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How do we see colours?

- We see the reflected light

What is a wave?

- Periodic disturbance or oscillation which travels through a medium to carry energy from
one place to another.

What is the medium of a sound wave?

- Air particles

What is a sound wave?

- Mechanical wave which requires a material medium for it to flow through. It cannot
travel through a vacuum.

What type of wave is able to travel through a vacuum?

- Electromagnetic wave

What is an electromagnetic wave composed of?

- Regenerative electric and magnetic fields. The oscillation of the electric and magnetic
fields are at the right angle to each other.

What is Light?

- A rapid variation in the electromagnetic field surrounding a charged particle, the

variations in the field being generated by the oscillation of the particle.

What is the speed of light?

- 299,792.4590±0.0008 km/sec

Which medium allows light to travel the fastest?

- Air

What happens when light travel through a medium such as water or glass?

- Slows and bends/refracts

What happens if the light rays meet the boundary of a different medium?

- It refracts

Why does the wave slow down as it travels from air to a glass plate?

- Because the glass plate is a relatively denser medium

Light ray will be refracted if:

- It approaches the boundary at an angle

- It changes speed

What will happen to the light ray if it’s perpendicular to the boundary?

- It won’t change direction

What does the amount of refraction depend on?

- The optical density of the material at and beyond the boundary

What is Refraction?

- It describes the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its velocity as it passes
one medium into another of different characteristic properties.


What is Refractive Index?

- It is an optical density measure

How is the Refractive Index expressed?

- By how much slower light travels in a medium compared to travelling in a vacuum

What is the equation of

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