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Production Optimization in Closed-Loop

Reservoir Management
Chunhong Wang, SPE, PetroTel; and Gaoming Li, SPE, and Albert C. Reynolds, SPE, University of Tulsa

Summary literature as a Monte Carlo approximation of the Kalman filter.

In closed-loop reservoir management, one periodically updates Since its introduction into the petroleum engineering literature
reservoir models by integrating production data and then solves (Nævdal et al. 2002, 2005), it has been used by many researchers
an optimal control problem to determine optimum operating con- for assimilating production and seismic data to update reservoir
ditions to maximize hydrocarbon production or net present value variables, including gridblock rock properties (Gao et al. 2006;
(NPV) for the remaining expected life of the reservoir. The cycle of Zafari and Reynolds 2007), boundaries between facies (Zhao et al.
model updating and production optimization is repeated at speci- 2008), and initial fluid contacts (Thulin et al. 2007).
fied times. Here, to account for geological uncertainty, we suggest Although production optimization can be applied to any time
using the ensemble Kalman filter for reservoir model updating and of the reservoir life, most of the studies in this area focus on opti-
consider three different algorithms for production optimization. mizing the reservoir performance under waterflooding (Brouwer
Two simple but representative examples indicate that the steepest and Jansen 2004; Jansen et al. 2005; Sarma et al. 2005, 2006;
ascent algorithm is the best of the optimization methods. If the Alhuthal et al. 2006). One of the reasons for this trend is because
required adjoint software for calculating the gradient of NPV with waterflooding is by far the most commonly used method to enhance
respect to the controls is not available, we show that iteration using oil recovery after primary depletion. The efficiency of waterflood-
an easily computed stochastic gradient can yield a good estimate of ing relies on sweep efficiency, which is determined by the flow
the optimal NPV if properly implemented. For the problem consid- of water along streamlines. With fixed operating conditions, the
ered, it is shown that NPV is a nonlinear function of the controls, streamlines are effectively determined by reservoir heterogeneities
but the final controls from the cases with both known true geology and, in particular, are highly influenced by the connectivity of high
and uncertain geology show “bang-bang” behavior. and low permeabilities, which can provide conduits or barriers to
flow, respectively. Flow lines, however, also depend on the operat-
Introduction ing conditions at wells and Brouwer and Jansen (2004) provide a
In recent years, the concept of closed-loop reservoir management smart well 2D example with one horizontal water injection well and
has attracted intensive research interest (Brouwer et al. 2004; one horizontal producer where NPV is optimized with injection and
Jansen et al. 2005; Sarma et al. 2006). This approach enables one production by keeping one of two high-permeability connections
to adjust the reservoir production control parameters to optimize between injector and producer open to injection and production
the reservoir production performance with geological uncertainty throughout the assumed reservoir life cycle. Asheim (1998) inves-
while assimilating dynamic production data in real-time. There tigated the optimization of the NPV of waterflooding with multiple
are two optimization steps in the approach: The first step is the vertical injectors and a vertical producer by rate allocation on the
dynamic data assimilation (history matching), and the second step basis of permeability-thickness product. Brouwer et al. (2001)
is to optimize the reservoir performance by adjusting the well studied static waterflooding optimization, in which they kept the
controls based on the history-matched reservoir models. Studies inflow control valves constant during the displacement process until
in the literature have been focusing on one of the steps (Zakirov water breakthrough. Later, Brouwer and Jansen (2004) explored
et al. 1996; Brouwer and Jansen 2004; Sarma et al. 2005, 2006) the dynamic waterflooding optimization. The gradient calculated
and only a few researchers have investigated the conjunction of with the adjoint method was used to dynamically optimize the
the two (Brouwer et al. 2004; Sarma et al. 2006). production performance with optimal control theory in a horizontal
For data integration problems of interest in reservoir modeling injector/producer system. In the paper, they consider the simple
and characterization, Bayesian statistics provides a convenient constraint where the total field injection is equal to the total field
framework for characterizing and evaluating uncertainty. The production. Sarma et al. (2006) studied production optimization
method introduced into reservoir characterization by Oliver et al. with the adjoint gradient under nonlinear constraints. This paper
(1996) and also considered briefly by Kitanidis (1995), which is compares different existing methods for nonlinear path constraints
now most commonly referred to as the randomized maximum and focuses on the approximate feasible direction algorithm, which
likelihood (RML) method, has frequently been used to generate an lumps all the nonlinear path constraints into one equation and,
approximate sampling of the probability density function (pdf) for hence, requires only one adjoint for the constraint part. The imple-
a reservoir model conditional to production or seismic data (Zhang mentation of the adjoint method requires detailed knowledge of the
and Reynolds 2002; Zhang et al. 2005; Dong and Oliver 2005). reservoir simulator. To overcome this disadvantage, Lorentzen et al.
However, this method often takes the computational equivalent of (2006) proposed to use the EnKF as an optimization algorithm.
50 to 100 reservoir simulation runs to generate a single plausible Nwaozo (2006) extended the concept and used an average gradient
reservoir model, and its implementation requires efficient adjoint from the ensemble of realizations. However, they did not consider
code. The implementation of the adjoint method is not a trivial task, constraints in this optimization process.
and it appears that an optimal implementation of the adjoint can Sudaryanto and Yortsos (2000, 2001) suggest that the optimal
only be done with detailed knowledge of the reservoir simulator. solution of waterflooding problems is a bang-bang control (i.e.,
In contrast, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) method requires each component of the control vector takes either its minimum or
only one reservoir simulation run per ensemble member. The EnKF maximum allowed values). Zandvliet et al. (2006, 2007) investi-
was proposed by Evensen (1994) in the context of ocean dynamics gated why and under what conditions waterflooding problems have
optimal solutions at bang-bang control. They derived the sufficient
and necessary conditions for bang-bang control optimal solutions
and concluded that the waterflooding problems with simple upper
Copyright © 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
and lower bound constraints where valve settings are the controls
This paper (SPE 109805) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical sometimes have bang-bang optimal solutions, while problems with
Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, 11–14 November 2007, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 2 August 2007. Revised manuscript
other general inequality or equality constraints where rates are the
received for review 16 May 2008. Paper peer approved 19 May 2008. controls will have a smooth optimal solution.

506 September 2009 SPE Journal

This work focuses on production optimization under bound problem using this log-transformation, as is the case for the
constraints on the controls while the geological description is examples shown in the paper. When the log-transformation is
uncertain. The EnKF is implemented to update the reservoir applied during optimization, all the operations are done in the
geological models as data become available during production. transformed domain and the actual control variables are obtained
This model updating step will typically reduce the geological using the inverse log-transformation:
uncertainty. On the basis of the updated geological model with
reduced uncertainty, the well controls are optimized to maximize exp(si )uiup + uilow
NPV. Three different optimization algorithms—EnKF, simultane- ui =
1 + exp(si )
ous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA), and steepest
ascent method—are considered for this purpose. In this study, we uiup + uilow exp(− si )
= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6)
consider bottomhole pressure (BHP) as well controls with only 1 + exp(− si )
upper and lower bound constraints.

Problem Formulation Control Optimization Algorithms

For production optimization problems, NPV is generally used as an In the production optimization literature, two categories of gradient-
objective (cost) function. The well controls are adjusted to maxi- based algorithms have been developed. The first category is based
mize this objective function (NPV). Following Brouwer and Jansen on the gradient derived from the adjoint method (Brouwer and
(2004) and Sarma et al. (2005, 2006), the NPV is formulated as: Jansen 2004; Sarma et al. 2006). Another category uses an average
gradient derived from the ensemble using statistics (Lorentzen et al.
2006; Nwaozo 2006). In this work, we will explore both categories.
N ⎡ prod ⎛ ⎤ n
ro qon, j − rw qwn , j ⎞ inj
Because we have not implemented the adjoint method to obtain the
J = ∑⎢ ∑ ⎜ n ⎟ − ∑rw ,injqinj
,l ⎥ t , . . . . . . . . . . . (1) gradient of NPV with respect to the well controls, we temporarily
⎣ j =1 ⎝ (1 + b)
n =1 ⎢ ⎠ l =1 ⎥⎦
use the finite-difference method to calculate the gradient. The SPSA
algorithm of Spall (1998) was introduced into petroleum engineer-
where, N is the total number of simulation timesteps; Nprod is the ing by Gao et al. (2007) for history-matching problems. However,
total number of producers; Ninj is the total number of injectors; ro SPSA did not prove to be as robust and efficient as L-BFGS.
is oil revenue (USD/STB); rw is water production cost (USD/STB); Similar to the finite-difference method, SPSA calculates the gradi-
rw,inj is water injection cost (USD/STB); qon, j and qwn , j are average ent using perturbation. However, this method, as its name implies,
oil and water production rates of the jth producer (STB/D) over simultaneously perturbs all the variables to calculate a stochastic
the nth timestep, respectively; qinjn gradient compared to the finite-difference method, which perturbs
,l is the average injection rate of
injector l (STB/D) over the nth timestep; b is annual interest rate one variable at a time. The expectation of the stochastic gradient
(%); tn is the cumulative time up to the nth timestep (year); tn from SPSA is the true gradient. Bangerth et al. (2006) applied a
is the time interval of the nth time step (day). For the production modified version of the SPSA algorithm (integer SPSA) to the well
optimization problem considered here, we put zero cost on the placement optimization. As well locations correspond to lattice
water injection (i.e., rw,inj = 0) so the second term in the brackets points in a grid system, in their implementation, the perturbation
of Eq. 1 is neglected. and the update solution are rounded to be integers. The efficiency of
Because oil and water production rates in the NPV of Eq. 1 are the integer SPSA is comparable to the very fast simulated annealing
functions of the dynamic state vector x, which includes pressures method. To the best of our knowledge, SPSA has not been applied
and saturations, as well as the well control vector u, the NPV of to the optimal control problems.
Eq. 1 can be written as a function x and u, In the paper, we compare these three different optimization
J = J [ x , u]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
Steepest Ascent Method. The steepest ascent method has been
used for production optimization problems by Brouwer and Jansen
For the production optimization problem, we wish to maximize (2004) and Sarma et al. (2005, 2006). We use the finite-difference
the net present value J defined in Eq. 1 by adjusting the control vec- method (perturbation method) to calculate the gradient. To obtain
tor u subject to the constraints shown in the following equations: the gradient of the NPV J with respect to control variable ui, we
use the one-sided perturbation
g[ x , u] = 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)

dJ J (u) |ui +ui − J (u) |ui

Au ≤ b, ≈ , i = 1,…, N u, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
dui ui
u low ≤ u ≤ u up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)
where Nu is the total number of control variables and ui is the
Eq. 3 represents the dynamic system (i.e., the reservoir simula- perturbation size. Because only one control variable is perturbed
tion equation). Eq. 4 gives the constraints on the well control vector at a time to get the gradient and each perturbation requires one
u, where ulow and uup are lower and upper bounds of the control simulation run to evaluate J (u) |u +u , the method is not applicable
vector u, respectively. In this study, we only consider upper and i i
when there is a large number of controls to adjust, although it is
lower bound constraints. One way to deal with the upper and lower easy to use the procedure with any reservoir simulator. Here, our
bounds of the control variables is to use a log-transformation as in focus is not to find an efficient way for gradient calculation but
Gao and Reynolds (2006). For the ith control variable ui, we define to compare the steepest ascent method to other optimization algo-
the transformed new variable si such that rithms assuming one can obtain the gradient efficiently.
After the gradient of the net present value to all the control
⎛ u − u low ⎞ variables are calculated using Eq. 7, we maximize the objective
si = ln ⎜ i up i ⎟ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) function (J) with the steepest ascent method:
⎝ ui − ui ⎠

As ui approaches its lower bound uilow , the transformed vari- u k +1 = u k +  k +1∇ k J , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
able si approaches −, and, as ui approaches its upper bound
uiup , si approaches +. If the upper and lower bounds are the only where k+1 is the step size for the (k+1)st iteration. In Eq. 8, ∇ k J
constraints on the control variables, the constrained optimization is the gradient of the net present value J with respect to the actual
problem can be transformed to an unconstrained optimization control vector u evaluated at u , i.e.

September 2009 SPE Journal 507

⎡ dJ dJ ⎤  k = ⎡  k ,1 ,  k ,2 ,…,  k ,N ⎤ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
∇ kJ = ⎢ ,…, ⎥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9) ⎣ u⎦
⎢⎣ du1 duN
⎥⎦u k
and −1
k is defined as
When there are upper and lower bounds on the control vari-
ables, we use log-transformation (Eq. 5) to eliminate this linear T
constraint. The gradient of the net present value to the transformed −k 1 = ⎡ −k 1,1 , −k 1,2 ,…, −k 1,N ⎤ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14)
⎣ u⎦
control variable si is calculated similar to Eq. 7, i.e.,
and  k ,i , i = 1,2 N u represents independent samples from the
dJ J (s) |si +si − J (s) |si symmetric ±1 Bernoulli distribution. This means that k,i can only
= , i = 1,…, N s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
dsi  si take either +1 or −1 and the probability of taking each value is 0.5,
so the expectation of k,i is zero (E[ k ,i ] = 0). Note that because k,i
where Ns = Nu and si is the perturbation size on the transformed can only take either +1 or −1, −1 k =  k . In Eq. 12, ck is a positive
control variable. Because the log-transformation is a nonlinear coefficient, which controls the size of perturbation and is chosen
transformation, attention needs to be paid to the choice of the per- in the same way as the perturbation size in the finite-difference
turbation size of the transformed control variables, especially when method of the last section.
the actual control is close to its boundary. A small perturbation of As in the steepest ascent method, the control vector is updated
the transformed control variable when it is close to the boundary at the (k+1)st iteration using the following equation:
will give a negligible change on the actual control, which results
in no change on the NPV and zero gradient. For this reason, the s k +1 = s k +  k +1gˆ k (s k ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)
perturbation size on the transformed variable is calculated using a
fixed perturbation size on the actual control. On the basis of experi-
ments, we choose 0.1 psi for the perturbation of the BHP controls Note that ĝk (s k ) is a random vector because k is a random
in the example of the paper. This ensures that each perturbation on vector; therefore, Eq. 15 seems to be a random search direction.
the transformed variable influences the net present value. However, this random direction is always uphill from Eq. 12 for
The transformed control vector is updated with the steepest sufficiently small ck. If −1 k =  k is an uphill direction, then the
ascent formulation: J ( s k + ck  k ) − J ( s k − ck  k )
scalar is positive and ĝk and −1
k have
s k +1 = s k +  k +1∇ k J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) the same direction, the uphill direction. If  k =  k is a downhill
J ( s k + ck  k ) − J ( s k − ck  k )
direction, then the scalar is negative and
After the transformed control vector is updated, it is trans- 2ck
formed back to the actual control before it is input into the simula- ĝk and −1
k are in the opposite directions (i.e., ĝk has the uphill direc-
tor for NPV evaluation. tion). Provided the step size k+1 is reduced in an appropriate way, the
When the optimization is done in the transformed space, a trial method should at least converge to a local maximum (Spall 1998).
step size is used in Eq. 11 to update the control vector s, followed Because the expectation of the stochastic gradient ĝk (s k ) is the
by a quadratic fit to determine k+1. In the paper, we use the inverse true gradient, we also tried to use the average stochastic gradient
of the infinity norm of the gradient as the trial step size, which is as a search direction, i.e.
equivalent to a unit step after the search direction is normalized by
its infinity norm. If the objective function does not increase with
this step size, k+1 is cut by half until J(sk+1) is greater than J(sk). s k +1 = s k +  k +1 gˆ k (s k ), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)
The stoping criterion of the steepest ascent algorithm is based on
the relative change of NPV during iteration. When the relative change where the average stochastic gradient ĝk (s k ) is defined as,
of NPV is smaller than a specified small value, iteration stops.
1 M
SPSA. In the previous section, we have approximated the gradient gˆ k (s k ) = ∑gˆi (s k ), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17)
M i =1
using a perturbation method because we do not have the adjoint
code coupled with the simulator used. As we mentioned, this
method is very time-consuming because each perturbation requires with each ĝi (s k ) obtained from Eq. 12 using a different sample
at least one simulation run. SPSA is a compromised solution to the of k.
finite-difference method, in which all the parameters are perturbed When the control vector is updated using a single stochastic
at one time stochastically (Spall 1998; Bangerth et al. 2006; Gao et gradient (Eq. 15), k+1 is determined by a quadratic fit along the
al. 2007). As a result of this stochastic perturbation, the calculated stochastic gradient direction with three points J (s k − ck  k ), J (s k )
gradient is also stochastic; however, its expectation is the true gra- and J (s k + ck  k ). If the NPV does not increase with the fitted step
dient (Gao et al. 2007; Spall 1998). Because all the parameters are size, we simply reject this step, generate a new k, and repeat the
perturbed together, SPSA only requires two simulation runs for the above process. If five trials do not result in an improvement in
one-sided perturbation and three for the central difference, which NPV, we stop the algorithm. We also set a maximum number of
greatly saves the number of simulation runs compared to the finite- iterations as a complementary stoping criterion. When the aver-
difference gradient calculation of the previous section. Because age stochastic gradient is used to update the control vector s with
all the problems we are dealing with here have upper and lower Eq. 16, the same line search for the steepest ascent method is
bounds, we optimize on the log-transformed control vector s. applied. The same stopping criteria as in the single SPSA gradient
The stochastic gradient is calculated using a central differ- algorithm are applied in the average SPSA gradient method.
ence based on simultaneous perturbation of the control vector s
as follows, EnKF. Zafari and Reynolds (2007) have shown that the EnKF
method is similar to one iteration of the Gauss-Newton method
using an average sensitivity of the production data to the model
J (s k + ck  k ) − J (s k − ck  k ) −1
ĝk (s k ) =  k , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) parameters. The average sensitivity is an approximation to the sen-
2ck sitivity evaluated at the ensemble average. Similarly, the EnKF can
be used as an optimization method instead of a data assimilation
where k is an Nu-dimensional random column vector, method (Nwaozo 2006).

508 September 2009 SPE Journal

Let u be a random vector for the well control. Assuming the Using Eqs. 21 and 23 in Eq. 24 gives
random vector follows a Gaussian distribution, its mean at the
(k+1)st iteration can be approximated by Ne realizations 1 e N

uk J
≈ ∑ ⎡(u kj − u k )(u kj − u k )T ⎤⎦ ∇J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25)
N e − 1 j =1 ⎣
1 e k
u = ∑u j , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)
N e j =1 Substitution of Eq. 20 into Eq. 25 yields

and its covariance is given by C ≈ C k ∇J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26)

uk J u

C k = E ⎡⎣(u k − u k )(u k − u k )T ⎤⎦ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)

u The average gradient can be obtained by
which can be approximated using the Ne samples of the control
vector u by ∇J ≈ C †k C , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
u uk J

where C k is approximated using Eq. 20 and C k is approximated
1 u u J
Ck ≈
∑ ⎡(u kj − u k )(u kj − u k )T ⎤⎦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20)
N e − 1 j =1 ⎣
using Eq. 24. Because C k is rank deficient, its pseudoinverse (C †k )
is calculated using singular value decomposition (Li and Reynolds

2007). For production optimization, we use this approximate aver-

Note that the subscript j represents the jth realization of the age gradient for the control vector update. The well control vector
control vector instead of the jth element of the control vector. With can be updated by
each realization of the control vector u kj , we evaluate the net present
value J (u kj ). From Taylor’s series following Zafari and Reynolds u k +1 = u k +  k +1 ∇J , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28)
(2007), J (u kj ) is approximated by,
where the step size k+1 is determined in the same way as in the
steepest ascent method.
J (u kj ) ≈ J (u k ) + ∇J (u kj − u k ), j = 1,2,…, N e, . . . . . . . . . . . (21) As the EnKF method does not always generate an uphill direc-
tion, it does not seem to be easy to set the stopping criteria. Usually
a maximum number of iterations is set as the stoping criterion.
where ∇J is the gradient of the NPV with respect to the control
vector evaluated at u k. The mean of the NPV is estimated by Example 1
Reservoir Model Description. In this example, we deal with
1 e production optimization with geological uncertainty (closed-loop
Jk ≈ ∑J (u kj ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22)
N e j =1 reservoir management) for a small synthetic reservoir. The closed-
loop reservoir management involves two steps: production optimi-
zation with geological uncertainty and data assimilation (history-
As in Zafari and Reynolds (2007), we use the following matching) to reduce the geological uncertainty as data become
approximation available. This is an iterative process with production optimization
and data assimilation alternating throughout the lifetime of the
J k ≈ J (u k ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) reservoir. The reservoir in this example has a uniform grid system
of 11×11 gridblocks with x = y = 200 ft. The thickness of the
reservoir is 10 ft. The true log-permeability and porosity fields are
The covariance between the control vector u and the net pres- shown in Fig. 1. The reservoir is under five-spot waterflooding,
ent value J at the (k+1)st iteration can be approximated using the with one injector located at the center of the reservoir (6, 6) and
Ne samples of the control vector and the corresponding NPVs as four producers placed at the four corners as shown in the perme-
follows: ability distribution map of Fig. 1a. Two high-permeability channels
are in the reservoir: One runs from the lower left corner (P1) to
C = cov(u k , J (u k )) the top right corner (P4), and one is a short channel at the top left
uk J

Ne corner. The high-permeability channel connecting the injector to
≈ ∑ ⎡(u kj − u k )( J (u kj ) − J k )T ⎤⎦. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24)
N e − 1 j =1 ⎣
the two producers P1 and P4 will cause early water breakthrough
in these two wells. A low-permeability barrier is at the lower right

−3.0 0
10 10
0.13 0.08

8 3.3 8 0.16

6.4 0.24
6 6
9.5 0.32

4 4

2 2

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
(a) lnk (b) Porosity

Fig. 1—True property fields, Example 1.

September 2009 SPE Journal 509

1.6×107 1.60×107

1.5×107 1.50×107

Steepest ascent method

1.4×107 1.40×107 Average SPSA gradient

Single SPSA gradient


1.3×107 1.30×107
Steepest ascent method
Average SPSA gradient 1.20×107
Single SPSA gradient
1.1×107 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
0 20 40 60 80 Numbers of Simulation Runs
Iteration Number
Fig. 3—NPV as a function of the number of simulation runs,
Fig. 2—NPV as a function of iteration number, Example 1. Example 1.

corner between the injector and the producer P2, which retards NPV of USD 1.58 × 107 in 80 iterations with approximately 1,000
the flow of water toward P2. In the time period considered, there simulation runs, an NPV value only slightly lower than the value
is no water breakthrough at P2. The water breakthrough time in obtained from the steepest ascent method and the average SPSA
P3 is after that of P1 and P4. Similar features are shown in the gradient method. The performance from the EnKF is shown by the
porosity distribution because we use a correlation of 0.8 between curve with triangles. Because there are Ne realizations of BHP, the
porosity and log-permeability to generate these two fields. During NPV plotted is the highest among the Ne realizations. Note that,
the waterflooding project, we keep the water injection rate constant in this method, the average gradient calculation (Eq. 27) requires
at 1,000 STB/D. The anticipated waterflooding project life is 960 Ne simulation runs (one for each realization). Therefore, the num-
days, and we set the control step for the producers to 120 days so ber of simulation runs for each iteration is equal to Ne plus the
there are eight control steps and the maximum number of controls number of trials for the line search. With an initial highest NPV
for production optimization is 32. All the producers are at BHP of USD 1.14 × 107, the EnKF method increases the NPV to USD
control with an upper bound of 6,000 psi and a lower bound of 1.54 × 107, the lowest value attained for any method. Moreover,
400 psi. Only two phases are in the reservoir: water and oil. In the EnKF procedure requires 70 iterations for convergence, which
the example, the following parameters are used: ro = 50 USD/STB, is equivalent to more than 2,500 reservoir simulation runs. We can
rw = 15 USD/STB, and b = 20%. see that the steepest ascent algorithm will be sufficiently efficient
if the adjoint gradient is available. In the following production
Production Optimization With True Geology. We first compare optimization with data assimilation, we will focus on using the
three different optimization algorithms (steepest ascent, SPSA, steepest ascent method. We have tested the production optimiza-
and EnKF), assuming the true geology is known. For the steepest tion procedure with different initial guesses for the steepest ascent
ascent and SPSA, we set the initial BHP of four producers all equal method and all of them ended up with the same final controls and
to 1,000 psi. For the EnKF method, similar to Nwaozo (2006), the same NPV. Fig. 4 shows the NPV vs. iteration number of dif-
we generate Ne = 40 realizations of the initial BHP for producers ferent initial guesses for the steepest ascent method. All the cases
using the following steps: (i) The mean BHP for each realization converge to the same final NPV within five iterations.
of each well is independently sampled from a uniform distribution Fig. 5 shows the final controls obtained from the steepest
between 1,000 psi and 5,500 psi. (ii) With each realization of the ascent method. The results show a pure bang-bang solution to
mean of each well from Step 1, the BHP distribution as a function this problem, which is consistent with the results from Zandvliet
of time is generated by sampling a Gaussian distribution with the et al. (2007) because the only constraints on the BHP control are
prescribed mean and the following covariance function:

⎡ −3 | i − j | ⎤
Ci , j =  2 exp ⎢ ⎥⎦ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)
⎣ a 1.6×107

where  is the standard deviation (200 psi for this case); a = 5 is

the correlation range; i, j are the control step indices. 1.4×107
Fig. 2 shows the NPV change with iteration number for differ-

ent optimization algorithms, and Fig. 3 shows the corresponding 1.2×107

NPV vs. the number of simulation runs. The curve with squares
shows the performance from the steepest ascent method. The
algorithm converges in five iterations. Note that, in Fig. 3, we 1.0×107 500 psi Initial BHP
assume the gradient used in the steepest ascent method is obtained 1,000 psi Initial BHP
from the adjoint method and each adjoint calculation is counted
8.0×106 2,000 psi Initial BHP
as one simulation run. The steepest ascent method took approxi- 3,000 psi Initial BHP
mately 20 equivalent simulation runs for convergence. The NPV
increases from USD 1.34 × 107 to USD 1.59 × 107. The curve 6.0×106
with circles is the performance using the average of 10 SPSA 0 1 2 3 4 5
gradients. Although, the convergence is slower than the steepest Iteration Number
ascent algorithm, this method converges to the same NPV as the
steepest ascent method using the same initial guess. The algorithm Fig. 4—Optimization comparison of different initial BHP for
with a single SPSA gradient (curve with crosses) converges to an steepest ascent algorithm, Example 1.

510 September 2009 SPE Journal

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000

BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000

BHP of P4, psi

BHP of P3, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 5—Final BHP controls from steepest ascent and SPSA with average gradient, Example 1.

the upper and lower bound constraints. Producers P1 and P4 stay observation seems to coincide with switching time optimization
at the lower bound of the BHP specified at early times and then (Zandvliet et al. 2007) (i.e., optimizing on the time to switch from
are equal to the upper bound of the BHP specified at very late the lower bound (“on” status in valve setting) to the upper bound
times. This is because these two producers are connected to the (“off” status in valve setting) or vice versa. For this example, we
injector by a high-permeability channel. The increase in BHP at have one switching time per producer and the switching time starts
late times corresponds to the increase in watercut. As the BHPs from the end of the reservoir life and then moves backward in time
increase to the upper bound, the wells are effectively shut in to stop during optimization.
water production. Producer P2 remains at the lower bound of the The final BHP controls obtained from the algorithm using an
BHP specified for the whole reservoir life because this producer average of 10 SPSA gradients are the same as the ones from the
is separated from the injector by a low-permeability region, which steepest ascent method shown in Fig. 5. This suggests that SPSA
acts as a barrier for the water movement. Although there is water with an average gradient might be promising for production opti-
breakthrough in Well P3, the BHP remains at its lower BHP bound mization in the case that the true gradient cannot be readily cal-
for the whole reservoir life of 960 days, which may seem unusual. culated. Fig. 6 shows the final BHP obtained from a single SPSA
However, a close check on the gradient shows that the elements gradient. Although the NPV increased to a value close to that from
in the gradient corresponding to the controls at the lower bound the steepest ascent method as shown in Fig. 2, the final BHP does
are negative and the elements in the gradient corresponding to not seem realistic with the nonsmooth behavior for Well P2. This
the controls at the upper bound are positive. As any change in the is mainly because, with a single SPSA gradient, SPSA is similar
control will either violate the constraints or reduce the NPV, any to a random search algorithm. Other wells show earlier well shut-
points in the feasible neighborhood of the final control will yield in (BHP controls at the upper bound) than that from the steepest
a lower NPV. Therefore, the final control is a local maximum fol- ascent method. Fig. 7 shows the BHP with the highest NPV from
lowing the reasoning in Nocedal and Wright (1999) for constrained the N realizations of the EnKF method.
optimization. Note that the well is shut-in automatically whenever
the BHP is higher than the gridblock pressure in which it resides. Production Optimization and Data Assimilation. In this case,
When the BHP reaches its upper bound, we shut in the well even we assume that we do not know the true geology. With sequential
if this upper bound is still lower than the gridblock pressure. Note gaussian cosimulation, we generated 90 ensemble members of the
that, in Fig. 5 and the following similar figures, we plot the BHP at porosity and log-permeability fields from the prior geological infor-
its upper bound as long as the well is shut-in. The actual BHP from mation. As an ensemble of geological models are history matched
the production optimization might be lower than the upper bound. with the EnKF, it seems natural to use the robust optimization
At the first iteration of the steepest ascent method, all the compo- method proposed by van Essen et al. (2006). However, the robust
nents of the gradient are negative except the ones corresponding optimization requires NPV and gradient evaluation for each ensem-
to the last control step (between Day 840 and Day 960) of P1 and ble member at every iteration, which is very computationally costly
P4, which have water breakthrough times much earlier than 840 and impractical for us as we use finite-difference method to approxi-
days, are positive. Early iterations will drive these controls of the mate the gradient. Instead, the production optimization in the paper
last control step to the upper bound and all the others to the lower is done on the central model, which is the updated model obtained
bound. Once the controls of the last control step get to the upper by assimilating measurements without perturbation using the prior
bound, the ones next to them will be driven to the upper bound. mean as its initial realization. For the linear case, the central model
This continues until a local maximum is found. This explains is equivalent to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate (Zafari
why the steepest ascent method with different initial guesses and Reynolds 2007). The basic procedure follows:
gave the same NPV at convergence: All the cases with different 1. Optimize on the control with the prior mean model (central
initial guesses have the same controls after the first iteration. The model) for the whole reservoir life.

September 2009 SPE Journal 511

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000

BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

BHP of P3, psi

BHP of P4, psi

0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 6—Final BHP controls from a single SPSA gradient, Example 1.

2. Generate true data using the final optimum control to the time 4. Optimize on the controls based on the updated central model
there are measurements. Note that we have measurements every from tn to the end of the reservoir life.
30 days and the measurements include oil and water production 5. Repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4 until the end of the reservoir life.
rates from producer and the BHP from the injector. The synthetic Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the average log-permeability
data are generated by adding noise to the true data. The standard after data assimilation at 60, 120, 240, and 480 days. After data
deviation for the measurement error in oil and water rates is 5 assimilation up to Day 60, the long high-permeability channel
STB/D and in BHP of the injector is 10 psi. connecting Wells P1 and P4 is recognizable. After Day 120,
3. Assimilate data with EnKF up to a point tn that production the short high-permeability channel between the injector and
optimization is requested, which occurs every 120 days. the producer P3 becomes evident. After Day 240, it seems that

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000
BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

BHP of P3, psi

BHP of P4, psi

0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 7—Final BHP controls from EnKF, Example 1.

512 September 2009 SPE Journal

−3.0 −3.0
10 10
0.13 0.13
8 3.3 8 3.3

6.4 6.4
6 6
9.5 9.5
4 4

2 2

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
(a) 60 days (b) 120 days

10 10
8 3.3
8 3.3
6.4 6


2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

(c) 240 days (d) 480 days

Fig. 8—Evolution of the average log-horizontal permeability field during data assimilation, Example 1.

both high-permeability channels become wider than in the true which is similar to the true case. However, the low-permeability
geology (Fig 1a). barrier between the injector and the producer P2 is shifted toward
Fig. 9 shows the average log-permeability and average poros- the injector. The average porosity distribution in Fig. 9b after
ity distribution after data assimilation at 960 days. Comparing data assimilation at 960 days roughly captures the true geological
Fig. 9a to the true permeability distribution in Fig. 1a, we see that features, but the estimate is poorer than that of the permeability
the average log-permeability distribution after data assimilation distribution.
with the EnKF captures the main geological features, especially Fig. 10 shows the ensemble predictions of the oil production
the long high-permeability channel connecting the injector with rate during data assimilation compared to the truth. In all the
the two producers (P1 and P4), although the channel in the EnKF similar figures, red curves represent the true case, blue curves
result is a little wider than the truth. The short high-permeability are the central model, and gray curves are the ensemble predic-
channel close to producer P3 in the EnKF result is much wider tions from each step of data assimilation. It can be seen that the
than the truth. The high permeability area around producer P2 is ensemble predictions give large uncertainty during early-time data
more or less shown in the average log permeability distribution, assimilation and the uncertainty band becomes very small as more

−3.0 0
10 10
0.13 0.08

8 3.3 8 0.16

6.4 0.24
6 6
9.5 0.32

4 4

2 2

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
(a) lnk (b) Porosity

Fig. 9—Average property fields after data assimilation to 960 days, Example 1.

September 2009 SPE Journal 513

2,000 1000
Ensemble Ensemble
Central model


1,500 800 Central model
True True

0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days
1,500 1,500
Ensemble Ensemble

Central model Central model


True True
1,000 1,000

500 500

0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 10—Ensemble oil production rate compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 1.

data are assimilated. During the course of data assimilation, the Fig. 12a show the ensemble prediction of the BHP compared to the
true case is always within the uncertainty band, so the results do truth. As in the water and oil production rate predictions, there is
not appear to be biased. Fig. 11 shows the ensemble predictions a large uncertainty at early times and some of the ensemble mem-
of the water production rate during data assimilation compared to bers even reach the maximum BHP specified (10,000 psi). After
the truth. Similar behavior to the oil production rate is observed. approximately 240 days, the uncertainty band of the ensemble

400 50
Ensemble Ensemble
40 Central model

Central model

300 True


0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

500 Ensemble 400


Central model
400 True
200 Ensemble
200 Central model
100 True

0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 11—Ensemble water production rate compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 1.

514 September 2009 SPE Journal

Avergage Reservoir Pressure, psi
10,000 4×103
8,000 Central model Ensemble

WBHP of INJ, psi

True 3×103 Central model

2,000 1×103

0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days
(a) WBHP inj (b) FPR

Cum. Water Production, STB

6×105 6×105
Cum. Oil Production, STB

Central model
4×105 4×105

2×105 2×105
Central model
0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days
(c) FOPT (d) FWPT

Fig. 12—Ensemble prediction compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 1.

predictions is so narrow that we see the truth essentially coincides slightly different final controls. Fig. 13 shows the final controls when
with the ensemble predictions. The average reservoir pressure in the initial BHP is 1,000 psi with geological uncertainty. Compared to
Fig. 12b shows the typical “saw tooth” behavior of sequential data the final control obtained with an initial guess of 500 psi, which is the
assimilation: The uncertainty band increases during prediction and same as that with true geology shown in Fig. 5, the only difference is
then gets reduced after data assimilation. Figs. 12c and 12d present that Well P1 was shut in one control step earlier when the initial guess
the cumulative oil production and cumulative water production for for BHP is 1,000 psi. All the other wells have the same final control in
the ensemble obtained during data assimilation compared to the these two cases. As mentioned earlier, the control shown in Fig. 5 is
truth. Again the average prediction is close to the truth and the pre- at least a local maximum because all the controls at the lower bound
dictions are unbiased. The relatively large uncertainty band for the have a negative component in the gradient and all the controls at the
cumulative oil production arises from the fact that the uncertainty upper bound have either zero (well shut-in) or a positive component in
in the oil rates (Fig. 10) is larger than the uncertainty in the water the gradient. When we use the final controls from the case with initial
rates (Fig. 11) at times before 240 days. BHP of 1,000 psi and run the simulator with the true geology, we find
As stated in the procedure for data assimilation and production that the NPV is even higher than the maximum obtained with controls
optimization, these two steps alternate. The final controls from shown in Fig. 5. This confirms that the maximum obtained from the
production optimization based on the central model are exactly steepest ascent method with true geology is only a local maximum.
the same as the ones obtained based on the true geology of Fig 5. Because there is only one control that is different between these two
Although not shown here, the updated permeability and porosity cases (compare Figs. 5 and 13), we plot the NPV as a function of
distribution for the central model after 960 days is very much like that control from P1 between the lower bound and upper bound with
the average permeability and porosity distribution shown in Fig. 9. true geology. The result is shown in Fig. 14. Note that the NPV is a
In fact, all the models are fairly close to each other after data nonlinear function of the control variable. When the control is at its
assimilation. It should be noted that every time we do production lower bound, it has a negative derivative, so it tends to increase NPV
optimization, we use an initial guess of 500 psi instead of the final by lowering its BHP. As the BHP increases, this derivative decreases
control from the last step of production optimization. The reason and reaches zero at approximately 1,350 psi and then become positive
for doing this is because, once the control goes higher than the as BHP further increases. The well is shut-in when the BHP reaches
grid block pressure at the first step of production optimization, approximately 3,000 psi, so the NPV becomes flat. A check on the
the producer will be shut-in because the BHP is higher than the gradients of the control indicates that both solutions are local maxima,
gridblock pressure. In this case, NPV is never sensitive to the well but setting this control to the highest value (shut-in) gives higher NPV
control and cannot be adjusted during the optimization. as indicated by the results of Fig. 14.
As mentioned earlier, there is one switching time per producer
Nonlinearity. For the closed-loop reservoir management procedure, and during optimization, the switching time (defined as the time
we also tried to use different initial guesses for the BHP during pro- the BHP control switches from lower bound to upper bound) moves
duction optimization to test its stability. Other than 500 psi, we have backward as a function of iteration for the problem considered in
tried to use initial BHP of 400 psi, which is the lower bound, 1,000 psi, the paper. Here, we explore the behavior of the NPV vs. the switch-
2,000 psi, and 3,000 psi. With initial guesses of 400 psi and 500 psi, ing time. Fig. 15 shows the NPV vs. switching time for all the
we obtained the same results as knowing the true geology. However, producers in the vicinity of the final controls obtained with known
with initial guesses of 1,000 psi, 2,000 psi, and 3,000 psi, we obtained true geology (i.e., change the switching time of one producer while

September 2009 SPE Journal 515

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000

BHP of P2, psi

BHP of P1, psi
4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000
BHP of P3, psi

BHP of P4, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 13—Final controls with initial BHP = 1,000 psi for closed-loop reservoir management, Example 1.

keeping all the controls of other wells as in Fig. 5). The figures Figs. 15 and 16 show that the NPV vs. the switching time has
show that the highest NPV is obtained at the switching time shown a concave up shape, while the NPV vs. a BHP control shown in
in Fig. 5 for P2 (Day 960), P3 (Day 960), and P4 (Day 720), but Fig. 14 has a concave down shape with maximum at the upper and
not for P1. Note that the switching time at Day 960 refers to keep- lower bounds. This may be an indication that optimization based
ing the BHP at its lower bound for the whole reservoir life. The on the switching time might be easier than that using the BHP
highest for P1 is obtained at Day 720 instead of Day 840 (Fig. 5). controls but only if the assumption that there is one switching
The final controls in Fig. 5 are at a local maximum according to time per well is true. Although the consideration of switching time
the earlier discussion as we optimize based on the BHP controls. provides an enhanced understanding of the problem, we have not
However, Fig. 15 shows that, if we optimize on the bais of the implemented a switching time optimization procedure because its
switching time, the solution in Fig. 5 will not even be a local reliable application requires that we have a priori certain knowl-
maximum. Fig. 16 shows the NPV vs. the switching time for all edge that the optimal control solution is accurately described by
the producers in the vicinity of the final controls obtained from the bang-bang behavior.
closed-loop reservoir management procedure (Fig. 13). The high-
est NPV is obtained at the switching times shown in Fig. 13 for P1 Example 2
(Day 720), P2 (Day 960), and P4 (Day 720), but not for P3. The Reservoir Model Description. This example pertains to a reservoir
highest for P3 is obtained at Day 840 instead of Day 960. Fig. 16 with 25 × 25 gridblocks and x = y = 118 ft. The thickness of the
also shows that the final controls in Fig. 13 can only be a local reservoir is 50 ft. The true porosity is set to be homogenous with a
maximum when we optimize on the basis of BHP and they will not value of 0.25, and the true horizontal log-permeability field is shown
be a local maximum if we optimize on the switching time. in Fig. 17. The reservoir is under five-spot waterflooding, with wells
shown in the permeability distribution map of Fig. 17. Several high-
permeability channels are in the reservoir at 45°. The injector is
15,892,000 drilled through a high-permeability channel. During the waterflood-
ing project, we keep the water injection rate constant at 5,000 STB/D.
15,890,000 The anticipated waterflooding project life is 6 years (2,190 days), and
we set the control step for the producers to half year, so there are 12
15,888,000 control steps and 48 maximum number of controls for production
optimization. During production optimization, we adjust the BHP

15,886,000 controls subject to the same upper and lower bound constraints as in
Example 1. Other parameters are also the same as in Example 1.
Production Optimization With True Geology. In Example 1, we
15,882,000 compared three different algorithms, EnKF, SPSA, and steepest
ascent, and found that EnKF and a single SPSA gradient generate
15,880,000 unrealistic final controls. However, an average of 10 SPSA gradi-
ents gives the same final controls as the steepest ascent method.
15,878,000 In this example, we will focus on comparing the efficiency of
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 the algorithm using the average SPSA gradient to that of steepest
BHP, psi ascent method.
Fig. 18 shows the increase of NPV as a function of iteration
Fig. 14—NVP as a function of one BHP control for P1, Example 1. number. The steepest ascent method converges in six iterations

516 September 2009 SPE Journal




1.4×107 1.5×107


1.2×107 1.4×107
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Switching Time of P1, days Switching Time of P2, days
1.6×107 1.6×107

1.5×107 1.5×107

1.4×107 1.4×107

1.3×107 1.3×107

1.2×107 1.2×107

1.1×107 1.1×107

1.0×107 1.0×107
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Switching Time of P3, days Switching Time of P4, days

Fig. 15—NPV vs. switching time in the vicinity of final controls with true geology, Example 1.

and gives a final NPV of USD 1.7985 × 108. The final controls 1,461 days, and 1,278 days, respectively. Using an average of 10
for the four producers using the steepest ascent method are shown SPSA gradients, the SPSA algorithm increases the NPV from USD
in Fig. 19. As in Example 1, final controls for this problem show 1.68 × 108 to USD 1.78 × 108 in 30 iterations. The final controls
bang-bang behavior. Producer P1 stays at the lower bound of 400 obtained from this algorithm are shown in Fig. 20. Compared to
psi for the study period as this producer is not really connected results from the steepest ascent method, producers P1 and P2 have
to the high-permeability channel around the well and, as shown the same controls while producers P3 and P4 were shut in one
later, this well has the lowest water production rate. The other three control step later. However, P4 was turned back on between 1,825
producers (P2, P3, and P4) were produced at lowest allowable BHP and 2,008 days with the control equal to its lower bound. This may
(400 psi) during early times and then were shut in at 1,278 days, not be realistic. This is mainly because SPSA gives only a stochas-

1.6×107 1.6×107


1.4×107 1.5×107


0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Switching Time of P1, days Switching Time of P2, days

1.6×107 1.6×107

1.5×107 1.5×107

1.4×107 1.4×107


1.3×107 1.3×107

1.2×107 1.2×107

1.1×107 1.1×107

1.0×107 1.0×107
0 240 480 720 960 0 240 480 720 960
Switching Time of P3, days
Switching Time of P4, days

Fig. 16—NPV vs. switching time in the vicinity of final controls of closed-loop reservoir management, Example 1.

September 2009 SPE Journal 517

25 0 1.82×108

20 1.78×108

3.0 1.76×108

15 1.74×108
6.0 1.70×108 Steepest ascent
Average 10 SPSA gradient
1.68×108 Average 20 SPSA gradient

5 0 10 20 30 40
Iteration Number

Fig. 18—NPV vs. iteration number, Example 2.

5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 17—True horizontal log-permeability distribution, Example 2.

simulation runs (one base simulation run, one adjoint calculation,
and one for line search) with nine iterations. The SPSA algorithms
tic gradient, an average of 10 stochastic gradient does not totally with 10 stochastic gradients and 20 stochastic gradients requires
eliminate its stochastic behavior. As we increase the number of approximately 500 and 1,000 simulation runs, respectively.
SPSA gradients to 20 to calculate the average gradient, this behav-
ior in the final controls was eliminated as shown in Fig. 21. The Production Optimization and Data Assimilation. As in Example
controls for producers P1, P2, and P3 are the same as that obtained 1, we have generated 90 ensemble members of the log-permeabil-
from the steepest ascent method, but P4 was shut in at 1,460 days ity fields from the prior geological information for data assimila-
compared to 1,278 days in the steepest ascent method (Fig. 19). tion with the EnKF. The production optimization is done on the
The final NPV (USD 1.8 × 108) obtained is slightly higher than the central model. In this example, the data assimilation is done for
“optimized” NPV obtained with the steepest ascent method (USD every half year and control optimization is implemented after each
1.7985 × 108). It took approximately 40 iterations to converge for data assimilation for the rest of the reservoir life using the steepest
the algorithm with an average of 20 SPSA gradients. Compared ascent method.
to Example 1, a larger number of SPSA gradients is required to Fig. 22 shows the average of the initial ensemble of the ln(k)
obtain reasonable controls as the problem size (the number of field and the evolution of this average field as data are assimilated.
controls) increases. If we assume the steepest ascent method uses The ensemble average of the updated ln(k) fields is shown at the
adjoint gradient and one adjoint gradient calculation is counted as data assimilation times, 730, 1,460, and 2,190 days. The high-
one simulation, the steepest ascent method takes approximately 30 permeability channel through the injection well appears after only

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000
BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000
BHP of P4, psi
BHP of P3, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 19—Final BHP controls from steepest ascent, Example 2.

518 September 2009 SPE Journal

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000

BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000

BHP of P4, psi

BHP of P3, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days
Time, days

Fig. 20—Final BHP controls from average of 10 SPSA gradients, Example 2.

approximately six data assimilation steps and is readily apparent field does not show the two short disconnected high permeability
in the estimate of the average ln(k) field obtained at 730 days. streaks that appear toward the upper left in the true model. This,
The estimate of the average field at 2,190 days bears geological however, is not very surprising as we expect that flow from the
resemblance to the truth and results in good matches of produc- injector to producer P3 will be largely controlled by the large low-
tion data as shown later but is far from the true ln(k) field (Fig. permeability region that connects the injection well to P3. As can
17) in many aspects. For example, the estimated field results in be seen in Figs. 23 and 24, all ensemble members result in good
an overlap of the two high-permeability streaks running from the but similar data matches because all ensemble members give a
lower left to the upper right in the true model. Also, the estimated ln(k) field fairly similar to the average field.

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000
BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000
BHP of P4, psi
BHP of P3, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days
Time, days

Fig. 21—Final BHP controls from average of 20 SPSA gradients, Example 2.

September 2009 SPE Journal 519

25 25 0

1.5 1.5
20 20
3.0 3.0

15 4.5 15 4.5

6.0 6.0
10 10

5 5

5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
(a) 0 days (b) 730 days

25 25 0

1.5 1.5
20 20
3.0 3.0

15 4.5 15 4.5

6.0 6.0
10 10

5 5

5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25

(c) 1,460 days (d) 1,290 days

Fig. 22—Average lnk during data assimilation, Example 2.

5,000 5,000
4,000 Central model 4,000


True Ensemble
3,000 3,000 Central model
2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days
5,000 5,000

4,000 Ensemble 4,000 Ensemble



Central model Central model

True True
3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 23—Ensemble oil production rate compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 2.

520 September 2009 SPE Journal

800 800
Central model


600 True 600

400 400

200 200 Ensemble

Central model
0 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days



200 Ensemble
200 Ensemble
Central model
Central model
0 True
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

Fig. 24—Ensemble water production rate compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 2.

Figs. 23 and 24 show the ensemble predictions of the oil and truth. Figs. 25c and 25d present the field total oil production rate
water production rate during data assimilation compared to the and field total water production rate for the ensemble obtained
truth. Figs. 25a and 25b show the ensemble prediction of the BHP during data assimilation compared to the truth. All the ensemble
of the injector and the average reservoir pressure compared to the predictions during data assimilation show the typical saw-tooth

10,000 10,000
WBHP of INJ, psi

8,000 8,000
FPR, psi

6,000 6,000

4,000 Ensemble 4,000

Central model Ensemble
2,000 True 2,000 Central model
0 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days
(a) WBHP inj (b) FPR

10,000 10,000

8,000 Ensemble 8,000

Central model


6,000 6,000

4,000 4,000
Central model
2,000 2,000

0 0
0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 760 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days
(c) FOPR (d) FWPR

Fig. 25—Ensemble prediction compared to the truth during data assimilation, Example 2.

September 2009 SPE Journal 521

6,000 6,000

5,000 5,000

BHP of P1, psi

BHP of P2, psi

4,000 4,000

3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days Time, days

6,000 6,000
5,000 5,000
BHP of P3, psi

BHP of P4, psi

4,000 4,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 1,000
0 0
0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 0 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190
Time, days
Time, days

Fig. 26—Final BHP controls of closed-loop reservoir management, Example 2.

behavior of sequential data assimilation with decreasing uncer- p = dynamic state variables
tainty as more data are assimilated. The true prediction always qo = oil production rate
falls within the uncertainty band of the ensemble, even though the qw = water production rate
band is quite small. The final controls from production optimiza- qinj = water injection rate
tion based on the central model are shown in Fig. 26. Note that ro = oil revenue
the final controls for producers P1 and P3 are the same as obtained
rw,inj = water injection cost
using the true geology but are different for producers P2 and P4.
In the closed-loop scenario with uncertain geology, wells P2 and rw = water production cost
P4 are both shut in one control step earlier than in the case where s = transformed control vector
optimization of the controls is based on the true known geology. u = control vector
y = state vector
Conclusions  = step size
• Comparison of different optimization algorithms for closed-loop
reservoir management shows that the steepest ascent algorithm Subscripts
is the most efficient one, and it gives reasonable results. The n = timestep index
EnKF, when it is treated as an optimization algorithm, requires obs = observed
significantly more time and yields poor estimates of the optimal uc = unconditional realization
controls. SPSA, with an average stochastic gradient, gives rea-
sonable final controls with slower convergence. The final control Superscripts
from SPSA using a single stochastic gradient is not realistic. k = iteration idex
• Closed-loop reservoir management with the EnKF for data low = lower bound
assimilation and the steepest ascent for production optimization n = timestep index
based on the central model gives reasonable results for the test
p = prediction
examples in the paper. The updated permeability and porosity
fields capture the geological features of the true fields. The final T = matrix transpose
control is similar to that obtained assuming known geology. up = upper bound
• Production optimization is a nonlinear problem that presents † = pseudoinverse
multiple maxima, at least for the cases considered here. Local
maxima are obtained when the controls take their upper and Acknowledgments
lower bounds. The support of the member companies of the University of Tulsa
Petroleum Reservoir Exploitation Projects (TUPREP) is very
Nomenclature gratefully acknowledged.
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Texas, USA, 31 January–2 February. doi: 10.2118/92864-MS. director of TUPREP. He has authored or coauthored more than
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September 2009 SPE Journal 523

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