DR Radhika Raman Gramin Udyog Kendra (Vermicompost Project) : Presented by Bandana Chaturvedi

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Dr Radhika Raman Gramin Udyog

Kendra (Vermicompost Project)

Presented by
Bandana Chaturvedi


1. Name : Bandana Chaturvedi

2. W/o : Gyan Kaushik Chaturvedi

3. Address : Village & PO:- Babhnoul, P.S

& Block- Dawath, District-
Rohtash, Bihar
4. Date of : 05.01.1975
5. Age : 38 Years
6. Education : Graduate
7. PAN : AHAPC3131H
8. Mobile No. : 9431456457
9. Experienc : Promoter is competent to
e do this plan smoothly.


Details of Land

Plot No : 280

Rakaba : 3 Acres 12.5 decimal

Village : Rajondha

PO : Babhnoul

PS : Dawath

Block : Dawath

District : Rohtash


North : Plot of Gauri Shankar Tiwari

South : Plot of Janki Devi

East : Boundary of Babhnoul Village

West : Plot of Gyan Kaushik Chaturvedi

[ Power, Water & Labour is available at site. The proposed site

is situated along NH 30 and hence there would be no problem

in smooth transportation of raw material and finished product]



It has become a substantial truth that the unbalanced

application of agricultural chemical are imposing detoriating

and divasting impacts on the Agricultural production, which

relates to the production of all kinds of food stuff, fruits,

vegetable and fodder also. It has already been realized that the

Agricultural Production has become stagnant totally and now

there is no chance for further increase in this phenomenon. The

use of Agricultural chemicals are imposing Health Hazards for

the human and domestic animals, as the contents of these

agricultural chemicals have been incorporated in all food stuff,

mild and fodders.

The agricultural lands are becoming unproductive. The

enemy insect-pests are acquiring severe immunity against the

use of insecticides and pesticides. These chemicals deposit

sufficient amount of residue, which are toxic. These toxic

ingredients have polluted the soil, ground water and

atmosphere to growing aspects, which are imposing disastrous


As a result, these toxic ingredients have started entering

into the life systems of human being and animals herds, As

result, heavy toxic ingredients namely Mercury, Lead, Selenium


Nickel, Chromium, Molybdenum etc. are entering in our body

systems, resulting spreading of total diseases namely Heart

attack, Kidney failure, Hypertension, Nefrosis, Malangitis etc.

In order to put a dead stop over the sever pollution and

conversion of the agricultural lands into unproductive, the only
option is left to adopt the organic

System of farming, which is entirely eco-friendly and safe.

The adoption of this system will create a situation of
sustainable farming practices. The main aspect for the
Agricultural production based on manures for the fuller
utilization of nutritional elements. Among the several organic
manures, Vermi compost has been found most suitable, as it
provides a fully decomposed organic manure and
comparatively easy to prepare in a shorter duration.
As regards the nutritional constituents of Vermi compost,
is concerned, its need to the mentioned herewith that Vermi
compost contains all the nutritional elements, which are
essential for the luxuriant plants growth.
The presence of nutritional constituents in Vermi compost may be illustrated like thus :-

a) Organic Carbon - 9.5 t 17.98%

b) Total Nitrogen 1.1 t 1.88%
c) Phosphorus 1.4 t 1.8%
d) Potas 0.26 t 0.3%
e) Calcium & 22.6 t 70 mg/100
Magnesium 7 o mg.
f) Copper 19 t 23 PPM
g) Iron 2.0 t 9.3 PPM
h) Zink 5.7 t 11.5 PPM
i) Sulphur 128 t 548 PPM

It has also been evidenced that Vermicompost contains

five times more nitrogen, 1.5. to 2 times more phosphate, 2.00
to 2.50 times more potash and 2.5 to 3.00 times more zinc as
compared to other organic manures, in addition, Vermi compost
contains sufficient amount of calcium and Magnesium.
Vermicompost is prepared from all types of organic wastes
from Vegetative origin by specified species of earth worms. At
present these specie of earth worms namely Esenia Foetida,
Udilus Enguina and Parryonics excavatus are being utilized
for the preparation of Vermi compost.
In local terminology Esenia foetida is known as Red worm,

Rosey worm or Vermi compost worm. On a major scale, Vermi

composting is prepared from his species, as their life cycle is

comparatively short having huge reproductive capabilities.

Their growth rate is fairly high. An adult worm produced one

cocoon on every third day and within a span of 21 days one

cocon produces 1-3 young worms. The life span of this species

is approximately of 70-75 days duration.

As regards Udilus Eugina and Parryonics excavaturs is

concerned, these are normally brown, red and light violet

coloured in look, these become adult within a period of 40 days

and produce on cocoon per day, which given birth to 1 to 5

young worms. The life span of these two species ranges from 1-

5 years. These tolerate high temperature. The growth of these


is comparatively higher and these grow in geometrical


It has been established that the Vermi compost prepared

by using a combination of all these three species is of superior


As regards the beneficial aspects of Vermi compost is also

being mentioned in succeeding pages.



The Prime objective of this project is to manufacture

organic manure namely Vermi compost of superior quality on a

large scale which is comparatively cheaper in comparison to

other chemical fertilizers, which are more costly. Moreover

owing to the unbalanced application of chemical fertilizers, the

Agricultural lands are showing a degrading tendency towards

Agricultural Production thus effecting the productivity aspects.

The rising prices of these chemical fertilizer and shortage are

posing a negative trends owing to higher prices.

It has already been established that owing to continuous

usage of Agricultural chemicals in from of fertilizers and plants

protection chemicals, sever pollution of air, water and soil is

being evidenced.

As for Bihar soil are concerned, these have become

deficient in trace nutritional elements namely Zinc, Boron and

sulpher, for which precautionary measures need to taken up on

a massive scale.

In chemical fertilizers, not a single fertilizer is available

which can supplement the shortage of all the 16 nutritional

elements of the plants, while Vermi compost contains all the


theses elements. This organic manure is non toxic and eco


Keeping these factors in mind, Govt. of Bihar has started a

campaign to promote the uses of organic manures on a large

scale and has amounted to provide 50% subsidy for the

manufacture of Vermi compost and other organic manure.

Henceforth, these are a substantive need to produce

huge amount of Vermi compost, which is not only cheaper, but

also nutritive to the soil too.

The Govt. of Bihar has fixed up a target for the

manufacture of 3000 M.T. of Vermi compos alone so than this

can be within easy reach amount of all categories of the


To meet this demand, the company has planned to

manufacture on a massive scale, so than this manufactured

product will be in easy reach among the needy farmers. This

will not only rectify the soil profile only but will also play an

important role in increasing Agricultural production and soil


In order to fulfill this objective the concern will take all the

positive steps in this direction.



For the production of superior quality of Vermi compost,

rotten or semi-rotten organic wastes are required in requisite

quantity as Raw Materials.

These include semi ripen vegetative wastes, craps

residue, cow dug, or slurry from the Gober gas plants, house

hold organic wastes, plies of vegetables, rotten leaves of sue

Babool, leaves of Neem and other trees. Debarring leaves of

citrus trees. Use of water hyacinth produces fairly superior

quality of Vermi compost. Paddy and wheat husk in powered

from can be used.

Precautionary measure are taken for not mixing up organic

wastes from Non Vegetative origins namely meat, kitchen,

fishes, eggs-shell, lather, hairs of animals, nails etc.

Metallic pieces, plastics, chemicals, oils, soap, paints,

onion, garlic, fruits of citrus category namely lemon and

orange, spicy materials, greases and vegetative wastes treated

with insecticides, pesticides and weedicides and plants leaves

bearing thorns.

As far their availability is concerned, it is available in

abundance in the project located nearby areas including quite a


number of villages from where the Raw materials mentioned

above will be collected and transported to the project site.



1 Vermi compost as the name indicates has established

itself as advantageous organic Manures as it contains all

the 16 no. of Nutrients essential for the Vigorous plants

Growth. By dint of its quicker assimilation in the soil it has

proved beneficial in many ways. Being economically

cheaper comparatively, it not only improves the entire

texture of the soil by increasing the fertility and

productivity status it also increases the water holding

capacity of the soil, which results in lesser quantity of the

water required for irrigational purposes.

2 Vermi compost contains quite a number of enzymes and

hormones namely Auxin Cytokinin and Gibralein which are

entirely absent in other organic manures.

3 By the application of Vermi compost, beneficial bacteria

namely phosphate soluble bacteria and Nitrogen fixing

bacteria find a eco-friendly atmosphere for their abundant

growth in the soil. As a result, their population increases in

geometrical progression. In addition it’s application

rectifies and acidic and basis problems of the soil too, thus

the fertility status of the soil improves in a decent manner.


4 With the application of Vermi compost in the soil, quite a

sufficient number of worm enter into the soil, which moves

7-8 times a days downwards to upwards in the earth in

search of food disposing off the excreta and getting fresh

air for inhalation which ultimately make 15-20 number of

perforation in the earth. Thus the aeration the soil

becomes easier. With these processes, the soil looses its

hardness and becomes softer.

5 The bodies of these worms contain 85% of water so the

worms survive even in the drought like situation even

under 60% decrease in the quantity of water. In the case

of their death these laves sufficient amount of plant

nutrients in the soil for succeeding crops.

6 The worms devour the enemy micro-organisms present in

the soil which ultimately converts into Humus in the soil,

which is the mainly beneficial for the soil,

7 The excreta of the worms contains a paratopic membrane

which stick with the dust particles and poses a complete

dead stop to the process of soil vaporization.

8 With the application of the Vermi compost, the

germination of the seeds of cereals, pulses, fruits,


vegetables inclusive flowers too become faster resulting in

luxurious and vigorous growth of plants.

9 With the luxurious and vigorous growth the plants, they

become immune towards the attack of pests and diseases

to certain extent and thus the expenses towards plant

protection chemicals become lesser, resulting lesser

expenses in production cost.

10 The product produced from the application of Vermi

compost have been found tasty and nutritive.

11 In making the Vermi compost, the house-refuse, kitchen

refuse, crop wastes and wastes from Industries are fully

utilized, which keep in pollution under control.

12 Vermi compost provides a fully decomposed organic


13 It is non-toxic and leaves no harmful residue in soil. Having

blessed with these qualities, it has been pronounced “Eco-

friendly” and thus it is ecologically compatible.

14 With the application of Vermi compost, the dependence

over the use of chemical fertilizer become lesser in high

consumption areas.

15 Vermi compost has a special capability by which is

enriches the production capability in waste and low lands,


by which the productivity of these category of lands

improves automatically.

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