weaken the school’s ability to offer tested and new knowledge, which
could translate to eroding its reputation and the quality of its programs and
2.5 Many of the School’s Physical Facilities and Assets are old and are highly
depreciated. This takes a substantial bite from the Institution’s maintenance and
overhead budgets, which could otherwise be directed toward supporting the
delivery of academic programs and offerings.


These are the patterns and trends in Bariw NHS’s external and internal environments
that, in the view of the school community, have created distinctive windows for the
institution to expand and improve its operations and achieve its Vision, Mission and

2.6 There is a continuing rise in the population of the nearby Barangays, which
could translate to a continuing demand for education. This offers an opportunity
for the school to continue investing on the quality of its programs and offerings.
This will allow it to capture an even larger part of an anticipated rising number of
students from nearby Barangays.
2.7 Alumni and Public support for the school is continuing and remains robust and
there remain deep commitments for Bariw NHS by many individuals and friends
of the Institution. These include local businesses and national agencies. Among
those that have been recently active in their support for new scholarships and
academic programs and facilities in the school include; Aboitiz, The Local
Government Units of Camalig, Department of Public Works and Highways, The
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
the BNHS Alumni Association, Inc.
2.8 The leadership community of the Institution is working together. School head,
Curriculum heads, Subject Chairmen and the leadership of the faculty and staff
associations and the student government are committed to pushing the school’s
relevance and reach to its internal and external publics, and also in integrating
Environment Friendly Formation in the school’s instruction, research and
extension programs. This opens an opportunity for undertaking collective
innovations in the Institution.

Perceived THREATS

These are the patterns and trends in Bariw NHS’s external and internal environments
that, in the view of the school community, could pose risks to the school’s operations
and endanger its ability to achieve its Vision, Mission and goals.

2.9 Donors lose interest on Bariw NHS. The school is too highly dependent on the
gifts and donations (and on donor’s goodwill) to be able to execute its programs.
This sense of goodwill can be withdrawn at any time for a number of reasons,
from economic to political, with the school hardly able to do anything about it.

Analysis of Bariw National High School’s SWOT

Table 2.10 below summarizes the consolidated (school-level) strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats in Bariw NHS, which, together (as viewed by the general
school community) comprise the set of major constraints on School’s ability to operate
and pursue its Vision, Mission, and Goals. To reiterate, these are the conditions in the
current and foreseeable futures of the school’s external, and internal environments that
would either promote or inhibit School’s development;

Table 2.10. Summary of BNHS’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats


 High social  Donor’s  Continuing  Donors
value of support rise in lose
education driven by population interests
 Active and donor’s view  Demand for on Bariw
working of needs education in NHS
Board  Low faculty catchments is
 Wide and staff high
alumni involvement  Alumni and
and public in research public support
support and is continuing
extension and remains
 Most robust
facilities are  General
old willingness to
 Financial innovate
base is still
weak and
The SWOT indications suggest that:

1. Bariw NHS’s strengths are mainly on—

 the quality and diversity of its academic programs and offerings;
 the stability and robustness of its systems, procedures and governance;
 the level of support it is enjoying from its public.

Having an active and working Board stand out as the strength of its systems, procedures
and governance and the increasing level of its alumni support, support from friends, and
its public prominence give it unique strengths in terms of public support.

2. Bariw NHS’s weaknesses are mainly in the same areas of its strength, depending on
how certain conditions of its external, and internal environments develop. These
conditions include:

 how the trustees and donors appreciate the school’s needs, priorities,
and opportunities; and
 how the school is able to sustain its faculty and staff development
and the development of its facilities, to meet new regulatory

Trustees’ and donors’ appreciation of the school’s needs and priorities would influence
how Bariw NHS’s competitiveness will compare against those of other nearby schools . It
will affect the degree to which the school is able to address its aging physical plant and
facilities . The school’s ability to sustain its faculty and staff development and the
development of its facilities in the face of new and emerging regulations and standards,
could translate to either weakening or boosting its competitiveness and its edge over
other schools.

3. Bariw NHS’s opportunities may be particularly wide on integrated learning and new
methods of learning delivery; the Board’s commitment to advancing school’s holistic
liberal education ; and continuing alumni and public support for BNHS and its programs.

4. The threats to Bariw NHS cluster around mostly external conditions that could affect
students’ preferences and ability to come to the school. These could include donors’
interests on Bariw NHS and on its students and how economic, social and political
perturbations (to the extent that they occur) could upset BNHS’s ability to respond to
new regulations and investment requirements, and even to sustain its operations. Some
threats from BNHS’s internal systems remain centered around its ability to keep its
present directions and the ability of the faculty and staff to hone offerings against
current demands for integration and innovations in industry and society. The SWOT
suggests that, over-all, Bariw NHS’s key areas of strategic actions —or the aspects of its
operations that could be refined in the long-term in order for it to better achieve its
Vision, Mission, and Goals under emerging conditions in its external and internal
environments—would be its Programs and Offerings (and how its portfolio of these could
command public value); Faculty and Staff (and how they are able to adapt to new and
emerging trends on disciplinal configurations of competencies in the workplace, in
industry and in society); Facilities and Support Systems (and how these sharpen the
school’s ability to be effective and efficient in its delivery of learning and competencies);
and Supportive Publics (particularly in how it is able to draw students, obtain funding and
other support from alumni and friends, and command value as a learning institution in
Philippine society).


 Strategic Goals and Objectives of this Plan

“Strengthen and Spread BNHS Academic Excellence”

This means two things:

1. Working on its existing strengths to be better on what it is —a campus offering

excellent programs, where students learn and acquire competence and character;

2. Adding to its existing capabilities also the capacity to deliver and acquire knowledge
and knowledge products using modern instruction techniques, to be able to reach out to
knowledge users and consumers beyond its classrooms.

 Projects/Activities – Strategic Thrust in the long term, 2019-2024

This Plan has two strategic thrusts in the long term (from 2019 to 2024):

1. To mobilize the school’s traditional and emerging strengths and opportunities to

expand its institutional capacities and value in building persons of competence and

2. To add to the school’s capabilities of being an institution of learning in a place and

time, the capacity to cater quality learning across places and times.

These thrusts will be pursued by way of the three (2) key dimensions of Bariw NHS’s life:
academic excellence, quality of governance and its relevance and reach in contemporary
society. These are hallmarks of its identity and traditions.

 Academic excellence is a defining feature of Bariw NHS. Its vision imposes the
purpose of providing “opportunities for growth and excellence in every dimension of
School life in order to strengthen competence and character to become globally
 Quality of governance is embedded in BNHS’s view as it is to be an institution that
does things right, and does the right things. It conducts its business and tasks in a
manner that is dignified, just, responsible, and exemplary in integrity. It also suggests
to “promote unity among peoples and contribute to national development,” requires
that it gain value as an institution to others beyond itself.
Strategic Plan Key Result Area

3.1 Expand capabilities for on-line delivery and acquisition of learning and for exchanging
knowledge products ; and widen the scope of faculty and staff development to
encompass competence in on-line learning deliveries and acquisition, and on knowledge
outsourcing services.

3.2 Widen the collective leadership circles in all levels of organization and promote
accountability taking among all constituencies; Adopt more responsive and relevant
rules, procedures, and incentive systems ;

3.3 Improve asset and risk management systems and procedures ;

3.4 Widen the use of modern information technology to improve the accuracy,
timeliness, and effectiveness of decision-making;

3.5 Widen the school’s academic and scholarly linkages through lesson studies;

3.6 Widen the circle of active communications with alumni and friends;

3.7 Improve gifts management and response systems;

3.8 Expand on-line academic services and e-Learning programs; and

3.9 Expand the number of faculty and staff who are able to design and deliver eLearning
and knowledge outsourcing services.


 Financial and Capital Requirements, 2019-2024

This Plan is estimated to require PHP 15 million (in present prices) spread for five
(5) years from 2019-2024. Below are estimates by areas of action (programs and
offerings, faculty and staff, facilities and organizational systems, and public support).

The costs are assigned into four (4) possible sources of funding :

 Annual Operating Budget

 Academic Development Fund (ADF)
 Depreciation Sinking Fund (DSF)
 Gifts and Donations

Alumni, B. N. (2010, April 5). Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

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